my fav android market downloads

These are my fav apps I’ve downloaded to my Motorola Milestone android phone mini-computer from Telus.  Figured it was about time I shared them with you. By far the coolest thing I’ve ever seenon anyone’s phone – Google Sky Map. With Google Sky Map for Android you have the magic to discover, view and search the sky by pointing your phone to outerspace. It’s keeps me up at night, stargazing. I searched The Southen Cross, a star constallation I have tattooed on my back, my very first tattoo. You can see it in the southern Hemisphere near New Zealand & Australia. Last night, I found it from my bed. Makes the world seem small, and me there looking at it,  bigger than life. I don’t really play games that much but two that I’ve kept are Labyrinth and Jewels . They both kinda make you smarter which makes me happy, win-win. I like Foursquare too, obviously. I use Compas & Metal Detector for fun sometimes. I have the Gaga’s Monster app and Lady Gaga ringtones too. My phone rings bad romance, love love love. Some others I use for blogging are: WordPress for Android – great for bobile blogging, not that many options but good enough Fx Camera – Photo settings like Toy Cameras, Polandroid, Fisheye, Symetrical, Warhol Camera Illusion – heaps of different setting I don’t really get but on turns yout photo into a drawing. Love that. Not sure if i’ve told you a zillion times or not, but I realy love this phone, its’ the best I’ve ever had. Police light is pretty badass, check this out…

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i’ll love you forever

Today I logged into Facebook as I do every day. I check the pages for work post, make changes  etc,  then I check my own messages. I had two messages and not spam about some event I don’t care about. One from Dad and one from a friend in New Zealand, her Mum, one of Mum’s oldest friends, passed away yesterday.  Her name is Julie. Julie came to visit us a few years ago. It was so much fun to have her around. She came to visit with her daughter and gave us this book called Succulent Wild Woman by SARK. Julie filled the book with gold confetti angels, stuck  between pages and all down the spine, throughout the whole book. When we opened they fell all over the floor and it was beautiful. To this day angels turn up around Mum’s house in the darnedest places. “This book is my glowing invitation to you — to live a rich, succulent life! I explore love, sexuality, romance, money, fat, fear and creativity. It’s a little bit like reading my diary — with permission. Succulence is powerful! and so are we as women.” SARK writes a journal and read a bunch of her posts today. They’re happy and inspiring, full of colour and bright thoughts and markers and stars and stuff like that.  It’s really weird going to someones Facebook after they’ve passed, I wanted to post on it  but I didn’t and it made me feel sad for a minute. Then, I read all the most recent activity and was brightened by her energy. Julie was inspiring to everyone she knew. She had MS and when she got better one time she decided to go on world tour.  So she did. Julie looked at the world in a way that…

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crossing borders, timezones and interwebs

I’m excited. Like, I mean, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally, excited. There are so many things happening around right now that make me want to puke a rainbow of joy for weeks on this thing. Sia Concert – Tonight: She’s performing on MTV Live. I’m working at The MTV Temple instead of MuchMusic. Awesome. Hills Finale – Tonight: I’ve got almost 30 people coming to ma Hills party at MTV. I used to have Hills parties at my house. The friends who are coming all blog and/or tweet. Hellz fucking yeahz. Jays vs Boston – Wednesday: My cousin Isaac and his GF are here from NEW ZEALAND. Last time I saw him (the only time we met), I was 12. It was 1994. Birthday – May 8:  Officially TBD. I’d like to have a “haven’t met you yet” party, everyone comes and meets everyone else #casie. Florida – May 27-31: just talked to my friends yesterday and I’m so excited. Ready for a vacation with friend I haven’t seen in a whole but I love. Gonna dance heaps. MMVA – June 20: Watch it play out on Twitter #mmva The G20 – June 26-27: right near my house.  Rumor has it I need a pass to get to and from work. Been asked by York/Ryerson to take part in a doc about it. Filming me daily. Um, can I G20 Summit Rental my condo on Craigslist? Big money. Pride – June 26-27: Same weekend as G8. haha [deep voice]  I’m the gayest. Boston – July: I’m commmmmmin’ back. LTFO (look the fuck out) This is Sia. Happy listening. Enjoy the day 🙂

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take me to the ocean and lose me forever

Hung out with my sis the other day. Quite hilarious when we hang out,  the older we get the more similar, we are,  especially our mannerisms and the way we talk. We spend half the time laughing out loud. For real. People always say we sound the same on the phone, especially our parents.  More and more we look similar  in photos, too, it’s totally crazy going through her pix.  It was so nice down by the lake and watching the sunset If you live her or near the water somehwere, go there more often. Jenie took this pic of me, haha. Pop’a colla. There’s nothing like hanging out with her. Our cousin is coming this week FROM NEW ZEALAND. First young cuzzy that’s been over this side of the planet since I was like ten. Super exciting. Hanging out in the beaches with Carly this afternoon. So nice and heaps of trees around,  much different than the concrete jungle where I spend mosta my days. ♥

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glittery lake in the sun, your eyes

