Salt in the Air, Sand in My Hair

This dress belonged to Mum. She got it in Hawaii on a stopover vacation when I was about 2 years old. It’s one of my favs. Photo was taken by Kelly Kruschel. I would really love to be at a beach right now. Went up to the cottage this weekend but it wasn’t very warm and the bugs were brutal. Still have the Chevy Camaro until 8pm tonight so Sean and I are gonna go for a cruise after work. I had a burrito for lunch again from Playa Cabana, we’re in a relationship now haha. He didn’t win at the MMVA last ngiht but he DID win in the style deportment. Got him decked out in Ted Baker and will share some pix of that soon.  Hope you had a nice weekend 🙂 <3 CASIE SALT IN THE AIR, SAND IN MY HAIR

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Events | The Most Pride in the World

Have you seen these yet? They’re beautiful! This weekend I had Saturday morning coffee with Andrew Dobson. He’s the blogger babe behind and regular writer for Metro News Canada. We checked out the rainbow crosswalks in The Village and gabbed about adventure. It’s so lovely to chat one on one with a friend in the sun. I almost got a ticket from this hot cop but told him I was getting a photo and jumped in the car with a smile. Toronto Pride is extra special this year because it’s World Pride and we’re hosting! I’ve been going to Pride since Dad took Jenie and I when we were kids. Have some really great moments and blogged about them around this time last year.  From now to the end of the month is crazy time w/MMVA, NXNE , Pop Up Perrier, 2 speaking gigs AND Pride. I’ll have heaps of stories to share and it will feel great when July long weekend rolls around. Here’s a few of my fav photos from Toronto Pride over the years. Thank googness for Google! All the pride photos I’ve every posted rounded up in one quick search. Toronto Pride Memories Jenie + Me, Stewart sister power! Last year w/ Sean on Church Street With love, CASIE

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Girls Day Afternoon! TFC, Sunshine, Tanning

On Saturday afternoon I went to a TFC game with some of my old girl gang from Community Agency. It was so fun! We had such great seats! Meghan got hooked up with them from something. It was the perfect spot to soak up the sun. Toronto won, there were fireworks. It was a lovely ladies afternoon! Beer & hot dogs for everyone! Thanks Megs! Working with a few of the girl on a pop-up party with Perrier later this month. Stopped by Marben on Wellington before heading home. They did some renos, looks great. This cheese plate was divine. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Might head back to Field Trip at Fort York w/ Sean later. Broken Social Scene and some other bands are on tonight! CASIE

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#SaveYourScreams #MMVA 2014: 2 Noms, 1 Commercial!

The 2014 MMVA show is next weekend and this year is an exciting one for me! Sean and 1188 Films are nominated for two awards in Post Production AND my sister is an MMVA commercial now playing on your TV. I’ve always loved the MMVAs and in 2010 I was the Social Media Manager for the show while I worked at MuchMTV. 1188’s nominations are for Hedley – Crazy for You and Sam Roberts – We’re All In This Together. He’ll be attending the show with his team and I’ll be prepping to hit the town after and *hopefully* celebrate them bringing home another award. Cross ya fingaz! Last year Sean & 1188 worked on Drake’s ‘Started from the Bottom’ which won video of the year. In 2012 they won an award for Down With Webster’s ‘Big Wheels’. Keep an eye out for my samurai-sword-swinging sister on your TV. Jenie Stewart is in an MMVA ‘Save Your Screams’ commercial. It’s pretty funny, they made the girls look pretty rough and fight against each other. Love it! Watch Jenie’s 2014 MMVA Commercial #SaveYourScreams It’s also pretty exciting Lorde will be at the show. GO TEAM NEW ZEALAND! She’s killing it! So proud of Jenie, Sean, and Lorde! As for me, I’m getting a Chevy Camaro convertible for that weekend from Klout so I’ll be feeling pretty great too. Happy Friday my friends! <3 CASIE

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There is Such a Thing as Too Much Nature

