Went home recently to spend a few days at Mum’s with the fam. My uncle Jimmy (Mum’s twin brother) passed away in New Zealand and I wanted to be there for her. I didn’t realize how much I missed spending time together. My sister was there for a couple of days too! We went for nice walks in the neighborhood by the river, checked out the local thrift shops, and drive around remembering the places we used to hang out. I had three days off work and stayed a few extra days to work remotely. Grateful to have a job where I can work anywhere. Before heading home, Bonga and I went for wings at our old stompin’ grounds, Moose Winooski’s. It’s changed a lot since we used to go there on Thursday nights back in high school. The wings there are just as huge as I remember tho, so good. This is the first summer in 15+ years that Mum & Steve have been home and not sailing on the boat. Already planning a trip back soon. 🤗

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Five Good Things

It’s been a hard few months but winter is nearly behind us and hopefully this pandemic too. I’m looking forward to wearing my transitional coats, rain boots, and flowers starting to bloom. Hang in there, things are getting better. Here are five good things helping me stay positive: 1. Connecting with friends and family. I went to see mum last week, it had been months since I’d seen her. We had a nice walk and laughed over dinner. Nothing quite like a hug from mum. LOVE YOU! 💖 2. Getting outside. Even if it’s just for a walk around the block, fresh air and vitamin D are magic. I try to run each morning but if I don’t get there, I go for a mid-day walk or an evening stroll. Longer days make all the difference. ☀️ 3. Keeping busy. The gym has been keeping me busy and I’ve been planning dates with friends I’ve not seen in a while. Now that things are opening up there’s more fun to be had out in the world. 🤗 4. Practicing self-care. You don’t need to wait for the weekend to do that face mask, have a nice bath, or pamper yourself. I love a good self-care hour or evening during the week. I’m pretty dedicated to sleep lately and rarely go to bed without a calming meditation. 🛌 5. Trying something new. A friend and I have started a crypto class and Nelson and I are launching a PODCAST. YAY, NEW THINGS. 🎉 I’m pretty excited about it and it feels good to step out of (…or maybe into?) my comfort zone. I’ll share more on this soon.

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Day 630: Canadian Street Rod Nationals

Today I pulled out a vintage shirt that belonged to mum. Our parents had a hot rod shop when we were kids called ‘Toys For Boys‘ and they went to heaps of car shows. This is from the Candian Street Rod Nationals in 1979, before I was born. I love it so much, fav colour. This shirt and many of my other vintage hot rod shirts were made at Tiger Brand, a manufacturer that used to be in Cambridge, ON (hometown). It’s amazing that after 30+ years they’re all in perfect condition. My friend Jeremy used to be part of the company so I tagged him in my photo today. He ended up sending the screenshot to the family that owned it and this is the message I got back. Love it! I was gonna call this post ‘Tiger Brand’ but yesterday my title was ‘Eye of The Tiger‘ so that might be weird lol. In other news, I left my Apple Watch charger at the cottage and even though I ordered a new MagSafe charger, the thing will NOT CHARGE. Pretty sure it’s bc of the voltage but alas, another day without my watch. Will go to Apple tomorrow. This is the first time since getting my watch last December that I haven’t tracked my fitness. I hate it! I can’t believe I’ve become so attached to this little device. If you’re considering ordering one, DO IT. I love it so much. Got a manicure after work today and I can’t even begin to tell you how a small thing like that can really change everything. I feel put together again. HOPE YOUR WEEK IS GOING GREAT!

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Day 623: What if it turns out better?

How many times have you been in a situation, or given an opportunity but worried the outcome might be bad? Never? Well, that must be nice! LOL. I’ve found that through the pandemic my anxiety has gotten worse and it’s not that I think things will go bad, it’s just that I feel anxious something might go wrong. The thing is, what if it turns out better than you expected? Better than you could have ever imagined? What if all your hard work, late nights, long days, sweat, tears, finally pay off like you always dreamed? It’s possible. One of my fav books from when I was little is from the ValueTales series, “The Value of Believing In Yourself“, the story of Louis Pasteur (published 1977). Pasteur is known for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization. The story is about him finding a cure for rabies because he believed in himself. Funny side note about this book, I got a new copy for Emily when she was a kid and didn’t remember the part of the story where the dog passed away. Sean was like, “um the dog DIES?! What kind of story is this?!” HAHAHAHA. Safe to say, neither of them feels the same passion for the book as me. Whoops! (I’m sure mum will find this hilarious.) Believe in yourself, anything is possible!

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Day 621: You Have Everything You Need

Wore this outfit on our weekend drive to Orillia when I was really excited to pick up the stock tank. It wasn’t available to Sean and I went to the liquidation store and got Wendy’s. These pants are from Zara kids last winter and my sweater belonged to mum when I was a kid. Dad made this car in real life, IRL! Leaving this look here as a reminder to wear more of the clothes I don’t wear that often. You don’t need new clothes, you have everything you need!

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Day 564: Election Day in Canada

It’s Election Day in Canada and we voted first thing this morning. Had a good day at work. Went for a bike ride after to get some movement and sunshine. The Harvest Moon is tonight and I’ve got a few things planned to summon the good vibes. I like to put a big jug of water outside to charge in the moonlight with my crystals. I usually have a nice bath with essential oils and set a few intentions. I always go outside on a full moon to make my 6 wishes (like Mum!) and say a mantra. It may seem silly but if it makes me feel good AND there’s a chance it helps bring good things my way, I’m here for it. If the moon can move the ocean, it can move me. ? Sending you good vibes and energy through the internet. I hope the next few months bring you heaps of joy. You have everything in you to create the life you want to live, go get it! ?

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