the internet is a new human experience

“lions and tigers used to be kings of the jungle & then one day they wound up in zoos – i suspect we’re on the same track” Josh Harris (internet entrepreneur/ we live in public) Woke up with the plan to read these  magazine and once again, I find myself sharing on the internet, blog, twitter etc. I just accepted 269 friends on Foursquare. Happy stalking. These photos are taken with Retro Camera on my Motorola Milestone android smart phone device. I decided to watch We Live in Public again on Netflix. Have you seen it? I wrote about it when I first wathced, it’s a documentary about the internet. Fascinating to me, honestly. I highly suggest you give it a watch. This is my fav breakfast w/ coffee: plain butter croissant. Hawaii is in the BMW Ultimate Blogger contest. This is so perfect for him. When I read the contest I was like, “Whoa, Hawaii needs to enter this stat.” Click the photo to vote for him, he loves/lives BMW. These are some entries in my Freestyle Friday contest I posted yesterday. Prize is a sexy new phone from Motorola Canada on Rogers, winner chosen Monday.  Each creative pic links to the person who made it. Thanks guys! Super easy to enter: write/type on something, take a pic, upload to internet., link in comments here. Enter NOW! Really looking forward to my workout at The Motion Room today. Happy Saturday!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Thinking of you. # RE: @casiestewart You wanna go for dinner? It’s on me. # RE: i am in heaven! # Imma eat you # if you like pina colada’s… # Big warm hug xo # lost camera, found camera, fell in love, danced. # GIFTING DAY 4: you hungry? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #

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i have a crush

we’re seen eachother before. we know a bit about what we do and we’ve hung out a few times, never anything serious and we’re usually with friends anyways. today, we had a moment to connect.  we get each other, we’re creative and smart. i think he’s really good looking, i hope he likes me too.          whisper you will BE MINE! more and more i want a mac. haha.. them apples. is this thing on? love this guy, Andy. this was waiting for me post massage at ostara spa on sunday. i really should have shown how beautiful it was but, it all looked so good i ate it. thank you for inviting me. it’s nice inside. relaxing. i wanna do a party there with a bunch of friends. this is idea is brewing a STEW. nice floor in there. warmest boots ever. no socks marino wool inside, waterproof, made for adventures in lifestyle thick lycra pants were mum’s. thanks ma! portraits are fun so is life!

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hey, wanna go to a party?

Watch this video and lets hope you already have a way in or you come up with a good way to get the two extra tickets I’ve got because this party is gonna be seriously of the CHIZZLE. Warehouse, vodka, great music, one hell of a good crowd and 14 parties happening around the world at the same time. Our gift arrives in a crate with a party from India. I will be there and I know a bunch of people behind the magic making this happen and I can’t wait for it. Raise your glasses for vodka shots. Remember the other Smirnoff party GRAPHIC? You may have seen it on your TV with a one second unmistakable appearance from your fav pixie party girl at 00:18. Here are the deets: What: The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project: India Who: Jalebee Cartel, Shaa’ir + Func, Dragonette, Isis = Amazing When: Saturday, November 27th, 2010 > next weekend Where: The Munition Factory (so badass location) I dunno who I should bring with me. You need to be totally awesome and fun with a love for vodka and dance floors.  You must have intermediate to advanced knowledge of how to have a good time and not be camera shy. No bad attitudes or egos allowed. Strict dress code of personal style. Flare for conversation mandatory. Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project and you must be 19+. Apply below.

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dying since the day i was born

Good DAY to YOU my friends! I have a few things to blog about today but I will get to that after I do some worky. New clients on the roster. Cooling up some cool for them on the internwebs. Casie you are a brat. No I am not. Yes, yes you are. Whatever. Imma love my vacation next month in San Juan and LA. Tres exciiiiited. I went to Sobeys like this and I was not wearing any pants, at all. Just found out there is a Fiddle & Firkn going in downstairs. That is amaziiing. OK. BYE till later. Have a wicked awesome day. ILU. xo

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i’m available

It’s true. No, I’m not looking for dates but I am looking to get together to talk with cool smart people who like to work with other cool smart people. I’m finishing up a contract this week and available as a consultant. I like to create fun campaigns that engage people online and connect them with cool brands.  I also like to get people off the couch and create experiences. I’m not camera shy or afraid of public speaking and I love having my picture taken. Since leaving CTV as MuchMusic & MTV‘s social media guru/content writer, my life has been really exciting. Over the last two months…I did red carpets and celebrity soirees during Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF). I spent 10 days in New Zealand with as an International VIP sitting front row at NZ Fashion Week (NZFW).  I hopped on a plane to San Francisco and met with the Virgin America team as their cheekly-little-rabble-rouser in Toronto. This week I am the spokesperson for the Arm Yourself campaign with GSK and for the next year, I am your Virgin America Provocateur. I’m young, smart, creative and a bank rich w/ ideas. If you would like to talk email me! Oh, I am so funny 🙂 Creep me on LinkedIn here.

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