365 Chances to Create the Life You’ve Imagined

So, yesterday I wasn’t feeling so hot and I was hoping I was just tired from a busy weekend but today I am worse. My throat is sore and my whole body aches. I’m trying to look on the bright side, it’s forcing me to sit on the couch and spend some time with my computer and there’s a chance I might drop a few lbs before the New Year. I’m drinking heaps of water, have chicken soup, and Sean is home sick too. Our house is quarantine. I don’t get sick very often but I’ve blogged about it a few times: Entrpreneneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work Down with the sickness: How to do a Thyme Bath Sick, Mucus, Cold, Gross Looking back, I usually only get sick in winter. Apparently ‘it’s going around’, from my limited interaction with other humans the last 24 hours. After a really busy year I think a few days thrown up on the couch will do me well. I’ve finally set a date for the release of my book on Amazon and have an ISBN number. There’s no turning back now. When I wrote my first book, JEANS, back in 1996 there were waaaaaay more hoops to jump through in order to self-publish. Thanks to the Internet, you can now publish at the touch of your fingers. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Dec 12, 2014 at 2:03pm PST I also signed up for ukulele lessons and I will be able to play by the time summer rolls around. I’ve been meaning to to both those things for a while so feeling pretty good the wheels are in motion for 2015. I have a great feeling about this year. 365 new days and…

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Last Min Gift Idea! You Can’t Go Wrong w/ Stylish EyeWear

New glasses! You like? They’re YSL! A gift to myself from SmartBuyGlasses.ca. I was invited to pick out a pair from their gift guide and these new YSL babies were my choice. I absolutely LOVE great eyewear. I choose fast shipping and they arrived in 2 business days. A great gift idea if you are one of those people who leaves everything to the last minute! You have Friday, Monday, Tuesday, get on it! If you follow me on Instagram (which you should be!) or have been looking at my photos for a while, you’ll notice my vast collection of great shades. I’ve moved on from a stylish box to an entire drawer in my wardrobe, you can never have too many! If you’re still looking to treat someone special (even yourself!) check out the gift guides for women and men from Smart Buy Glasses and pick fast shipping to get them in time for Christmas. You can also order a gift card to be shipped same day. I’ll be wearing my new sunnies from now till summer. Even at night. I love them! 🙂 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! <3 CASIE  

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#TasteLife | New Label Design for Yellowtail Canada

This summer I worked with Yellow Tail Wines from Australia to crowd source an image through a contest that would inspire a new label for 2015. Yellowtail Canada asked Instagrammers to share their best #TasteLife moments all summer to win weekly prizes, with the grand prize of the ultimate Taste Life Adventure. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jul 7, 2014 at 2:52pm PDT The winning Taste Life image (above) features two women set against the backdrop of BC artst Douglas Coupland’s Bubble  Gum Head piece. The limited edition labels will be featured on two [yellow tail] varietals, Pinot Grigio and Shiraz. You’ll be able to pick up a bottle with the new limited edition label this spring. Now, we just gotta get through winter! To see posts tagged [yellow tail] click the image below! Here’s to an awesome day, <3 CASIE

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CottageLife | You Might Just Need An Entire Weekend of Sleep

Hellooooo November! I love summer but there’s something so calming and creative about winter that makes me want to lock myself inside and write or organize the house. I did neither of those things this weekend. I slept at least 25 hours.  I took as many extra hours of sleep as I could find! We spent most of the weekend on the couch watching shows and movies from Netflix or iTunes. The fridge is full of takeout. I was tired. I had work to do but I just didn’t have the energy. Today I feel much better and ready to take on the world! Whenever it’s a new month, year, and sometimes even day I look back and feel grateful for memories or think about how life has changed. Two years ago Sunday, Dad and I did the CN Tower Edgewalk thanks to Mastercard Canada’s Priceless Surprises. Timehop is a great app for looking back on that you posted on Twitter or Facebook that day (see posts about the app). Saw this rusty rat rod truck that made me think of you Daddio! He custom builds hot rods and is working on his own rat rod right now. It’s the start of Movember so I can’t help but think about the MoSistas TO pinup calendar from last year 2012. (Gah, I can’t believe it was 2 years ago!)  The girls and I had a good time getting dolled up. I was May. Apron was Mum’s and I love it. I use it on the regular. I hope I still have that scarf. In other news, Regina George started following me today and I’m already into the Christmas music w/ one of my favalbums by She & Him.   If you need something to cheer you up on this gloomy Monday, press play, or check out THIS happiest Christmas playlist ever…

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Fashion | Ted Baker London & Baker’s Arcade at The Eaton Centre

Friday marks the opening of the second Ted Baker London store on Toronto at the Eaton Centre. It was two years ago when the first store opened in Ontario at Yorkdale Mall and it’s been great fun working with the brand since. I’ve collected a bunch of beautifully designed pieces and had the opportunity to visit Ted Baker London shops in New York City and London, England. Scroll down for some of my fav Ted moments from the last two years and info on the new ‘Baker’s Arcade’ shop at the Eaton Centre (opens Friday). I’m getting a sneak peek at the media preview tonight! Look who did a little shopping at Ted Fifth Avenue… The always lovely @casiestewart! A photo posted by Ted Baker (@ted_baker) on Aug 8, 2013 at 12:09pm PDT   In love with my first @Ted_Baker dress. The Scuba, its neoprene! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2012 at 5:40pm PST I can’t wait to check out the new store tonight! The steel ceiling trussles are spray painted in neon pink and series of framed panels of wallpaper, fabric, leather and detailed collections of relevant props define each ‘shop’ area: Umbrella Shop, Watchmaker, Optician, Jeweler, Perfumery, as well as a Tea and Cake Shop. One of the most admirable things about Ted Baker London is the acute attention to detail in the design of stores, clothes, and accessories. My purses and wallet are lined with English Bulldogs,  my camel cape coat has funky orange ribbon lining. I love it! I’ll share some photos on the new shop after my visit tonight. Today I’m visiting the Shangri-La Spa and Evolve Hair Studio, before an audition at 4:30, then Ted’s baler’s Arcade event.  It’s gonna be a busy one! <3 CASIE

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Tech | Download Your Classic MySpace Blog

I’m finally getting around to seriously book writing like I’ve been talking about for 10 years. Found a blog post from 2005 where I said I was writing a book [insert crying emoji]. April marks 10 years of blogging on my own blog platform. I rediscovered my old MySpace blogs today now that you can finally download them. MySpace had originally deleted ALL blogs without warning. Downloaded a heap of posts and went through all the HTML files renaming them. It felt good. Unfortunately I’ve lost my first, first ever blog from MicrosoftSpaces back in 2004 (they stopped helping users recover them in 2012). How To Download Your Classic MySpace Blog: Dig up that old login you haven’t used in ages and login to MySpace Go to to settings Click Account On the left you’ll see an option to migrate old photos to a new album and download old blogs Download. Took about 60 seconds to download my 100 posts in a .zip file Fall in love with your elf again OR have heaps of laughs at your MySpace selfies   One of the things I learned today was I haven’t changed that much. Well, I have but some things are still the same. I’m really inspired my going back over my old stuff and incredibly thankful that I didn’t give up and stop writing even though sometimes I really didn’t feel like blogging anymore.  See 10 posts titled ‘Sometimes I don’t feel like it‘ here. Recovered these old quizzes I shared back in 2006 from MySpace. Hahahaha Buzzfeed, you’re just stealing old ideas! Still love the Olsen Twins, still style twinning Nicole Richie, and still love summer. I remember reading this quote in high school and thought, I will write things worth reading and do things worth writing about, watch me! And that was after I’d already written…

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