nothing screams euro like salmon pants

Hotel Nacional is a really nice place to stay and had people from all over. Highly recommend going there. They’ll let you into the pool and all the different areas even if you’re not a guest.

We had a gay old time trying to guess who was from where based on the way they did or didn’t speak English. There was a lot of Euro’s and you could spot them based on their style. We saw a bunch from peeps Brazil too.

As far as I knew Americans weren’t allowed in Cuba, however, this is not the case. They don’t stamp your passport and you can’t fly direct. I made friends with an American girl who came from Cuba and an Aussie living in NY who flew in from Toronto.

In the woods of Snookie…..”parties here”!

get it fired up in a hurry, wanna get dirrty

I’m watching Holiday Wrap’s 100 top vids and it’s great. Christina’s Dirty is on right now. I LOVED this song so hard. We had a dance to the whole thing.

We used to do it at the bar. We’d even go early to practice. Loose Change Louie’s & The Rev in Waterloo were THE SPOTS back then.

I was living at Mum’s and in College at Conestoga in Kitchener. Sarah Baker, Buddy, Gay, I know you remember that shit! It was awesome. We were always dancing back then…

Is Rev still cool? I checked out the site and it made me think of Jersey Shore right away. haha

new years resolution you can stand on

I don’t typically make them because when I decide to do things, I just do them.  I don’t wait for time or someone else, I make change when I want to which is usually when I think of it really. Genius eh.

A few times over the last few years I’ve decided to so something chill on New Years Eve so I can wake up and cook a nice breakfast, read a bit of something that is not on the internet, hear music and see friends and most importantly…smile. Waking up with a hangover hating yourself is a shitty way to start a new year.

I just saw this art thing on Carson Daily called Decent Exposures. Looks like fun. This one time he was at the MET and his model, Casie/Casey (not sure spelling) was arrested on the way out. She got off ok but the photos were gone forever…they had the video.

And another thing, found a poetic post from last year with photos from a nice place. It’s been a good year this one…ah, 2010. Whoa.

dear santa: get up on me, love casie

Talk about geek chic. Saw these on Etsy a while ago and Kelly tweeted she woulds love to see me in them. Agreed! They’re so damn adorable/sexy/nerdy…my favorite.

A #twabe is a Twitter babe. I went through a stage where I tweeted it all the time. I have shirts with the twabe hashtag too. Yeah, pretty amazing.

your smile is yours to give, share it wisely

broke down, worn & washed away: old havana

I learned from an Aussie friend that nearly half of the Cubans living in Old Havana were staying in residences unfit for humans.

On the last touring day we stepped off the main roads and saw a very different sight. The houses were so disgusting and broken down. I couldn’t believe people were actually living there.

I instantly became grossed out and didn’t want to eat or drink anything from there. I’ve worked in restaurants before and could only imagine what the kitchens looked like. Gross.

You can tell at one point the buildings were really beautiful but it’s been years since they’ve had new paint or work done. They’re all washed out and the concrete is crumbling.

There are residences with very narrow staircases where the first floor is all dirty and inhabited then you look up and see laundry hanging out the second and third floor windows.

We passed a block that looked abandoned and dirty then a couple doors down, a furnished house with working TV.

A bunch of kids were playing volleyball in a square amongst more dilapidated buildings and half of them had no shoes on.

It made me sad to see a place I though was so beautiful was really a shell of what it once was. So many stories and photos from differnt stuff.

I’ve got cuban cars, food, style, travellers, music and more all written and I just need to post them. I would have taken week to do it there! I really enjoyed learning about life there.