I love Instagram. It made me think different. More creative. That’s why I like it. I found new, inspiring people and I like to see their photos. See how they look at life, through their lens, through a different filter. I have been publishing for about a decade and have thousands of photos on the Internet. I’ve had my smile photo used in a Facebook ad (total surprise!), a photo of me as a bot (read that story here), and TBH I don’t really mind if my fav bar wants to share my photos beside a Molson ad or on a billboard. A LOT of awesome things have happened from me sharing freely. If you want to own everything, write a blog. If you want to create, make great things and share them. I feel like Internet years are dog years. I’ve been meeting young bloggers more lately and I feel Internet old. I’m up for a Lifetime Achievement Award for christs sake! (Thanks for the Nom guys!) I’ve found myself saying “back in the old days of blogging/social/2.0 things were/it was like [ insert something with no rules, regs, or privacy concerns]. BTW, OOTD on that old Instagram of Queen West is Overgram single photo edit x4, with Diptic collage. It’s more about what you are doing than where you are sharing it. Ok bye. Have a great day.
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