Cleaning my room today and so I can laze on Sunday afternoon. Had to take a break already. WHY IS PUTTING AWAY ALL MY CLOTHES SO HARD? This is some of my tshirt collection. How cool is this guy? One of Mum’s old hot rod shirts, also as close as I get to camping. I’m watching My Life As Liz on MTV. It’s pretty funny, I like her. Before the show came out someone at work said that I’d probably like this show. Just noticed, the first thing she says at the start is “This is my life“. No wonder I like this show. She also says “MTV made me do this”, cute. BTW have you seen the FORA ads on MTV? Love this one too, 1977 & from New Zealand. This shirt is older than me and still in great condition. (super soft too).  Now that, is quality. Anyone downtown recognize this? Sun was shining really pretty on the island when I came home from work last night.  It was cloudy with little sunny spots, you can’t really see through my camera but I saw it with my own eyes. Trust me. There’s so many distractions around my house. I feel like painting in the sunshine and staring out the window. Gotta remind my damn self to get off the computer and go do something. Not sure what I’m doing tonight. Have an vid of a guy on crutches rapping from something I was at last night. After I clean my room I’ll post it (which could be now or never). Have a great day. Go outside! Read a book!

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over forty years of family fashion

My shirt, it was Mums. She just told me that she got it when she was 15 in New Zealand it it cost her $15. She used to make $2 and hour back then but she just HAD to have it. She charged it to her Mum’s account (Nana) and had to pay it off over time. I LOVE when Mum tells me stories of her clothes. When she moved to Canada she kept her clothes, Jenie & I wear most of them now. She had/has great style, my Mum. Probably one of the reason I have so many clothes, mine all tell a story too. I love them, hell, I’ve been sleeping with them for the past week (half my bed is a pile of clothes right now!). Heading back to fashion Week this afternoon for my last day.  I’ve been waiting for Barbie by David Dixon and TONIGHT is the night. Not sure about partying after…really proud of myself that I’ve not woken up hung over or attended any crazy late night fashion partied.  It makes a difference when you actually have to work, ah, I remember so many years of just attending parties. I posted a couple things on my OH CASIE blog and there’s a heap of Twitpics too. It’s beautiful outside today, enjoy it. I’ve got heaps of footage from the F/W 2010 collections I saw this week, will try to get it all up this weekend. Happy Thursday/Friday!

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this time last year i…

asked the universe for a new camera. saw andy warhol. had a different russian hat. still had my beloved red wellies. told you a story about being on degrassi high. cursed a damn pigeon for coming to work. saw social media for good right before my eyes. visited my family in new zealand. hated that red tea commercial. learned about our big unit. was still using burts bees. used a shitty shampoo. wanted to wake up in bondi beach again. wrote rhymes in tights. used to have a cat. my sister was a raptors girl. was glamorous. made a confession. got called out by a friend for being on the internet so much. wore tights in bed. was a bohemian gypsy queen in argyle tights.  drank ketel one vodka. was banging obama. was full of zeal. changed my perspective. lived.

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the hemingway: beer. booze. babes. butts.

A couple years ago, 2007, I was in a job I began to hate so one day, I flat out quit. I started doing freelance PR. It was good glam for a while but then I was poor ass. So… I went to work at Hemingways, Toronto’s very own Little New Zealand in Yorkville. It was really fun. I hadn’t worked in a resto in a few years. It was a bit tough at first to adjust to the lifestyle but it really didn’t take long. I made friends with a heap of awesome people, mostly hot girls. I worked there for the best busiest time of year too; end of summer before Flm Fest – Christmas. I was proud of myself for not getting sad about not making enough money doing freelance work, instead I pulled up my socks, hiked up my miniskirt and started serving. No matter what job I was doing, I never lost sight of what I truly love…being social. Instead of complaining about  the waitress life I took more shifts and worked as much as I could. It was a good strategy and worked well to bond with other employees. I got a call in December from an old colleague, in recruiting who had an opportunity he thought I’d be great for. Turns out, I was great for it! I left Hems for that job and stayed there until recently leaving to work for the MuchMTV Group. It’s amazing to think of all the changes I’ve gone through. Been going through lots of photos lately, there’s only about 10,000 from the past five or so years. Wendy was one of my fav’s. She was a little crazy one just like me. We partied alot together. It was more than fun.  She moved away to Japan…

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detroit rock city

I’ve spent the last couple days at Caesars Casino. It’s quite a sight. The carpets in casino’s are a real piece of work. You may not have really thought about it or noticed before, but you should.  He who designs casino carpets must be out of this world or on some really good drugs. Windsor is a bit of a crummy looking place. It’s not nearly as shiny and bright as Toronto, however, they’ve got a nice bar of you like strippers. Babe alert, saw a few hotties. No photos, I wish. Sorry. Got hassled at the border as I’m using my new Zealand passport. Not fun. US Border Patrol now has my finger prints and nice smiley photo of me. I was shocked and kind of appalled of the huge fist in Detroit. What is the significance of it? PLEASE tell me. Oh thanks Internet…It’s a 24-foot bronze fist, which is poised as if to strike, honors legendary boxer (and Detroit native son) Joe Louis. [Dear God, please, please let me have a better statue that a big fist to remember me by if I ever have have one. Thank you.] The artist is really a comedian I think. I enjoy going  through tunnels. I always think about movies where people get trapped in them and it gets all dramatic and stuff. I said “oh, I’d hate to get trapped in here” and then the next day, coming back to Canada, we hit traffic in the tunnel. It wasn’t scary though. The nav system showed us as in the middle of the water, that was a little scary. haha. That’s all for now.