And I discovered it it this weekend. Once again, I was attached by bugs. One little jerk even bit me on the eyelid and not it looks like somebody socked me one in the face. We had a relaxing time at the cottage with Sean’s parents, great dinners, and lovely weather. Next weekend is Field Trip so I’ll be staying in the city. Mum just informed me that if you take lots of B12 they won’t bite. Good thing I know that now for the rest of the summer! I’m really behind on blogging but it was SO NICE OUT this weekend I couldn’t bring myself to stay inside and do work. I’ve got a bunch of things to share this week! Stay tuned 🙂 If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to THIS IS MY LIFE and get a nice little email delivery when I update. Each email includes 4-5 blog posts and is send once a week. I have spent a lot of time working on these emails, so I hope you enjoy. For any newbie bloggers out there looking for an email service provider, you might want to take a look at PieSync (the Mailgun vs Sendgrid blog post is particularly useful). It has certainly helped me. Here’s to a great week!

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Suffer for Your Art | Sunset Canoe Ride

Last night we went for a romantic sunset canoe ride. It was so incredibly beautiful. Took these with my GoPro. Jumped in the lake before calling it a night. It’s so great to be back up at the cottage. The weather this weekend was pretty nice except the bugs were HORRIBLE. I really ‘suffered for my art’ as Sean calls it because I got about 20 nasty bites while on the canoe ride. Mostly on my bum! The little buggers got me right through my Lululemon pants! This week is gonna be great! Today is the warmest day of the year. We’re about to launch some AWESOME stuff at work and today I’ve got a NXNE site visit for our festival sponsorship. The Jays are doing great and Thursday I’ve got a double date with Lauren and our BFs to sit in the Bacardi Best Seats for the game. We went last year and it was awesome. Here’s to a wonderful week and warm sunny days! Don’t forget to wear sunscreen 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Weekends Were Made for Love

Had such a great time at the cottage this weekend.  Posted a few Instagrams of our fun here. Thanks to the TimeHop app I was reminded that I’ve been coming up here with Sean for two years now. I really fell in love with the ‘Cottage Sean’ back then. This weekend it was so great to go for long drives, sleeping in, take naps, lazing in the sun, and hanging out with friends together. I am SO happy summer is finally here. You’ll be seeing heaps of cottage photos for the next six months. We’re going back this weekend 🙂 <3 with love, CASIE

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CSAW Company | Good Kid Mad Hope

Sean got me this Good Kid Mad Hope hoodie from the CSAW Company for my birthday. Didn’t realize just HOW rad CSAW is. It’s also super soft and perfect for this not-yet-summer weather we’re having. You’ll see me living in this and the COTTAGE sweater (both from Community 54) right into the fall. Ellie Goulding in the same hoodie. Whut whut.  I’m ready for the weekend. Heading up to Muskoka later this afternoon. Can’t wait to be on the lake, and wake up in the wilderness tomorrow morning. Hoping to have a fire tonight and roast some marshmallows to kick off the summer! Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Be safe out there! <3 CASIE

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Got Wood | New Stuff for the House from Artemano

On Monday night Sean and I took a little trip up to the Toronto Artemano store. It’s located just north of Eglington on Caledonia. With furniture stores in Montreal, Toronto, Quebec and more, they specialize in high quality wood furniture and home décor shipped anywhere in North America. I know Mum would really love this place. After a busy day it was lovely to escape to such a peaceful atmosphere. Janaya welcomes us into the store for a private shopping experience. They’ll be featuring my five fav items from the store in an upcoming post on their blog. There are heaps of magical pieces for yout home made from salvaged wood, boats from Thailand, and massive fallen trees. It’s not for the bargain shoppers, but if you are looking for a beautiful statement piece to join your family, this is the spot.

