Day 49: Work It Out


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My Fitness Journey (So Far)

Let me start this by staying I felt like complete shit for a lot of last year. Behind the many smiling selfies, I was in pain, depressed, and trying to ignore nerve damage in half of my face. I had been treating my body like garbage with alcohol, bad food, no sleep, and something had to change. I gained a bunch of weight and after being small my whole life, I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t live like that anymore. For a lot of 2009-2019 I went to multiple events a week, sometimes several per night. I was always on the go. I ate like crap and drank multiple times a week. When I hit my 30’s, my body changed, I gained weight, then I had a breast reduction, nearly broke my back w/ two cracked back ribs and closed out the decade with a fractured collarbone. A lot of good things happened in the last decade too but I’ve already shared that stuff. For years I dreamed of being a better me, one who ate healthier, felt good in a bathing suit, had longer hair, and genuine happiness that shined out of her face. That’s who I wanted to be so I started doing things differently. From September to January, I lost 20+Lbs and does it ever make a difference! I’m saving time by not stressing over my clothes not fitting. I feel mentally and physically stronger. I have more energy and I’m happier. Here’s the low down on how I got here and I feel confident that I will stick to it this time because I love feeling this way. Fasting In August 2019 I started intermittent fasting, 8hrs eating window (noon-8 pm) and fasting the rest of the day. I started to feel healthier, more energized, and leaner…

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56% Of Canadians Don’t have a Will, Don’t Be One of Them!

I’m in a Facebook group for my neighborhood, someone asked about wills this week and it was CRAZY to see how many people don’t have one. This is a short post with a code for you to go to and get yourself a will. You can create a legal will in minutes for $99-$150. USE CODE CASIE15 FOR 15% OFF AT WILLFUL WILLS I created a will when the company launched and had Sean create one before he went to Israel this past summer. I can’t imagine life without him but since we aren’t married, what would happen to the house and my whole life if he died? It’s never fun to think about life without someone you love or the world without you in it, but the fact is, we all die. If you have pets, kids, assets, what will happen to all that stuff? Take a few minutes to create an online will and save your kids, spouse, or family having to deal with legal fees and drama once you’re gone. LOVE YOU. PLEASE DON’T DIE.

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I read a great article on self-care yesterday about how it’s not all chocolate and bubble baths. Self-care is doing stuff for yourself like not going out, eating well, making time to exercise, and fighting through the hard crap like cleaning your room and doing your taxes. I finally did mine this year after more years than I care to admit.  This Is What ‘Self-Care’ REALLY Means, Because It’s Not All Salt Baths And Chocolate Cake In January I set out to take better care of myself and started regular yoga and since I’ve become stronger physically and mentally. I’ve carved out time in my life to do things FOR MYSELF and not be pressured to do things or go to things if I really don’t feel like it. Sure, I have missed out on fancy parties, previews but do I really care? No. I’ve gone to more parties and events in the last 10 years than some people will ever go to. I never feel FOMO when I scroll past familiar faces smiling or posting the perfect cheers in a Boomerang. I am all about the JOMO – THE JOY OF MISSING OUT. I love skipping things to go to yoga or leave early because I have something important t0 get to (aka yoga). Last winter I invested in creating a beautiful workspace for myself at home filled with smart lights, an air purifying fan, all the plants, and photos I’d been meaning to frame for years. I love staying home and there is nothing wrong with that. This is a reminder to you and myself to not feel bad for putting yourself first. If you don’t, who will? By taking care of myself, I free up room to do more and take care of others without feeling drained or worrying about things I need…

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The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. 

Been loving yoga the last month. I feel good! It’s hard to stay focussed on eating well considering how much I love food, chips, and eating the go. I’ve been cooking in the Instant Pot a lot and trying to have homemade food on hand. Was at Sassoon last week for a trim. Love having a partnership for my hair bc it is pretty high maintenance. Always need a trim or colour to stay looking fresh.  Last weekend I made another terrarium. TD Hooked me up with all the goodies so it was pretty easy.  The weekend before I made a terrarium w/ Hawley & some friends at the Google Shop. We had one really nice day out last week and now it’s cold again. I am really loving staying home more and yoga. I feel like I needed to take some time to focus on me, like my actual self. I’ve focussed on doing that more since my LA trip last month. Feels good. Hope you’re enjoying the weekend! Title quote: The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. – Richard Bach

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21 Days Till the New Year – Why Wait to Make a Change?

Went for my first yoga class in a while today. I feel so good. Found a studio that’s a 7min walk and beside a great coffee shop. I also downloaded a countdown app for my next trip (California!) and set a countdown till the New Year. There’s 21 days till 2017 and since it’s been such a sh*t year for heaps of reasons, I’m gonna try and make the last bit really great. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? In case you’re just tuning in, I had breast reduction surgery this summer and have been a bit slow getting back to it. The recovery was not too long/hard but big stretches with arms over the head were not in my favour. I did some aerial yoga about 3 months after but not full on yoga-yoga. Plastic surgery is something that I had been thinking about for a long time so I made sure to do as much research as I could before committing to a procedure. One of my friends has recently had a breast reduction operation at the luxurgery facility in New York. I cannot wait to meet up with her soon so we can swap stories about our procedures. Today was the day. Registered for a noon class at YOGA YOGA and set out to make it a good one. A couple weeks months ago I picked out some great yoga gear from the new Gaiam website as a gift from the brand. THANK YOU! Today I opened all the packages and put on new stuff for class. WOO HOO. YOGA YOGA is a vinyasa yoga studio in the Junction Triangle super close to my house. Had it not been a snow storm I’d totally have been there in 2mins via bike. Felt good to stretch. The class was warm…

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