Years ago I was on a tv show called ‘Maxed Out’ and I told the host I wanted to be a brand and partner with other brands, and essentially be ‘paid to party’. She told me ‘You can’t do that, you’re not paris Hilton, you don’t come from money’. At the end of the show I launched with a landing page that said ‘COMING SOON’. And the rest is history…

I LOVE this video and Casey Neistat is my fav person on the internet with the same name as me for sure. If you were looking for some motivation, here it is. I’m so proud to be a creator, I’ve been building the internet for over 10 years, and I’m not stopping anytime soon. Here’s to making more things and making a difference.

‘The haters and doubters are drinking champagne on the top deck of the titanic AND WE ARE THE FUCKING ICEBERG’


you will never be younger than you are today, make the most of it

P.S.  This latest video from Gunnarolla has me laughing my head off. He is a very funny and talented friend. If you aren’t following him yet I recommend you do because LOL. Enjoy!

SCROLL – 5 Good Things for Monday, March 6, 2017

SCROLL – 5 Good Things for Monday, March 6, 2017

Hello & happy Monday, here are a few good things to start your day. ☀️

On Sunday I went to detox yoga at noon and it was a really good class. Sean picked me up after and we got groceries and other stuff. Lately I’ve been more conscious of things I’m doing and why. I think it goes back to that sound bath I went to in LA. I swear something happened that day. So, instead of laying the couch and scrolling I’m sitting on the bed writing. I promised to write more.

Although, one of my favourite things is sitting and scrolling. I love reading Steph’s The Catch Up or Weekly Enabler Posts on her blog LEOPARD is a NEUTRAL. I also love Gracie’s recipes, yesterday I tried to make cauliflower rice but it ended up being mash. Which was still good.

I tried to do a newsletter but I failed miserably, despite ‘wanting‘ to do it I only sent it once. Sorry subscribers. ? Maybe one day I will get there but baby steps are ok.

Here are five things I think you might like too.


Kristen Sarah created Hopscotch The Globe and has been travelling for 13 years with her husband. They’re also moving into an AIRSTREAM. If you haven’t read noticed, is one of my travel goals.


OCCUPIED VR (Sean, my bf’s company) is featured on the VICE Creators Project right now. Watch it here or check out my behind the scenes experience at the shoot in yesterday’s blog post.


This place is all over headlines with it’s “worst view in the world”. The ‘Walled Off Hotel’ (a play on Waldorf?) is in Bethlehem and looks right out to the concrete wall around the West Bank.The decor inside is crazy/awesome, every room is decorated  by Banksy. It’s about £30 a night and reservations open March 11th March.  BBC has a set of photos but the website is better.

“Walls are hot right now,” the press statement quoted Banksy saying, “but I was into them long before Trump made it cool.”

Exit through the gift shop…this is his store ??????


Hawley from Sidewalk Hustle posted a TON of street style from Paris Fashion Week and this is my style inspiration for the week. I will try to not wear all black (and leggings) to at least one thing over the next 7 days. Honestly, that’s like all I’ve been wearing. When is spring?



Wednesday is International Women’s Day and I would like to invite you to come to an event called SHE WENT FOR IT hosted by DITTO. It’s at King & Spadina (, tickets are $5. Last year for IWD I spoke for the United Nations Association of Canada. It was pretty cool. This year’s event has food and drinks, we can totally hang out and celebrate each other.

I would be happy to buy a couple tickets for some of you. If you leave a comment with your thoughts on this post, I’ll pick a few people!

Thank you for reading. You have the opportunity to make today great, DO IT! 

casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto






P.S. Here are two more things I couldn’t resist adding! 


My fav UK blogger – BANGS–  is feeling the same vibes about blogging that I have been feeling. GOOD READ. I love her writing. [read more]


This co-working place is FULL of plants, talk about office goals. I love it. The air in there must be so great. [Fast Company]

Behind the Scenes w/ @OccupiedVR + VICE @CreatorsProject

Behind the Scenes w/ @OccupiedVR + VICE @CreatorsProject

I popped into Wallace Studios during this shoot to see Sean and the Occupied VR team at work. I love catching him in his element! Occupied VR is the *new-ish* company created by the 1188 Films Inc. partners created to focus on VR, 360, etc. work. They recently did the VICELAND CUT-OFF documentary w/ Justin Trudeau.

It was so awesome to see how this VR experience was created. Screens were setup to watch the super-slow motion shots in real-time, inside the VR experience. I’m really not the best person to explain!

