wellies, mini, keys, phone, kelly cutrone

Went to the Sailor Jerry thingy last night with Carly. It was ok, not that exciting. Anna took our photo for EXTRA and we had some good chats. They had burgers & stuff but all I had was rumski/coke. Karrera is in town so I booted home to spend the night with her. So awesome. I really miss her now that she moved out west. We’ve been besties sine we were like 12.  Planning to attend an exclusive opening with Carly again tonight, hopefully the rain won’t break my stride. Brought Kelly Cutrone’s book for her to borrow. If you’ve not read it, do it, it’s fucking awesome. If You Have to Cry Go Outside. Wearing wellies and a rain coat today, as you would imagine.  My Marketing Team at MuchMTV has a burrito lunch together today for our meeting. So hungry. Ya! Ai ai ai ai ai aia ia ai ai ai yeeeeeeeeee!! (That’s me excited for burito). No matter what today, don’t let the rain get you down. Jump in puddles, get wet. You won’t melt, you WILL dry. You will never be as young as you are today.  Make the most of it, YOU ARE ALIVE!

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raincoat & wellies and clouds in the sky

Today is cloudy and I’ve got lots to do. I took these yesterday, they’re for you. I’ve got some things to post later too. Drinking a coffee and feeling neat, I wonder what catering will bring today to eat? Thank you Daily Challenge for giving me this camera. If you don’t know, I won it in their Holiday Do Gooder contest. I love it. It make me very happy to share all kinds of random snipits of my life with the world. Like this little guy:

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Love My Wellies ♥

That nasty, slushy, wet, cold time of year is a comin’ and I got my old Wellies ready to strut. Here’s the Wellies story, just in case you didn’t know how rad they really were… The Hunter Story A symbol of British country life In 1856 Mr Henry Lee Norris, an American entrepreneur, landed on Scottish soil in search of a home for his boot making company. Having acquired a block of buildings in Edinburgh, known as the Castle Silk Mills, the North British Rubber Company (which much later became known as Hunter Boot Ltd) was registered as a limited liability company in September 1856. In the beginning there were only four people working for the company, by 1875 the team had grown to 600 members of staff. Production of Wellington boots were dramatically boosted with the advent of World War I when the company was asked by the War Office to construct a sturdy boot suitable for the conditions in flooded trenches. The mills ran day and night to produce immense quantities of these trench boots. In total, 1,185,036 pairs were made to cope with the Army’s demands. The fashionable boot was now a functional necessity. For WWII they were once again called upon to supply vast quantities of Wellingtons and thigh boots. 80% of production was for war materials – from ground sheets to life belts and gas masks. After WW II boot making had to move to a larger factory in Heathhall Dumfries, where the company has been based since, to deal with the rise in demand. Hunter’s most famous welly, the original Green wellington, was made over 50 years ago in the winter of 1955. It was the first orthopedic boot that we made and was launched alongside the Royal Hunter another boot that remains in…

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You Never Really Know What Will Happen

What’s going to happen from one day to the next. All you can do is think positive and do your best. Woke up this morning after a great sleep to the sounds of raindrops on the roof top patio. Got ready and jumped in a cab to work. Got an email that made my day, it was something I’d been thinking about, dreaming of, then voila, it happened. I’ll share with you eventually. Have a bunch of meetings so went out to grab lunch early. There’s something so refreshing about the rain, I feel like I could walk for hours today. Speaking at an event after work. Looking forward to winter weather, hibernating, and organizing the house. Decided to reflect back on some posts tagged ‘rain’ from over the years. The best things about having a blog is the ability to look back on the past and see how far you’ve come. And how much you’re changed. June 2008 – Walking in the Rain July, 2009 Even When it Rains, It Shines Aug. 2009 – You Can’t Rain on My Parade July 2012 – Flow Power Rain Shower Oct. 2012, Save if for a Rainy Day Don’t  let the rain get you down, use it as inspiration to build you up. Or just lay around and watch movies like I did ALL DAY yesterday. I didn’t even tweet once for the whole day. A digital detox was just what I needed. Sending sunshine your way 🙂 CASIE

