Get Your Money Sitch Sorted and Plan Your Future

What would you do if you lost your job!? Main source of income? Would you be ok for a month or two OR would you be freaking riiiiight out? Over the years I’ve mentioned my finances a few times and how I dealt with debt and that whole ‘money’ thing. In a study from the Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC), they found 2/5 Canadians worry about $$$ at least once a day. 1/4 worry “almost constantly.” They also learned, 4/10 Canadians said they’d run out of money in

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Tech | The FUTURE is HERE: Siri Can Now Send Money via PayPal

Last week I met up w/ Jen aka @jennandthecity for after work drinks, we’ve been meaning to hang out for ages and our schedules finally aligned. It was my first time checking out Bar Reyna in Yorkville which has a gorgeous back patio that feels like an escape from the city. I picked up the tab bc we were in a bit of a hurry and a couple days later, Jenn sent me money via PayPal using Siri. I’ve had PayPal for ages and it’s my fav way to shop online, this new integration makes sending money to friends super easy. If you’ve ever had to pay someone back or been waiting for someone to pay you back, it can be super awkward and/or annoying. Luckily your girl Siri makes it super easy.  Starting November 10th, for the first time in Canada, iPhone users can tell Siri to send or request money through an integration with the PayPal app. A first for Canada, PayPal launches peer-to-peer payments w/ Siri. More here: #P2Ppayments #sendmoney #remittance — PayPal Canada (@PayPalCA) November 10, 2016 Once you’ve got the PayPal app [download here if you don’t have it yet!] and your phone is on iOS 10, you’re ready to roll. Wake up Siri and ask him/her to send money to a friend.  Contacts who match the name will pop up, select the person, and voila, Siri will send it. You can 100% send money to someone who isn’t on iPhone and if they person doesn’t have a PayPal account, they’ll be prompted to set one up. Lending money to friends can end bad, on average PayPal found that 30% of Canadians have lost a friend over an IOU. Been there? Me too. In the PayPal Money Habits Study by Koski Research, they found more than 53% of us Canadians find it…

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Tech | Canada’s Leading Digital Media: NextMedia + Digi Awards 2016

Last week I was a speaker at NextMedia, Canada’s leading digital media conference. the 2 day conference focusses on creation, distribution, and monetization of digital media content and technology. Our panel, moderated by Amber Mac, was Blurred Lines: Best Practices for Disclosing Paid Content. I’ve mentioned it a few times how this is a hot topic. My thoughts are that if you are working with someone or got the product/thing as an in-kind donation or gift,, just say so. If you always work on things you genuinely like, being authentic is easy. This isn’t a great photo but it was a memorable moment. Jake said people who will just work for any brand and do it for the money are ‘brand whores’. It’s hard to trust someones opinion if they don’t really have one and they’re just slingin’ stuff at you all the time. Discussing the #BlurredLines on #Disclosure of #Paid #Content via new #Advertising Standards #Rules ☠️ #nextMEDIA16 #handshake A photo posted by Kevin September (@septembersphere) on Nov 10, 2016 at 7:49am PST Amber asked me to be a presenter at the Digis which is the award show closing out the conference.  In it’s 10th year, the awards celebrate Canada’s most successful digital media companies and creators. I wasn’t nervous at all until it came time for rehearsal and I had to read a teleprompter. Which, by the way, was easier than I thought! I presented the award for Best Branded Content. The winner was Lilly & The Snowman from Cineplex. In other news, I left getting a dress to the last minute. So, I popped over to my go-to girls at Studio Fitzroy to rent something. Remember in the summer when I blogged about their dress rentals? That biz was SO SUCCESSFUL they’ve opened a dress rental spot on Dundas West.…

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Winners of The 48 Giveaway – See You at The Office!

