“in the least creepiest way… i am most positive i saw you at sneaky dees tonight ahah”

always on her phone this one i’m planning to do something special for you with darren’s salon because i am nice and i want you to feel happy. we’re sorting out all the deets but you will know about it when we’re done. i’ll give you a clue, it involves you getting your hair did and someone not paying for it. yay! remember i was telling you about darren being in toronto life’s shopping issue recently? well, guess what? he’s in there again in the bridal issue. great skills. if you are waiting for colour to change it is a bad idea to go outside. you have to keep your head warm, like this kinda. this is my fav part, the shave. stitching came undone on on of my boots. think i can return them? i got them at the docs store last summer. i tweeted about the warranty and someone asked if i got them on the 1990’s. NO, they are new. very funny. haha ok hair done. off to kensington for a friends comedy show that i ended up missing. probably because i stopped to play here.  i am canadian ex. 1 ice rink. this is my fav vintage shop in the city, apt. 909 on dundas. i hardly share anything about it because i want to keep you away so i can get all the goodies for myself. no really though. oh hai again sneaky dee’s. somebody was here… my hair has a mind of it’s own and that mind likes to PAR-TAY. look at these studs, we’ve been friends for over ten years, coming up on 15 soon i reckon. bachelor 1 luke, bachelor 2 chris, both eligible entrepreneurs. they are getting hotter with age. if you wanna date them lemme know 😉 i’m not a fan of…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

hot tub time machine: it’s like a mini vacation http://goo.gl/fb/Y39q2 #blog # Great Read: 7 Vices of Highly Creative People http://j.mp/dS3g3i cc @michaelnus # sick but social http://twitpic.com/3oxfcs # hot tub time machine http://goo.gl/fb/1bWKO #blog # best thing about being sick – not being hungry 🙁 # can someone please make this for me and bring it over? ILU forever http://bit.ly/gm2M64 # we're not in kansas anymore. RT @wafflesgirls: heel click teleportation technology is criminally underdeveloped. get on it scientists! # sisters http://on.fb.me/hlg3SN # well written my love RT @amforever: ashes to ashes. smoking bull rider… moving slow like a ballet. # parkdale landmark http://on.fb.me/hwHgSg @raymitheminx # There's three asian dudes here dancing & playing 'genie in a bottle' so cute. #hottub http://twitpic.com/3ovqwj # hot tub would be good for my cold eh? or no. pool is no i reckon but hot tub is good. # one of you guys works at #TheCounter @thompsontoronto don't you? i can't remember who it is!! # #HELP need a cool dinner spot downtown #toronto to take my old boss for dinner next week? she is cool & in fashion. would like to impress. # what do you think of the new Brit? #holditagainstme # stoked for today's #yandr # being sick is kinda inspiring or making me delusional – chicken soup for the hipster's soul? # got this email over the weekend: http://bit.ly/e3qhhB # email subject: thanks for being inspirational http://goo.gl/fb/eFvKe #blog # do you ever have such runny nose that you do this? no laughing at me ok. wahhh. http://dailybooth.com/u/77zzg # BED RT @i_am_joey: chicken soup. vicks RT @casiestewart: sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # i think i might have a cold. he's hiding but slowly…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Gabe on Jeopardy is a babe. # I favorited a YouTube video — Empire Of The Sun – Walking On A Dream (Video) http://youtu.be/eimgRedLkkU?a # any bets on how long that lasts? # i have not been drunk yet this year. # worst thing that happened to you this week? #fuckthisweek (@casiestewart live on http://twitcam.com/3en8l) # http://twitcam.com/3en8l – on now can you see? # oh na na whats his name? my baby (@casiestewart live on http://twitcam.com/3en8l) # aaaand we're live http://twitcam.livestream.com/3en8l w/@shawnhawaii # i have a baby (@casiestewart live on http://twitcam.com/3en8l) # wanna hang out with me @shawnhawaii? yeah you do. going live on twitcam sooooo……. #TGIF # http://twitpic.com/3nwfj8 # who is the most beautiful person you know ? (inside an… — myself. haha i kid i kid. i dunno, i know lots of very… http://4ms.me/fiN4oH # yo howd u get through the holiday season. do you have … — i set goals all the time, makes it not so hard when ne… http://4ms.me/hODLWY # shit. less than 50 peeps till i hit 5,000. what should i do to celebrate? i wish i had 5,000 of something to give away. rice? # say my name say my name wear it out, oh na na, whats my name? on nanana hahaha # "i am in your phone" RT @flashpunk: Peekaboo! (cc: @casiestewart) http://plixi.com/p/68469972 # hellooooo, is anybody out there? how are you celebrating this freezing friday? my friend is comi… http://dailybooth.com/u/75myo # Jerk chicked sandwich is so damn good. (@ Ackee Tree) http://4sq.com/fgdCjv # Huskies are so warm that sometimes I do this @moovbootcanada… http://twitpic.com/3nuudh # Gonna treat myself to something nice after my hot lunch date w/ @lulula. #TGIF # beuller? RT @DaveColeman: @casiestewart can you help me make #crankydave trend in Toronto 😉 # yes. i'm a NZ citizen.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

RE: @picard102 That's interesting to learn about you. Fascinating really. I often wonder what it would be like to have… http://disq.us/x27if # today professional casie is coming out to play. haha http://dailybooth.com/u/74ugs # step away from the computer. # anyone know WHAT the black swan diet is? i've not found actual details. # OMFG NEED TO BE THERE “@Makemeover_Ande: @casiestewart omg Victor Newman will be a guest on the Marilyn Dennis show! Week of Jan17-21!!” # how can i help you? # ‘We Live In Public’ makes me feel funny inside. http://goo.gl/fb/FVs9I #blog # Photo: beautiful dress http://tumblr.com/xmj17dpm23 # Photo: Want: Champagne Extinguisher http://tumblr.com/xmj17dp6bn # Photo: what to wear? http://tumblr.com/xmj17dox7d # yesterday on twitter, this happened: http://goo.gl/fb/runF5 #blog # ok bye for real this time. night night xo (@issarged live on http://twitcam.com/3d98b) # yes (@issarged live on http://twitcam.com/3d98b) # rape me? (@issarged live on http://twitcam.com/3d98b) # mommy there's a creepy guy on the internet i think he's coming to kill me (@issarged live on http://twitcam.com/3d98b) # no no, you were just darker, i was brighter! it was hard to draw you. (@issarged live on http://twitcam.com/3d98b) # i can't quit you (@issarged live on http://twitcam.com/3d98b) # hi baby (@issarged live on http://twitcam.com/3d98b) #

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Knock, knock? Are you there? Wake up!

Here is a note for you my friends, a quote from one of my fav’s below. I hope you find love in simple things, inspiration in everything and that you are wearing a smile upon your face. Have an awesome day. xo “This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants… have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.” Walt Whitman

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EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS: gin & tonikkah?

Getting ready to head back to LA then home. Man, last night was fun. These pix from @stealingkitty. Upload mine later. I’m too hurrying to get outta this hotel and to the airport. (See Dailybooth over here —–>) This guy, Jesse designed my Virgin biz cards. Virgin babe. She is super cute. SO GLAD WE FINALLY MET IRL. I’ll show you my pix soon enough. BTW was hanging out with Steph Pratt from the Hills and Josh from Desperate Housewives (total babe) last night. I also met Willie Nelson and Richard Branson, y’know NBD. Virgin America sure knows how to party. Hope you are having a GREAT day. Watched these vids this morning. Love Adam Sandler & tonight’s gonna be a good night like the next few 🙂 HAPPY HANUKKAH!

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