International Auto Show Day 1 #naias

Well hello and good morning from Detroit. I haven’t been up this early in a zillion years (by choice). Heading to the International Auto Show for a press conference. Expect it will be an interesting & jam packed day. Had a lovely time last night. Check my tweets for all the pix! xo Casie * dark photo is view from my room, YEAH, that early! ** breakfast staff are very accommodating here!

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PASSIONATE VOICES + SAY MEDIA: Canada’s Social Media Cool Kid

Here’s an excerpt from a recent interview I did for SAY Media’s blog ‘SAY DAILY’. SAY is an awesome company out of San Francisco that works with “passionate voices” like me to to pair us up with brands and stuff. They publish cute venn diagrams each Friday. Your blog is called Casie Stewart: This Is My Life – in 140 characters or less, what is your life? Lots of hard work & dedication turning my dreams a reality. Celebrating life’s moments and making the most of each day. Awesome! You’re a social media expert in Canada – what are some of your social media secrets for the rest of us? Life is about building relationships and so is social media.  If you want to grow your audience, have conversations about other things than ‘just’ your business. You’ll make more friends that way. Start a blog! A blog is the home for everything you do online. Use Disqus commenting so that Twitter & Facebook are integrated within your commenting system. Read the rest of the interview here. Some of their other voices are Tavi Genvison, Seth Godin, and The Sartorialist. Check out interviews with Honestly WTF fashion babe Leah Chernikoff.  The HTC campaign I was in last year was with SAY and so are the fancy advertisements in my sidebar. In December we went to the their holiday party in Toronto and guess who was in their signage?! Me! I was totally surprised. I know Mum would have loved to see it. Next stop, billboard then broadway! Ok, no broadway but billboard has a nice ring to it. Stay warm out there!!

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DESIGN: Let’s talk blogs.

I want a change. Something that integrates these four so called blogs that make up “my life” that really, are ALL part of “THIS IS MY LIFE“. I included FB because timeline looks & feels kinda like a blog to me now. Twitter and Facebook have recently changed their UI (‘user interface’ for non-nerds means the design, layout jazz) and mine has mostly remained the same since it was born. See here: We’re coming up on seven years this spring and I think my baby is deserving of a makeover. These are all the ‘blogs’ I update on the daily, Tumblr, Posterous, Twitter, Facebook, WordPress. I think Facebook is the prettiest. Tumblr Posterous Twitter Facebook WordPress (rotating header) I’d love to know what blog designs you really like, fav blogs? Ideas, things you might love to see here?  Ultimately, I’m gonna come up with some creative & fun way to spice things up for 2012. I’m ready for adventure! Ok, now I must prep for being back on stage in ballet shoes for The Nutcracker! I hope Mum brings me flowers! Ok no I don’t 😛

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Tech | Ticket to the Art of Sales Conference for Tuesday

I’ve attended both The Art of Leadership and The Art of Marketing and left each event inspired with new thoughts in my pocket. My friends at The Art of… have got it going on. There’s a bunch of great people who make these massive events happen. Tuesday at MTCC is The Art of Sales, a unique one-day conference featuring five amazing international speakers. One of them is NYT best selling author Seth Goodin (125k+ on @Twitter). I’ve never met Seth but I know his blog and he also works with SAY Media. I have 2 tickets for you to attend. If you would like to go then watch this and tell me your favourite part in the comments. I will take both winners out for lunch on conference day. Approximate value of each prize = $450/ticket + lunch experience/pricele$$. BONUS! Conference is at Metro Toronto Convention Centre and goes from 8:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday November 22. [How is it almost DECEMBER? ahh.] If you are in sales you probably have a fav line and will like that I posted this. If you are in sales and you have NOT seem this then… PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN. Coffee’s for closers only. If you have never commented, it’s easy, don’t like, be shy. I’m not shy. Winning is fun. Watch the video leave’ a commento and win. Voila!

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Women in Biz Network Interview

I was recently interviewed by about my job and career during a She’s Connected event downtown Toronto. I chatted Women in Biz Network for about five minutes about social media, relationships, branding and business. Check it out.

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Friday I’m in Love

First post using WordPress app on iPhone. I love this thing so much. It’s true once you go Mac you never go back! Had a beautiful day at home yesterday. In he evening went to Swarovski Spring Summer 2012 preview with Keri and a bunch of other Toronto fashion bloggers. I have a very special gif in the making as a thank you for the lovely gift they gave me. Ditched going to any other events to watch movies with Sammy. I’ve been in vacation mood for a few days and it feels so good. Off to get a mani, pedi, tan and pack before 3pm. Boston Bob is in town and meeting my sister and I for dinner. Happy Friday my friends. Be in love with life!! <3 Casie

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