Money Awesomeness + Best Apps to Manage Moolah

In my most recent episode of THIS on Coral, I teamed up with Shannon Lee Simmons, host of Money Awesomeness, to review the best personal finance apps to help you manage your money. You may also want to check out sites online for helpful advice regarding your personal finances, like this one – Check out her top picks and watch us have a bunch of laughs together. It’s so much fun doing shows with the other Coral hosts. A hoot I tell ya! Managing money isn’t easy, especially when it feels like you have tons of bills that need to be paid. Lots of folks often need tips to get your personal finances in order, as numerous people find themselves falling into debt because they can’t keep up with their expenses and the rise in the cost of living. Fear not, these apps and perhaps Credit Cards for No Credit can help you organize your finances whether you’re in debt or not. Listed Apps: Mint – iReconcile – Freshbooks – – See a review of Freshbooks here. Check out Shannon’s website for all kinds of tips on how to manage your finances. She really knows her stuff. Getting your finances in order lifts a HUGE burden, freeing your mind (and $$) to focus on other things. Whether it is choosing to fix your credit on your own or opting to speak to someone like a finance advisor, sorting out personal finances is really important, especially if this is an aspect in your life that causes a lot of stress. About seven years ago, I was on W Network show called Maxed Out and didn’t know how to manage money or debt. Getting my finances in order made a huge difference and I finally paid off school…

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THIS: Summer Tech Accessories & Apps

A brand new ep. of my show on Coral came out today. This week I’m sharing some of my fav gadgets for playing in the park and summer chilling. We had a big week for the channel passing 1,000 subscribers. Make sure you are one of them by visiting Things in the Show: House of Marley Headphones Belkin iPhone Charger Incipio OffGrid Battery Pack from Capsule Speaker from Multi device solar charger Rdio music streaming – Follow my tunes & playlists on

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You’re the next living leader of the world.

Inspired. I’m so into the narrative of this video. I’d love to write for something like this. I saw the Levi’s FW 2012 preview about a month ago at Burroughs, it was creative. Not your average fashion show. I want  that button down dress the babe with the fro has. I like that the campaign is GO FORTH.  Ford conference I was at last month and the new Ford campaign is GO FURTHER. Banff World Media had me repeating ‘innovate or die‘.  Notice a pattern here. Technology & innovation are changing everything, you can do anything now. ANYTHING. SHIFT IS HAPPENING. “You’re a queen, you’re a king, you’re the solo act in a sold out show at a six story stadium, and you’re proud, you’re a hero! You got a hero’s grip. Swingin’ by a single stitch. You follow your heart, follow the leader, you’re the leader.” Beatles Banditos just arrived in an email from Mr. Brainwash.  

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Underwater Blogging + Travel Tips + Friday Fun

Look what I can do! Underwater! Tweet, tweet, tweet! Last week on that underwater shoot for BravoFact everyone got photos in the pool. I  decided it was time to put my DryCase for iPhone to the test. Keys worked, camera worked, and my phone is 100% fine post pool. I mention the DryCase on my show this week. In this week’s episode of THIS on Coral TV, I share with you some of my fav gadgets for travelling. I don’t mind being stuck in an airport as long as I have power so the Incipio case sent me is a savior. It’s super thin and priced at $24.99 is a great buy. [View the story “Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel” on Storify] Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel Some tweets from peeps about our YouTube Channel, Coral. Subscribe at Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 10 2012 11:51:58 RT @CoralTV: Ever drop your phone in h2o? @casiestewart has a solution thanks to @dry_case – check it out on today’s ep of THIS – Case * I reallllllly tested this Dry Case on a shoot last week and it really works. I can’t wait for my next surfing trip to tweet from my board and listen to music while I surf. Go paperless when you travel with the @TripIt App! See how @casiestewart uses it in the latest episode of THIS – Thanks for the kind words! Love the people are enjoying my vids. I’m getting better at producing, it takes practice! @casiestewart You’re just too cute!! Love the @CoralTV Videos.Trina Stewart @CoralTV @casiestewart @ShannonLitt she is full of energy 🙂 love itCamMi Pham Domestic Geek @SaraLynnCauchon on @CoralTV is featured on @youtube with her amazing dishwasher tricks. Check it out Redmond I liked…

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Bot & Sold on Twitter (RE: Article from @FastCompany)

A couple of times over the last few years a photo of me has been used as a Twitter bot. I didn’t think much of it. I figured there was nothing I can do other than report for spam.  To be honest, my first thought was “you’ve made it” then it happened over a handful of times and it was kinda unsettling. Have I been targeted? What is going on here and why does this keep happening? Yesterday, Keri sent me this article from FastCompany  “Who’s That Woman In The Twitter Bot Profile? by Jason Feifer. I got a couple Tweets about it too. @casiestewart remember how there was a twitter bot of your Sunshine girl pic? Seems like you weren’t the only one! — Breanna Hughes (@unbrelievable) August 9, 2012 They’re sometimes called “bimbots”–the army of Twitter bots with pretty profile pictures. Who are the women pictured in those photos? This is the story of the quest to find out.” Omg, it’s a thing. I read on… “After dozens of searches, a pattern emerged: Most bot photos had a long digital tail, having been posted on dozens of sketchy porn sites or blogs devoted to the barely legal. Occasionally, I’d be able to track a photo back to what seemed like an original source–like when a bot’s photo showed up alongside many others of the same woman, all posted to the fratboy site Barstool Sports. The site claimed her name is Aurora. But when I reached out, as was always the case, nobody cared to explain where the photos came from. …I tracked two bots back to the 2009 SUNshine Girls calendar, a lingerie showcase produced by the Toronto Sun. (I guess newspapers have to make money somehow.) The calendar only offered the models’ first names, and the paper’s photo…

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TGIF: THIS on @CoralTV, @SummerWorks blog, @DigitalJournal

FRIDAY ILU! Exciting week and lot of fun things coming up the next few days. Olympics start today. Shooting with amazing photographer Steve Carty tomorrow. Sunday is Beerfest. Monday shooting more episodes of THIS on CoralTV. We”re now over 800 subscribers. Woo hoo. Please subscribe! Latest episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show Most Recent Post on the SummerWorks Blog: WONDERMART, A JOURNEY IN AUDIO BY SILVIA MERCURIALI Most Recent Feature in Digital Journal: Special report featuring ME! Ok, must run. I’m late for a lunch meeting. Back home to watch Olympics this afternoon! HUZZAHHHHH! TGIF FTW!

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