yesterday on twitter, this happened:

hi, welcome to my winter wonderland! # #hohoto w/ @kericdn (@ The Mod Club Theatre w/ @saulcolt @ryantaylor @clickflickca @melissaiscool @turuk @michelsavoie @photojunkie @gisuck) # Small & tanned & blonde & lovely… fierce outfit tonight! #hohoto # Photo: winter style: @nellabellabrand bag & @moovbootcanada boots, H&M coat, russian hat # Omg @victornewman is gonna see Nick & Dianne. Ruhroh. # Adam and Sharon make me wanna puuuuuke. # Omg Nick and Dianne are gonna do it. She WAS married to his DAD @victornewman. Ewwww. #yandr # Happy Holidays from #Cadbury to me! Thanks xo Casie # “@unbrelievable: RT @mrkcstr: Bold. RT @steviepeters: RAISE A LITTLE HELVETICA.” cute. # “@rlangdon: I want to hear that Duck Sauce song tonight so I can jump around and scream "Barbara Streisand!" #hohotodj #hohoto” ME TOO! # “@SeanMoffitt: May have an extra one, maybe two tickets tonight – interest? #hohoto

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incredible india wecomes you!

Saturday night Brown Barbie and The Blondetourage hit up the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party at the Munition Factory. It was fun. Thanks Smirnoff! Doesn’t this look like a bunch of fun? Super cute, Keri & Raymi. Say wha? 5 rupees? No way. More blondes! Blonde Jovi! There was heaps of food and a market with all kinds of things I reckon you’d find in India. Man I love a good theme party. Christine, April, Carly. Babes. Dance party! Lauren’s BF Sean is the best. Great sport takin’ heaps of photos of us, THANK YOU! You know this rascal.Always with the ladies 😉 Thanks Mum for having this wiked vintage Kaftan. It was a hit!

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create something new every single day. write it down.

hello love, fakesy-banksy? yes i will help you. helping this guy is funnier in my head’s animated version. you’ll see it one day. oh hello hello, mirror mirror on the wall, these were the fairest photos of them all i like view, i like view a lot. hey there MO bro sean moffitt rode a mustache, a big hairy black one on wheels. all for a good cause 🙂 #MOridesTO santa was here, yonge street. i love the lights. can you see the tower? wood/ would? in a leaf, i see you… took these pix yesterday. by the time you’re reading this i’m on my way to the National Ballet of Canada, doing a talk to a group of students today. hi students in the class if you are reading this! feelin oretty great. woke up to new trainer on iPad with a yoga session (app is called All-In YOGA HD). magnificent that little device i tell ya. makes life more enjoyable. the internet is awesome:) don’t let the rain get you down.  happy monday ♥

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canada goose 2010 preview: i wanna get goosed

Last night Keri and I went to the Canada Goose 2010 preview. I’ve never owned any Goose gear. Saw heaps of peeps, checked out lots of merch and it was nice to get to know the brand a little better. How cute is this jacket? And this hat? We look good together, don’t we? Jacket is from the kids line. Loves the brightness and it felt really snug & warm. I’d love to be wearing it when I’m going around to Virgin events and  doing all kinds of cool stuff this winter. hint hint 😉 Winter is coming guys. Let shope it’s not too damn cold this year aiiight. I’m ready for hibernation station when it hits.  Actually, I don’t mind winter that much. It doesn’t get nearly as cold now as it did when we were kids. Remember how much show we used to get? Like CRAZY amounts. Canada Goose has these Goose People who brave the elements and do amazing things. I got a prety neat book about them all. I reckon I can do some pretty amazing things too? Maybe I should climb a massive mountain in my spare time. I really like way the companies/agencies are starting to get creative with event activities and take aways. Last night we each got our photo taken in Goose gear, were given it on a branded USB key, then the image was made into a snow globe. (Dad, you are getting this for Christmas. Love you! ) Spotted a couple babes, look at these dashing young men, Paul & Kevin. Twerk. These young fashion bloggers are takin’ ovah. Represent. L-R Nick Sean, Jay Strut, Julio. The shirt I’m wearing is by Andy Hall and Toronto based Canadian designer. Wore a bunch of Andy Hall stuff at NZFW and really…

