Interview | The Noteworthys – BTS with a Blogger Extraordinaire

I was recently interviewed for, a Canadian site you’ll find a carefully curated collection of unique, high-quality, often hand-made items by emerging designers. They love to take you behind the scenes (BTS) to learn about inspiration and workmanship behind designers they feature. They also like to feature people like ME. Being ‘Noteworthy’ means following your passion in creating a life you love living. Now THAT is something I am totally down with! I can agree, being Noteworthy “ means taking a leap to of faith to follow your dreams.“ They asked, what does Noteworthy mean to me? Read the full interview here and see my top 5 picks from the store below. Top 5 Noteworthy Must-Haves  1)  Crystal Crop Top. Looking good Misty Fox! 2)  Leather Envelope Clutch (Large). Perfect for a digital girl on the go! 3)  Robin Waxed Tan Jacket. Love this + matching shirt = A+ 4)  Polka Dot French Bowtie. I need this!  5)  Karoo Oxford Dress. Adorable!  

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Speaking | Get School’d Workshop on Saturday – Sign Up!

On Saturday this weekend I’m hosting a lil’ workshop on building a brand online using social media. They’ve got a great series called Get School’d and last year I hosted one about Blogging. The Gladstone Hotel has made all the workshops free! Most of my talks are at conferences with tickets that are $$$ so this is a chance to come out and learn some stuff, ask questions without breaking the bank.

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Speaking | TEDxWesternU Livestream

Hello & good morning. It’s early on Saturday morning and by the time you read this my talk will probably be over. See below for the TEDx Western University livestream. I’m the opening keynote at 9:20 and speaking about Social Media & The Human Condition. If you miss it the video will be online eventually. Here’s hoping all goes well! There’s some great speakers today. Check out the full schedule at [iframe id=”″]  

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This Is My Life | I’m doing a thing.

I’m doing my first TEDx talk this weekend at Western University and I’m pretty excited about it. The theme is The Human Condition and I’m talking about the internet and myself.  I think you will find intersting. PLUS it’s only about 15 minutes!  I’m not sure what time I’m on stage yet but I would really love you to watch me. I don’t ask for much and I seriously  think it will be entertaining and maybe you’ll even have some feelings. Last night my sister and I went to visit mum for dinner and had an EPIC sing along to Adele on the way. I will edit the video this weekend but you might pee your pants. This is a small indication of the passion we had performing. We all went out to buy lotto tickets together and this is my mum on the phone. Is she not the cutest ever. LOVE YOU. I should check mine, imagine I won? Made me happy to see this on the table at mum’s house. I asked her for dinner to make shepherds pie and self-saucing chocolate pudding like she used to when we were kids. Nothing quite like family time and laughs around the dinner table. Since Scion Canada gave me a car this week I’m trying to make the most of every moment. I’ll make sure to tell you when my talk is on Saturday as soon as I find out. When I don’t think about it I’m kinda nervous but when I practise and start rehearsing or talking to myself in the mirror. I feel excited! Hope you’re having a great day 🙂   

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Speaking | We Are Wearables – Capturing the Future

Last month I was a guest speaker at MaRS Discovery District for the We Are Wearables event themed around cameras and capturing the future. Last time I spoke at MaRS I was on a panel about panels, see here.  I love being in this building, it’s always filled with smart minds, creators, and people making a difference in the world. This event, in partnership with Best Buy Canada, took a deep dive into how wearable cameras and new technologies are changing the way we capture our lives. One of the things I was really intrigued by was the ion Snapcam for lifelogging. It’s a 1½” square that weighs just over an ounce, you snap it on via magnet/carabiner clip and tap once for still camera shots or twice to start HD video. Then, it connects wirelessly to your smartphone for instant uploading. I need one of these ASAP.  Where’s Waldo? Before ending the night, a panel made up of Giovanni Tomaselli – Founder and CEO of iON Worldwide, Zayn Jaffer – Director of Merchandising, Emerging Business at Best Buy Canada,  Oskar Kalmaru – Co-founder & CMO of Narrative, Steve Mann – the Father of Wearable Computing and Chief Scientist at Meta, Tom Fowler – Chief Marketing Officer at Recon Instruments and one of Canada’s top bloggers and pioneer in social media, Casie Stewart sat down with We Are Wearables founder, Tom Emrich to talk about lifelogging and the impact of wearable cameras on society. Read more about the night at The next We Are Wearables look sat Sports & Entertainment and there’s another event on October 13th that covers Changing the Game of Sport. See more about upcoming events and Wearable happenings at Will keep you posted for my next public speaking gig, love to see you there! CASIE  

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The Evolution of the Camera @ We Are Wearables TO Sept. 9th

On September 9th, We Are Wearables and Best Buy Canada are pleased to present“Capturing the Future“ an event that looks at the evolution of the camera and the documentation of our lives. This is the largest event they’ve had yet and I’ll be speaking on a panel, while wearing a camera that’s live broadcasting my experience to the whole room. Cool eh? I can’t wait. The event will 100% sell out so get yourself a ticket. There’s over 220 people on the list already!  You must be a member who is RSVP’d to attend. There is no cost to sign-up or attend as a member. Food from Pizza Pizza and beer from Amsterdam Brewery will be served during the networking part of this event. [symple_button url=”” color=”black” size=”default” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Get a Ticket[/symple_button] For more information and to see the night’s schedule & speakers visit Follow the buzz on twitter @wearewearables & #WWTO and mark your calendar! CASIE  

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