Currently experiencing the worst hair ever. En route home from Montreal. I think this was the shortest trip I’ve ever taken. Event last night was good.
Next stop, Toronto. Heading to Fort York for the Arts & Crafts Field Trip today. I hope it’s not too cold!
This is my new Canon Rebel SL1. It’s the worlds smallest and lightest DSLR. I’m super excited to have received it last night from Canon as part of their first ever ambassador program. They’ve chosen five top bloggers in Canada to learn to use different Canon cameras in different ways. From now till December, I’ll be stepping up my photo game and learning how to really use this thing. I’m amazed at some of the features and stoked to take my skills to the next level. I’ve never had a DSLR before! My first ever digital camera was a Canon Powershot and I replaced it several times after losing and breaking it beyond repair. Looking forward to taking you on this journey with me.
Thank you Canon for picking me, I’ll make you proud!
No, I’m not driving to Montreal but I AM en route to MTL via Porter Airlines for the F1 launch event Film Fashion F1 hosted by Community and sponsored by Porsche and Martini. I’ve loved racing since I can remember so this is pretty exciting. I’d love to being Dad but this is a work trip so I’ll be busy the whole time. Sorry Dad, will take pix!
My first race was the Toronto Indy in high school and a friends family business sponsored a driver. It was AMAZING! I had full pit passes and spent part of the afternoon during the qualifiers lounging on a boat outside Ontario place with some Hawaiian Tropic girls. I really wish I had photos but it was WAY before I was on the internet and digital cameras weren’t invented yet. [No comments on that please!]
The last time I went to the Honda Indy in Toronto I arrived to my spot just as the cars were crossing the finish line and landed some camera time on TV. That kinda stuff always happens to me!
Boarding my plane now. Hope you are having a lovely day!
Saw this today and think it’s neat. Art, Copy, Code is Google project that launched at SXSW in Austin this year. It’s a series of projects and brand stories about the current creative revolution, driven by art, copy, and code.
The film project shows experiments in ads, apps, social, and mobile that are reimagining advertising’s future. Screenshots in this post are from when I watched it earlier, but based on where you live, the weather, and time, your video will be different. Check it out!
About the Video
The marriage of art, copy and code is creating entirely new kinds of experiences, but it’s also revolutionizing more familiar ones, too. Here, we partnered with director Ben Tricklebank and Tool to create a dynamic video experiment that changes every time it’s viewed.
When a viewer presses play, the program gathers data points like time, location, weather and what’s happening on the web and incorporates them into the video. The result is a personalized experience that rewards repeat views.
Talking Shoe
This is me today.
Hope day is treating you well. Sending you sunshine because there is none outside!
Yesterday I walked down an escalator that was broken so it was stairs. I’m always reminded of Mitch Hedberg when that happens, his joke ““An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You would never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.” So funny.
On this ep. of Modern Comedian, Lynn Shawcroft talks about MItch Hedberg. Lynn is a hilarious Canadian comedian who was married to Mitch Hedberg the last 6 years of his life. Mitch Hedberg was my fav comedian of all time. Follow her online at @shawcroft.