all dolled up and somewhere to go

Took Kate to meet my girls at Doll Bar Inc today. I wanted to get her some flowers. Plucked mine last night Black Swan style.  Lucky for me, they just got a sample of in this rad hot pink Kevin Murphy hair makeup an hour before we showed up. Washes out when you shampoo and goes on like paint. I’ll be rockin’ it tonight at Strombo’s TIFF party at the Hazelton. Funky haircut is done by Darren Kwik Studio  inspired by Zambesi New Zealand.

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i am doll eyes, doll parts

I came across two things in the last 24 hours that go with doll parts and wanting to be the girl with the most cake. Hole also may be getting back together. That could be good or it could be really bad for Courtney. 1) Barbie Doll parts jewelery. Kinda creepy? No. I’d love Barbie boobies and I like the hands necklace. It’s  a one-of-a-kind necklace with eighteen barbie doll hands chopped with silver end caps. The collection is made by Margaux Lange and she has a pile of Barbie parts stuff on her Etsy store.  I like this beauty smile ring too. 2) Last night I had a Mojhito cupcake with white rum, lime, mint & cane sugar.  Cocktails by Gateau was at my place last night for a Canada Day bbq. They can come over with the cupcake cart anytime.  She won my heart playing MJ.

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i love you barbie ♥

Today is Barbie’s 50th Birthday. I love Barbie. I still have all mine from when I was little including two corvettes, hair salon, house, TONS of clothes, accessories, shoes and much more. My favorite Barbie is Peaches & Cream. This is Hawaiian Beach Barbie wearing the Peaches & Cream Dress from 1984. She looks so great. Who’d know she was 50! I’m keeping all my Barbie clothes so I can have them made for me one day. I have heaps of gorgeous vintage dresses! Lucky for me there is now a whole line of Barbie clothing coming out. The Barbie blog has all the details and is written by Barbie. This week Jeopardy is featuring a category on Barbie TONIGHT for her birthday! Barbie is also on Twitter. Yahooo!

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Weekend Recap: Feb. 3-5, 2012

Friday night Lozzie and I went to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. Huge charity event for the Special Olympics.We danced a little, had a few drinks, and made some friends.  I didn’t win any prizes but happy to donate to a good cause. I threw some of the Kevin Murphy pink from Doll Bar Inc. in my hair to match my purse (Betty Kiss) and pulled this old emerald gem out of my closet (H&M). Learned a valuable lesson from coat check girly  (that I should have thought of), take a photo of your coat check ticket in case you lose it. There was lots of nice art. Hi Gaga. Oh hey Paul you lovely thang you. How’s The Grid? We had a breif Skype w/ Stu in England via iPhone from the Ball. Next stop Bloke & 4th was a total waste of time. Met up with the rest of the crew/kids at Lau’s house. Got my fav hat back! Snapped a dreamy pic of Sammy boy. Saturday morning I had a dress fitting for upcoming fashion show during Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m wearing Canadian designer Rachel Sin. The dress I picked is really lovely but I’m keeping it a secret till showtime. Spent the rest of Saturday on the coach. Finished season two & three of United States of Tara and watched a few movies. I was due for a day off. On Sunday Barbie and I cleaned the house, got groceries & went to yoga. How was your weekend? Did you watch The Superbowl Madonna’s performance? It was so good. God, I love her. I always have. I always will. TBT to Dallas when I worked for Virgin America in 2010 and at  Rockstar Hotel during the Junos last year w/ these dudes. Last night was fun! Ok bed…

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Sun Day

  It’s incredibly beautiful & sunny on the lake today. Tuesday night I went to the SS 2012 preview for Mark’s. I’m always impressed with the style. I’m looking to get a few nice dress shirts & cardigans before summer (who’s growing up nowwwwww?!). There is a rose cardigan that matches my rose tattoo I must have. I’ll have some pix from the lookbook soon. Honestly though, go to a Mark’s store, you will be surprised! Finally went into CB2 design on Queen. I was in Boston or Vegas so I missed the launch party. Beautiful shop. Love how they left the exposed brick from the Big Bop and the classic sign. I feel like it was just yesterday I was hanging out there for bands & fetish parties. New Instagram stickers arrived from Printstagram yesterday. Thanks Bob for shipping from Boston via China. Stickers with shipping to Canada come to $20 which you can pay with PayPal. This is my second round, I simple love the little things. Stopp by to visit my girls at Doll Bar. Have you been there before? It’s a lovely place. I really want to get extensions but my hair isn’t long enough yet. I’m having an inner conflict over do I cut it or do I grow it?