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Omg guys, tomorrow is my birthday! I’m taking vacation from work and spending the day with my sister and friends.  I’ve not planned anything special. Last weekend I went to the spa, I’ve got a hair appt tonight. I want to watch a movie w/ Sean tonight, get a good sleep, and wake up refreshed. I really HAVE gotten older, eh? Planning to visit my mama on Sunday to celebrate us both. After all, I WAS born on Mother’s Day way way back! This is a GIF I made for my birthday last year, 2013. 2012 was a fun time. Sean Hawaii had a huge party and I jacked it to be my very own! 21! Want to say thanks for tuning in and bring part of my life. I’m thankful for everything I’ve achieved and will continue to do awesome things and tell you about it. That’s all for now. Thank you and love ya 🙂 CASIE

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Stop to Smell the Roses, Treat Yourself

I started this weekend off right with a trip to Hammam Spa early Saturday morning. I spent about 30 min in the steam room before my St. Tropez treatment. It’s a sunless tan type application and to be honest, I think it wore off already and I won’t do it again. The experience itself was great and I booked with Cynthia who is awesome. Smashed up some bananas in the blender to throw into this mix when it came out of the juicer. It was a great way to start Sunday morning. I made Sean and I nice breakfast and we watched Romancing the Stone, an old romance-find-the-treasure movie from the 80’s. These shoes arrived Friday from the NastyGal Shoe Cult. I made a mistake in the postal code when I purchased them and I totally thought they were on their way back to NG HQ. Had lunch at Free Times Cafe for Ariel & Chris’ engagement party. It was fun and the food was amazing. I really like Yiddish music. I wish I understood! The piano player was from the National Ballet of Canada too. Stopped by the Parkdale Flea Market on the way home. It was such a nice day out I just wanted to do things outside! I picked up a shirt for Sean with an illustrated bear that is running. It’s super cute. Made a delicious juice this morning with spinach, kale, grapefruit, apple, pear, and a dash of cinnamon. It’s so freaking good! If you missed our latest Cooking with Cuisinart episode with the juicer, watch it here. I feel good if I keep posting the juices I make because it serves as a good reminder for me to keep making them. I’d determined to drop a few LBs this month! When I arrived at the office…

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Making Magic w/ Garret and a Food Processor

In this episode, Sasha, Garret and use a  Food Processor and make a delicious pizza (Garret’s recipe!) and chocolate muffins.  TBH, the pizza was so good I ended up taking some home for Sean We made the dough and topping the food processor. I didn’t really know what a food processor was before we filmed this. I had no idea you could make so many things with it. Garret uses his all the time for breads, salsa, even homemade hummus. Props to him for the nice image above. This is is my Martha Stewart pose.

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Ain’t Gonna Stop the Rain by Complaining

Rain, rain go away… I was off work yesterday and If you follow me on Twitter you will know I had a tiny sliver of glass stuck in my foot. It was SO PAINFUL! I went to the walk-in then to the XRAY and by the end of the day I was at another doctor. I had a needle that hurt like CRAZY into my foot to freeze it before the glass was removed. It’s better today, thank god. I arrived to the office today to find 2 boxes of shoes on my desk. I’ll be sharing those with you later this week. I also received a sweet package from Blow Vapor of nicotine-free e-cigarettes. They caused quite a stir in the office when everyone came to check ’em out. You might want to check them out too if you’re not able to get you’re favorite brand from somewhere like snus deutschland. Major office excitement over my sweet package from @BlowVapor. Everybody wants to try ’em! #ecigs — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 29, 2014 Thanks to Sean for being a big help yesterday. Helped me with the car AND got me a burger from The Drake Hotel for dinner. What a legend. He was my Man Crush Monday 🙂 It’s super rainy and yuk in Toronto today. I ordered my fav pasta (Grilled Chicken Pene) from Magic Oven to the office just so I could stay in side (and not have to walk far!). I’ve always loved this Mark Twain quote and whenever we have a real crap day I think about it… Put a smile on your face and flash it around 🙂 CASIE

