Travel | Treehouse Glamping in Ontario w/ Glamping Hub

My first trip of the year wasn’t to a sunny destination, it was up north to a tiny little solar-powered treehouse north of Toronto. Glamping Hub invited me to stay at a destination of my choice, so naturally I picked a cool one. Glamping Hub is home to some of the coolest non-traditional camping spots around the world. They’ve got luxury camping available in tree houses, yurts, tipis, camper vans, safari and fancy tents. I’m hoping to explore a few more of their destinations in South/Central Ontario. Here’s my first Glamping Hub experience!  [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″]

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Happy New Year! * Sweet Sixteen*

Well ladies & gents, 2016 is here and I am so glad.  16 is a favourite number of mine and to be honest 2015 was a hard year. Felt I was getting off track a bit and my health wasn’t 100%, so,  I’m facing 2016 with a clear head and excitement. The tattoo I have on my left arm is 16 dots, evenly spaced, in two shades of green like a beaded bracelet. It’s a perfect square, and 16 2x 8, my fav number of them all.  This is the sweet sixteen!  [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″] Today was a good day, went out for a drive around 9:30am, the streets were bare and the air was calm. After, I made a nice breakfast and spent some time cleaning up the house. I had this plan where I wanted to go out and take a great photo with my GoPro and a confetti cannon. After driving around with BF and child, we wound up getting lunch and coming home. I went out to an alley near our place by myself, set up my camera, and popped the cannon. Much to my disappointment, it wasn’t recording video and the confetti made a beautiful display, then flew away in the wind. That moment will forever be in my memory and NOT on Instagram. Whoops! It’s ok, everything doesn’t always go as planned! I took a deep breath, laughed it off to myself and went back home where it was warm. This is my first selfie of 2016. I mean it’s my ACTUAL first selfie in the 20 I took to get a nice one (which we all know is what happens). I added some lighting to brighten it up a bit, but the first one is always the best. I continuously take a pile to get the perfect one and then, voila, the first one…

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This Is My Life | Snow, Holidays, Glamping, Boots

Listening to Christmas music and planning to decorate the house today. I might have had too much coffee but that’s OK! Woke up to snow and now it’s REALLY the holidays.  Have a couple things to get done first but I’m dying to pull out the decorations and get started. Is it too early for egg nog? Booked a stay at a solar powered tree house in January via Glamping Hub. They reached out about a stay and I thought it would be nice to be nested in the forest in the middle of winter. Since the cottage is closed I need to keep my wilderness connection alive. It’s about an hour north of Toronto and you can bet I’ll be documenting my adventure. I’d like to try actual glamping this summer, in a tent. Remember how last summer I really wanted to get a tent set up? Next year I’ll do it at the start of summer instead of trying at the end. Yesterday I finally unboxed a paid of boots that arrived from Sorel Footwear via Klout Perks a couple months ago. Turns out, they’re super cute AF! I didn’t know Sorel had so many nice boots. These ones also come in a taller version or shorter in a bunch of colours.  This post isn’t sponsored by them but I would be happy if it was, I love these new cuties on my feet. *waves to Sorel across internet!  A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 24, 2015 at 5:19am PST I think yesterday was my last day getting away with just a leather jacket. Time to bring out the big guns coats! When it gets cold, remember, there’s no bad weather just bad outfits.      

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Tech | Another One Bites the Dust: RIP Rdio

