island adventure guy

I had a stellar weekend. It was super sunny and I made the most of it. On Saturday I went to the island with Raymi , Phil and friends. Lots happening on the island on a lovely Saturday. There were heaps of kids in interesting costumes. I wanted to get close to take their photos but didn’t bother.  I’ll just keep those memories to myself. There’s  an art installation that plays music when you bike. We found it to be quite fun. The island it really pretty. I haven’t been for ages. Next time I’ll take my bike for sure. There’s a zillion photos from the whole day. This is the art work out, good thing Raymi got it on video so you can enjoy reliving the excitement. There’s more photos Raymi’s blog. She posted yesterday. I slacked off and made a nice dinner for friends and avoided the internet. The ferry ride back to the mainland is way more fun once you’ve spent the afternoon in the sun drinking beer. We all went back to my house for some pizza and swimming. It was great.

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you’re so vain i bet you think this URL is about you

the song plays in the back of my head and the conversation starts… So, you coming out tonight? Hey, I’m not gonna make it. I have plans tonight. Really, with who? Oh, a friend. Anyone I know? Um, yeah I think you might know them, I’m sure you know their website. Cool. Who is it? Maybe then wanna come out too? No, they wanna stay in. I can come out for a bit but I wanna be back home for 11:59pm to meet them. What! They’re coming at midnight? Yeah, well kinda. Not exactly sure my plans but they will include getting my Facebook Vanity URL and celebrating @ClubSobey.

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in this department

I’m feeling restless and I want to go to the beach. The sun is shining bright and I’m a little bit hungry. I went for a walk because I was so restless and sat on the artsy project bench and didn’t have anyone to talk to but myself. I could still hear something and I’m sure it’s my thoughts. They were racing around about all kinds of things that are real and not real and happening around me and inside my wild and vivid imagination. I walked into a spider web and it graced my face. No spiders thankfully. I want to lay in the grass and stretch my arms out really wide and feel the sun on my face. I want to relax. I want to write. I will do that this weekend. I hope it’s sunny. I really should check the weather network and download the app for Blackberry. A guy from the office sent and email in at 6 am today saying he quit. His team wasn’t really happy but there is part of me that admires him for leaving his desk clean and Blackberry in the top drawer last night before heading home. I sent him an email and it bounced back. Kinda funny, well, to me. Oh god I’m hungry now. Do you know my friend Elsa Cohen? She’s coming to visit from NYC soon.

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there’s a new club that opens today

It’s name is Sobey’s. It’s open 24 hours and it’s surrounded by condos of Yuppies that like to party. I’ve got a great view of the place and I’m looking forward to sharing stories of what happens at the club. I expect that it will be a busy place for people under the influence beween 1-3am on the weekends. You an follow Club Sobey on Twitter. Next week I’m one of the first people to ‘Feel the Vibe’ from Mabelline with their new Pulse Perfection Mascara. This thing VIBRATES! I have a link here where you can pre-order it if  you are dying to have an eyegasm. They told me it actually pulses the brush 100 times a second like no hand can. Sounds pretty sexual to me …. When it arrives I will make a video of my first try and hopefully I’ll love it . I might get a couple so if you’re really keen to try it let me know and maybe I’ll send you a unit.

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i’m your suggested contact

Yesterday I was at MaRS for Net Change Week. I was an expert at Social Mastermind // Social Media for Social Change hosted by RedWire.  I had the opportunity to share ideas and brainstorm with the ladies from Raising the Roof Canada’s only national charity for the homeless. I really enjoyed learning about homelessness in Canada and was happy to chat about their youth initiative.   They haven’t really tapped into social media which  gave me lots of opportunity to share my ideas on how they can use social media for good. There was lots of Twitter talk!!  In the end, each group came up with a tangible strategy that they could to take back to the office and execute. It was awesome to see  friends hard at work helping charities. Prime example, these fine gentleman…@d_hock, Andrew Lane from @nitchblog and Julian Brass from @notableTV. I’m have always been very interested in youth issues. When I was in high school I was Director of PR on the City Youth Council and we started a rock festival and opened a drop-in centre for city youth.  It was rewarding and gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about PR and how to turn ideas into reality.  In the evening session I made an appearance at Wired Wednesday. Everyone was wearing name tags with a suggested contact on it…I was theirs.

