Stop to Smell the Roses, Treat Yourself

I started this weekend off right with a trip to Hammam Spa early Saturday morning. I spent about 30 min in the steam room before my St. Tropez treatment. It’s a sunless tan type application and to be honest, I think it wore off already and I won’t do it again. The experience itself was great and I booked with Cynthia who is awesome. Smashed up some bananas in the blender to throw into this mix when it came out of the juicer. It was a great way to start Sunday morning. I made Sean and I nice breakfast and we watched Romancing the Stone, an old romance-find-the-treasure movie from the 80’s. These shoes arrived Friday from the NastyGal Shoe Cult. I made a mistake in the postal code when I purchased them and I totally thought they were on their way back to NG HQ. Had lunch at Free Times Cafe for Ariel & Chris’ engagement party. It was fun and the food was amazing. I really like Yiddish music. I wish I understood! The piano player was from the National Ballet of Canada too. Stopped by the Parkdale Flea Market on the way home. It was such a nice day out I just wanted to do things outside! I picked up a shirt for Sean with an illustrated bear that is running. It’s super cute. Made a delicious juice this morning with spinach, kale, grapefruit, apple, pear, and a dash of cinnamon. It’s so freaking good! If you missed our latest Cooking with Cuisinart episode with the juicer, watch it here. I feel good if I keep posting the juices I make because it serves as a good reminder for me to keep making them. I’d determined to drop a few LBs this month! When I arrived at the office…

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And she was fair as is the rose in May.

Earlier this months I was chosen by Lancome Canada as one of 20 artists in Canada to be part of their big digital show for Luminato Festival. I was super stoked to be chosen for this experience! The theme was ‘the rose’ so I had my BF shoot me with a dozen roses up at the cottage in the sunshine. Unfortunately, I submitted my photos LATE and they would not accept them for the show. See below for a bunch of photos. They are kinda big so I didn’t leave them all on the homepage!

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Weekend Tune: “Rose Garden” by Shad

It’s officially summer! Go find a sunny row of garages and dance while Shad rhymes about good times! He rocked The Ballroom during Rock with Windows last Saturday and tore it up! Did you hear that he rapped over The Cure? Yeah. It was the best. If you’ve never seen Shad live, make the effort to check him out next time he comes to your town. The guy is an amazing performer with talent to the sky. Just watch him freestyle. So good right? Not to mention the fact that I got to meet the guy and he’s the nicest. So enjoy this track as you sip on some lemonade and smile in the sunshine! xo Kate

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spring mixer @ Harry Rosen Inc

Attended a Spring shopping party at Harry Rosen the other night. There was a band, live radio broadcast & free drinks. Julio and I had a good chuckle. I like to have fun at these fashioney things y’know. Jacket: Covet from Bicyclette, Tights: Adrian Hailwood, NZ, Bag: Nella Bella, Dress: American Apparel, Giggles: Julio These pix are from Fashion Nights (click to see their coverage of the event). These guys are The Darcy’s and they were playing live. Rumor has it Harry Rosen plans to have more ‘Underground Lounge’ events. I approve of this rumor and fully support. Aren’t they cute? Ok my pix now. I was daydreaming about an army of Casie-Bots like this… I took my very own dream boat and we shopped denim. Option numero uno: Option deux was a hit with me, the sales guy and the ladies who walked by saying “hot”. Thanks Michael Rozenwald for your help. Sold. Shopping parties are fun. Nice to see everyone & nice clothes. One of the things I did not like was this scissor wall. Freaked me right out. One of the things I did like was this D&G ‘Cry Baby’ Johnny Depp tee. As seen on Whiz Kalifa here. (Scissors, scissor hands Johnny, connection there?) Save yourself the ≈$200 price tag & to Bang-On & make one yourself. DIY FTW!

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we like we like to party: rosedale @ the mod club

first stop loudawgs w/ team BITE/AUX TV. bonga & jetter showed up too. love all y’all faces. ttc across the city talking to mum on skpe in bahmas,  day 98/365, 2011. hey cutie pies she gotcha affan was looking pretty cute eh hey girls, argo cheers. lots of young people were there. how old am i again? oh that’s right, i’m 19. just turned. galen, so good to see you after a heaps long time. morgan and i agreed that we felt like grownups at a school dance. chaperone: any adult present in order to maintain order or propriety at an activity of young people. i found out after that it was ALL AGES: duh. glad for brocky that it was busy. sorry i didn’t pay much attention to the band. it was about 30 min before i actually looked at the stage. nice to see lots of friends. ladies love these two, obviously: hi kids bROCKstars. brock can you sing? you look like you can here. ok outta here, home time. hey keri. you are so cute laughing. wearing: givenchy le presme blush in 24: it-girl purple (i swear to you that is the name) enjoy the sunshiney  day. bye for now xo

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the sweet taste of kerosene

I was connecting to the lyrics this morning and fighting a wave of sadness.  Coffee, double latte. The office was freezing as I took off my sweater to cover my legs under my desk.  ‘Be productive and you’ll get distracted’ I told myself.  I listened to my blip station, starting on the second page after the Michael Jackson. Wasn’t in the mood for him today, started with Pretty Young Thing but it didn’t work like it usually does. ‘Get on your bike and ride around at lunch’, I tell myself, ‘that always works’.  It did.  I ran into a friend who joined me for a sit and chat in the park before I headed out on a  Liberty Village tour. It was lovely. My hair‘s not pink anymore, it has a peach slice in it now. I got peanut butter cookie mix and Cheerios. I hate buying groceries. I never know what to get and I always think I don’t like anything, but I do. I love cooking but hate groceries. I like to make things up with whats around the house. Creative cooking.  Had a creative weekend, enjoying the flow that comes with a new sketchbook. Came up with a good idea at lunch today. Ran into Golly on my way back. We met last year and I wrote a cover story about him in an arts  & business magazine. He’s a positive soul, cheered me right up. I’m really looking forward to the TV lineup tonight.  It’s one of those days I’m glad I have cable. Just got a call to go with Karrera and L.B. to John Butler Trio. So excited, must be my lucky day. It was sold out and I was sad I had no ticket. Love you friends. You’re the best. in the dark of…

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