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23

13 Tech Trends To Adopt Before The Year’s End http://t.co/YfJZ8UKa via @zite # I want to put you in a category http://t.co/EGCemqPS via @thisissethsblog # I was sent a copy and just started it… http://t.co/xrUD0bpE # Font change. http://t.co/8Guo7ybG # Watching Thomas Crown Affair, one of my favs. Seen it so many times! # Jazzy @kissproducts manicure to start the week. Look out! http://t.co/L6PPk53X # Before @TheSheepdogs show last night. Fun. http://t.co/cA2NL7EZ # Good morning world! Here’s to a great week. Put on your smile and have an awesome day! # 50 Famous Leaders And Career Advice That Shaped Them http://t.co/86je95VL #inspiration # Mum & me, @Sperry_UK style. http://t.co/TtMHHngZ # Meet Matilda Swinton – http://t.co/Ry7qyH1S (I don’t know why but this is so funny to me) # Make a wish. #

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CIBC Run for The Cure 2012 – September 30!

This year I’m participating in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure on September 30, 2012. I’m running with Lauren, Sarah, Courtney, and Harmony as TEAM 5138008. Get it? BOOBIES! I’ve been training by running, dancing (joined a burlesque troupe!), eating healthy, and mentally preparing for 5k. At this point I can to 2.5k  and by 12 days from now, I’ll be ready! When I think about the estimated over 23,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year in Canada, I’m happy to be supporting a cause that touches so many of us. I heard yesterday about a friends Mum being diagnosed with Breast Cancer and I wrote this post right away. As of right now I have raised 16% of my personal goal of $300. I would like to blow that number out of the WATER! You can make a difference. With your support, the Foundation will continue funding breast cancer research, education and health promotion initiatives across the country, making a difference from coast to coast. To learn more about the work the Foundation does, visit www.cbcf.org Will you support me in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure? A donation of $20, $50 or $100 will really help me get closer to my fundraising goal. Of course, any donation will make a difference and help create a future without breast cancer. You can make your donation here. Need some PINK donation motivation?  Pink glasses, pink sky! Me running for the CURE! Pink Strawberry Tic Tacs for Breast Cancer Month! Mum and I in MATCHING Pink jackets! Me yesterday in Pink wrinkle free Oxford & BF cardigan from Mark’s, Hunter Wellies, Abercrombie demin (so old), and a smile. We’re still deciding what to wear as a team put I…

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Calgary Casie, Banff Bound

Driving on the Trans Canada highway from Calgary to Banff. Great flight on WestJet, picked up the car and hit the road. I met a bear. “The Trans-Canada Highway (French: Route Transcanadienne) is a federal-provincial highway system that travels through all ten provinces of Canada. It is, along with the Trans-Siberian Highway and Australia’s Highway 1, one of the world’s longest national highways, with the main route spanning 8,030 km (4,990 mi).” Wikipedia Happy I packed all the clothes. It’s cool & rainy. Fully prepared with Wellies and yellow raincoat. Opened my suitcase, pulled out a vintage fur and leopard hat. Stylish and snug as a bug. Pat Hope, my Fairy Godmother would be proud! I could see what we are diving past right now. I’m gonna wake up in the Rockies. This is crazy. Can’t wait to see the @urbannativegirl, @latejuly, & the @CoralTV team. Tired/excited. Let’s do this! Hi, Calgary! Nice to be in you. Cheers to Travel Alberta for the warm welcome. Posted from iPhone!

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Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.

I love when it rains. Joe Fresh denim shirt dress, Hunter wellies, Gap kids rubber jacket, Toronto Star cartoon brolly. Sadly, my brolly caught a bad case of wind on the way to the conference and he is no longer with us. Made it to Women in Business conference, found power supply. The guy on stage just used a word I don’t know, can someone explain ‘rolodex?’ See what I did here? We start filming Monday. I’m really excited. Been waiting for THIS for my whole life. You know how I always tell you to be positive and make the most of each day? Well, I really freaking mean it. The only way to attract good and wonderful things into your life is to put it out there. Like attracts like, the power of attraction is about particles of matter. Had a great sister date yesterday, look at these babes. LOVE YOU GIRLS. Thank you Bobby for this kind Tweet one day we will meet. Brands, listen up! “One of the best “brands” on social media is @casiestewart … she has leveraged numerous outlets to build a tremendous business & brand! #ff” — BobbyRettew (@BobbyRettew) June 1, 2012 Title is a quote by James Matthew Barrie quotes, Scottish Dramatist and Novelist who is best known as the creator of Peter Pan. Cheers to Tink, the original pixie fairy girl. Have an awesome day 🙂

