Contest: Most Original Kuration, the Most Original Vodka
Ok, here’s the deal. My friends at (remember from this feature, this nomination, and these events) have partnered with Stoli Vodka to give away a wicked prize pack that INCLUDES a weekend in Toronto and tickets to see the Queen of Pop herself, Madonna. The Most Original Kuration, Deserves the Most Original Vodka CASIE’S CONTEST: To ramp things up a bit, let’s help each other. Create a Kuration & upload some pix to your board (Kinda like Pinterest) Like some of my posts at Post YOUR link below & I’ll click Like on Yours PRIZE: I will send you a bottle of STOLI to your house anywhere in CANADA with a special note & some goodies from me. Get started now. Be Bold. Be Original. If you are on Facebook right now and don’t want to enter, can you please go LIKE some of mine? Thanks <3
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