Check out this behind the scenes video by VICE Creators Project

Both 1188 and Occupied VR have done some reallllly awesome projects, visit or to check them out.

If you’re interested in creating something, send me an email at the office!

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, speaker, influencer, "this is my life"

The Secret to Getting Ahead is Getting Started

The Secret to Getting Ahead is Getting Started

I’m not sure if I did something or what but my lower back is so sore today. I can do a forward bend but if I only go 15-45 degrees, it hurts. I’ve got a heating pack on now and I’m watching Dragon’s Den/not moving till tomorrow. I did however, still go to yoga today.

Six weeks ago I would have probably cancelled anything that made me leave the house with this pain but since I’ve been working out I feel stronger. A couple days ago I told my yoga teacher (Sandy) how I came to class even though I was feeling blerghhh and tired and she said

“Nobody ever regrets going to yoga”

She was so right. Today I initially cancelled going to the nooner (via the app) but when I was home from work at at 11:45 I decided to just GO FOR IT. Jumped into my gear, ran out the door, and was there 2min early for the 12:15! IT FELT SO GOOD.

There was only other person in the class with me so it ended up being semi-private. I feel like it was a stroke of luck after hustling to get there! I’ve been going to class at least 3 times a week for just over a month and I’m so happy for finally dedicating time to myself for myself. And screen free!

Last year I wrote about JOMO, The Joy of Missing Out and I’m still on that vibe. I’ve spent the last 5-7 years doing so many things every weeknight and lately, making time for yoga has been a really great change. If I ever think about teaching yoga, I know will give me all the information I need. I’m more mindful of the events I do go to, and I make the most of my time when I’m there. It’s like the secret to getting ahead is just getting started.

Don’t ever feel bad taking time for yourself. Remember you can hit a reset button on healthy eating or positive habits any single day of the week. Tomorrow you’ll wish you started today. ?

P.S. If you’re near Lower Junction and wanna join me for a class check out Yoga Yoga Studio!

Waiting for it, that green light.

Waiting for it, that green light.

I wasn’t really feeling like myself today. I don’t really know what it was but there’s a good chance it had something to do with the drinks Sarah and I had AFTER seeing Book of Mormon last night. It was totally hilarious, highly recommend. So funny.

I slept in and dragged myself most the day except for the amazing creative idea Shawn Hawaii  (A+ real estate agent!) and I had in the middle of the day for a 12th anniversary blog party next month. After doing some planning I started having anxiety about the whole thing and thought maybe it’s silly to plan a huge party for myself? For the blog? (This idea is really good tho and it would be SO FUN.) It’s a lot of work and might be expensive, but it’ll also be a huge thank you to everyone who’s been part of the blog all these years. You reading right now and every other set of beautiful eyes that’s ever graced these pages (web pages ?). All the agency people I’ve made friends with and so many great clients. All my friends from the internet (which is actually real life because they are the same thing but you know what I mean). It would be so wonderful to see everyone and their smiling faces in a room. I might even cry if that happens. Happy tears! ?

Being on the internet is hard sometimes and other times it’s awesome. Theres days when I daydream what it is like to be a person who doesn’t Facebook or check notifications. Someone who can go for a walk without checking their phone or taking a photos. I mean I can do that, I just don’t. In other news, there’s new LORDE. New Zealand represent. Love her. 

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, speaker, influencer, "this is my life"

The terrarium is mine. I made it at a workshop with Hawley (Sidewalk Hustle) at the Google Shop recently. Cool eh! My first one. I made another one the following weekend. Obsessed now!

I promise to write more.


I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise I will write more. I will write more. I promise to write. More, more, more.  I promise to write more about things.  I promise to write more stories. I promise to write more often. I promise I will write more. I promise to write more random stories. I will write more. I will write more stories. More. More everything. I promise to write about more things. I promise to write more. 

I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise I will write more. I promise to write. I promise to write more often. I promise to write more posts about everything. I promise to write more about my life. I promise to write about more things that bother me. I promise to write more feelings down. I promise to write more about funny things that happen. I promise to write more about my work. I promise to write about more. 

I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. To write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise. I promise to write more.

Words. About myself. About life. About living. I promise to write more.

casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech

P.S. I was walking home from yoga the other morning and someeone in the neighbourhood had two of these tiny fur tiger things just sitting out on the columns at the end of their walkway. I looked at them and it was like we had a moment. Took this with Portrait Mode in on my iPhone 7+ (no filter). Such a cool feature. Mine is from Telus obvs. I don’t know if they are still there but I will never forget their stare and sharp, sharp teeth.