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Mellow Yellow Monday

It’a super nice out today. I took off my jacket to snap some photos on my way to work and the sun was already beating down. I heard it might get up to 20 today. It’s about time I start using my Canon DSLR now that it’s nice out. Last summer I was just getting to learn how to use it as an ambassador w/ Canon for the Canon Blogtography program. I’m happy these pants still fit, I really need to get my summer bod rockin’. Since the winter was so long and cold I managed to stay inside and hibernate for months which also meant a million movies, snacks, takeout. These jellies were sent to me by Narrative PR & Call It Spring, I feel like a kid when I wear them. Especially with my backpack on. It’s a great feeling really 🙂   Our quick visit to the cottage yesterday was ok, the lake is still frozen and it’s still winter up there. The snowbank was too high to put the car in the driveway.  The water is going to be so cold this year! Luckily I have my garden at our house in the city to work on before getting into full cottage mode. It’s much more fun up there when it’s warm! Thinking of my friends in Boston and everyone in the marathon today. Last year Sean and I were in Boston that weekend and downtown right were the bombings happened the day before. I knew a couple people running and it was pretty scary. I hope everything today goes fine ad everyone is safe. Thinking I’ll venture out into the sun over lunch, check out the hood. Try and find a good photo spot, maybe read some of my book. Have a few cool things…

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Not Quite Open Season | Cottage

I could tell from my Timehop app that the lake had no ice on this day last year, I was doing yoga on the dock and relaxing in the sun. We went up for a few hours on Sunday and it was still winter up there, frozen lake, snow covered driveway. The cottage was warmer inside than the air outside and it was warm enough in the sun for a spring jacket. Thanks to Sean, my lovely beau-tographer for snapping my photo. It’s great to have a TV/filmmaker boyfriend who knows how to work my camera better than me. I’m in love with this sweater from Community 54, it’s super comfy and I wore it almost the entire weekend (don’t judge!). I’d like to start making my own versions. My plan is to do some sewing at the cottage this summer. I know how to make things and use patters but I’m constantly letting TEH INTERNET distract me. Sewing and reading. Less internetting. Funny that I mention less internetting right now, today marks 9 years since this blog has existed. I better start planning my 10 year bloganza. <3 CASIE

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The Joy of Gardening | Landscape Painting

Yesterday was so lovely and warm. Sean and I were at Home Depot before 9:30am. We sussed out our options and went for brekky. I picked out some nice seeds, organic soil, bamboo, planters, and a pots. I’m so glad we were there together because all this stuff is super heavy! The new patio was perfect for a bbq so I invited a few friends over to show off my work. It feels so relaxing up there. I cleaned the deck so I can do yoga out there once we get past tomorrow’s frost. Whilst I was in the cleaning mindset I did a few other jobs on my own for the patio but also on the exterior of the house itself. Some things obviously I couldn’t do like cleaning out the gutters, so I had to get in touch with Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Oklahoma City to give me a helping hand. This was great because now they’re clean, it’s most likely there won’t be any soil erosion going on and my plants can grow wild! I’m excited to get everything planted and watch it grow now. I always loved gardening with Mum. Started a Gardening board on Pinterest here. If you have any tips or things I should check out. LET ME KNOW!     Now that it’s getting warmer don’t forget your sunscreen. Nothing will make you look old like sun damage (or boozing super hard). I’ve been loving this Cover from Dermalogica, there’s also a Sheer that’s perfect once you’re a little tanned. I never leave the house without sunscreen on my face!   Enjoy the day!

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I’ll Be in Balconia or Muskoka Till September, Ok?

Had a great weekend, hope you did too. Skipped home to visit Mum Friday and did some Saturday shopping.  Was back home in the city before dinner that night. Sean and I had a great day on Sunday. Since we’ve been making an effort to eat healthier we’ve not been going out/drinking as much. It’s great! I did groceries on Sunday morning and were out of the house just after noon. Had a walk through Kensington market and ate at a delicious Mexican place on the south side of Roach-o-rama (sorry I don’t remember the name). Burrito was BURFECTION! I got a treat from the ice cream truck on the way out. This rainbow filter is called ‘Through Marino Wool Sweater’. Thanks Mum for that gift! I spent some time reading on the roof top patio ‘Balconia’ before zipping out to the new Target at the Stockyards to refurnish the place. I managed to give it a new look and feel with some pillows and accessories while Sean was napping. Target and I are becoming good friends. Sean is building a storage box to go under the table. Was my first time grilling cauliflower on the BBQ and WHOA it’s totally delicious. Used this recipe for grilled cauliflower skewers from Chatelaine and added some Diana sauce and garlic to the mix. Sean made burgers. I am so happy it’s SPRING FINALLY! I picked up these solar lanterns from Target and I’m  kinda shocked at how surprised I was that they worked. Why did I think they wouldn’t work? I got three sizes and the biggest one was $22. They charge during the day and they you turn them on at night. Looking forward to getting home and catching some rays while I read some more of this great book Simon…

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Come and Get It | Sandwiches, Snacks, PayPal!