It’s time! I feel like it’s time to grace the world with some good news and great views. The winners of The 48 office space giveaway are announced below. I’ll be reaching out to a few more of you to join me at the offices for a tour and toast in the next few weeks. The 48 Office Suite Giveaway – Winners Grand Prize Winner: Cara Rice – 6 months mailbox – 8 hours in executive suite – Invite to cocktail event with +1 2nd place: Martin Rubio – 4 hours in executive suite – 6 month executive mailbox – Invite to cocktail event with +1 3rd place: Michael Brassel – 2 hours in one of the smaller offices – 6 month executive mailbox – Invite to cocktail event with +1 Runner Up Prizes: I will be contacting a handful of people to join me and the winners at The 48 for a cocktail hour and tour of the office. The 48 is a beautiful place to work with a variety of other services and amenities to make your new workspace the best place to get things done. Aside from a great view and location at 1 King West, you can get 24/7 access with Valet Parking. You can use this beautiful big boardroom for important meetings, focus groups, team lunch, or shooting the next episode of your soon to be trending YouTube show.  ?✌? Once you’ve sorted out the details of your new office, you’ll get access to the hotel gym, discount on One King West dining, preferred hotel rates, and more. Need catering? No problem! The internet is fast and each office has a TV you can connect to your phone or laptop to use as a second screen or display monitor.  The kitchen has full amenities including fridge, stove, and sink for entertaining guests,…

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Travel | Walking Wynwood w/ New iPhone 7 Plus from Telus

On my travels last month I was in Miami for a short visit so I took a tour of the Wynwood Art District. I’ve been dying to go there and check out the walls. Telus hooked me up with with the new iPhone 7 Plus before my trip to the Florida Keys so I left my DSLR at home and went iPhone only. Telus has been rated the BEST National Carrier for iPhone and has  a variety of plans avail to make sure you get the phone you want. You might be looking to upgrade after all my travel photos! For info about the iPhone 7 Plus or awesome features of iOS 10, visit TBH this phone camera is the absolute BEST I’ve ever had. I strolled around Wynwood for about hour taking photos of walls, doors, various alleys, and art in alleys. When I got to the airport I edited them all using Camera and no apps or filters. I am so impressed with this little thing!  The sky was a little crazy this day because Hurricane Matthew was passing by, it made for a good street art backdrop though.  The iPhone 7 Plus has 2 lenses 1 is a reg iPhone camera and the second lens is a telephoto. With the iOS 10.1, Apple released Portrait Mode which uses the telephoto lens to isolate the subject like a professional camera (DSLR). It’s incredible. Works amazing to take photos of friends but also is killer for close up shots of products, nature, just about anything with dimension. Lots of photos in this post so have the short version here, click below for like 20 more!

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100 Pieces of Sponsored Content + New Ad Standards for Influencers

I’ve been trying do a better job of keeping tract of my actual blog related work. Since is a mostly a diary about my life, it can be hard to determine what is sponsored (work) and what isn’t. I share heaps so maybe you miss the little disclaimer line now & then. I like to keep a good mix of non-sponsored content mixed in with the spon con. Last year I set up as my online portfolio website and I UPDATED IT THIS WEEKEND. There’s 100+ examples of sponsored things I’ve done over the past few years. Crazy how they all add up! Found this quote on Forbes over the weekend and it’s what motivated me to stop scrolling social media and put in some quality time building my website. I’m finding/remembering stuff all the time so there’s a bunch more to add. CASIESTEWART.BIZ/WORK  This week I’m on a panel at the NextMedia Conference talking about this stuff with someone from the ASC, Facebook, and an agent who represents influencers. It’s sure to be a good discussion and spark even more around the topic. In a prep call for the panel, Janet from the ASC said: “We have simply introduced a new Interpretation Guideline to require disclosure of any material connection, because we identified a gap in the coverage of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards regarding bloggers and influencers.” Influencers and sponsored content are a very hot topic right now with new rules in Canada from the ASC based on the USA FTC regulations on testimonials, endorsements, and reviews. If you are interested in the you can find them here. DEFF WORTH READING. I’ve got a few more things to share on this topic, it’s surely not going away. Until then, make sure you take a peek at my work at…

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