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these are a few of my favourite things (right now)

This post if full of things that add glitter to my life. Thought I’d share with ya. Bangs from Doll Bar, Olympus PEN, vintage hats. I’ve been trying a new routine of going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Once you get outta bed, you can really accomplish heaps before the day really started. That’s my September goal: do more before 10am than most people do in a whole day. My October goal is: go to England or New Zealand. Settin’ em high. YES WE CAN. Sprocket Rocket camera from Lomography. I’ve got heaps of film because, frankly, I’m not that good at using the camera so I need to take heaps of shots before I can be considered good. Analogue is haaaarrrrrrd. New duvet cover is the alphabet, say hello to my ALPHA bed. See what I did there? Oh yeah, creative play on words. New flowery pillow looks painted and that eye mask is from Keri. I sleep with an eye mask pretty much every night. I live in a glass box, it’s SO SUPER sunny in the AM! Although, getting to sleep is never a problem thanks to my new memory foam mattress. According to bestmattress-reviews, there are a number of quality options at a lower price than you’d think. Gadget love: iPad (Andy), Macbook Air (James Dean), Android (Motorola DEFY), Logitech wireless mouse. I spend most the day with these guys. Ok, here’s something really amazing….you won’t BELIVE how tall I am with these legendary things strapped on. Aren’t they beautiful? They’re Jeffrey Campbell and I ordered them online at Solestruck. They’re like stilts. Move over Buskerfest. Comfy and good for walking. Film Fest, I am ready for you with my giant shoes. I’ve been using Mereadesso cleanser w/ face & neck toning gel and…

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if every word i said, could make you laugh, i’d blog forever

I really love my work. It’s true what ‘they’ say if you really work at what you love it doesn’t seem like work. My days are longer and I try harder than ever, but I honestly feel so happy about it all. Yesterday’s video shoot at The Gladstone went great. Followed that up with a stop by 1188 Films for a catch-up and to talk Festival (TIFF starts Sept. 8th). Stopped by The Drake roof for a bite after hair before visiting my babes at Doll Bar Inc to get FEATHERED! So many colours. When my hair grows I want heaps. Move over Natalie Portman, the BLOG SWAN is coming. We decided against the bright ones for now and went with a more subtle look. Love them! Mega nerd 🙂 Arms are getting ripped from biking though. Have an awesome day! P.S. Guess what I got in the mail yesterday… A PRESENT FROM FENDI! Aaah! Thank you LV Brands 🙂

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The solution already exists.

Full on day yesterday. I love being busy but sometimes I wonder what it’s like to work 9-5pm and leave your work at home. I used to do that a few years ago but how easy you forget. Got a one year membership to Bixi from my friends at Telus yesterday. Stephen and I met with branding team about our show that launches in less than a month. We’ve got some neat stuff planned with some pretty cool people. The show is called Ay Caramba Career Show and it will air Thursday night’s at 6pm EST starting September 8th. We’ll be talking about chat about careers in emerging industries & trends. To sign up for all the deets go here and we’ll keep you posted. Stephen is pretty funny and I reckon you will enjoy his rhymes and jokes. Today I’m filming a video with the Gladstone Hotel for the relaunch of the Melody Bar. Stopping by Doll Bar to see my ladies & get some feathers in my hair. Darren is doing my hair at Darren Kwik studio. Both spots are on Queen Street and will give you 10% off your purchase. Go see them! They’ve been taking wonderful care of me. 🙂 Title of this post is very valuable information I learned for my lawyer last night. I’m doing all kinds of new things & emerging industries so I figure best to run them by an expert. He told me to think about that when there is a problem and the solution is already out there, we just have to find it. Read a bunch of Jack Layton’s tweets last night. Quite sad over his passing. I really liked him. His funeral is Saturday at Roy Thompson Hall. I’m going. There’s petition to have the CN Tower orange for him. I hope Rob Ford…

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thursday mashup: whole bunch of things to tell you