If you haven’t been to Come And Get It yet, you’ve gotta check it out. Sean’s friend Rob is an all star bartender there and the food is delicious. We went there for dinner again last night. You know I’m not much of a ‘foodie’ but let me tell ya, totally worth stopping by. It’s right beside Czehoski. Two things I think are really awesome about Come And Get it The menu has 35 combinations of food you can get. Pick your size ie. snack, slider, sandwich, then pick your flavour. You can pay with PayPal! There are a select group of spots downtown that now have the option to pay for your meal using the PayPal app. The taco flatbread is freaking delicious. This is a jerk chicken poutine I had on my first visit. Last night I had the coconut shrimp poutine and the friend chicken poutine. They are small so you don’t feel huge after chowing them down.  I never even considered throwing these flavours together but GAHHH THEY ARE AMAZING. It makes a great date spot because the poutine, flatbread, salad etc are great for sharing. You know I love technology and innovation. I hope to see more and more places accept PayPal. It’s so easy and hassle free. You just tell your server you are paying with PayPal, they pull you up on the app, you add your tip, and before you know it a receipt is in your hand on your phone.  None of the ‘wave your hand n the air to get the bill’ or ‘let me get the machine’ wait time. When you roll through, say ‘HI’ ask for Chandler or Rob who might be behind the bar. Great spot, good food! There is a stellar drink menu that I really need…

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Hungry Like the Wolf

Just watched this and I loved Worlf of Wall Street so much. You’ll love it. Tells the story of  BuzzFeed, founded in 2006 in New York  as a viral lab by Jonah Peretti. “The name of the game, take a little bit off of every other website, put it on to your website.” “It’s simple, we target the easiest demographic in the world, Facebook users.” This mix is pretty rad too. Thinking I might watch this again at home tonight. The real Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort is coming to Toronto in May and I’m hoping to get tickets for Sean and I to go. Ok that’s all for now! <3 CASIE

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#iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

One week ago I had the great pleasure of dining with a bunch of friends/media darlings at Bosk, the restaurant in Toronto’s Shangri-La Hotel. The food was fantastic, I had a bit too much wine, and heaps of laughs. Major thanks to Shangri-La and Daniel from for organizing this special event. We also ran a contest for our followers to win a high tea experience. The winner was Victoria Ess who had over 200 retweets. A few days before dinner I received this darling little delivery with a written note, macaroons, and paper crane. I love when brands, media, bloggers take that little extra step to make you feel special. We had set seats and red paper cranes displayed our names along with the customized menu for the night. Each menu item was paired with wine to accentuate the flavour.  We tried several new items added for spring and a few Bosk classics. Before sitting down to eat we got a tour of the magical Garden Suite and took in the high tea experience. I could have stayed there for the night! It was so fabulous and huge. The bed, I can’t even. Dear Diary, I’m at the @shangrilaTO in the Garden Suite, having tea. #iheartbosk — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 25, 2014   Two menu items I loved were the Marinated Fluke and Nova Scotia Lobster ravioli. Halibut roll, WHAT? We finished the dinner with a Cherry Blossom Cotton Candy tree that had a USB key for each of us. The cherry cotton candy was NOT like that cheap stuff from the CNE, it was delicious. Red chocolate lipstick, yummm! Thanks @ShangriLaTO @boskTO for an amazing dinner experience tonight! #iheartbosk — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 26, 2014   I wish I had a longer arm! #iheartbosk dinner crew.…

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Huge TBT | The Blog Years, March 2009 – 2013

