Pink Hair, Don’t Care – Kevin Murphy Color Bug

I love love love this Color Bug product by  Kevin Murphy (Australia). I’ve been using it for a few months. Colour in, wash out. It works like a chalk on your hair and is a totally perfect perk up when you need to get your roots done! Works on all different hair shades and comes in a variety of colours including pink, orange, lime green, white, purple, and GOLD. This morning I was feeling Friday lazy, plus am about to go get my hair done tonight, so threw this in with a couple curls and VOILA. Stopped to snap a few photos with my new DSLR on the way to work. I’m looking to teach a Master Class in Self-Photography one day. Peace out peeps, hope you hae a killer Friday night. I’m heading for a drink with the girls from work, then hair appointment, and probably a wild night at home watching a movie with my love. Mum is coming to visit tomorrow and I’m so glad it’s a long weekend. Keep fit & have fun, <3 CASIE

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Payless Summer Preview Sale w/ Savings from CAA

I’ve been biking heaps since the weather has FINALLY warmed up. One of my fav things this time of year is shopping for new spring things! As I was browsing the CAA website  last week I was pleasantly surprised to see I can save 10% at Payless with my membership! I like shoes. Actually, I love shoes! Each summer I wear heaps of flat shoes and often wear them out from all my walking, biking, concerts, and activities. So, affordable little flats are perfect. Plus, a girl can never have too many shoes! I went to the Payless store located conveniently across from the Eaton Centre on Yonge Street. There are over 40 stores in the GTA and you can also order online. There’s heaps of shoes for men, women, and kids, with all kinds of accessories. You’ll save 10% if you show your CAA card when making a purchase.  Plus, their Summer Preview Sale is on now! I’m super impressed with all the life-side assistance savings from CAA. I’ve had my membership for about 3 months and already saved more having it than the cost of the membership. Remember my trip to Boston? Next on my list is a movie date and dinner where I use my CAA card to impress my BF with my savvy savings. Had lunch with Mum and Dad last week and they BOTH recently renewed their memberships. We’re a CAA family!  To see all the life-side assistance savings from CAA visit or check them out on Facebook and Twitter. They have a blog too! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Real and Imagined

Got sent an advanced uncorrected proof from Simon & Schuster Canada. Thank you! Can’t wait to start it today, deep in the forest woods of Muskoka. I absolutely LOVE getting books in advance. Something so magical about it. We spent heaps of time at the library as kids. Summer reading club FTW.  Thanks Mum for that. YOU ARE THE BEST MUM! Got to have lunch with her and Dad with my sister this week for my birthday. Prettyyyyy awesome. Love you guys! Just watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. I forgot he gave her the massive library. I love that library. And the dress. Belle is my fav Disney Princess. (You have one too, don’t lie to yourself now!) It’s kinda cold and gloomy up here this weekend but that’s perfect for writng so I don’t mind one bit. Enjoy the day 🙂 CASIE

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Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s my birthday! Yahooo. I don’t like to make that big of a deal, I celebrate myself and make the most of each day all year round. I just wanna hang out with my friends and eat some good food. My love got me this beauty ukulele and I can’t wait to sit in the park or the dock and play it. I’ve got a few chords down and I’ll be playing ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ in no time. Have a dinner planned with a bunch of my besties after work. Mum and Dad are in town and will be stopping by the office at some point. Can’t wait to hug them both! Thanks for the kind words and warm wishes. Love you! <3 CASIE

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ANZAC Day Reminds Me I’m Proud to Be Kiwi

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand (like Nov. 11 in North America). If you’re just tuning in, my parents immigrated to Canada and I have dual citizenship (Canadian/Kiwi). All my family except Mum, Dad, & sister live there. I’m thankful for Facebook because I see so much more of them now! In spirit of Anzac Day and my love for New Zealand, some of my fav NZ people and blog moments below. Fav kiwi jewellery designer, Nick Von K NZ with Gala Gonzalez, Am Lul & Rumi Neely from Fashion Toast Front row at NZ Fashion Week 2010 w/ Derek Fabulous With Derek Fabulous & Nicole Miller A great Kiwi, the wonderful Isaac Likes MY FAV Kiwi Sweets Driving with my Cuzzy Arriving at Auckland airport, awesome! Auckland is totally online.  

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Narcissus, Spring Flower

I picked these up the other day when it was all rainy to brighten things up. Mum has a daffodils all around her house at home. It was always my fav to pick them and take to school for my teachers. Hope your day is good 🙂 <3 CASIE

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