This is Kreayshawn, she’s up for a Video Music Award (VMA) as Best New Artist this year. Chatted her from LA last week and did an interview for PinkMafia. Read it here. She’s pretty badass, said “swaggatude”. Did a photoshoot with Anna Von & Lauren O’Nizzle “Kreayshawn style” the same night, it’s hot. Photos up tomorrow. Dream closet on tumblr. Love. My dream is to have a sweet & lovely spot for all my clothes. I can feel Fall coming. So excited to bust out my new black leather jacker from Holts & amazing Triumph Dr. Martens boots. I’ve planned my lookbook already. Something new on Twitter yesterday. Activity: like a newsfeed, so far I like.   Going to the Gaffas shop tonight. Katiya and some other stylish brands have a Pop Up Shopsta. Have gift cards!! My friends at Doll Bar on Queen Street have graciously offered all my peeps a 10% discount. Go there and get some feathers in your hair, bangs, or cute extensions. If you do send me a pic so I can post it!!   Mega lolz. O’Nizz posted last week when talking The Hoxton. Look at THIS fffffff hipster. “Knox Jolie-Pitt wearing his Ray Bans and pirate hat and hook hand with an air of nonchalance that hipsters haven’t even thought possible. ” via Bohemia. Hahamazing. That’s all for now. I’m at Power of Women event today at MTCC. Gonna be doing a live blog here and talking to speakers. Pretty stoked.ELLEN IS THERE OMG. Follow my Tweets at @casiestewart & @POWlive. Imma be so inspired by the end of the day. Beautiful out today, a little chilly but go on & make the most of it.

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big bang baby!

I got a picture of a photograph… I used to love, love, love Stone Temple Pilots Big Bang Baby. Those green pants. Swoon. They disabled embedding on the video, jerks. Yesterday I went to  visit the team of babes at doll bar inc. and boy was I delighted. Greeted with smiles, hugs and hydrated with ice cold San Pellegrino after cruising there on my bike.   They also had SATC on so I felt right at home. Oh Charlotte, is it the tea bagging situation? haha This is Melissa putting a real feather in my hair.  Planning to get more funky styles when they get more inventory. Feather hair extensions are so hot right now.  She’s pretty, one of those radiant personalities that makes you happy. They do all their customers nails while they are there.  Nice perk 😉 Doll Bar is 1099 Queen Across from 69 Vintage and the Social (RIP). I’m looking to arrange a special CASIE discount so stay tuned for that. Extensions for everyone! See the feather? I reckon not bestest for my hair but fun to have for now. I go see Darren Kwik Studio to get my hair done today. I’ve decided on this really rad cut I saw in Zambesi SS 2012 that is more rad than anyone in Canada. Can’t WAIT for haircut. After we played with feathers, Michelle brought out the hottest new accessory in hair right now, BABY BANGS! This is a game changer. They’re about $50 and wait for it.. Ta daaaaaa! They’re not trimmed yet here but how freaking cute? I die. Bardot blonde, I am so ready for you. Fall blonde, seasons changing. I’m thrilled thinking about the next couple months. Lots of exciting things always happen this time of year. Genuine chocolate happy face. Will be even happier this evening…

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Day 3: #stayhomechallenge

We had fun yesterday. I mean, it seems hard to have fun in this situation but, if you think about it. You can still have fun if you want to. Sean and I had a good time driving to the cottage, listening to oldies on 104.1 The Dock. We had fun driving over the mini snowbank driveway at the cottage right when Black Betty came on, I cranked it and we plowed through the driveway in the snow. As much as unpacking the car is work, it was still kinda fun. Navigating the snow, carrying bags & boxes, trying to balance, while inside started to warm up. We worked from about 4:30pm to 8pm getting the cottage ready. I remembered Alex was going Live on IG at 8pm, so I joined. We talked about life in isolation and doing a fireworks show on Friday night. It was really fun! We haven’t hung out IRL in ages but it was just as good. I chatted for about 15min and jumped out before she ended the chat at 8:30pm. I left to help Sean get wood and get batteries. At 9:30 I called my friend who recently came back from two months in Asia and traveled through China to get home. She’s been in quarantine for two weeks already. We chatted about everything from COVID-19 to workouts and she helped me with some ideas of what I can do up here. I want to share positivity. I want to be your sunshine at this hard time. I don’t know what else to do. I’m not sure exactly how and what I’m going to do but each day, I’ll try to share some good. If nothing else, I’ll share how I’m feeling. Maybe a smile or a beautiful sunset. I’m happy to be…

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Up North: Summertime Glamping at The New Farm