Ok here’s a MASSIVE TBT on the month of March from 2009 – 2013. I love looking back on things I’ve done. It’s so easy to forget! The main reason I started this blog in 2005 was so I could remember more. It totally worked! On this day last year Sean sent me flowers to the office .What a darling. Love you! I also blogged about Andy Warhol on this day last year. Sean and I were getting ready to go on a trip to Boston too. See posts tagged March 2013 here. Two years ago on this day I was at The Gladstone for an event. Loved those boots so much. And RIP that leather jacket. Took part in a round table w/ Russ Martin from Marketing Magazine about Rdio & music streaming in Canada. It was MUCH nicer outside and I visited the Toronto Music Garden. Took this using 360 Panoramic app in iPhone from  hTO Park (Urban Beach) which is right beside the lake. Around this time two years ago I filmed ‘It’s All About Me’ documentary that last year won several film festival awards. I’m in another documentary that will be on the festival circuit soon. Pretty neat if you ask me! In March 2011 I was a Personal Branding expert with Levi’s. I love looking back on this stuff, I forget how many things I’ve done! Here are some tips on building your personal brand to help  establish yourself online: Set a goal: Make a plan for your brand. What are you passionate about? What do you want to be known for? Start a blog: Use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger or Posterous to create a free home for your online activity. Find a mentor: Find someone who is doing what you want to do and introduce yourself, learn from them…

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Inspiration via Jasmine: Do What You F****** Love

Here I am once again starting the day near the END OF MARCH in my winter jacket. It was a good buy from NastyGal BUT Urgh! PUT ON A HAPPY FACE! Loving these little J Shoes, I have red ones too but they haven’t come out to play yet. It’s too cold. They want a nice day. I’m not one to swear much (Mum hates reading bad words on the blog), but I absolutely love these type images from Jasmine Dowling. She’s a 21 year old graphic designer from Australia. I discovered her via Instagram and I’d like to get a print for our house. They are so positive and happy. The ‘do what you f****** love’ one is special to me because 9 years ago (in April) I started this blog because I love to write, share, take photos, and I wanted to keep a diary. I never knew where it would take me or really thought about it at the time. Since 2005, I’ve done things I only ever imagined! Let this post be a reminder to DO WHAT YOU LOVE. You’ll find a way to make money doing it if you believe in yourself and work hard. Check out Jasmine’s work + store at and see some of my favs below. In other news… RYAN GOSLING ARRIVED FOR ME TODAY! I need to find somewhere spcial to wear this baby out. Maybe I’ll wear it everyday? Wouldn’t you want Ryan Gosling all over you? Hopefully Sean doesn’t steal it because it really is that awesome. 🙂 Enjoy the day! <3 CASIE

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Don’t You Ever Forget It, Your Awesomeness

This weekend is SPRING CLEANING. I’ve been talking about it with Sean for weeks and since the weather is URGHH, I’ve decided to make the most of it my making our house more ‘home’. I was really stoked to open the cottage but safety takes the cake and a freezing rain warning is enough to put a stop to us going North.  Today I destroyed a disaster that had been piling up and organized my entire wardrobe. Took three bag of clothes to Value Village (VV Boutique) and didn’t hold back. I find purging my stuff is addictive, I start to care less and less about ‘things’ and if I need to, I take photos to remember. They take up less space. Online storage is cheaper than a unit too! Threw out a lambskin leather jacket from Holt’s I’ve been ‘planning to fix’ for two years, I hope someone great finds it. How great is this shirt from Bow& Drape? Who wants one? You can actually make your own but mine is so freaking sweet! It’s sequins actually! Stumbled upon this brand randomly (Pinterest?) and got this stunna. Found these babies when I was cleaning along with a TON of other jewellery. Good luck, good rings, good reminders. I was trying not to have a heart attack the last few days because I ‘misplaced’ the vintage Tiffany’s silver pearl necklace Sean got me for Christmas, but I found it. Thank god, I can’t even. Took the EmBot to Target, she loves Target? I’m not realllly sure why. Her boots were dirty and gross so I told her I’d get her new kicks. She picked these Converse style ones like me. Gave her this Blue Jays hat and she wanted to wear it to the side. I didn’t style her but how freaking…