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and it goes a little somethin’ like this

Great afternoon yesterday with the work mates.  I’m not very sporty nor do I enjoy playing anything with flying balls or kicking. I made an attempt to be a team player… I put on my ankle support and I played Human Fooseball. Sabrina told me she was watching it happen and thinking ‘oh no, this is a bad idea’.  I was standing right across from the shoes in the photo below. She kicked, I kicked, she won. I got heel right in the top of my foot. I’m currently getting the SAME foot looked at for a heel that went right into it about 3 years ago. Epic fail. I spent the rest of the afternoon drinking and sitting in the sun. I also went for a relaxing trek around the island on a boat. I liked it. The city looks so pretty from the lake. Kelly and I were uploading pix to Twitpic the whole time. It was pretty funny because everyone that we were huge dorks and I love that feeling. This photo of us is great, love the tower in the back.

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a social league of awesomeness

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the poutine paper tummy tale

I am posting this as fair warning that you should really be more careful when eating AFTER drinking.  I was at Kitchen then Cadillac Lounge on Queen last night. Kitchen – music was HORRIBLE and we busted outta there before the night took over.  I felt like I was back at a grade 8 dance.  I was hoping to catch @tswizz and the #hypercube meetup at Caddy but the staff seemed clueless as to what I was talking about.  Not to worry, we had fun. I’ve been craving poutine since last weekend and then I got one. However, the paper got caught up in the fork, gravy, cheese and fries and ended up in my tummy. I was grossed out but I guess it won’t hurt too much. Be careful when eating! That is all I have to say about that. I’m going to Toronto Roller Derby tonight. I’ve never been before. It looks really rough, I’d never want to be a roller derby. I fall over enough on my own feet, nevermind on wheely shoes. Real women. Real hits. Real Heart.  I say, real awesome.

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outside seems so much more appealing

I dressed like winter today. I have no idea why. I woke up and was whining ‘it’s cold‘ meanwhile staring at the Weather Network on Blackberry seeing 21 degrees and partly cloudy. I’m a dress/skirt girl. I wore pants and a hat and a big frumpy wooly sweater.  I prove to myself  all my thoughts I’ve had for two days of  ‘I’m not feeling great’.  It’s Friday afternoon and the office is quiet and I know there are beers being had on patios around me.  School next door has free drinks after work and all of a sudden I feel better. The phone rings and it’s Mum who’s calling from the boat up North and has the day off.  It’s lovely to hear her and chat but I’m in the office and have been working really hard can’t leave yet and have more work to do and don’t really have the time to chitty-chat and get sidetracked. We always talk about blog for a minute or two.  She misses it today because there’s no internet yet on the boat for blog reading.  I told her I laid in the grass at lunch and had a smoke and it was nice and sunny on my face.  I get to the point where I have to say “MUM, I’ve got to go‘ in a stern voice and I feel like a character in a chicklit book trapped at the office. I like it.   The book is being written as I live it out each day.  It’s my favorite story. I like this picture.  I like how little my feet are. These babies are a kids size 3 in the US and 2.5 in the UK. That’s mini. Do you follow me on Twitter yet? That would be a damn shame if…

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not feeling so hot

It’;s raining again today and I woke up with a bit of a tickle in my throat. I hate that feeling. I’m quite tired since I returned from a wild weekend in Florida and now it’s catching up wit hme. The rain really puts a damper on things and the mood of everyone around me is somewhat gloomy and grey. I could hear Mum’s voice this morning as I received the following Tweet from one of my followers after saying I felt a soar throat.  This is  just what would come out of Mum’s mouth the second I tell her how I feel. I love you Mum and thanks to Sarah for being on it with the herbal remedies.  The stuff really works but let me tell you, it tasteds like shit.  I’ll pick some up at lunch today and hopefully, the little soldiers will fight off whatever bad guys are making me feel sicky just like in the book.  I also posted a video of driving to Miami, it’s cloudy and kinda gloomy, just like today.

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shining right down on me

I biked  the boardwalk trail this morning beside the Lake. So brilliant the sun was shining down on me. The temperature as I left the house was already over 14 degrees and the clouds cleared shortly after 8am. This is my favorite mug. I’ve had it since I was little kid. It’s Care Bears and says “Make the most of every good thing”, I think that’s a pretty good philosophy. I loved Care Bears, used to watch at 8am before school. I woke up extra early, about 6:30. Something about summer mornings  makes me jump out of bed fleeing alive and ready to take on the day. Love this picture.  I often look out and see whats happening with this massive boat, its usually nothing, but it doesn’t mind me staring. Very busy today. Catering brought Penne a la vodka w/ chicken and it’s so yummy. Eating at desk and then going for coffee to draw cartoons of this guy and this girl.