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The top three contestants were asked to make a video for Virgin America during Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche this past weekend. Watch my art venture in HD on my youtube channel. Big thanks to Sean at 1188 Films for editing, my sister Jenie, Sabrina, Jeremy at Trend Hunter for filming. Music is Barbra Streisand by Duck Sauce. Hair and appearance by Darren Kwik.  Catch hottie Jesse Giddings from MuchMusic and Trevor Borris in there too. Big thanks to Bob Elsasser & everyone on the internet who voted me to top three. The contest is almost over, we’re on the home stretch (I know, it’s been forever!). Lets hope Virgin America makes the right choice and picks CASIE for Toronto Provocateur. HAPPY MONDAY 🙂 This Virgin vid is pretty rad too!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Thanks for the warm welcome home. I missed you guys xo # I'm in Toronto bitch! (@ Terminal 1, Toronto Pearson Intl Airport) # Takeoff!!! #sfo # Wish Air Canada had wifi like @virginamerica!! Doh!! # Woot! > The geeks shall inherit the earth – #bigbangtheory and #glee are among top rated shows during premiere week /via @SeanMoffitt # Ready for takeoff! See ya later #sfo #yyz here I come! # Blogged: doesn't it make sense to have the time of your life? # hello from #SFO friends. allllllmost home! # All checked in and ready to come home! Airport wifi #ftw Wooooooot # Just landed. Warm + sunny! (@ San Francisco International Airport (SFO) w/ @socialinsider) #

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tiff day 3: movie premiere + tiredness = night in

I managed to make it to a movie premiere last night but wasn’t up for the party scene. I have a busy day Sunday so trying not to burn myself out. Movie I saw was Client 9: The Rise & Fall of Eliot Spitzer. I was given tickets by Cadillac Festival Insider. Might actually be the only movie I get to. Hah, I know it’s Film Fest but for me it is more like party fest. The movie was well done, a doc about Eliot and his sex scandal. Liked it. Interesting, crazy how much escorts make and what people pay for sex. I don’t even want to get started talking about it. Blows my mind. I have no idea what I am going to wear out today. I got a HUGE box of tights from Secret  & Jockey yesterday. Like huge. There are about 20 pairs all different colours and styles. Totes one of the very bestest things I could get considering I NEVER wear pants. If you catch me in jeans it is a RARE ocassion. I would say it happens about 10-20 times a year. Seriously. Today’s agenda isto attend an afternoon Tea Party at The Red Tea Box for an Australian movie called Jucy. After that I’m going to a house party hosted by Vitamin Water for  “Into the Wind”, the Terry Fox documentary directed by Steve Nash. Should be pretty packed with cool people. Here’s the trailer: What are YOU doing today? 🙂 p.s. If you see this shirt anywhere. I NEED IT!

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TIFF day two: apparently somebody is famous

Oh man. Was in bed all day today. I need to rest. I am almost Tiff’d out. Premiere tonight thanks the lovely Cadillac Insider. Going to see CLIENT 9 The rise and fall of Eliot Spitzer. Have to go get my tickets but I don’t want to go outside yet. It sounds windy. Not as sunny today. Yesterday was an awesome day, an awesomely looooong day. Yorkville all day Tastmakers Gifting Lounge for  nails done, makeup and more. Thanks for the presents guys! That neighbourhood is growing on me, could also be that it is Film Fest so buzzing. Joe Fresh makeup is really nice. My lipstick didn’t leave marks when kissing cheeks of all the zillion people I saw throughout the day. Diesel Lounge for lunch on the patio and a mini photo shoot with hot NY photog Raphael Mazzucco. He is apparently a pretty big deal, shooting covers of Time, Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret. Can’t wait to get those photos. He was also very good looking;  tall, long hair, charming. Went to Vitamin Water Backyard Social. Was fun. Did this interview with O’Nizz and had my phototaken heaps. I could really get used to this kinda stuff. Met a few peeps that made a point to come say hi and were really happy to meet me for the first time. HI GUYS! Vitamin Water party had a great bar, top shelf selection. Food was good too. Everyone was on Twitter which was fun. Hardly took any pics of my own. This is Blondetourage member, singer/actress and also ex-MTV babe Anna Cyzon. We in love, she has a great look eh. Blonde Jovi. haha Went to private secret location roof thing on King Street after with some friends then home to change for the CBC party at the…

