Props to @KevinSpacey for this Inspiring Talk!

Last year I was offered a subscription to Netflix Canada. This was huge for me! Netflix saw I loved them and offered me a subscription in return for sharing what I watch on Facebook. This was a-ok for me. I watched the ENTIRE House of Cards (13, 1 hours eps) in one weekend. Some of my fav series are Orange is the New Black, United States of Tara, Archer, House of Cards, and all the TED videos. I  watch A LOT of movies. (Don’t judge me for watching Clueless often!)

“If you’re watching a TV show on your iPad is it no longer a TV show?”

Key Takeaways

  • We can take a bite out of piracy
  • The audience wants the control, if they want to binge we should let them
  • We learned the lesson the music industry didn’t learn
  • People are more likley to pay for it rather than steal it (most the time!)
  • What defines a film?
  • Is a TV show on an iPad no longer a TV show?
  • The device and length are irrlevant
  • For kids growing up now there is no difference, it’s all content, it’s just stories
  • The audience has spoken, they want stories!

This conference talk by Kevin Spacey (House of Cards) made me feel SO inspired about the future of internet, film, and television. On demand viewing is the FUTURE of TV. Remember last year when I said “INNOVATE OR DIE?”. Pay attention, you don’t want to be left behind people!


We’ve Been Accepted into Ottawa Film Fest!

We’ve Been Accepted into Ottawa Film Fest!

Heard this great news this weekend…


Last time I was in Ottawa I was talking in the closing show with some Canadian celebrities for Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m not sure if I will be attending Ottawa Film Festival next week but it is definitely nice to have our film in there! Hopefully we can make it into a film festival somewhere warm and sunny one day. That one, I will have to attend!

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New to Twitter? Here’s a Few Tips from @CoralTV

New to Twitter? Here’s a Few Tips from @CoralTV

I’ve been on Twitter for five years and over that time the platform has evolved heaps. With Twitter approaching their IPO I thought it might be helpful to share some tips from my show on CoralTV. New to Twitter? This is for you!

Got a social media question?

If you have any questions about social media, Twitter, Facebook, or one of the other guys, let me know in the comments. I’d be more than happy to dedicate an episode to your question!

Subscribe to @CoralTV at #thisismylife via @CasieStewart

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The Dark Side of the iPhone 5S Lines by @CaseyNeistat

The Dark Side of the iPhone 5S Lines by @CaseyNeistat

Casey Neisat is my fav YouTube film maker. He’s my fav other ‘Casey/Casie” in the world. Check this vid he made about the crazy peeps that were lined up for days in NY  to get the new iPhone.

After watching this I went to the Apple Store online and thought about purchasing the new iPhone.  The iPhone 5s lines were insane, I don’t think I’d wait in line like this for anything! I love my HTC One and still have an iPhone 4S but there’s something about the Apple cult, it’s really hard to leave once you’re in. I might get one this week.

Would you wait in line like this for anything? Do you have the new iPhone?


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Caitlin Cronenberg Portrait Studio at NKPR’s #ITLounge

Caitlin Cronenberg Portrait Studio at NKPR’s #ITLounge

During TIFF I was a busy little bee. one of my stops was The IT Lounge, hosted by Toronto- and New York-based public relations agency NKPR. In an exclusive collaboration with fashion magazine W, Caitlin Cronenberg took the helm of the portrait studio, snapping photographs of some of the most highly anticipated celebs.

The theme was Modern Vintage (which I LOVED) featuring elements of heritage and classic. Décor included antique furniture and trompe d’oeil sets, with the concept for her Portrait Studio based on Casa Susanna.

#ITlounge #TIFF via @casiestewart #thisismylife

There were also a ton of great brands present in the lounge including Avon, Tweezerman and Roots Canada, Cold Stone Creamery and Italian heritage brand Barilla. Natasha & NKPR, thank you SO MUCH for all the goodies. Avon was lovely and sent me a bunch of lipsticks and the Tweezerman set are the best I’ve ever had.

Check out all the portraits from the NKPR portrait studio at and see the work of Caitlin Cronenberg on her website.

 Happy Friday!



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View the Vibe: Nikki Beach’s Awesome Digs (And a Fashion Show!) #TIFF13

During TIFF I was at The Spoke Club for a Nikki Beach fashion show and interview for ‘Behind the Red Carpet’ documentary. I ran into Sam & View The Vibe and they had a quick chat with me on camera. See below for their interview and I’ll get to posting my photos soon. This week has been SO BUSY!

Nikki Beach’s Awesome Digs (And a Fashion Show!) from View the Vibe

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