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Beerfest 2011, The Sheepdogs, Sunshine & Rain

Welcome to the Social Media Lounge. Turned out great cause we had food & beer service inside our lounge with a roof over head. Considering how hard it rained here & there, appreciated it heaps. You get one glass like this to fill up with different beers. I had heaps of beer tokens and was the Suga Mama for my peeps. I surprisingly didn’t get drunk and was sober when I came home. Thankful for that. I’m growing up, clearly. I also love being Suga Mama. My Converse at the start of the day. Crisp, white, cute. My Converse now. Dirty, muddy, ruined. Sheepdogs chilled in our lounge for a bit. ET Canada was there doing stories. I love guys who look like Jesus. I’m not religious but that look has me hooked like Sunday morning. Nice meeting you babes. You’re gonna be huge. These pix are for you Mum!! Told them about you 🙂 Fan girls. (fatal attraction to cuteness) Top of the Budweiser Big Rig! Spent lots of time on that thing last year at BudCamp. Saw a bunch of my BudCamp babes around too. Not confirmed if I’ll be there again this year. Here comes the rain. We got drenched. It was AWESOME. Everyone was swayin’ in the crowd singing along to the Sheepdoggies. It was very rock-festivally. Dear God, yes please. With a side of bass. Party on Wayne. Sheepdoggy Style. Front row. Shan, check that beardo brother in the background! haha Sick stache buddy. Whatever happened to the Beardo Brothers anyways? I loved those guys. (I checked, they’re like, old now.) This is only a selection of photos I took of these guys. They are for my, uh, personal collection. Hey B-ROCKlyn. Olympus PEN cam, ILU! Thanks to TorStar for the brolly. Comics FTW! Wearing KINI…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

My fav wine @notabletv #notablechileanwines Castillero del Diablo http://post.ly/1xBcd # Photo: Stylish boy in wellies. http://tumblr.com/xmj2a5471v # Heard my sister @jeniestewart on the radio commercial for @centralcounties finally! Love you! # Everybody dies but not everybody lives – @drakkardnoir # Every night RT @BangsandaBun: Must remember to polish my halo tonight. # Amazing have fun in NYC! RT @VENUSTONG: @casiestewart sending you a tweet 30,000ft high via flying @VirginAmerica. I LOVE IT. # ehllo # S finger motion + dance move + hands in air RT @jenniferherd: @CrystalGibson @juiceboxdotcom there ain't no party like an S Club party. # Come visit. Here for a few 🙂 (@ Darren Kwik) [pic]: http://4sq.com/hrEkv4 # Photo: Got this in the mail from New Zealand! http://tumblr.com/xmj2a1okez # Can someone check for me? >> There's an @evian campaign truck at Queen and John. Shirts there? # here comes the sun. # RE: das nice. tried to send more photos but gay didn't post. urgh. http://disq.us/1sf2f3 # im not hiding i live here now http://flpbd.it/lGlH # “i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted. http://goo.gl/fb/FX4PJ #blog # wowza congrats @ilovecpstyle 🙂 @FHCanucks lucky to have you! # #flipboard ILU! so does my blog. http://post.ly/1x5IQ # Photo: @raymitheminx been reading blog in like a magazine. so pretty http://tumblr.com/xmj29zxci9 # RE: i know. i was DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. making this post was such a pleasure. blogged from bed. so hot. gah. http://disq.us/1secop # now that they are going extinct. that's the most romantic note you can get. #typewriter # true 🙂 RT @reggieramone: @casiestewart I remember walking on Queen with you, every other person (on or off a bike) was like HI CASIE!!! # socks? RT @alkarim: Come up with something awkward and ask to borrow it day at the office. # thunder. # raymitheminx what…

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inventional wisdom – a new kind of technical education