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took candy and makeup and said don’t panic

This morning in the shower I was remembering something that happened a few years ago and feeling quite lucky.  I’ll share with you now what I remember. Mum, if I mixed it up please tell me. I was about 12 years old and traveling home from New Zealand with Mum and Jenie. We had gone through all the checks  and boarded the plane. I don’t remember the exact chain of events but it went something like this. We boarded and someone’s luggage boarded the plane but not the passenger. Airline, big problem. We all had to exit the plane and they had us wait in the waiting area. The plane had come from Iraq to Australia and was picking us up in New Zealand. At the time, Irag & Oz were having bad relations.  Remember, I was only 12 when this happened so I know hardly anything about that part. The security guys were doing massive searches on ALL our luggage. They rummaged through everything taking out  consumable products like gum, candy, lotions, makeup and tossed them in the garbage bin. I asked the security guard for piece of his gum. He gave me one, it was cinnamon. They searched my hair, bottom of my shoes, even behind my belt! Every passenger went though the same hands on search. We found out shortly after that there WAS a BOMB ON OUR PLANE. Yep, the one  we just exited. The bomb squad was on board taking care of it as we waited and waited and waited.  It was eight long hours  in the airport before another plane arrived to take us back to North America. After 9/11 people really scared to fly, including me.  However, I boarded my next flight knowing I already had a bomb on a plane once in…

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it was really nice to see you yesterday

It’s been so nice out all weekend. I got just what I wanted which was lots of rest and home time.  Some friends did a drive by last night and fixed my break. THANKS GUYS!! I think it was the ropes for window cleaning that spooked me. Something to do with rock climbing and the impulsive desire to swing down them. This seagull remind me of a magpie at Grandad’s batch in New Zealand on the coast near Glenburn Station. I think it was a magpie? Mum said they named it and it used to sit on a post just like this little guy here at the Harboufront.

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on the edge: martin streek

Rode against the wind the whole time and my hair is frizzy like Andy Warhol. My teeth hurt from wearing my retainer. I don’t mind because they are  so straight when I wake up. I haven’t dealt with death that much, lucky me I guess. My family is all in New Zealand so if someone passes, I’m not there to be with them. That’s unlucky. My high school had a really high suicide rate. Yesterday Martin Streek, my fav man at the Edge called it quits.  I saw Shane‘s Facebook and was shocked when I read his blog and got the story. I used to run into Martin and his smiling face often. We made friends one summer. My most fond memories are the summer days when Jenie and I used to go down to The Edge and hangout out with him while he did the Thursday 30.  It was so much fun, as soon as he saw our faces he would say ‘OMG, it’s the Stewart Sisters, you guys are so hot’ .  We’d give hugs & hang.  He was always full of smiles and jokes.  I’ve gotta find the photos now, I think I know where they are. He will be missed by me, was always my favorite man on the radio. I remember the Jager tattoo, he was  really fit for his age.  Nice eyes too.  Rest in peace my friend. FYI: There’s Martin Streek nooner on the Edge today.  I’m listening live. ♥

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eagle preparing to fly

Before I fly I always get a little bit of anxiety. I’ve always been with someone when I’ve flown and this time I was meeting friends in Florida and flew by myself.  To make sure I was ready I put on my chain with a star and eagle feather. I added a Tiki that Dad brought me back from NZ to the chin before I left too. I’ve been working on a project called Flock of Eagles and the eagle feather makes me feel strong. I also put on bracelets from Mum that traveled all the way from New Zealand.  That way I had a little bit of family with me. I also made sure I got tanned up and toned up my muscles. The flight was smooth and I arrived to the hot sun in just over 3 hours. More posts coming soon about trip etc.

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palmerston is beautiful on both sides

I’ve find that biking is toning up my beach body.  This is really nice considering I hate the gym. It gives me anxiety. I’m lucky to have these super mutant-like muscles that when I do any exercise I get almost instant results.  Yesterday I was biking to Yorkville for #wiredwedTO and took back streets. Didn’t have helmet on, sorry Mum. Will pick it up this evening just for you. I rode down Palmerston Boulevard, one the most beautiful and truly one of my favorites. Most of the houses on Palmerston Boulevard were built between 1903 and 1910. It’s a nice one to bike on and there’s hardly any cars. I like it because of the trees and the houses and because a bunch of my family live in Palmerston North, New Zealand.  ‘Young heart, easy living’ they call it.Palmy (as the Kiwi’s call it) is a very beautiful city north of the capital, Wellington, in the eastern part of the Manawatu Plains, and close to the northern bank of the Manawatu River. I love it there. They have lots of windmills and rolling hills that is absolute bliss. You can see them from the back yard at Nana’s old house where Mum grew up. It’s really pretty.

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