I went glamping on a farm and it was amazing. Chefs cooked all the food, we did yoga in a barn listening to Tragically Hip, I went in a greenhouse, there was a pond, the outdoor showers were glam, and there were 250 people. I knew this would be cool based on the invite, it was unique. ????? The glamping trip was hosted by Up Cannabis at The New Farm. The Tragically Hip are big investors in the company and the band was there the whole day and had dinner with the group. It was the first big cannabis event I have been to. There were plenty of edibles floating around as well. Like the edibles online that people regularly order. Seeing as I was new to it all when they kept referring to their business as a cannabusiness and at the time, I wasn’t too familiar with this term. But the more I spoke to some of the people there, the more of a better understanding I had. I should have read This CBDistillery Review before going then, I would have had so much more knowledge. There are so many things you have to think about when running a cannabusiness. For example, before this trip, I knew very little about the wide range of cannabis packaging options out there, but now I am something of an expert! It was also the nicest camping experience I have ever had and would 100% do that again. Up Cannabis can’t actually share their product with us but for the 50 media that stayed over to camp, they infused the same terpenes found in the product into the soaps, drinks, food, and everything around us. The event was really well done. The tents were like little apartments with electricity, real beds, furniture, lights,…

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I’ve been trying to make the most of my summer. Despite heaps of rain this year, I’ve really tried to be outside. I’ve gone on epic bike rides around the city with my bff, through the park, along the railpath.  Spent heaps of time up at the cottage. Caught some sun on the West Coast,  went to a friends cottage, mini golf, canoe rides, and last weekend we took Sean’s new family boat out for a spin. Just like summer, the new Bueno White won’t be around for long. It’s only avail over the summer so I suggest you pick up a couple if you see them. You’ll only find Bueno White in select locations of Dollarama, Loblaws, Sobeys, Metro, 7 Eleven (and a couple others). I found them at the corner store near my house and bought a whole box for the cottage. Honestly, I don’t eat that many chocolate bars but the Bueno White chocolate is so milky and creamy. It reminds me of chocolate from New Zealand I had as a kid. Melts in your mouth!  This Bueno is my fav Bueno, so good. The white chocolate reminds me of NZ chocolate. ? #treatyoself — CASiE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) July 20, 2017 I’ve been carrying these little treats around on my adventures all summer. In each package there’s two individually wrapped bars, so you can have a wee little snack when you’re looking for something sweet, or treat yourself to both bars. You probably deserve it!  ?  I recommend trying it with vanilla ice cream after dinner.? (Or whenever, do what you want! ?) Keep your eyes peeled for Bueno White and grab a couple before summer is over. Make the most of each day, soak up that sunshine!

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Breaking Down Investments w/ @TangerineBank

Last month I spoke on panel about investments with Tangerine Bank. Not ONLY was it super fun (watch the Facebook Live below) but I learned quite a bit about investing, RSPs, fees, and funds. Over the past few years I’ve shared my millennial money woes and it’s not been easy, sometimes embarrassing (remember the show Maxed Out?), but facing the problem head on helped me find a solution. Once I set a goal to payback school debt by 30, I stuck to it and accomplished my goal. Now I’m getting into investing my money so I have some later. I dream about retirement life all the TIME. WATCH THE VIDEO   We’re LIVE at BrainStation breaking down investments with Tangerine Investments Director David McGann, Personal Finance Expert & Blogger Barry Choi, Millennial Money Expert Jessica Moorhouse, Award-winning Content Creator Casie Stewart and Chef Matt Basile of Fidel Gastro’s. Here’s a few key takeaways I think are really important, like how much money you need, when to start, and watching out for fees. How much $ do you need to start investing? NOT A LOT. The most important thing is getting into the habit of putting money away. Once you start to see it grow, you want it to grow more. I love putting money in my TFSA, good security to see that nest egg. When is the best time to start? NOW. In the panel I said ‘a year from now you’ll wish you started today‘, this also works for the gym and eating healthy. Not matter what age you are, start putting some $$$ away. Mum set up my first mutual fund in high school after getting my first job, but I took the money out for university. I can only imagine what it would be now if I…

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Simple Summer Hosting Hacks for Outdoor Dining