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Last night was fun. I was with Carly, Down With Webster boys, Brock, and some socialy types. Ran into Randall from MuchMusic & Matt the DWW boys stylist and other  cool people. These are my friends. Vandilism. My babes. Hey do you? DWW Kyle & his Mrs. Brocklyn. Carly reporting for Sean Ward. I have no time today. I would love to lay in bed and watch TV but I need to be at the Four Seasons really soon then the gifting lounge at the other hotel and then the Hazelton for something else. After that I need to scoot home and change then meet my hot date who is in a band and take him as arm candy to the CBC big deal party at the Hazelton again. TIFF is tiring, this is only day 2. zomg. BYEEEEEEEEE!

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we bring the fun, we bring the fire, we are the future.#genyto

First of all, thank you everyone that came out last night. It was one of the most epic GenYTO night’s we’ve had. It was HUUUUGE! I arrived early and there were already a few peeps ready to get the party started. Soon as 8pm rolled around, the sun was setting and a steady flow of people filled the London Tap House patio. Before we knew it, we had a full on PARTIO happening. There are five of us on the organizing team and we all have red marked name tags, they are Erin (above with Jonathan), Renee (below) , Daniel & Dave. Dave in the pink shirt. I met a heap of new people who were happy to be attending a GenYTO for the first time. Heard comments all night about how many new faces there were around. I love that. This group started in Feb. 2009 with about 30 people meeting at an uptown bar near Young and Eglington. Last night, our guest list topped 300 and there was lineup to get in for part of the night. Amazing, eh! There were lots of babes around too. That’s Daniel on the right beside tattoo’d stud. Fiiiiine ladies. Digging this track reco from @JoelReilly, below. He made this for me today. I called him Wayne and now I’m Garth. haha So funny. Sean Ward show in the haus. There were a heap more photos you can see here or check me on FB for the album. Stay tuned for September GenYTO info. We’ve got some things to share with everyone and it will without a doubt be a night NOT to miss. Happy Friday everyone. TGIF MoFo’s! p.s. sorry to be annoying but did you vote for me in the Virgin thingy? it’s over in 4 days. don’t worry 🙂

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see you saturday at the lilith fair ladies

Its Friday night and I’m in the 905. I must be crazy. So full. Hope I don’t fall asleep dans le movie! (@ Richmond Court) # Thinking of you tonight @seanward! Good luck bro lookin’ smart @torontoima! in reply to seanward love # Photo: yes, that is exactly what we did. (via #girlsgotafacelikemurder Photo: black lips coming up next (via trashionbitches) I’m on a unicorn. RT @AndrewRevesz: I’m on a horse. RT @davidcrow: I’m on vacation. hey @downwithwebster sorry i cancelled my interview for tonight, have a blast in bellville 😉 #teamchloe #yandr omgaga look who got twitter…@matthewstylist <3 good word to describe my feeds: ‘funtertainment’ via @Dan_L #THANKS DUDE Hello hello baby you called I can’t hear a thing…. mental. RT @clickflickca: Imcomplete sentence drives me god i love this#FF @LindsayInJail to have @mcdonalds or to not have #lunch “so many choices. making it easier to chose neither.” via @natasha – well said babe. was lovely to see y’all last night too <3 @SidewalkHustle @davidakermanis @joncrowley @40deuce @clickflickca @michaelnus @whats_haapanen America’s Toronto Provocateur!! yesterday was #wonderwoman today is casie kent i got DM spam from you @smichm

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shopping is more fun with a drink in your hand

