Day 558: Sit Outside in Silence

Took myself on a little date after work and biked down to Queen West. Felt inspired by this post from Olivia Herricks Design, she posted a reel where you screenshot to get your mantra for the day. I love the idea of ‘sit outside in silence with no agenda’. See the post here to get your own!

Casie Stewart, signature.

Day 556: TIFF 2021

TIFF 2021 looks a little different than past years! We went to the Visa Skyline Drive-In at Ontario place to see Lakewood. Thank you Proof for hooking us up! The movie was pretty good but I think our fav was the local food trucks.

I thought sean would enjoy this film as it’s called Lakewood and was shot in northern Ontario. It follows Naomi Watts as the main character and she spends most of her time running through the woods and dealing with a tragedy at her kid’s school. We both left thinking about what we could shoot up and around the cottage with a couple of cameras and the drone.

Day 554: An Engagement

Got dressed up and went over to Brock & Lauren’s after work. He did a surprise proposal! I’m so excited for two of my BFFs to be getting married! They’re so great together, congrats guys!

Sean and I also attended the TIFF premiere of the Triumph film ‘Rock & Roll Machine’. It was nice to be out for an event but to be honest, it was also weird. I’m so not used to being inside an event venue with a large group. Didn’t stay long and went back over to celebrate with Lauren & Brock.

Lauren asked me to be her Maid of Honor. I’ve never been involved in planning a wedding before. Ahhhhh! Blondetourage wedding ftw!

Day 553: That Evening Sun

Had a nice bike ride after work and then met Michelle in a park. It was so lovely out, hanging onto these last summer days. Absolutely love that evening sun, magic hour.

I’ve been wearing this cute smiley ring from Santa Isla all summer and it makes me happy each time.

Day 552: Put on a New Outfit

Came home to a few packages and I was so excited to open them! I ordered a few new outfits for fall and almost everything fits perfectly. At this point, I am happy to shop online instead of going to a store. I still think about going to the mall a few weeks back and I don’t want to go back. Pandemic anxiety is real!

I haven’t been shopping much but it’s amazing how great it feels to put on a new outfit! You are looking at the face of a woman who is refreshed and ready to take on the week. Here’s to making it a good one!

Day 551: Forest Bathing

Worked from the cottage today to avoid long weekend traffic back to the city. It’s been so nice being up here the last few days. I know I’ve said it a ton of times but I love it up here so much. The lake, trees, garden, long walks in the woods.

Have you heard of ‘Forest Bathing’? Originating in Japan, it’s known as Shinrin Yoku which translates to “forest bath”. The practice of “bathing” in the atmosphere of the forest. To partake, simply walk through the woods, enjoying the presence of the trees and absorb the quiet benefits of forest therapy.

Highly recommend spending a few days in the woods, it will do amazing things for your soul.