Last weekend at the cottage Emily helped me put together lunch for the fam. It was so fun to do this together, she’s 8 now and a great little helper! She was also quite stoked to help with the blog. ? Scroll down for a few ‘hacks’ we can up with using stuff you just might find around the house, the kitchen, or the garage.  It was all pretty simple and not too expensive, BUT when we put it together, it looked great! I guess that’s why they’re called HACKS. On the Menu We made mini sushi-style BLT wraps, a hot dog bar,  and mini bacon grilled cheese using products from Butterball Canada we picked up at Loblaws. Simple Summer Hosting Hacks for Outdoor Dining   Make an outdoor table using an old door.  Use wrapping paper to decorate the table. Makes for easy cleanup!  Organize your napkins or cutlery with Washi Tape. There are HEAPS of colours/prints! Freeze lemons to use in cocktails. ??? No need to water down those drinks with ice!  Use a muffin baking tray for condiments.   Raid the dollar store for plastic plates and stack them. These same items were more $$$ at houseware stores.  Baking cups inside little mason jars for sauces. Heaps of colours in these making mason jars even cuter.  Put skewers in watermelon for easy snacking. I put them in the freezer so they were MAD CHILL. ☃️ If you loved this post LMK! Was fun putting it together. It was my first time trying turkey bacon which is 50% less fat than using bacon from pork. Found that it cooked a bit faster and made our meal a *little* healthier. The following day we used some leftovers to make cracked pepper maple bacon  that I’ll share in another post soon!   * post sponsored by Butterball Canada but Emily and I totally did this all ourselves!

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Winter Doesn’t Have to Suck: How to Make Snow Paint + Some Stuff to Watch

Woke up early yesterday and made myself breakfast in bed. Spent some quality time on my computer quietly typing away and chatting with other early risers. Our roof top patio extends from the loft bedroom upstairs and the morning light is so lovely. I like making the most of a cold winter morning all cosy up in the bed reading or writing. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 7:23am PST My Lost My Marbles laptop skin is quite a hit. The Apple cutout gives your laptop a sleek and classy look. If you wanna add some marble to your gadgets (iPhone, Android, computer, tablet, gaming system) visit They don’t offer the apple cutout on designs but if you email [email protected] with your order and request it they’ll make sure you get it. TBH this design really looks better with the cutout. We got some pretty gnarly snow in the middle of the day. Thank goodness we have new tires on the truck. EmBot really wanted to go play outside with the snow paint so I put on the hot pink 80’s 2 piece I inherited from Sean’s mum and got ready to roll. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 1:27pm PST These exact paint things were a Christmas gift for her but making something like this to do with friends or kids is super easy. We used to do this heaps when I was little. How to Make Snow Paint Get some type of squirt bottle ex. old shampoo, dish detergent Mix food colouring + water (careful it WILL stain your clothes) Go outside and have a blast! Sean picked up…

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Rewrite Your Own Destiny

I still have all my Barbies and their clothes, the accessories, cars, living rooms set, pool furniture, and more. While I don’t usually write about things for kids, Mattel always thinks of me when there is something they think I’ll like. Thanks guys! I recently got sent these two lovely Ever After High dolls, Meet Apple White (Snow White’s daughter) and Raven Queen (the Evil Queen’s daughter). The line is based upon  characters from fairy tales and fantasy stories.  They each come with inspirational little stories, clothes, and there’s a whole online component at  My BF’s daughter is five and she was so happy when I let her open them. In the story, the school gets divided in ‘Royals or Rebels’ which is between those who know they will have a happily ever after, those with less favourable destinies, or those who prefer the idea of writing their own destiny. Writing your own destiny is 100% my vote! The package arrived with this little locket inscribed “rewrite your own destiny”. This product may be for kids but the message is something that lasts a lifetime. The team at Mattel said they thought of me when learning about this new brand. I’m writing my own destiny each day, found something I love and made my dream a reality. Go out there and follow your dreams people! <3 CASIE   buy Bactroban cream no prescription buy bupropion no prescription buy cipro no prescription

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The Ballet on Ossington w/ Ivana Santilli

Went to Ballet on Ossington for my first time Friday night. It was a blast! We popped bottles and danced the night away with Ivana Santilli. Who is awesome by the way! The Ballet is not ‘the ballet’ like the time I was in the Nutcracker with the National Ballet of Canada ballet, it’s just the the venue name. Me as a Canon Doll in the Nutcracker w/ the National Ballet of Canada It’s a sexy, fairly small, upstairs bar, with old school booths and often features burlesque dancers. See the full set of photo here, a few of my friends & favs below! @casiestewart -some great shots u in this album– thank u 4 comin & uppin’ the ante with ur vibes. again the 18th — Ivana Santilli (@IvanaSantilli) October 16, 2013   Haha I crack me up… DANCE FACE! Have an awesome day. Much love to you all! <3 CASIE Buy Cozaar Buy Diflucan Buy Finasteride

