May 2, 2012 – Why Don’t You Blog About It? #archives

Hey & welcome to the time machine, it’s 2006! And it’s sunny out!

I have long blonde hair. I work during the week at a fashion company as the Personal Assistant. It’s a bit Devil Wears Prada and I arrive early before my boss where I get her office ready, turn on the computer, pull up the blinds and check for mail or messages. It’s an excellent learning experience, she is hard on me. She needed to be. I’d never worked full time and I was n00b to the city. Her and I go on to become friends and we live happily ever after.

The friends I met on that place from LA have this awesome foundation called Bridle Bash that throws a MASSIVE party on the Bridle Path. I’ve never heard of the Bridle Path or seen any of the mansions. I’m in shock!

I blog about it on August 1, 2006. I write younger then than now.

The Bridle Bash II, what an amazing party. Burton Cummings & the Burton Cummings band were there. It was super hot. The pool was packed with viewers some who include JD from INXS, Miss Canada, Casie & friends and many, many, many more. It was an amazing party, enough said, I was there until the sun came up. The party raised $300,000 for the children of camp Oochigeas. The music was rockin and the people were great. I saw that you could buy tickets from ebay with the starting bid at $1,000!! Damn!

Another friend opens a restaurant on King Street East called Kultura. There’s no sign on the front and it’s really cool. I went to a party during Film Fest and was in the same private lounge area upstairs as Vince Vaughn. He’s really tall. King East seems really far from the place I moved to on the Danforth.

I live on Playter Crescent in a big old Victorian house with my sister and three other girls. I have a pull out cot in one of the living rooms until one of the girls moves out. The house was huge.

I’d move back there and live forever if I could. It was magnificent & bright, 4 Playter.

I read Natalie Dee religiously every day when I get to work. Sometimes throughout the day at her archives and her other blog with her husband, Married to the Sea. Natalie was the first blogger I ever knew. It was that simple pleasure in my day, a place I could escape to and know that every post would make me smile. I still read it along with a zillion other ‘internet people’ who have never met her. Here’s some from 2006.

Natalie Dee 2006 Archives:

Question: What do you record on PVR?

I’m trying to take this more seriously this month, video a day thing. Nothing too crazy, just one a day of me talking. I need to prove to myself I can do it and I would love your help. One of my goals this year is to be make more video. We all have the ability to have our own show, we just have to build it. This is practice.

So, if you are out there, if you can hear me, please ask me a question about SOMETHING!

Yesterday I was asked what shows I record on a weekly basis so here’s your answer for May 1, 2012. It’s 15 seconds & filmed on Viddy!


Billabong 2012 outfit, vintage boots

Hey May Baby, I Like That Spring In Your Step

I found the May flowers. They’re in my garden.



Japan Instrgram app Pick is a whole lotta fun. It’s like the OG Instagram but you can add glitter, bears, bowties, wigs, hats, glasses, messages, glasses, hearts, stars, hearts, and more. Gizmodo wrote about it last week if ya missed it. It’s my big in Japan plan. I wanna go there so bad. See all my supa kawaii photos by visiting My first Japan profile! Other Instagram is here.

If you’re looking for a tasty snack, grind some dark chocolate with sea salt on hot popcorn & mix it up. Delightfully tasty and fairly slim.


Today I learned that “people born in May are more likely to have a spring in their step than those who started life in January” via new research published by Daily Mail UK.


  • Those born between March and August considered themselves luckier than people born between September and February.
  • Lucky “May-borns” include rugby player Jonny Wilkinson, footballer David Beckham and model Jordan.
  • The environmental factors around the birth period, like exposure to sunshine and temperature are considered possible influences on the body’s biological systems.

In the name of spreading sunshine I uploaded a couple videos of my last Mexico trip to Viddy. I’m SO ready for summer to get here so we can all soak up the sunshine and wear less clothes. I have a scarf on as I type this and THAT AIN’T RIGHT.

Enjoy the day. Sending sunshine your way. 🙂



May 1, 2012 – Looking Back Over The Years #archives

May is my fav month of the year. April showers bring May flowers, it’s time to get summer ready and celebrate my born day. I feel a bit silly making a big deal about my birthday so my sister is planning a little dinner next Tuesday night. You’re welcome to stop by. I’ll post details. I joined Twitter in May 2008 so, May 5th is a cool day too.

I’m gonna give daily videos another go this month along with the Instagram May Photo a Day Challenge. I’m trying to develop a more consistent routine. Anything you’d LIKE to see? Wanna know?

For the fist 7 days of the Month, I’m going to look back at a couple people, places, things & thoughts from each year I’ve been blogging. Then, on the 8th day we celebrate 30 years of my life. Woo hoo! WE ARE YOUNG.

Here We Go, 2005 Throwback:

  • Moved to Toronto. Lived in the Annex at Bathurst & college.
  • Bracelet on my wrist says “CAS” my nickname in Australia.
  • Had a mullet and the first pair of skinny jeans seen in Toronto since the 80’s.
  • That ring was glass & Armani. It was a gift from HighRise Magazine. Remember that mag?

  • Worked at YM Inc. as Assistant to Director of Product Purchasing. First ever job out of Uni. Was lucky to meet someone on the plane home from LA who worked in fashion. Introduced me to the right people. ABC – Always Be Closing, baby.
  • I was pretty obsessed with moving back to Australia. And Myspace. And VICE Magazine.
  • Was publishing lots of poetry on MySpace I wrote at Uni and in college.  Here’s a couple old guys:

Spring Love

Acutely Ironic
A bird writes a sonnet
Sings the sonnet
Out of tune
Across the river
To a loon

– CASIE 2005

  • Best friend was a French speaking flight attendant from Winnipeg. She was a writer too. Writing and fashion consumed our lives and we talked about them over wine. This was before I developed wine allergy. 🙁
  • Saw Annie Hall for the first time.
Remember, you will never be younger than you are today, so don’t hold back, make the most of the day. Do something FUN!

Full of Light, You Shine








Good morning from the Toronto Beaches. I stayed at Jenie’s place last night and its amazingly quiet and peaceful. Reminds me of this big old house I lived in on the Danforth. Caught an awesome doc yesterday, soaked up some sunshine.

The power is out here right now. Heading home hopefully before my phone dies!

Looks like we’re gonna get some nice sun this week. Today is last day for tickets to Toronto Fashion Incubator 25th anniversary on Thursday. Tickets here.

Enjoy the day!


Save The Mermaids

Found a bunch of pix from my year at Uni in Australia. Living at Bondi Beach was a total dream. I had a BMX, an Aussie surfer BF and spent countless days riding waves & catching rays. It was magical. Had super dark hair for a while too.

Life is such a dream,

My cousin Matthew from NZ.