Where You Land is Where I’m Gonna Be

Was all decked out in pastels this weekend. I really love my hair this colour. Thinking I’ll go back to blonde for spring but it’s gotta get a bit longer. Growing out your hair from a pixie takes real dedication. Slept half the weekend and feel great today.  Had some time with friends and got some Christmas shopping in. Can’t wait till see all my family on Wednesday. Mum is hosting a huge group for dinner including my Dad and his wife.  It’s gonna be great! Have you heard this song in the Walmart commercial? I love it, Paper Planes by East of Avenue. Was created by a TO agency. We kept singing it whenever the commercial came on and Sean learned to play it on guitar this weekend. Title is a line from it. Where You Land is Where I’m Gonna Be How cute is this little Christmas Mini! It’s got pressies and lights (kinda hard to see the lights but we were driving!).  I love all the lights on everything this time of year. Sean told me he’ll have the hugest display of lights when we get a bigger house/yard and I fell in love all over again. Timed to music too. What a dreamboat! Discovered a new app this weekend called Shift that allows you to create filters and it’s kinda net. Spiced up this photo of Queen West (it’s $0.99). Will be at the Gladstone Hotel tonight teaching a class on blogging in their new Get School’d series. I believe it’s sold out but if you are interested in coming, lmk. After today I’m going to really try and take a break from my phone and laptop. I doubt I’d be able to digital detox without being at a beach, I can’t go a day without my phone. I can barely go…

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Hey Ho Holidays! Wig out, Wear a Onesie, Smile!

We had Sean’s holiday party 1188 x Revolver Films X Bon Bon Mag on Thursday last week and come Friday I was so tired. This weekend I was getting ready to host a few friends over for a holiday hangout & secret Santa. We set up a photo booth and it was so much fun. Nothing like good times with great friends. I’ll have photos from both soon. Stopped into Philistine on Queen West, one of my fav stores. They burn these great cedar incense that remind me of the cottage each time I walk in. They have a huge selection of clothes, accessories, and I’ve snagged a few goodies from the sale rack. Spotted these tea cups at The Bristol at The Great Hall. Picked up meat pies for everyone at 1188 last the other day and thought they were so pretty. This art had been on the wall here for a while now. Makes me think about how much I’ve grown/changed. There’s been some neat experiences the last few years that have really shaped the person I am now. This is a bit of a ramble post. I blog to remember so it’s important I write things down, ok! Painted some pineapples and added glitter for my table display this weekend, Thanks Pinterest! Here’s a good article about Pinterest vs Real Life. It’s what happened when a woman tried to live the ‘Pinterest life’ for a week. Some learns, some fails, very exhausting. This was me at the end of the party on Sunday. Wig out, wearing a onesie with a smile. I’m pretty excited to see my family over the holidays too, Mum is hosting about 30 for Christmas dinner. It’s gonna be awesome! I went to the Shangri-La spa last week and it was amazing. Writing that post now so brb! <3 CASIE

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Collect Moments Not Things

  Woke up not feeling so hot and decided to start my day from my favourite office, the BED OFFICE. It’s one of my fav spots besides a busy cafe when I need to get writing done. We have a patio and huge windows that let the light in and it’s inspiring to cozy up with a coffee and my trusted Mac companion, James Dean. I treasure those moments. All my gadgets have names of famous men in history. My first iPad, Andy Warhol and old laptop, Robert live with mum now. My cameras all have girl names. Saw this sign on Queen Street yesterday. I love the word ‘meander’. Reminds me of Sunscreen by Baz Luhrman. Posted about that song back in 2008, wow that’s ages ago.     After a lazy start to the day in our loft I’m back in the office working away. One of the things I love MOST about being a blogger/writer/freelancer is being in charge of my destiny. Today is one of those days where I started out sluggish and am finishing feeling on top of the world. I’m extremely thankful that I never gave up on blogging even though there were a few times times I just wanted to throw it all away. There’s a lesson for today, don’t give up. You really never know what will happen from one day to the next. 🙂 <3 CASIE    

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Feel The Sunshine, Flash Your Smile Around

This weekend I had some much needed hangout time with my mum and sister. We had brunch and went for a walk along the boardwalk by the lake. It’s so pretty down there. Visiting to the beaches feels like a mini vacay! Took my DSLR along for the day and snapped some pix. Perfect day to be outside and have some laughs. Mum has always been a huge inspiration for me. A couple years ago she sailed to the Bahamas with her BF on their boat, I didn’t get to chat with her as often as usual so I often wrote letters to her right here. It makes me so happy to hang out and we always laugh our heads off with little jokes. Thanks for a fun day ladies! Feeling energized! Feel The sunshine on your face, flash your smile around! <3 CASIE

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Lifestyle | Always Bring Your Own Sunshine

Hello sunshine, it’s nice to feel you on my face. It’s a beautiful November day and this morning I took a stroll through the park on my way to a meeting.   Thinking of my dear Granddad today and stories he used to tell us about being at war. He lied about his age and when they found out he was put in the kitchen to be a cook. When he returned to Palmerston North, New Zealand he opened a butcher shop. Mum still has one of his aprons. Thankful for all those who gave their lives for us. Lest we forget.   Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. Anthony J. D’Angelo With love, <3 CASIE

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CottageLife | You Might Just Need An Entire Weekend of Sleep

Hellooooo November! I love summer but there’s something so calming and creative about winter that makes me want to lock myself inside and write or organize the house. I did neither of those things this weekend. I slept at least 25 hours.  I took as many extra hours of sleep as I could find! We spent most of the weekend on the couch watching shows and movies from Netflix or iTunes. The fridge is full of takeout. I was tired. I had work to do but I just didn’t have the energy. Today I feel much better and ready to take on the world! Whenever it’s a new month, year, and sometimes even day I look back and feel grateful for memories or think about how life has changed. Two years ago Sunday, Dad and I did the CN Tower Edgewalk thanks to Mastercard Canada’s Priceless Surprises. Timehop is a great app for looking back on that you posted on Twitter or Facebook that day (see posts about the app). Saw this rusty rat rod truck that made me think of you Daddio! He custom builds hot rods and is working on his own rat rod right now. It’s the start of Movember so I can’t help but think about the MoSistas TO pinup calendar from last year 2012. (Gah, I can’t believe it was 2 years ago!)  The girls and I had a good time getting dolled up. I was May. Apron was Mum’s and I love it. I use it on the regular. I hope I still have that scarf. In other news, Regina George started following me today and I’m already into the Christmas music w/ one of my favalbums by She & Him.   If you need something to cheer you up on this gloomy Monday, press play, or check out THIS happiest Christmas playlist ever…

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