Toronto Fashion Incubator 25th Anniversary at the ROM

Thanks Spiro for this lovely shot of me & Nancy from Peacock Parade. She’s wearing Greta Constantine. My dress in vintage black suede from Timeless Apparel and jewels are from Swarovski. I love this collar, it was a hit. Sadly, I have to return them to the head office today.

I absolutely loved the jackets by Jameson Kane in the TFI New Labels show. Winner was Sid Niegum which wasn’t much of a surprise to me. Patrick L’Arrivee had some awesome avant garde style with nylon & hats. Loved it. Very gaga-esque. Runway Photos: Owen McLeod, The Style Lense. I was socializing & trying to ignore the hurt caused by my 6′ shoes.

See full coverage of the event on It’s All Style to Me.

In other fashion news, last week I was Trump Toronto for the premiere of the first short film from Greta Constantine called ‘From Sketch to Runway‘. It’s now online. watch it.

Stay stylish my friends,

In the Suburbs

What are you doing in Mississauga? Picking up a new car for a week. I can’t WAIT to drive this thing. I’ll show you later when Barbie and I go pick it up at lunch. I really miss being in an office.

I’m already 30 in New Zealand so I’m trying to get over the anxiety that is trying to hit me right now! Cousin left a cute message on Facebook. I wish I was there right now. In 30 years I’ve never had a birthday with my cuzzies.  Maybe next year 🙂


I went to America’s Next Top Model Live in Toronto and…









It was quite the ‘woman’s show’! Booths everywhere with all kinds of things from one piece pyjama rompers to nail polish to cupcakes made out of soap. 3F sponsored the social media lounge that was decked out with big comfy chairs, interactive displays and clothes from the SS 2012 line. Raymi and I walked the pink carpet and checked out all the displays.

Case on my phone was a HUGE hit. It’ made by Andrew, to order one visit and enter ‘CASIESTEWART’ for a discount. Hair is done with artist chalk. Tights are H&M & vest is  from Peacock Parade.  BTW they have a huge sale on right now. Ordered Cheap Monday jeans for $39!



Weekend: May Sunday Sunshine Brighten Your Day




Perfect day for park party or a boat ride.



Enjoy the day!

* Photos of me by Sergio @ Brunch Store Casting 


Stargazer Take Me for a Moonwalk

This is so true. I made this post of all the tabs I just had open.

My plan was to close all the tabs, get off the computer and clean my room BUT, SATC is on the W Network and I can really do it tomorrow when the sun is out. Right? I once tried on that beautiful Tibi dress from the start of SATC at Rent Frock Repeat once. I loved it.

Don’t forget to look at the moon tonight. Biggest one this year, SUPERMOON. Remember the supermoon last year. That was a very magical night.

#supermoon #toronto


SO MANY TABS.  I love this movie. Gonna go for a walk & look at the moon when it’s over. Feels incredibly nice to be at home and not out on the town! Bon nuit!

LATEX LUCHADOR LADY! Now, pour me a tequila!

Kink Engineering made me a lucky latex lucha for Cinco de Mayo! You like?

Awesome eh? I ordered mine to be pink & black to match upcoming latex bikini from Ego Assasin but there are a bunch of options available. Wearing latex is so incredibly rad. Got my real Mexican poncho in Playa del Carmen last year. I wish I was there right MEOW.

There’s a whole bunch of Lucha’s for Kink Engineering’s #LUCHADAY. See them all on their blog here. As a warning, links in this post are only kinda work safe, there’s latex & skin. Make sure your boss is on lunch when you click them! - Tonight I insist on eating authentic Mexican food while wearing a novelty sombrero
