
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

410: Bad Girl’s Club

410: Bad Girl’s Club

Another transitional jacket! This is one of my absolute favorites, it says ‘Bad Girl’s Club’ on the back and my name on the … View Post
409: Like Plants, We All Grow

409: Like Plants, We All Grow

This week has been hard, I feel so drained and tired. Maybe it’s the rain, or the lockdown, I’m not even sure … View Post
Day 408: A Bike and A Bowl

Day 408: A Bike and A Bowl

I haven’t been taking as many photos over the last few days. I feel like my life is so boring these days! With … View Post
Day 407:  Lazy Sunday

Day 407: Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday, spent at home, it’s just me here, all alone. In the house, I will stay, lazy lockdown, day after day. View Post
Day 406: She’s Only Happy In The Sun

Day 406: She’s Only Happy In The Sun

Had a quiet Friday night after a long week. Sean got his vaccine yesterday and we spent the night watching The Serpent on Netflix. … View Post
Day 404:  Error Spring Not Found

Day 404: Error Spring Not Found

This happens every year so we shouldn’t be surprised! Still, every spring we hope, we truly hope that warn sunny days will arrive … View Post
Day 403: In The Worst of Weather, Dress Appropriately

Day 403: In The Worst of Weather, Dress Appropriately

April is rainy and cold, we know this. Like winter, spring can be a sad season but if you have the right thing to … View Post
Day 402:  My Blog is 16 Today

Day 402: My Blog is 16 Today

A 16th birthday is a coming of age year, you’re a bit more mature and figuring out who you are. You’re in … View Post
Day 401:  Put on a Canadian Tuxedo

Day 401: Put on a Canadian Tuxedo

What day is it again? Feels like that sometimes now, eh? It’s Monday and I always like to dress up but today I … View Post
Day 400: Staring At The Wall

Day 400: Staring At The Wall

How you doing? I’m feeling the weight of everything this week and it is heavy. My new job is great but adjusting from 6+ … View Post
Day 405: You Are Not Your Mistakes

Day 405: You Are Not Your Mistakes

Saw this on a walk today. Made me think of this song. We all make mistakes, it’s how we learn. You can’t … View Post
Day 398: Take A Minute

Day 398: Take A Minute

Feel like you need to take a minute? Me too. Inhale, exhale. Look around. Assess the situation. Feel the feelings. Check your surroundings. Take … View Post
Day 397: Sending You A Little Love

Day 397: Sending You A Little Love

Sending you a little love today. We’re going into a strickter lockdown and it will last until at least May 20th. Urghhhhhh! It … View Post
Day 396: A Wednesday

Day 396: A Wednesday

Spent the whole day working at my desk and decided I really needed some fresh air. Put on a cute outfit, aka dressing up … View Post
Day 395: She Ready

Day 395: She Ready

I was thinking about seeing friends and how much I miss events. Before the pandemic, I wasn’t going out as much, I was … View Post
Day 394:  She’s Ready For A Nap

Day 394: She’s Ready For A Nap

Today was a busy day and by the time I finished my last meeting, I was almost ready for a nap. Here’s today’… View Post
Day 393: Keep Your Spirits Up

Day 393: Keep Your Spirits Up

I know it’s hard to stay positive with everything going on but I encourage you to look for joy where you can. Go … View Post
Day 392: She’s Like Sunshine

Day 392: She’s Like Sunshine

Today was another super sunny day! I went to the Canadian Tire garden center to pick up some new plants in the morning before … View Post
Day 391: Sun On My Face and Wind In My Hair

Day 391: Sun On My Face and Wind In My Hair

Had a great week and was ready to close my computer at the end of the day. It felt like summer outside so I … View Post
Day 390: Follow The Rainbow

Day 390: Follow The Rainbow

Today April and I met up for a socially distanced photoshoot at my fav rainbow wall on Orfus Road. Cory Lee and I shot … View Post
Day 389: Lockdown Still

Day 389: Lockdown Still

Well, ladies & gentlemen, we’re back in a full lockdown. The good news is they are now starting to roll out vaccines to … View Post
Day 388:  Follow The Sun

Day 388: Follow The Sun

I went for two runs love. I love my morning runs but after work, I was feeling stress and anxiety so I went out … View Post
Day 387: An Epic Sandwich for Monday

Day 387: An Epic Sandwich for Monday

Woke up feeling fresh from a nice relaxing long weekend. I love Monday and not knowing exactly what the day will bring. Every Monday, … View Post
Day 386: Road Trip in the Woods

Day 386: Road Trip in the Woods

Took a little road trip in the woods went up to Huntsville today to shoot some drone stuff with Nelson & Talia. It was … View Post
382:  The Sun Made the Drive

382: The Sun Made the Drive

This week I had a genius moment. I took my seamless background stand for photoshoots and set it up using only half the width. … View Post
Day 381: Starting to Bloom

Day 381: Starting to Bloom

Took the TTC to Yorkville after work and went for a nice walk with Natalie and Chloe. So nice to see flowers starting to … View Post
Day 380:  Always Be Growing

Day 380: Always Be Growing

Today was a good day. I feel like I’m learning more about myself at high speed the last 2 weeks, testing my abilities by … View Post