dita von teese casie stewart perez hilton sandwich

Twitter is a great for communicating directly with anyone or to a large audience. Here’s  an example of someone famous saying something and another famous person’s famous blog with me in the middle. Last night, Dita tweeted that ‘when russian hookers fight, they take off a shoe and throw it at their foe. FYI.’ I was like whoa man that’s crazy and replied ‘you’re at a hooker fight?’ Then she replied. ` Today Perez Hilton posted about Dita and ‘the fight’ mentioning her response to ME.  Didn’t link back to me but whatever,  the tweet lasts forever 😛 Thanks to Pam for pointing it out, rarely read Perez anymore. I’d loved Dita for ages and think that’s pretty cool. p.s. Check out in the latest Notable TV video from TEDxTO. Me and my outfit are at 2:46 🙂

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leave that nine to five up on the shelf

Leaving 15 minutes earlier didn’t get us here any faster. National Car Free day but CP24 was showing massive traffic. Feel like it’s gonna be a productive one. Wore my wellies, there’s a rain-a-coming. Had a good sleep, back’s getting better. Feeling quite creative today.Might paint tonight. Time for a new sketch book again. I’ve filled up two every quarter for the past year. Found out I’m getting the new CK for men in the mail soon. Will have some samples too. I hope i comes in a big box. I wonder what catering will bring for lunch today. I’m reading a new book by Tucker Max. There’s a movie coming out of it. Pretty hilarious. I really should write down more stories. The ones that go untold and would never  be published here. I’ve done some pretty ridiculous and hilarious things. I’m thankful for all my experiences as they make me who I am today. I’m behind on FB & email messages, will get to that later. Gonna check a few bitches off my list so I feel good when lunch rolls in. Have a GREAT day! Bye. p.s. Happy Birthday to my twabe Rachel a.k.a @stealingkitty in Texas she turns 40 today! I sang her happy birthday on 12 seconds this morning 🙂 Love ya xo

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it was so weird at the time, i couldn’t stop myself

i’m not sure what happened but it did. i light went on. it was a few things that lead me there. creative people around me, compliments on creative work, being surrounded by smart, successful, creative business people. thinking about ‘it’s not how good you are it’s hot good you wanna be’, one of my favorite books. i feel like i can’t really go back now. they say if you do what you love you will have success, i love doing this. i love writing and taking photos and laughing at myself and remembering thing things i forget. it makes me happy to do social good; social good in funness, good causes, good people. i stayed up all night. learning about things. reading blogs, commenting. drawing in sketchbook.when i have an idea i write it down. i’ve found some neat stuff lately and most i’ve posted on my tubmlr blog. it’s all the things i find around the internet that i don’t put here but like to share. i read a great article called ‘the 7 vices of highly creative people, posted on salon.com, Feb. 9, 200o. i know i have my vices and bad habits, but i have good ones too. read it here. “If you go through life free of bad habits, you won’t live forever, but it will feel like it. ”

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i wanna go away with you and lay under the stars

Check your email. Where’s that invite to the Prince Perry party on Friday? Can you make the dance show on Saturday? How is it already lunch time. Photo shoot at lunch today with Kelly. Did you remember makeup? OMG, it’s killer hot out too. Check the date, yep, the deadline for the contest that can win you $10,000 is today. Must make video tonight. They asked you to enter, so if you don’t it’s like you don’t want the money. You do. The reports are doubling numbers and now I need to run them again. My tires are low. Go see cute boy after work and get them pumped. It’s another sweltering hot day. I really miss Twitter in the office. It helps keep my mind on track. Like all my stupid/smart and random ideas I have more and more on days like today when I try to get so many things done. Without that they float around in my head road blocking all the things I actually need to get done. My phone is vibrating repeatedly. Why is my site being slow? It’s frustrating. Get  Hair done tomorrow. Stay on task stay on task. Hocus focus. Right now I wanna be in another country with a camera taking your picture. Kelly Krushel took all these photos of me today.  She is a movie still photographer in Toronto. You can check out her work here, see her tumblr here and follow her on Twitter.

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socialnomics? does that make you a socialnomist?

Sprung out of bed and yawned out loud, the sun was on my face. Slugged to the kitchen, to the loo, not yet in a race. My mind, it slipped me…such good sleep! I saw the clock, I was in SHOCK… I was nearly late! For brunch today, I was graced with the lovely presence of British, Bangs and a Bun writer Muireann Carey-Campbell. I pulled up to see her locking her bike up in a cute blue dress, bangs and a bun and all. It’s one of the hottest days so far, I wore the Edie dress.  Gah, I’d rather bike in my bathing suit. We had some damn good laughs over brekky. Looking forward to reading about he life in NY and Japan. I’m waiting for friends to come over and go swimming. The air is like a thick brick cloud and it sticks to you when you walk through it. This video has been circulating on Twitter today and I found it to be quite interesting.

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420 consecutive photos one train ride


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