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Over $100,000 Raised for @TorontoFashion Incubator

Was great to be on the comittee with this group of young ladies. Thanks to the lovely Gail McInnes for including me and for making this event a HUGE success. My dress was vintage black suede peplum from Timeless Apparel and jewellery was graciously provided by Swarovski Canada. Best social media committee ever: @geekigirl @styleblogca @backseatstylers @reneeswilliams @casiestewart @laurenonizzle @advera #TFI25 <3 — Gail McInnes (@gailmcinnes) May 10, 2012 Photo Credit: Société Perrier Canada &  Becca Lemire for She Does The City “Over 700 of Canada’s fashion elite flocked to the Royal Ontario Museum this past Thursday to take part in a milestone event for the Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI). Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the TFI hosted guests at a champagne reception, VIP dinner, Barbie(R)-inspired celebrity fashion show, the annual TFI New Labels(R) fashion show competition and an after-party in the ROM’s Crystal. Thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) was awarded during the evening which was emceed by award-winning performer Jully Black and over $100,000 in net proceeds was raised for TFI. TFI25 also featured performances by award-winning student dance group the Wexford Gleeks and recording artist Anastasia A and an installation of 25 looks from the past 25 years curated by FLARE Magazine’s award-winning Fashion Director Elizabeth Cabral.” Read full release on Reuters. 

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Nella Bella FW 2012 Collection @ Urbanspace Gallery

Last night went to Nella Bella’s FW 2012 media reception. I’ve been taking NellaBella bags on all my travels, bike rides, festivals & fun for the last two years. They’re got lots of different shapes & styles this year. One of the designers for this collection, Andreas Kyriakos who started working with them at 15, he’s 16 now, but still,  he designed a whole batch of beautiful things. I got to catch up with a few really lovely girls I hadn’t seen in a while.  Thanks Raymi, you babe, for photos and Tarek for the invite. Can’t wait to get something new and BRIGHT! Bring on, SPRING on! My current fav is the KIEV bag in black (in photo but hard to see). It fits my 11 Macbook Air, camera and a few other necessities. Comes in handy when’re always on the go/working!  Shirt: Joe Fresh Cardi: GAP Pants: Bench – shopping trip! Hair: Ken Murphy Color Bug, Goody Accessories Shoes: Ego & Greed One things I love about clothes is the stories they tell. Links to the above items go to past posts wearing. Archives rule. Crashed my bike the day I got the Joe Fresh shirt, ordered shoes from Got GAP  cardi over holidays cruising vintagey shops in Cambridge with Mum. Tarek, Val Photos via WE REPRESENT THE LOLLIPOP GUILD  on   Walked home home with the Septembre & Bella. Made .gif with Loopcam, from Berlin! Check out Jessica’s post & pic here. It was really fun. Good night. Nice to see beautiful bags and smiling faces. The food was excellent and catered by The Daily Bread Food Bank’s catering campany. They put all the proceeds from catering, right back in. Been busier than ever planning and preparing things for SXSW. We have a new blog coming. I’m super excited. Let’s do this.  😉 <3 CASIE    

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you missed this yesterday

Photo: Gingerbread # No white Christmas for #Toronto Thoughts? via @zite # The most important page on the web is the page you build yourself via @zite #thisismylife #lifestyle #branding # New iPads Expected to Arrive in the Next 3 to 4 Months via @zite # Last day 🙁 (@ Thynk Taynk) [pic]: # Got some treats for the plane 😉 (@ Ah Cacao Chocolate Café) [pic]: # Diet coke, rum, chicken fingers, fries & wifi, great lunch! (@ Margaritaville) [pic]: # Photo: Huge pretty tree (Taken with Instagram at Terminal 3) # I'm at ORD Terminal 5 (Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD), Chicago) w/ 5 others [pic]: # 1449 miles! # Left this to cold & dark 🙁 # I just unlocked the Level 4 "JetSetter" badge on @foursquare! High five! # 15 airports woot. # My friend @aganova always called this place Chika-GO. #chicago #cute # Air Canada in flight ent. and my own row. See ya soon Toronto! # Holy crap just found out a friend is McSteamy's brother on Grey's and lives in LA now. Another reason to go to LA!! Yippeeeeeee. #lovelife # Excited to be in my own bed tonight. #travel # I said "bless you" to a man who sneezed and he don' even say thank you. Hate that. What a fcuker. # Take off for real now. Catch ya on the flip side! # I wanna be in a scooter gang. Step 1) get scooter. 2) get friends. # Wilder Valderama is HOT in Tom Hanks new 'Larry Crowne' movie, meow. # Ho Ho Home! (@ Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) w/ 21 others) [pic]: # Photo: Meaning of life #pacman # "Keep away from people who…

