Cali Sober & The Holidays

Here’ an excerpt from a piece I wrote for Twisted Extracts about the term ‘Cali Sober‘ and the holidays. If you’re not familiar with the new-ish term, it’s essentially not drinking (or drinking less) but still using cannabis. When I learned it at the Pretty Elevated event a while back I thought ‘hey, that’s me!’.

Casie Stewart, cali sober, cannabis, sobriety, Twisted Extracts, legalization, weed lady,

I shared some thoughts on how the holidays are often all about drinking and to have some other options than beer and wine at your holiday hangout. Scroll down to read a snippet or check out the whole article on here.

Side note, if you haven’t tried Twisted Extracts, I highly recommend them! I absolutely love their cara-melts or jelly bombs that come in CBD, THC, or a 1:1 combo. They’re the perfect dosage and the CBD is good quality.

Casie Stewart, cali sober, cannabis, sobriety, Twisted Extracts, legalization, weed lady,


I’m not here to define exactly what sobriety means to you, but navigating the holidays as someone who doesn’t drink can be a bit awkward. Drinking culture is such a big part of society and I think it’s time to redefine holiday hosting without all the booze.

This year, if you are hosting a holiday get together, please have other options than just beer or wine for your guests. Making a signature cocktail? Try creating a temperance cocktail or an option without alcohol. If there’s someone who isn’t drinking, be considerate of their choices, and if they don’t mention it, don’t pry with questions. We all have our own reasons for making changes, maybe they’re not drinking that night, that month, or ever again. That’s their decision to make!

If you’re attending holiday events, be respectful of where and when you are using cannabis. Check with your host to see if they have a preferred place for you to break up your bud or smoke a joint. I wrote some tips on cannabis etiquette for Twisted Extracts a little while back (see here).

More important than anything else, please be responsible and don’t drive high.

Happy Holidays!

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Today was a great day. Opened the windows, 8 degrees in November. Did a corporate talk on social media first thing in the morning. Rode my bike in the sun. Had a great chat with mum. Met with an author I’ve been following for years. Explored an old, recently renovated building I’ve been curious about. Had a couple great calls. Was at the gym before everything.

It’s amazing to feel so different after working out for a couple weeks, eating well, and not really drinking. Glad I didn’t wait till 2020 to kick start my glow up! I feel like a sunshine!

Rooftop at the Art of Banksy Building on Sterling

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LOVE GIVES FREEDOM | Telus x Nonie Collab to End Bullying

This year at NYFW, Canadian designer Nonie launched the LOVE GIVES FREEDOM shirt in partnership with Telus, where all proceeds go to the Telus Friendly Future Foundation to help End Bullying.

Casie Stewart wearing the Telus X Nonie collab in support of the Telus Future Friendly Foundation to End Bullying.

Over 1 MILLION Canadian kids are affected by cyberbullying EACH MONTH.

I’m proud to work with Telus because they’re so much more than a tech company. Through the Friendly Future Foundation, they’re educating students about online safety, providing resources, and helping parents navigate the digital space our kids are growing up in.

This week is National Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week but our efforts to End Bullying are year-round. We can all work together to make the internet a kinder, friendlier place. Learn more about the collab and sign the Telus digital pledge to end bullying here.

We’re in this together! Spread some kindness my friends! ? 

To learn more about my ongoing partnership with Telus, see previous posts hereRelated image

If You Want Change, You Have to Be Willing to Be Uncomfortable

Pre-yoga at Solis Movement, nice space, pretty change rooms

I had such a great day yesterday! My heart is warm with kind messages from friends all over after sharing about the last year. I was kinda scared to post how it’s been hard but it was a weight I need to lift off my chest. I’m thankful to have a supportive gang around me and grateful to the internet for bringing us together.

I tried a hot yoga class at Solis Movement that included infrared heat and let me tell ya, IT WAS VERY HOT. I loved it. We were all dripping with sweat! Feeling a bit of the burn today but highly recommend checking it out. It’s located in Etobicoke and a great way to warm yourself up and get moving on a cold day.

Lori & I before our mega sweat sesh ?

Since I’ve been going to the gym regularly, I’m starting to really love the feeling I get from it. This winter I am 100% open to trying any workout class and am *actually* making use of my gym membership.


Writing this from St. Joseph’s Health Centre Hospital in the X-ray waiting area. Hopefully, this is my last visit and I can put this injury behind me.

UPDATE: All cleared to not come back. The bone is broken but held in place by my ligaments. No need for surgery. Pretty weird but also kind of amazing? ??‍♀️ I have often said I’m ready for a bionic arm one day because of tennis elbow in this same arm, guess now it will go up to the shoulder. Lol. Ok bye! ??

Sending love!

P.S. The title is via my burrito yesterday from Thrive Organic LOL

Inspiring burrito!

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56% Of Canadians Don’t have a Will, Don’t Be One of Them!

I’m in a Facebook group for my neighborhood, someone asked about wills this week and it was CRAZY to see how many people don’t have one. This is a short post with a code for you to go to and get yourself a will. You can create a legal will in minutes for $99-$150.


I created a will when the company launched and had Sean create one before he went to Israel this past summer. I can’t imagine life without him but since we aren’t married, what would happen to the house and my whole life if he died?

It’s never fun to think about life without someone you love or the world without you in it, but the fact is, we all die. If you have pets, kids, assets, what will happen to all that stuff?

Take a few minutes to create an online will and save your kids, spouse, or family having to deal with legal fees and drama once you’re gone.


56% of Canadians don't have a will. I know it's hard to think about, but we all die. Find a  Willful code for 15% off in this post!

Willful Wills are available in Alberta, Canada, British Columbia, Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada, Ontario, Canada, Saskatchewan, Canada. This post contains affiliate links. 

Rebuilding Your House: I Broke My Collarbone

Casie Stewart, Toronto blogger, injury

A year ago today I slipped on some ice at mum’s house, breaking my collar bone, getting a massive black eye, and severe nerve damage to half my face. It was right after receiving an Alumni Award from the President of Conestoga College. What a DAY.

It was horrible. I was in severe pain most of the winter and did you know that having nerves repair themselves feels like you have a hair on your face that’s not there? Something so simple as taking a selfie was hard for months because I couldn’t move my arm above 90 degrees. I felt like half my face looked different. Does it? I declined attending a lot of events because I didn’t feel good about myself.

This is a couple of days after the accident and before it got worse. This night I was up for an Ontario Premier’s Award so I had to attend the ceremony. My eye was watering the whole time and I was so self-conscious about the makeup running.

This past year has been all about rebuilding, reprogramming myself, changing old habits, and loving myself more. I’ve been working on strength and can finally Chaturanga Dandasana again. I’ve been thinking about what happened a lot the last few days and I want to remind you that what you see on the internet is only a fraction of someone’s life. I’ve always been honest and real on my blog but this was something I wasn’t ready to face head-on, I didn’t know how to deal with it so barely mentioned it at all. I felt bad about not being strong, my arm was so weak and my confidence was broken. A year later, I’m feeling better and have another X-ray tomorrow that is hopefully my last.

Hello, it me. Your happy internet friend!

I want to remind you to check in on your strongest, happiest friends, they might be struggling behind the smiling selfies you scroll through. Reach out to them! Check on each other! We all need love and to know our friend’s care!

Sending my love to you through the internet.