Been singing/listening to French music this morning. Lovely to get away but so nice to come home. Do you know this song ‘J’arrive a la Ville’. This video is from a couple years ago, RIP those red Wellies. Klout score is feeling slutty again tday, haha. Pix are from MIT on Friday. Was great being there, really got my brain kickin’ up into high(er) gear. Heaps to share from my wonderful & relaxing getaway to Boston & the Cape this weekend. Meeting newest intern today and excited to go through more applications & grow the Art Stew Media team. Will pick Textality winner this afternoon. Have a wonderfully awesome day!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

super warm out right now. # Imma eat you (@ Z-Teca) http://4sq.com/gAQjhw # Gah. RT @THR: Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ Viewed Online More Than @LadyGaga, @JustinBieber Videos http://bit.ly/hLsSO2 # This is a good read: To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died via @ThoughtCatalog – To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died… http://tumblr.com/xmj230ows4 # the #yandr was very meh today. not enough sharon & @victornewman. # music: found this again today. listened like xx times. http://goo.gl/fb/wQOmD #blog # break for mama’s show. #yandr # love @youtube on #ipad + speakers. # java update. #talknerdy # surprising that only ONE person called the number i published today. bunch of txt’s as i asked though, you are so well behaved. # have you votedfor @shawnhawaii today? takes 2 sec. http://bit.ly/hX6DKX # I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/-IunmW3wI5Q?a Selah Sue – Raggamuffin # Singing Selah Sue song after song. Do you know her? You’ll like this. http://youtu.be/-IunmW3wI5Q # Love it here. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/e1xbTa # Little visit to my loves. Congrats on great event last week! (@ Nella Bella Head Office) http://4sq.com/gpZoss # Loving the intern applications for @artstewmedia. Stew brewin’! # happy when rains so i can wear… http://dailybooth.com/u/8uz2l # i’d like you to play this one on guitar & we can sing it together. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/CbMeAOTPJzM?a) # same. RT @thatdrew: stop. showertime. # blog job: $100/post http://bit.ly/fV9iqn #humberPR #CCIT #CCPR #toronto #gta # weather this weekend was so nice. patio chills w/ @keriblog http://post.ly/1smQe # hey ducker. http://post.ly/1smGm # i have blogged more than 5x today on different sites. who says they have no time for blogging? pfffft. # Photo: › you know you’ve made it when you google yourself on the internet and this comes up via @gublersoup http://tumblr.com/xmj22v0a7t # nice to know. RT @SeanMoffitt: Contrary to popular belief, men…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Where is karaoke tonight? # hey @SaladKingTO, i'm coming to you for dinner. do i need a reso? # having an affirmations girl moment again…. i love my life, i love my friends, i love… http://youtu.be/-kKswLd65Ws # VIP Invitation to Casey's Dundas Jarvis http://post.ly/1qphr # you guys are THE BEST at knowing stuff i don't know. what would i do without you! (don't say google haha!) # aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thanks for all your suggestions! SALAD KING it is! 🙂 Thank you! # i need a thai place near Eaton Centre. reco? i never eat thai or in the area! #HELP # omg just found out one of my client's cousin is LAUREN from the #yandr i knew we had a connection! #OMG # I'm going to be hiring more bloggers, in order to be considered you gotta be on & have posted on @ZLISTcom 😉 #staytuned # Thank you @ToyotaCanada for the car last week. We had a fun time! #matrixlove # god we're cute! me & @shananigans5 @ Saatchi http://dailybooth.com/u/8qwbv # Hi friends! I am in your house 😉 (@ Saatchi & Saatchi) http://4sq.com/gJW2Bt # Jamming to @tinydanza! # if i win those #fabfind leafs tix onf of you can have them ok. # All good on the hood @toyotacanada, no parking ticket! See ya soon 🙂 http://twitpic.com/4gy2hw # Dear life, I LOVE YOU. Thank you for being awesome. xo Casie # omg parking ran out, i better not have a parking ticket. gah. # ha @CrystalGibson he probably saw my tweet because he just txt me. oh, i love the internet. (boy reading this you are awesome too) # #whitestboyalive – forgot how happy you make mama's ears. # he hasn't txt me back yet because _________? # wow you guys are really awesome. blesses with awesome people around…

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during business hours athlete + after hours athlete