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Fried Eh

It’s safe to say I am completely exhausted. The last few weeks have been super busy and fashion week really takes a lot outta ya. I’ve got nothing planned but staying in the house and not socializing one but this weekend. My batteries need recharging! Last night was Untitled&Co’s first fashion show and it was great. I’ll do a full post on it when the photos roll in. I took Sean as my date and we had a lovely night together. We had dinner at Hawker Bar on Ossington then hit the after party at Libertine on Dundas. I worked with Cameron one of the 2 designers to produce GelaSkins for the gift bags with his designs on them. They’ll be up in our web store soon. I have the WIFEY one which Sean thought was hilarious because it’s got Courtney on it. Dad is in New Zealand and getting married in a few hours. Oh how I wish I was there to see the wedding and have a fam jam! They’re going to the Coromandel Peninsula  after which is one the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.  Look at this, gah! I’ll be dreaming of this place for the rest of the day now. Beach and sunshine please! Cheers to the freakin’ weekend. <3 CASIE

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WMCFW | Shows, Street Style, Something Different

Last night kicked off World MasterCard Fashion Week in TO. It’s always fun seeing everyone show up and it feels like the first day back at school seeing all your fashion friends in one place. I started my evening at The Shore Club for the preview of Piloti by StyleBox. Especially loved the carnivore Club box of meats in the gift bag. You can bet Sean was happy when I arrived home with that, ha! #PilotiFW14 preview w/ @piloti. Rolls out in Canada/US/UK July 2014. #WMCFW — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 17, 2014 Highlights from WMCFW Day 1 WMCFW Street Style Day 1 I absolutely LOVE Line Knitwear.  It’s hard not to really. The colours and angora in this collection makes me want to wear everything at once. My old friend Natalie used to be roomies with John Muscat of Line Knitwear back when I first moved to Toronto, I wasn’t really in the fashion scene back. That reminds me, I have a gorgeous Line blazer I really need to bust out when the weather warms up, if it ever does! Urghhhhh! Line Knitwear WMCFW FW14 One of the cool things I saw at VAWK was Sunny Fong partnered with the Alleles,  winners of the Design Exchange’s recent Emerging Designer competition. They specialize in intricate covers for leg prosthetics and it was the first time I’d seen something like this on the runway!  (Photo via BlogTO read more here.) Can’t believe that @Jeanne_Beker just saw one of our prosthetic covers on the @VAWK runway @WMCFashionWeek…SO COOL!!!! — the Alleles (@the_Alleles) March 17, 2014 I won’t be at the tents tonight as I’m meeting the Cuisinart crew to plan our next episode. I can’t wait to get my hands on a juicer! I’ll be back tomorrow for Pink Tartan and Joe Fresh sharing what’s…

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Travel | Postcard from Montreal

A couple years ago Sean and I drove to Montreal in a Fiesta for a weekend sponsored by Ford Canada. It was really fun and the weather was warm. We stayed at the W Montreal which I totally love, ate good food, and spent afternoons in the sunshine. This is the video Sean edited of our weekend ‘Postcard from Montreal’. Summer, please come back soon. I’m dying to get back up the the cottage ♥ CASIE

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Take Me Back, Back to Cali

Sean and I went to California for a week this summer, and it was SO FUN. I love the sunshine, the shops, the lifestyle by the beach. We rented a convertible and drove the Pacific Coast Highway, ate good food, worked on our tans, and spent much time at Disneyland. This cold weather does not seem to be letting up for all of us in Canada so instead of being wah wah CRYING about it, I’ll relive our summer love in LaLa Land. We stayed at the Disneyland Resort, and thanks to Disneyland and their Canadian team for the invite. It was amazing to live like a kid and experience all the fun of the most magical place on earth. Hopefully these pix brighten your day! Room service prezzie from Mickey Mouse! Surf’s up in Malibu Oh what I would give to have my feet in the sand right now Now this is love! His face vs my face lol ♥ Hollywood Saw a concert at the Hollywood Bowl Sunset in Laguna Take me back back to Cali. <3 CASIE

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