
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Day 194: The World is Changing and So Are We

Day 194: The World is Changing and So Are We

Another day, another costume! Today I wore one of my fav recent purchases (from an Instagram ad!), love this dress. The scrunchie in my … View Post
Day 193: A Mask & Glasses Makes It a Costume

Day 193: A Mask & Glasses Makes It a Costume

Have been calling my outfits costumes lately and made an IG highlight with my favs. [See here!] If I’m wearing a mask and … View Post
Day 192: Follow the Sunshine

Day 192: Follow the Sunshine

Did a 30 min guided run today with the Nike Running Club app. Pretty sure my legs will be sore! I love this app so … View Post
Day 191: Get Back to It

Day 191: Get Back to It

Went for a run today for the first time in a couple of weeks and smashed my record for fastest mile yet. Once I … View Post
Day 190: Hiding Out At Home

Day 190: Hiding Out At Home

I can’t remember the last time we were home for the weekend as a family. I got groceries in the morning and did … View Post
Day 189: Lady Gang Park Picnic

Day 189: Lady Gang Park Picnic

Met up with some of my fav media ladies in the west end for a little park hang. It was so nice out! Natalie … View Post
Day 188: New Coat & Hilary MacMillan Fall 2020

Day 188: New Coat & Hilary MacMillan Fall 2020

Yesterday I went to the fall 2020 preview for Hilary MacMillan in the east end. It was my first time at the studio but definitely … View Post
Day 187: Toronto Hippie Market!

Day 187: Toronto Hippie Market!

I had the best day! After work, I went to the Hilary MacMillian Fall 2020 preview, more on that tomorrow. Earlier this week I posted … View Post
Day 186: Mellow Yellow

Day 186: Mellow Yellow

Today was a good day! I Spent the afternoon in the office then came home and spent the night hanging out at home. It … View Post
Day 185: Mum’s Birthday!

Day 185: Mum’s Birthday!

Today was a great day! Had so much fun at home for mum’s birthday. Jenie and I drove to the house in the … View Post
Day 184: TIFF Portrait Studio

Day 184: TIFF Portrait Studio

For the past 10 years of my life, early September has always been about TIFF. From working at Much/MTV, to the early blogger hay … View Post
Day 183: You Don’t have to Monetize Every Hobby

Day 183: You Don’t have to Monetize Every Hobby

I’ve loved sewing my whole life. I also have a new sewing machine that I’ve hardly used for about 8 years. I want … View Post
Day 182: When in Doubt, Go Out

Day 182: When in Doubt, Go Out

Go outside, beneath the trees, listen for wind dancing in the leaves. Look at the sky, breathe in the air. Throw your hands up, … View Post
Day 181: Recharge Your Batteries in The Sun

Day 181: Recharge Your Batteries in The Sun

I worked most the morning then met up with Michelle near the office. We had lunch on the Queen Mother back alley patio then … View Post
Day 179: Dress Shoes, I Missed You

Day 179: Dress Shoes, I Missed You

Different taking the subway these days but I like being back in the city. There are fewer people and the seats are marked for … View Post
Day 178: Remember The Leaves

Day 178: Remember The Leaves

Took the boat out of the water this morning after taking Sean for his last rip on the lake. I don’t think we’… View Post
Day 177: The Reality

Day 177: The Reality

On days I don’t document in real-time, I often go back and try to remember what happened that day. If there are no … View Post
Day 172: Welcome to The Matrix

Day 172: Welcome to The Matrix

The year is 2020. We wear masks inside public spaces and outside in crowds. This is my first time visiting a client office after six … View Post
Day 170: It’s September

Day 170: It’s September

Spent most of the day at my computer. It was really hot today. Whenever I opened the patio door, I was instantly hit with … View Post
Day 169: Cute New Masks from Considerate Goods!

Day 169: Cute New Masks from Considerate Goods!

This past weekend I met up with Anela who reached out to me over IG. We met pre-pandemic at a bar in my neighbourhood, … View Post
Day 168: Rules for Photo Taking

Day 168: Rules for Photo Taking

There’s only one rule, TAKE A LOT. Lol. Went for a nice bike ride yesterday and saw Andrew in the park then ran … View Post
Day 163: Visit Spain w/ Do Rueda’s Online Wine Event – Sept. 22nd!

Day 163: Visit Spain w/ Do Rueda’s Online Wine Event – Sept. 22nd!

Last summer I went on a press trip to Spain where we did something like 13 wineries in 4 days. It was awesome! Our adventure took … View Post
Day 162: BFF Park Hang

Day 162: BFF Park Hang

Finally had a park hang w/ some of my BFFs this week. It was so nice to be back on my old stomping grounds! … View Post
Day 160: Where Did August Go?

Day 160: Where Did August Go?

Wow, this month has really flown by! I’ve been working a new gig for the last couple of weeks and have been really … View Post
Day 156: Shaggy Covid Hair

Day 156: Shaggy Covid Hair

It was nice waking up in my own bed and get ready in my room this morning. The water at the house is different … View Post
Day 151: Take A Break At The Lake

Day 151: Take A Break At The Lake

Sean took his new bike for a rip in the morning but only on our road hence the no helmet. He’s getting one … View Post
Day 150: Search & You Just Might Find It

Day 150: Search & You Just Might Find It

Went for a run today and did my fav Abs & Arms workout on the Nike Training app. I worked in the morning and … View Post