Yesterday’s mini dress is one of my favorite purchases from Apt. 909. I’ve had it for a couple years and it was in the kiddie section! I matched with my very loved vintage cowboys I picked up at a little shop in Bondi, Australia. After work I attended the Notable TV RW & Co excluuuuuuseive opening party at the Eaton Centre. I rolled up with Carly, (Fairlie Agency) & Reggie (GotStyle Menswear). Carly and I both have fresh shaved heads, such a  great feeling and perfect for this hot hot heat. Thanks to Darren for mine! You know this handsome face – blogger & comic man Sean Ward. I always make it out to Notable TV events to support Julian and see/meet cool peeps. The party was catered by my MOST favorite Toronto catering company, The Food Dudes. They honestly make the best food out of any party I’ve been to (and that’s A LOT of parties!). I finally met Dejana Bajic (aka Shopsterium), we follow each other on the Twitter. She stopped me right away to snap a pic  and introduce herself. She got some good ones of the event you can check out on her bloggy. Enjoy the day, she’s a bloody hot one out there! 🙂

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TGIF: time for a little vaaaaaaaaaaacation

This has been a really busy week. Feeling more Gah Gah than GaGa. I’m usually busy, but  seriously, this week has me totally tuckered. Go-go-go non-stop. Everyday. Mama’s tired. Quite looking forward to hibernating over the weekend. Writing, relaxing,  finishing up KC’s book. Feeling like it’s new sketchbook day.  Have these awesome neon pastels and whole new set of other colours that want me to play with them. I think it’s time. Lisa posted this pic of her, Breanna and I in her post today. So cute! We went to get our dresses fitted all together late week. That in itself, was almost as fun as wearing them to the ball. Thank you so much to everyone who came out last night. I’ve gotten heaps of positive feedback. Here’s a couple posts from Melissa, Romi and Sean. I made some vids and will get them up over the weekend. First, I need a break-ation from the interwebs and doing stuff. I’m exhauzzzzzzzzted. I realized after my talk last night that I would have no problem filling up an hour, I barely got down to detail.   Really excited to plan the next event with Carly. If you have questions or wanna chat consulting, email me casie at casiestewart dot com or contact Carly at Fairlie Agency. I’d be happy to help you or your brand. That’s all for now.  Toodalooooooooo!! Posted some hot shit on my Tumbr Blog OH CASIE. Enjoy 🙂 Happy Friday peeps!

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i’d like to introduce you guys to some peeps

Oh hi. It’s me Casie. In case you ever wondered, my blog, This is My Life, started out as a way to keep more memories one  sunny April day in 2006. This b-b-baby has been a best friend, therapy, and a great platform for me to get closer to the dreams I’ve always had. I love it dearly. Tomorrow evening I’m doing a seminar about blogging with some people I’ve met and been inspired by over the last little while. You may not know them, the same way you know me, so I’m introducing you. There’s still a couple tickets left so go get one here and come meet me & them IRL. I met Carly last year through the internet, then IRL at a music thingy. Along with being cute and a good friend, she’s really talented. She is a Talent Agent representing principal actors in film, TV and voice.  In Jan 2010, her agency,  Fairlie Agency launched the New Media division and the Toronto Blog Stars group.   Carly has over 15 years experience in the entertainment industry, both on camera and behind the scenes. You’ll get to meet her if coming on Thursday. You may know Raymi from her blog or me mentioning her  (if you don’t, I’m a little surprised). She’s been blogging since 2000 and was the first daily blogger I knew; She was cool and from Toronto like me. I immediately added her as a friend on Facebook based on this alone. About a year later, we met IRL. She writes about her life and gives you a really close view of it. She became famous on the internet by blogging and has a unique style that’s won her heaps of awards.  Her videos also get heaps of attention ex: I met Sean Ward when…

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blog blog fashion baby, work it, move that bitch crazy

Started out as a blog hang and turned into a full blown Red Carpet Oscar EXTRAVAGANZA! I want your comments Your RSS feed I want to tell the world That hey this is me I want your love Love-love-love I want your love Sean Ward, Keri Canadian, Carly, Breanna, Me, Crystal I’m an explorer I wanna shine ‘Cause I’m individual And this world is mine I want your love Love-love-love I want your love Raymi samesi’s Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a RAD romance

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nerds of a feather flock together

Friday night’s #genyto #Canlit was awesome. Rannie took all these great shots. I was on video recording all night. Rannie & Renee, loves! Coleman at the boozy table. Got to #genyto #canlit about 9er. Hi from some of the babes! Drank, danced, chatrouletted party style, took some vids, the usual stuff. BTW, chat roulette is REALLY fun at parties. It’ll catch on for that reason I think. Try it next time and tell me about it. Was very successfully not hungover. Looking back though all the video’s, I’m kinda surprised. Met a bunch of internet Tweeps and blog readers IRL which is always exciting. I have about 50 video’s. Most of them are for a little movie project that I was planning to start at sundown but I was fucking around with an Ikea bed that I am now going to return. Soooofuuuuhhhhkingpisssssssedoffaboutit. So beauty out today. Bunch of Blog Girls & Sean Ward are coming over for a hang.Yahooots.