The list of social sharing services I’ve seen disappear over the last five years keeps getting longer. A bit of sadness for Rdio this week as it’s been purchased by Pandora for $75M and filed for Chapter 11. I’ve been using Rdio since early 2012 when it came to Canada after I was introduced to it at SXSW. Around them I took part in a round table to discussion on the future of music streaming and music piracy with a bunch of music execs and media. covered the session (here). After my free year of Rdio was up, I continued to pay $9.99 for the service the last few years, with my own money. Rdio was there for countless road trips, dance parties, summers on the dock, sing-alongs in the boat, and Christmas parties. I made heaps of playlists and Rdio has been part of all my fun the last few years. I mentioned it as one of my fav apps in interviews w/ ApexPR & Mad Hatter Tech. It’s crazy how attached you become to a service, how integrated it becomes in your life. I was really sad when was purchased by AOL and dissolved, felt heartbreak over Dailybooth, and another wave of sadness when Viddy shut down. Transfer Your Rdio Playlists to Apple Music Today I’ve been transferring my Rdio playlists to Apple Music. TBH I don’t mind Apple Music but I really loved Rdio. I decided to fork over the $4.99 to have do the work of moving my playlists over from Rdio. Luckily, I think Apple Music will be around for a while. I am really feeling this 90’s hip hop & R&B playlist from the commercial with Mary J. Blige. You’ll love it too, heaps of good jamz!  

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Spring in November, Isn’t it Lovely?

I am seriously loving this weather! I went for a bike ride this morning to get a coffee. I’ve been a bit slack on blog posts this week as I’m seriously prepping for a TEDx talk this weekend.  I’ve been giving myself a little goals of doing some work and then rewarding myself with a coffee or with lunch. I’ve got a lot to get accomplished this week! Next week I’m shooting a holiday project with a major design company and I’m really excited about it. I set a goal to do more video so I’m pretty stoked about all the collabs I’ve got coming up. [vine id=”eLKeuduiF0T”]  In other news,  I recently discovered how great dictation is on my MacBook, I can literally talk and it types everything I’m saying. I’m doing this today because I’m feeling a bit frazzled! 😛 Prepping for a speaking gig involves lots of talking to yourself. Dictation and iPhone voice memos are my saviour this week. THANKS APPLE! Scion Canada hooked me up with a car for the week, which I am LOVING! I’ve never owned my own car and it’s so freeing to just jump in an hit the open road. Today I’m heading West with my sister to have dinner with mum. [vine id=”e33FP9rUlTm”] Yesterday I went to WEST (wearables) conference at the MaRS discovery District. On this panel is one of Sean’s business partners, J.Lee Williams,  talking the future of VR in film and television. I also stopped into a preview of ALDO Spring/Summer 2016. Take a little scroll through my fav items in this little Vine. You’ll find these at stores early next year. I’ve been making more short videos so pop over to to see my recent creations.  [vine id=”e3L7BnJ10BM”] OK, time for me to get a move on. Forever being distracted by the internet!…

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Events | Woodbine Racing 2015 Season Comes to an End

This weekend, before heading to the cottage Garret, Sean and I stopped by Woodbine for the last big race of the season, the Breeders Cup. Over the past few months I’ve attended a bunch of great times there with friends. Almost everyone I took this season came home with $$. I’m still working on my luck! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Oct 18, 2015 at 11:31am PDT Saturday night @WoodbineRacing with this babe @casiestewart #Crown15 — Garrett Tonge (@GTONGE1) October 24, 2015 One of my fav events of the summer is the Queen’s Plate. Carla had never been to the races so I took her as my date. It was a nice sunny afternoon and we started with the Hats & Horseshoes party. All season, Woodbine hosted a selfie contest with a $1,000 gift card prize. It was easy to enter, snap a selfie with the racetrack in the background, post to Twitter or Instagram with #OfftotheRaces and you were in. Aside from the Queen’s Plate there’s Woodbine Oaks, the Pattison International, and Breeders Crown. Before Dawn moved back to Scotland I took her for an afternoon at the races. Woodbine Oaks was a fun one for us as there were rock n’ roll bands playing for us to jam out to. My sister Carynn was the big winner of the summer with a near whopping $100 for the day. We went in the middle of October and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. We dined at Futures where they offer a sit down lunch, private viewing area, and full buffet. They also make some pretty good cocktails here! 😉 I’d like to thank Woodbine for a fun summer. It was great sharing my #offtotheraces experiences and taking friends for the first time. My Grandad…

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