‘David Bowie Is’ at AGO. I saw him!

‘David Bowie Is’ at AGO. I saw him!


Went on a private tour of ‘David Bowie Is’ at the AGO this morning with some Community colleagues. Later this week they start the Ago 1st Thursday events and our client Drambuie is a sponsor.

The exhibit was so freaking cool. It’s matched up with Sennheiser Sound so that as you travel from room to room the audio is updated and talks you through the exhibit or plays a song to go with the art. It was pretty amazing, not gonna lie! It’s the first time I’ve experienced a 3D sound system quite like that.



This part was super cook. The pano is a bit fuzzy but you can see me and my trench on both sides in the mirrors.




I think this sign might have been my fav part, I love the sign..


Could really have stayed at the AGO all day…

Saw my old Andy Warhol favs. I used to go to the AGO all the time! See all old posts tagged AGO here.  It pays to be a member! For $100 you can go anytime you want for a year and use the members lounge (it has wifi!).




Hair is in a bun today 🙂 Forgot my damn sunnies and the sun just came out, urgh.


I am back at my desk in my office with coffee, water, sunflowers, and work.


Hope you are enjoying the day wherever you may be!


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Urban Farming is Big in Japan

Urban Farming is Big in Japan

I never really thought I’d be into farming but urban farming, now that’s stylish. Came across this video about urban farming in Japan via @tasdesignbuild. I love sustainable architecture that either helps the environment or uses technology to make it functional.   This my friends, is an awesome beginning…

Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.27.11 PM

Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.27.28 PM

In other news, you can now buy Joe Fresh online. Weeeeeeeee!


You Never Really Know What Will Happen

What’s going to happen from one day to the next. All you can do is think positive and do your best. Woke up this morning after a great sleep to the sounds of raindrops on the roof top patio. Got ready and jumped in a cab to work.

Got an email that made my day, it was something I’d been thinking about, dreaming of, then voila, it happened. I’ll share with you eventually. Have a bunch of meetings so went out to grab lunch early. There’s something so refreshing about the rain, I feel like I could walk for hours today. Speaking at an event after work. Looking forward to winter weather, hibernating, and organizing the house.

Decided to reflect back on some posts tagged ‘rain’ from over the years. The best things about having a blog is the ability to look back on the past and see how far you’ve come. And how much you’re changed.

Don’t  let the rain get you down, use it as inspiration to build you up. Or just lay around and watch movies like I did ALL DAY yesterday. I didn’t even tweet once for the whole day. A digital detox was just what I needed.

Sending sunshine your way 🙂


Free Outdoor Yoga in the Junction

Free Outdoor Yoga in the Junction

A couple months ago I moved from downtown’s the Condo Valley to  Toronto’s West End Meat, the Packing District, otherwise known as The Junction. This area is growing as fashion hub, place to get great eats, and a great place to live. Tomorrow morning, I invite you to join me for yoga! Did you ever watch this synchronized group yoga video of me in Costa Rica looking out into the jungle?

Stop, Drop, & Roll Out Your Mats for Free Outdoor Yoga!

 Presented by TAS in partnership with Best HealthBreathe Yoga Studio and Vitamin Water, the hour-long yoga class is part of a series of events introducing DUKE Condos, a new project in the hood. The session will be led by David Good, Lululemon ambassador & yoga instructor. 

  • WHO:         Anyone Who Loves Yoga
  • WHAT:       Free Outdoor Yoga Session
  • WHEN:       September 29th, 2013 at 11am
  • WHERE:    DUKE Condo Build Site (Dundas Street West & Indian Grove)

Visit junctionlife.ca to find out more about @DUKECondos.

I’d love to see you there for sun salute at 11am!



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Andy Warhol selfie!

TEDxToronto 2013: The Choices We Make

TEDxToronto 2013: The Choices We Make


Yesterday I attended TedXTOronto. This was my third TEDx experience and it was great. One of the things I love so much about these events is the people who attend. It was a chance for me to chat with many of the smart and  inspiring people I’ve met over the last couple years.

The theme this year was ‘the Choices We Make’ and talks revolved around choices people had made in their lives that made a big impact in the world, or were going to one day. One of the choices I made that day was to wear a sweater and hat over a t-shirt. I didn’t realize it was going to be over 20 degrees in the afternoon! It was scorching out! The Royal Conservatory is a beautiful building but the beaming sun turned it into a sauna!

Loved seeing live Sysomos data from tweets and chatting at the event. I’m a sucker for data!