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so you wanna start a bloggy blog, eh?

In the last couple months all kinds of people have been coming out of the woodwork and asking me about blogging. I’m talking people I went to school with years ago, friends from across the world, country, Mum, Sister and friends that were so not into ‘”the whole blogging” thing. If you or one of your friends are interested in learning about blogging, personal branding online and/or social media, here’s ya chance to get some good value. Raymi the Minx, Sean Ward, Carly and I along with Function 13 Gallery in Kensington are hosting a blog chat/seminar. This is your invitation from me. Get a ticket HERE.

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notabletv: hot babes tweeting

Last Thursday, I was one of about 100 people chosen to attend an exclusive event hosted by Notable TV. Good fun, great food, cool crowd, babes. Can’t ask for much more than that. You know these blog stars, Sean Ward & Carly. Blonde blogging babes, Carly, Lysnie, Casie, sounds so cute to me. I love Carly’s pink/blonde and Lynsie’s grey/blonde style. I’ve been thinking about grey with orange or pink or peach. Have never had orange/grey before, not on purpose at least. My hand looks really large to me here for some reason. I have small little hands like kid size .  I’m never posing with my glass like that ever again. Take note. Papapparazzi on these boys! If you come to this part, you will get your picture taken/be on camera. There is no way to avoid it unless you wear a mask. We were at Annex Loft Houses, Bathurst/Dupont and the night was called Nuit D’azure. The Loft House site plays automatic music when you go to it so I am not linking to it, pissed off at them for that.  I will also never buy a condo from them based on that single first impression in the 0.3 seconds it took the site to load. The crowd was fun and included all kinds of familiar faces to me. Sean Ward made this vid. I’m so freaking happy Sean and Carly had their cameras, I went back and redid this whole post. Makes a better loooking blog, my Milestone photos were subpar compared to power of a real camera. Catering by The Food Dudes, mme tell you, them boys make some tasty treats. Braised lamb with goat  cheese on a little crostini and beet bruschetta, amazing. I’ve been attending Notable events since Julian Brass launched around this time last year.…

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i think this brain would be pretty tasty

Zombies……I can’t stop thinking about them…. As soon as it turned October, it’s like my body knows it’s Halloween and I wanna dress up and wear masks and makeup and wigs and stuff. I don’t like scary movies or blood and gore but I love to dress up Zombie. The walk is coming up Oct. 24th. There’s gong to be a bunch of us and I’d love you to join in the bloody fun. I saw some photo’s on Tony’s blog of the Hollywood Walk last week and I’m pretty sure that’s what got my Zombie thoughts into overdrive. One more thing… I mentioned a while ago that fellow blogger and comic drawer extraordinaire Mr. Sean Ward has taken up residence in San Francisco.  His crew just produced this new video. Check ‘er out! Have a great day 🙂

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MuchMTV Employment post

Hi and welcome to my online profile for Digital Marketing Coordinator with the MuchMTV Group. Thanks for checking me out. Connect with Me: Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube, References: I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Casie for a little less than a year now. She’s an active blogger and all-round web content generator. She’s bright, energetic, connected, passionate and communicates well. I’ve been to several corporate events with Casie and she’s almost always the life of the party. Casie’s a blackberry addict, a twitterholic and well known as an online blogger. MTV would be lucky to have her on the digital team and I endorse her as an online bright spark.” “I have had the honour to work with Casie on many different social media events including all the GenYTO community socials, a professional organization that she helped get off the ground. (  She is an incredibly talented, outgoing, and trendy person, but more importantly she is great at creating and engaging communities. Her blog, – This is My Life, is one of a kind.  She has a creative and witty way of making the most uneventful moments fun; the sign of a great writer and a truly imaginative mind.  Her marketing talent far surpasses many people I know.  I would highly recommend her for any social media and marketing position.” Renée Warren Social Media Facilitator Twitter: Renee3 | [email protected] “When it comes to web 2.0 and online social media, Casie is the Queen.  I’ve watched her and worked with her steadily throughout the last year or so and what she does in the online arena is stupefying.  She ‘gets’ the Internet, loves it passionately, and people listen to her.  Fueled by that love and passion, watch Casie get the word out.  Watch her connect people.  I’ve seen what…