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you missed this yesterday

Found it! Unopened and ready to play. So many new/good songs. #kinect #dancecentral # Found so many good things when I cleaned my room: Burger/beer/gas/jukari/gift cards # Photo: First competition ballet solo, age 9, The Clown (Taken with instagram) # Morning # It's amazing how great of a sleep you can have when your bed isn't 60% clothes! # Photo: Casie’s Cameras # i ordered a pair or barbie doll hand earrings # URGHHHHH RT @melissagrelo: Confirmed from City Hall: property tax increase by 2.5% in 2012. # Have you seen this yet? I posted last week. So good. RT @AdFreak: The gay-marriage spot that has Australia talking. # Look out world here I come….: It’s been just over a week since I had brekky… #thisismylife # dang thats a long do # yall are gonna have mad heart attacks, let's talk about bacon a little more ok? # RT @TechCrunch: How To Get A Job At A Startup If You Have No Skills by @justinkan # Whoa! Trying this! RT @TechCrunch: New Siri Hack Will Start Your Car If You Ask Nicely by @chrisvelazco # Team # Work date w/ @katekillet. (@ SPoT Coffee w/ 3 others) [pic]: # New #DODOCASE for Andy # Urban lumberjackie # need a makeup artist for a shoot Wednesday. i know i have a friend who is one but i can't remember right now! # what's a good gift for Dad's 60th tomorrow? # Suggestions on where (online) to make a nice PDF press kit for download? # see that last tweet? ya 200%! interested in getting into holiday gift guide/contests email 😉 # "Visitors referred by a fashion magazine or blogger drive a 200%…

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The #CCSpeakeasy

I would say good morning but as I write this it’s already the late afternoon. What can I say? I’m still recovering from last night’s awesomeness. The Canadian Club Speakeasy was an old timey shindig if there ever was! Who doesn’t love dressing up all flapper-esque and pretending to be in Boardwalk Empire?! Here’s some photos I snapped of everyone dolled-up and  a ditty for you to listen along to! This car was outside and begging to be posed with. The bartenders were all dapper and pulled out some tricks as they mixed the Canadian Club cocktails. They were all Boardwalk Empire themed too. The hit of the night seemed to be the Nucky! Casie and I couldn’t help but have a mini photo shoot. The location was just so cool looking! This 1920s girl is always working! How handsome! It’s no surprise that Jason won best dressed! Although he did have some stiff competition… This Barbie is so classy! Sam and Ross all suited up! Can the men of the world just agree to dress like this all the time please? All of you guys just have a meeting and discuss it at least? Cool thanks. Well that’s all for now! Thanks so much to Canadian Club and HBO for putting on the ritz and feeding us tasty drinks! Now excuse me while I get back to my recovery and giant bottle of water. Maybe I’ll lazy about on the couch and watch something. Can you guess what? xo Kate

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Dear Diary, I have so much to tell you. xo

Baby you’re my heart You can follow me #lifeoftheparty # #TVONTHEINTERNET # Photo: i love our condo grsss. # writing. writing. reading. coffee. writing. reading. morning! # Dairy Queen Blog Cake # ha! @torontogeorge as me. (bangs @dollbarinc) # mermaid, hunk, fashion, crazy things. # brunch time 🙂 # Photo: @laurenonizzle @pinkmafia4life # “i can’t write today, something’s wrong. i can’t smile today, life is a sad song. my heart hurts… so…” # Photo: what? you have good grams?. yippeeeee. # euro trip in sept i think. this makes me happy. I got a new campaign launching next month and need a wicked photog to take my photo. My BFF photogs are all out of town next week. LMK. Thanks for the photog recos dudes. Heaps of good peeps. Reckon I’ve narrowed it down 🙂 The Australian, he is so lovely. Great brunch with a good friend today. Awesome way to start the day. Inspiring! RE: It’s mega scary. I seriously felt like someone passed away. I was completely distraught. # This week i was a professional hipster, Dad said he’s proud. pretty glad I gave away that HP Tablet now. looking or a residential commercial space about 4000 sq. ft. on the right track baby i was born this way. yes this. #smart #right #left # This post is for you #budcamp @Canadian09 @budcanada @carlyannedotcom # Casie Winehouse #memorial #party casa de nIZZLE – @laurenonizzle wé @brockmclaughlin @natekogan @frikshun, The Australian & Scotti… Polaroid picta partay.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