Can I get a workout? Hell yeah. You know this place and this babe. business hours athletes: blog, workout, tweet, blog, smile, rinse repeat. Was nice to see Rosa Park arrive at The Motion Room to shoot this for The Globe & Mail. Video/article will be out in about a month. Bloggers vs  newspaper = massive time difference in posting content. This is a sneak peek from the Puma After Hours Athlete spot we shot Friday night. SO much fun. The team at 1188 was awesome to work with. Can’t wait to see/show you the final product. Actual event/party is March 10th. I absolutely love being on camera as a host of something cool. My goal this year is to do more video. My sister was a really great help as my assistant/wrangler. Very important job, really awesome way to gain experience about film/TV/producing. These are my new boots, Tretorn Skerry Resling, a tall alternative to the Tretorn favorite. Jenie & I had matching pink/red, blue/green Puma jackets that kept us pretty warm. I love wearing matching outfits. I’m sure that stems from all my years in dance (3-13). I so would love this one piece sailing gear from Puma. I would love to get it for you Mum. Part of being an after hours athlete involves dim lights, cold beverages and high fives. Met this giant rocking a v neck, Freddie Mercury hair and this waxed out stache. Dad used to have a friend with a hot rod who had one of those massive waxed staches. I do not remember his name or this guy’s name either. Ran in to the lovely Jess & Maram in the hood aka Queen West aka the place you will alwasy run into someone. It’s a scene like every day of the week. Jess make sure you email me about our…

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quiz: you haz twitter account yes or no?

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m a wicked multitasker. ftw. # i hate that paper.li. it’s UG-Li. # Well done Dana 😉 RT @danadearmond: You’re like half of mount rushmore, two faced! -burn I just made up. @danadearmond 2010 # oh my BF, Gubler, you are so handsome. ILU> HEAPS. # been stalking a few people online. makes me feel good cause i know peeps be creepin on me and my blog w/out comments & shiz. totes fair. # uh huh @issarged. niiiiiiice. http://twitpic.com/316rar # lookin good @crystalgibson 🙂 #140characters http://twitpic.com/316qwc # just for you my sweet @morgan_c_ross 😉 http://twitpic.com/316qgh # anyone know someone at @TBWA? kinda stalking them atm. http://twitpic.com/316p1w # Photo: omg. http://tumblr.com/xmjncepgf # thinking i will be a dominatrix style vampire friday night for people downtown’s halloweener party. yeah? # or bring me to your gym for a class. i dunno what i like or wanna do for exercise but i need to do something. beach trips in december! # omg love chatting w/ mates from NZ, reply “Na bro” sooooooooo kiwi. # have you got some yet today? https://casiestewart.com # i need a trainer or fitness classes, something for 1 month. 30 day challenge > you will be blogged. email me: [email protected] # I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Matthew Gray Gubler: The Unauthorized Documentary http://youtu.be/u2Ll4LAoeZE?a # Photo: › FASHION HAIUKU: › › First page of your blog › › Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” Boots › › Navigate away. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5zg2 # Photo: Christy was my fav model growing up. › [Mystery solved] (you were right, @randtm!). › › Christy… http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5v37 # Photo: › my BF Gubler in Terry’s glasses. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5s6l # Photo: my BF and terry terrysdiary:Me and Gubler in my studio. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5p4w # i am in love with matthewgray gubler. hey mgg, calll mee! # “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve…

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leaving on a jet plane

Good morning. Had a FREAKOUT this morning. No not because of my adventure but because my  blog was hacked. Don’t do that. Seriously. Who the fuck hacks a sunshine-rainbow-fantasty-glitter blog like mine? Looooooooosers. Panic at my disco when I got the notification. Seriously. First thought, shit, I leave for NZFW today what the hell imma do? Please don’t hack things, it’s not nice. Bad actions/vibes you put into the universe have a magnetic particles and like attracts like and they will all come back to you. Be careful. Heaps of clothes. Thanks to Canadian designers Paris Li, Andy Hall and Nella Bella for outfitting me with style. Thanks to Telus for my phone + keeping me connected. Thanks Betty Kiss for the massive suitcase &  reversible clutches.  I packed shoes galore, Doc’s, cowboys, wellies and five other pairs. It’s fashion week followed by chill time with the fams, totes necesary. My two suit cases aren’t stuffed though, need to leave room to bring home lotsa goodies & prezzies. Taking some Tim’s coffee for a cute little blogger named Hannah in NZ. Carry on bag is from Nella Bella, the red reno suede. It’s lovely! I always bring my sketchbook on the plane. I get inspired watching people, looking at the flight path, reading listening to music, flying in general really. Crispers S&V are my fav snack (just saw on sale at Shoppers for $0.99, go stock up on my christmas present!). I can plow through a bag of them easy. SO crunchy. New Wired mag arrived yesterday just in time. Might actually read it sice I’m travelling. I’ve been getting it for two years and each month I browse when it arrives then leave it sitting there to rot, spine uncracked. Packed Kabbalah meditation cards, the 72 names of God,…

