new joizy. omg. fml. i love you.
I’ve been watching and and I think it’s so funny. The accents, fake tans, muscles, the boobs, getting ready to go out, the boys the girls, “the situation”. I got single a message from a friend who is not on Twitter but knows me really well he said “have you seen jersey shore?” Called him RIGHT BACK. Rambled for a bit how I totally love it and he says, “I know, that;s why I messaged you”. Fake tans, Italians, muscles, spikey hair, tattoos…I used to love it. It’s so entertaining when I’m always on computer/blackberry while watching tv. I went through a stage…Tanning. Nails done. The mall. Dancing. Fast cars. Guys with spikey hair who were tanned with muscles. I checked stalked some old friends who married those guys with hair gel and most still have a tan. I even saw some blonde streaks and a dog named Jerzy. Back then, I had tan even though it was winter in Canada and I didn’t go on vacation. In a recent interview, Mike ‘the situation‘ said “These days in New York and New Jersey a ‘guido’ is a good-looking Italian male that likes to have fun and a ‘guidette’ is a good-looking Italian girl.” For me, it wasn’t Jersey Shore, it was Woodbridge. If you don’t know Woodbridge…it’s Italy just outside Toronto. We used to drive there from Cambridge to hang with the gino’s. Some facts of a true Gino from a helpful site: you have at least one pare of flares. you wear diesel, kappa, energie, parasuco,puma etc. clubbing is life. you glowstick .your addicted to energy drink .spikes hair. at one point had blonde streaks. chilled at Tim hortons before with the gino’s. SAY “BROO THATS MY FAVV SONG TO EVERY EURO SONG”. GOT EXCITED FOR THE SUMMER SO…
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