So many photos @raymitheminx. We are cute. #seniors # In room #wifi thanks @methotels Toronto! # So far loving #crystallightchallenge Great dinner with ladies & designers. Stoked for tomorrow. # In hotel room watching #criminalminds w/ king bed. Shopping spree @ #holtrenfrew tomorrow. #thisismylife # Omg so full. Dinner w/ @urbannativegirl @valtorontogal @cammipham & designers. #crystallightchallenge (@ Lai Wah Heen) # I just eyefucked @ValTorontoGal‘s prawn. For reals. Then she fed it to me. #inthemouth # Omg so hungry. # Fakkkk. Get cigs a-holes RT @raymitheminx: Muhahahaa @casiestewart u will never get your ten dollars back! Never! # #bloggang hang w/ @valtorontogal. #vino # Where the hell are you @raymitheminx. In the lobby @methotels. # Omg this just arrived in my room from @holtrenfrewRP. Thank you! (@ Metropolitan Hotel w/ @urbannativegirl) [pic]: # Checkin’ in now @raymitheminx @methotels. Txt me your room! # In taxi to #crystallightchallenge hotel. See you soon girls don’t be surprised I’m late haha. #bloggang # staying at @methotels #toronto tonight for #crystallightchallence see you soon @raymitheminx @urbannativegirl @valtorontogal & more 🙂 # ooh Adam Newman. Way to screw that hussy Dianna. #yandr # please do RT @jusfrais i’m gonna put that @casiestewart said i was handsome on my bio # haha so funny when @itsbrownbarbie say’s on the phone “i’m watchin’ my show” re: #yandr #cute # but srsly, if @ladygaga tweets me I might put that in my bio @shariyatweets @zachbussey 😉 # RE: @erinbury awesome! stoked to see you 🙂 # if you love #bizmedia too comment ‘aww’ # RE: also starving @raymitheminx nomnomnom # Saw a bio saying ‘followed by Obama’ he follows heaps yo. Was onto me back in 2008! Remembrance Day too. # I liked a @YouTube video Catch Me When I…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Beat that. #bhdsuites # How fucking cool am I now? Pretty much the baddest bitch everrrrrr. #bhdsuites # Custom converse FTW. Be le jealous. #bhdsuites # Totes flirting w/ @karlwolfs. New bffs. #bhdsuites # Second gifting lounge of the day! #vocab (@ ING Direct w/ @dvln) # live from #BHD suites #MMVA gifting lounge at le germain # here choke on this giant pill # Thanks @raymitheminx! You almost here? Love ya #bhdsuites # Mum is home from the boat after being away from one year!! #excited # #bhdsuites w/ @jessegiddings & @nicolemtv # chillin’ #bhdsuites #mmva lounge w/ @hustlegrl @benchcanada (@ Hotel Le Germain Maple Leaf Square w/ 3 others) [pic]: # Photo: reminder to bring barbie printout to next party # Photo: um, strange but i like it # chilling w/ @brenter37 in my @benchcanada #BHDsuites #leafs #babe # had a cucumber sandwich. is that wierd or funny? i think it’s funny. #bhdsuites # playin’ DJ Hero w/ @kardinalO in #BHDsuites w/ @benchcanada. #mmva # Celebs and Bloggers: Today’s Branding Experts # the #EMbot so cute. # whats for lunch today guys? # kinda wish i didn’t look so tired today omg. #nxne #nxnei #bhdsuites # woot @7dollarpants & @benchcanada @ #BHDsuites # RE: yeah dude. it was insane. bacon roses, quail in turkey in pig & roasted.RTRD. # DIE. “@M3foods: M3Foods and @casiestewart at the #bizmedia @EpicMealTime event” # * pix are from the VOCAB Communications gifting lounge at ING Direct in Yonge Street. Thanks for the invite & the goodies team! Everyone & every thing is a brand 😉

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