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those engines are getting me fired up

Something funny happened last night. Was chatting with friend and fellow top blogger Sean Ward before he went on a radio show. I listened to him do live prank calls on the radio for a live audience. I’ve never listened to such a thing and I almost peed my pants with laughter. Nice work. Created some new blogs last night, good things in the works. Been really creative lately.  I really wnat to share but they need some work before coming out. Went to the indy cars at lunch. Made a video for Dad. He took us when we were young and I’ve loved it ever since. The sound of the engine flying…I love. One year I got to go in the pits and meet some drivers at the Indy.  It was the best Indy experience ever. It was years ago when it was sponsored by Molson and a bigger deal I think, well, to me at least.  I was about 18 years old.  Haven’t gone since but still I love the sounds. this ones for dad from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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there’s a club house they hang out at

I’ve made friends with a couple peeps at The Musebox a record label that stems from Vice Mag who rep a heap of cool indie bands.  The coolest things about it being their friend is that I get to hear about all kinds of cool shiz before anyone else does and tickets to events. I recently watched a vid of the Cancer Bats at the Adrift Club house right here in lovely TO.  My friend Justin was recently in NZ, AUS and UK. I snagged this guy from his FB album, that’s him on the right with the dirt stash and sneeky smile. I got hooked up with tickets to go see Patrick Wolf and some other hipster bands for the Nylon Magazine Summer Music tour tomorrow night. It’s gonna be a fun time.  Sabrina’s my date already, sorry. I have  another friend by the name of  Sean Goodchild. He is total babe and a very talented. We went to high school together and he was rocking it then and he is also rocking now.  I hope Mum remembers him when she reads this. He used to do an amazing Stomp show when we had the school talent thingy.  His new band is called Two Crown King. His voice makes me swoon. I was listening on myspace and I was taken back to when  I used to dream he was singing to me in high school. One more thing,  if you don’t know it yet, I heart you online.

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added information or an observation

I recently met Sean Ward. He writes a blog, draws cartoons, raps and is one cool ass dude. After we met he checked out my blog and left a few comments. That sparked his idea about  the etiquette behind blog commenting. Especially when you just met the person or aren’t part of that blog’s community. We shared some thoughts over Facebook this week about our feelings on the topic. The conversation can be found on Sean’s awesome blog at

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wow, you’re all so good looking

The other day I had a lovely evening with some of TO’s best bloggers.  I’m quite happy to be included in the best and would have been really pissed if I wasn’t.  Seriously.  It was really awesome to meet the other blog kids, most of whom I only know from le internet.  I was surprised to really see how different we all are. Each person brings to the mix a different perspective on life and a different creative process of putting it online through their blog. This is a pic of a few of them, you can see more of the Toronto local bloggers on Flickr. From left to right I have Vanessa from, Ted Healy from Dead Robot, Sean Ward, Lisa Charleyboy from UrbanNativeGirlStuff, Raymi The Minx, and of course yours truly. We had Julian Brass of Notable TV there documenting the evening as we build Toronto’s first Top bloggers network. There is so much opportunity for advertisers to reach Toronto’s people through our blogs that get read by thousands of cool TO people and HEAPS of others around the world. If you want to chat about opportunities don’t hesitate to leave comment or contact me.  I’m stoked about where this is heading!! My dream of being a full time blogger WILL come true! Andrew Lewis has some good pix of us all.  Nice one of me here.

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Prefessional Dancers!!! REAL DANCE

My sister is in school for professional dance. Her and George, our friend can dance so good. This is them dancing to Sean Paul, ‘Breakout’.They are REALLY GOOD though, seriously.

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