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crowd surfing into your dreams baby

By the time you read this I’ll be on a bus with Carly to Bud Camp with 30 Bud Girl. It’s near Napanee, where Avril is from. Doubt she’s in town. Probs rippin’ itr eal late with Brody Jenner somewhere getting a new tattoo. haha I really hope we’re in a cabin with showers and stuff. I’ve packed wellies and warm clothes with daisy dukes, bikini’s. Naturally. I’ve looked at a bunch of the activities and I don’t think it’s safe for me to do them. I’m not really into water sports or paintball. I see them as a way to get bruised up or broken. Remember last year when I fell 12 feet and fractured two bones in my back? Yeah. I do. I also hope that there is wifi. Pray for me! Have you seen this yet? I die. I love her. Lady Gaga RULES.

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#Wakestock day 3

Riding in the back of the production vehicle with the girls heading back stage. Today we watch wakeboarding and hang. Poutine for breakfast. Rained, its muddy, we’ve got wellies and I’m dressed like superman. Virgin mobile tent backstage. My cape is blowing in the wind and the band just started. 

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life in poetic motion

took myelf for breakfast. queen west. wellies cause it might rain, brolly too. latte skim, peanut butter toast. cloudy sky, fresh air, bright eyes. fabric of life, make a new dress. afternoon delight with zoey.

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i hope you don’t screw like you type.

This was meant to go up yesterday but my site was hacked! I had a mini heart attack but then my friend played doctor to my blog baby and now she’s out of emergency and recovering well. Thank jesus! Lovely walk to work this morning. Played in the park for a min. Got a coffee. Wore suede boots even though its raining, its so slight not enough for wellies. Getting really excited for Florida in two weeks. Came home last night and kinda wished I had a BF, that thought was gone when I woke up. Gonna do some zoeyng tonight. Have a shirt to make and a vest. Mum gave me heaps of pattern books from the early eighty’s and all that stuff is in style right now. Just ran into Daniel. He said ‘hi Magical’ I know he means it. That little minute meeting gave me a dose of inspiration and hazaaaa that resembles wheat grass. Pleasure seeing friends that are doing well and doing what they love at the same time. i was so inspired in fact that I kept typing and walked right past Timmy Ho’s. Good thing there’s at least three on my way. Blind Melon ‘No Rain’ is playing as I walk by Jack Astors on John Street. There is inspiration everywhere. There is inspiration everywhere! I love this song.

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my world 2.0

The sound of a rooster woke me up, and, just as I planned, I started laughing. I fell asleep thinking positive thoughts of “welcome summer” and “I want a porsche“. Got up about an hour earlier than usual to kick off the week before my birthday on Saturday, I’m gonna be 28. Its a beautiful day, the ground is wet, the air is warm. Might rain but for now, the sun is shining bright. Pulled out the AA thigh highs, threw on my wellies and shorts and made it out the door just after 8am. Sun shining in my face… Pretty walk through the park. Ready for puddle jumping. Having lunch with the lovely Lucia and I’ve also booked the whole night to myself. Started cleaning room last night, finally. Brought a banana for brekky today. It’s time to start planning for Florida trip, as in not eating crap! I need that toned up beach body in place, maybe I’ll even get a couple workouts (won’t hold my breath on that one!). Its absolutely lovely outside today. I wrote this as I walked to work using WordPress mobile & added the pix from my phone when I got into the office.  Hope your day starts off great like mine did. If it didn’t, maybe reading this little note might help. Happy Monday!