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the worlds greatest gift, thanks mum

When my Mum was pregnant with my sister I was 3.5 years old.  I distinctly remember laying on Mum and Dad’s  water bed and being asked ‘what should we call the baby?” I was an interesting kid, as I am an interesting character now and could only think of one name to call her, Jenie. I had a whole slew of dolls at home and each one I had was named Jenny.  I’m not quite sure why or what made me love that name so very much. A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty I love hanging out with her. It’s like we’re little kids again half the time. It’s also almost creepy how alike we are. We talk the same and say the same things at the same time all the time. We make the same hand gestures when we talk and do the same knee-slap-head-throw-back when we laugh really hard. Kills me. Having a sister is something I am so grateful for, I have someone who will always be there for me and pick me up when I’m down or tell me when I need to pick it up.  Jenie is on Twitter too if you want to follow her.  She’s not all internet/twitter obsessed like me, but she is 100% pure gold. Pure gold.

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#spadiawatch #tamilprotest #holycow

I went for a bike ride at 5:30pm and was like whoa mama there’s a mad protest on Spadina. They were at Queen Street heading South.  I’ve never seen something like it. I heard heaps of sirens and saw police cars rushing towards the Gardener at top speed. The protesters proceeded to head up the Gardener ramp from Spadina and blocked the highway. I ran over to the spa room on the 27th floor next door and got some great photos of what was happening. It didn’t look to be violent in any way. crazay There are tons of kids in that group. I don’t know who would ever want to do that with their child. It’s getting cold out there too.  After posting photos and videos on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo and 12seconds I got this  Tweet from Steve Austin at City TV asking to use my footage with a credit. Who’s a reporter now!? Hopefully it doesn’t last too long. Good thing I bike to work and it won’t interrupt my day!!

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mum says i need a helmet

Last night I had a bbq with some of my besties ever. Our boy @NickiP is visiting from Curacao and we took it to the roof and roasted some meat. The sky was full of colour and the tower was unobstructed.Mum rung me last night knowing that I’m back on the bike and insisted that ask I my online friends to help me find something to protect my head. I have always loved riding and when I was younger Mum said “No more riding bike without helmet” and from then on so I never rode a bike until I moved out of the house. I had a BMX bike in Bondi that had pegs on the back. This red cruiser is my favorite. If I’m going to get a helmet, I don’t want to spend a fortune on it. My mum showed me some that she likes so I’ll see if they’ve been reviewed by Helmet Hunt and if I like any. I guess if she keeps nagging, I’ll be getting a helmet!Please help me find a red helmet that’s not mortifying. I want to wear a helmet. Wearing a helmet may not be ‘the coolest‘ but neither is being brain dead. Please leave a comment or link or something if you have any suggestions. Mum wants it to be red too. ?

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cartoon motion

Sometimes I wish I was a cartoon. I would run up walls and jump and fly and all kinds of super things. I saw Wolverine movie last night. Hugh JACKman should be called ‘Hugh jacked man’. He’s massive. I really like the Bloor Varsity – VIP section. You can order a bevvy & food to your seat. Did some serious writing when I got home last night. The book gets closer every day. I paid my friend whose laid off to clean my room. What a surprise to come home to, a floor and closet full of clothes. An old book from the 1940’s lay on my desk from Mum. I picked up the book and as I opened the fragile cover I read “The Face is Familiar: Selected Verse by Ogden Nash“. He died on May 19, 1971 and was one of the worlds best humor poets. He inspires me to write/publish some of my quite funny ones. I like his style very much, I do.