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i got you flowers

Love that it’s thunder-stormy today. I hope it rains all day to be honest. Woke up with a nasty kink in my neck and i’ve been having trouble turning left all day. Anyhow,  I got you some flowers because it’s kinda gloomy and I want you to feel happy too. My nail polish is chipped but its matchy. These guys are special. Aren’t they beautiful, don’t you love them? One of the reason I love the rain so much is my collection of Wellies & Moovboots paired with bright rain jackets. It really does make a difference. Different Mum’s growing up taught me ‘looking good is feeling good’. Check out this battle wound from LG Fashion Week, and you thought YOUR day was bad. This think KILLS.  It looks really nasty cause it’s still got the fake tattoo on it. Hurts too much to rub off.  It does match my name shirt though! [positive though] Ok, have a beautiful day. Love you. Just entered this LG contest for  a trip for two to LA to go on a $5,000 shopping spree with Jason Derulo Hey big spenda! I could blog /blog through that in  NO TIME. You can enter too but honestly, I hope I win 😛 There’s only a few days left to enter – until April 11th. Click on my little faces to go for the gold!

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stop complaining about the raining

You will not hear me complaining about this weather, I love it. Pull out a raincoat, throw on some Moovboots or Wellies and walk right through mud puddles.    I’ve heard people whining about it on Twitter and I don’t get it. I could find a zillion things to do instead of that. Make a fort. Art project. Movie night.  The rain, it’s so refreshing. Wet hair is kinda hot and mascara running down the face is super hot. Hope your day’s been good. Gramma came out last night. HAHA.

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what are you looking at over here there everywhere

Been crazy busy this week dudes. I love blogging and get all anxious when I don’t update. All is good. Magazine mini launch on Monday and Kelly Cutrone is coming to MTV. So excited, Gang of Bloggers coming and media too. Phone light keeps going off and driving me nuts, message waiting. Wore a cute outfit today. Been dressing more fun and fashiony (than a cold day) now the weather has warmed. I’m judging a dress design contest for Peach Berserk coming up (scroll down) and a music contest thingy tonight (they said it’s Idol like?) . Need more time in the day. Stoked for the rain, I hope it rains all weekend and I stay home the whole time with my computer (Robert) my gadgets and Moovboots in case I need to go out. Like this video. Love her. These are some recent thing that people have been searching to fin my bloggy-blog. Funny: “andrew lane” “liberty village” toronto. (somebody is looking for you!) andrew peek toronto friend. (yes friend) beauty pageants sashes in toronto for sale. (never selling mine) best sunshine girl ever toronto. (me) blackberry messenger gay. (so gay) casie stewart northbound skirt off. (happened) do people do greasy stuff on chatroulette. (yes) elsa bangz houseparty porn. Why not watch MORE toon porn at cartoonporno.xxx? ( haha Elsa you little NYC tramp!) where do all the ginos get their haricuts in toronto. (how do I know that?) sizzle beach nude pics. (maybe a nip slip?) sexy girls in wellies. (totally)

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spring fever baby, take me for a ride

Even if it doesn’t last, even if it snows again, I don’t care, this makes me so happy. I need to get my bike tuned up, tires pumped, rust removed. She wants me to rider her. I walk past her everyday, we glance at each other. We want to be together. We will be together. She’s beautiful. This one was taken  in an alley off Queen Street in March about two years ago. I used to have red wellies but they ‘somehow’ went missing.  It was really weird, I went away from the weekend and came back and they were gone. My heart still hopes they turn up one day, until then I’m happy to have red Moovboots. I really hope Spring is on it’s way and winter has sprung. I’m ready for sunshine, bare legs and open toes. Fingers crossed, we can only hope. Enjoy it while it’s here!

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adventures in lifestyle

Got introduced  Moovboot via @randallchannel recently. I’ve got two pairs this week.  You know  I love my wellies and honestly, for a Canadian girl in the winter, they trump them by like 10,000 x. They’re from Australia, they tweet, and they’re into ‘adventures in lifestyle’. Marino sheepskin, rubber outside, totally warm when wet. We’re now in committed 3-way a relationship. You can get them at Get Outside. You want a pair? I’ll give you some! Twitter contest: Sign in with Twitter & comment this post with #mooovboot. I’m gonna pick a winner and this is what you get….

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