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hop to it kiddios

Hopscotch on Queen Street starring Casie from Vimeo. Hopefully you’re noticed that you can now comment on blog using Facebook Connect. This allows you to leave a comment and not have to enter your information and gives you the opportunity ability to publish in your FB news feed also. This is cool. Twitter Trackbacks should be there too. I’m making lots of changes this week and moving blog to WordPress on Friday. I’m stoked. I’ve been working at this for years and it’s growing to the point where some really awesome stuff is happening. If you or someone you know wants to advertise with me or on le blog I’m taking bids. This is my blog and I only want to advertise things I like, luckily, I like lots of stuff and am open to making new friends. Have your peeps email mine: casie at

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friend, chicken and waffles for brekky

The Drake Hotel has great breakfast. The thing that makes it most the great of all is when you get a seat in the sunshine and you can watch people around you. Interesting. Entertaining. Cute. Stylish. Unique. Some smart. Some insane. My favorites.There was a guy carrying around a Marxism book. I think it was an accessory. Does anyone really read a 10 pound old Marx novel or do they just ‘carry it for looks’? I think the latter. I like lattes and grapefruit. I had a pretty standard brekky but I did recently have the Southern fried chicken and waffles. I told the waffles girls they need to check that shiz out when they are in town this week. Hopefully we can meet. Been sharing mutual love online.

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#awesomistic #tfc #birthdayweek

Yesterday at the TFC was amazing. I’ve never wanted to be a fan of a game as much as I did being in th. I had a blast. I’m very grateful that my friend took me. I yelled my guts out. Clapped, whistled, jumped up and down and made friends. It was a tie and the fans are the most intense I’ve ever seen in pro sports. The weather was a roller coaster of fun. Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun. Luckily Av had these killer TFC rain parkas that he got during the first season.I sat in the rain and drank my beer and I was warm and dry. I love the skyline. This is a great city. I was also super satisfied with the food. I had a chip butty. Last time I had a chip butty I was 12 and at Shelly Beach in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. I was with my family and Mum caught a flounder with a stick. I also went swimming with with dolphins about an hour out in the ocean. It was absolutely amazing. This photo is amazing; BMO/Carlsberg, don’t be shy now, you know you love it. I made friends with some cool peeps after the game. I was drinking on the Carlsberg tab at Brazen and checked out that contest you told me about. Entered it. Not sure where I can see my profile? I also met a lovely babe from MAC at Rasputin Vodka Bar. Cool place. Looking forward to being better friends with MAC and Carlsberg.

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she’s gonna grow up and write a book about you

I had a blog before this one, it was on myspace, it still is. It’s called it ‘It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be” after a favorite book by Paul Arden. It’s all writing and poetry. I revisited it today, it had been since 2007 that I logged into myspace. I guess you could say I’ve been kinda busy. I have two accounts casieandjenie and misscasiestewart. November 25 2004 I am spinning, sitting here thinking.Thoughts of you run from my heart, past my mind Turning round in my head. Touching me all day. One day, you might be mine. You light my fire, you are my star.Will I see you tomorrow? Will I ? I will be with you again.I feel your energy, moving in the air.When you are around, you put a twinkle in my eye.I want you close to me, I think you want me too. August 10, 2006 crazie//: casie.racie.spacie.energetic. dynamic.distinct. animated. always entertaining.fastmoving. neverslowingdown. sexy.preppy. intellectuallystimulating. delicate and decent. like diana, ladylike, its her middle name. a very laid back kind of girl. sort of radiant. sparkling the way the sun shines, when even out of sight and glowing, gleaming. she even she has a sister stewart. sibling. she’s also social & s.m.a.r.t.May 22, 2006There is no price imaginable that could buy all my creativity, for it is infinite and contagious. We are all units and we are all united.

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black and white and red all over

It’s not nearly as warm as it looks outside. The sun is shining and so am I but the air is breezy and cold. I walked past a truck that said ‘smart’ on it and I thought, hey that’s me. There’s three more cases of Swine Flu in the GTA. Mild, but still crazy. I don’t like pigs. They gross me out. I’m glad I never went to Mexico, I don’t think I will ever go now. Not really into dying, there’s lots of other nice beaches that aren’t deadly. I love this spot in the afternoon. The sun shines so very bright. I just got a cheque for retro pay on a raise, exciting but not massive. I’d like a massive cheque with my name on it. Or a trip. Or a new laptop. Or new shoes. I love shoes. I pulled these red boots out from storage. I love red shoes the most. I like red cars too. I used to think red cars go faster. I’ve never had a car. I never needed one. I’d like my first car to be a Porsche. Dad wants a Porsche too. Chatted him today. He’s busy building hot rods. I like that. He sounds happy. I’m happy too.

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quit your swining, swine baby

Rainy day again. I was watching the news about Swine Flu last night. Creepy stuff. I started thinking to myself. 1. Good thing I didn’t go to Mexico 2. Who did go to Mexico that I’ve hung out with and could contaminate me and kill me? Hopefully I’m safe. Last night I sat on the couch and and started drawing a comic strip. It’s Elsa Cohen’s Adventures in Super Blogging. I’m working on it. Here’s a first sketch for now…I also took some time to read old stuff I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. I thought all these things when I was 15. I still think it’s important to be yourself, I still love McDonald’s and you are never to old to play in leaves or snow. Have a great day! What I think (1996) from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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windy ass mother trucker

Who mama. What a windy bitch she was on Saturday between 5-6pm. I freaked and was kinda creeped when I looked out the window only to see random garbage and debris flying by. It was nutso! There’s massive condo building construction happening near my place which made for sand and materials all over the place. I have never seen a storm quite like it. I got some video footage, it was kinda scary. Camera needed a tight grip, the wind was snatching stuff from all the balconies!Mad Wind #1 from Casie on Vimeo. Mad Wind #2 from Casie on Vimeo.

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see you on the weekend

Lots of stuff planned for the weekend including relaxing, couch surfing and tanning. Have a great one. See you Monday or on a patio! ♥ xo

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vacation in balconia

I walked part of the way today. So sunny and mild. Woke up early. Wore a summer dress, one that’s good for biking. The tower in the sky looks beautiful. I love when kids wear fake tattoos. So funny. Was busy in the sketch book last night. I had an art attack. This is one of about 5 new babies. I play Mario Kart on the streetcar, mostly on Fridays. I never see girls gaming but I think it would be cute if I did. Lots of work to do today. Wore my Wellies, we might get a thunderstorm. I’m undecided on my feelings about Breakfast Television and CP24. I like Frankish and Dina but the CP24 news/weather/traffic etc. all on one screen is so convenient. Its going to be really nice out. I can feel it already. I’m listening to my station. Good tunes on there. I’m DJ Basketcase.

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on the way in

This elevator smells like cheap perfume and its probably you. There’s posties beside me and they converse over condos and routes. Seasons affect them, they affect me too, like the weather. ‘Take it easy‘ he says, like its easy, like it’s so easy to take it easy. Its not, its hard to take it easy when there are so many factors pulling attention from your life & love. That guy has a purple jacket. I wish I had a purple jacket. Are there any blogs famous for being crazy, like thoughts insane? Random thoughts that lead to a story of ones life that they don’t even remember writing? I just missed my stop as I was writing and now, I will arrive when I get there. I backtrack, like a dummy. Am I dumb or am I smart? Everyone should have a blog. Its like therapy. I ran into a friend, not just any, a smart inspiring one. That’s why I missed my stop. Universe. There’s no streetcar. She says to me, Lauren Hill, “it could all be so simple, but you’d rather make it hard”. We’re both at Fresh and Wild, playing at the same time. Albert Einstein thinks we can’t live without Bees. I don’t like feeling that I have to do things. It’s a never nearly as neat as when you do it for love. Lindsay would be a hot and slutty burlesque dancer. I know this is random to you but in my mind thoughts flow at a very fast speed. I’m at work now. Like a Sim. Its Earth Day, turn off your computer and give your attention to the earths problems instead of your own. Sent from my BlackBerry device on Rogers

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tag those greenbacks

Would you get in trouble if you tagged a URL on cash?What if you wrote your twitter name?Would it help you keep track of your money? Yesterday I came across this fine stamped bill at a friends place as we were celebrating the greatness that was yesterday. Seems the Black Diamond Riders have stamped their bills. Interesting. I’m sure I’d get haterade from someone if I marked up the bills I use! Is it worth a shot? Hmm.

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see you on the patio guys

Today is a wonderful day because I will be taking the afternoon off. I will be lazing around by the pool in my bikini with a fresh fruit smoothie and a blanket. I’m thinking that I should bring a sunbrella so I can have some shade. Wore a cute outfit today. The neon Harvey’s shades that are MINE from the 80’s top it off for sure. I’m gonna post about it later but you should totally check out the Peach Beserk design a dress site. It’s totally rad. I hung out at the shop yesterday and did some screen printing. It was the coolest thing ever. You can pick everything including the hair. I made this pink & red one. Stylespiration. After letting some creative juices flow I went to #postworkdrinks at Gretzky’s and let me tell you, it was hoot! The Tweeps are so cool. It was a good time. Happy to see YOU ALL again. There were more pix but everyone was wasted so I saved the embarrassment for another time. Have a great day! Don’t forget this awesomeness. hahaPushups at the Bar from someone who drinks beers.

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