TGIF: this is shit i like

Here’s my Friday roundup of good shit I’ve found around the interwebs. I’ve had a busy ass week of long days and late nights…that’s the price you pay for doing what you love! I try not to get down on myself for not getting everything done right away.

I’m kinda anal about sticking to my own rigorous schedule.  I have to remind myself “there’s only 24 hours in a day Casie and you need sleep to keep going”.  Talking to myself really helps too.  haha joking. not joking.


Need I say more? No.


Featuring a YouTube video I found the other day. The put a very unique Coke machine in a College. I like this kinda thing, makes ya feel good in the inside. Where will happiness strike next? Here, right here.


News about Conan went wild in online this week. Then, he put his show on Craigslist. Clicking the image will take you to the original posting.


I posted on twitter looking for anyone with a Haiti connection that wanted to be on MuchOnDemand. I was connected to Didier Dorelien, a Haitian residing in Toronto now via Lava. I arranged for him to be on the show. Here is the video:

I was really touched watching this video on Facebook. I found out last night that his parents have been located but there are still so many people missing. . He’s coming back next week to talk about Haiti with the governor general. I’ll continue to help out where I can.

Hope you all had a great day 🙂

master disaster: help haiti. hearts on fire.

This morning I took a different approach to getting things done.  No stressing.  I’ve already checked a few things off my life list. I FINALLY mailed back my penpal @Hillzy. She wrote the first letter last year and it took me a new decade to get my act together.

She’s gonna be happy. I packed a giftbag including a creative letter and some goodies.  I also mailed a package to my new BFF at Telus who’s sending me a new phone next week! Brought headphones today so I can hocus-focus and get lots checked off my list.

There’s lots happening in my little world of rainbows & unicorns  but there’s real serious stuff happening in Haiti. I’ve seen heaps of Twitpics of disaster. I saw one this morning that was a childs head crushed between concrete and a fallen building. It was disgusting and sad. I don’t like seeing stuff like that but it’s amazing how social media has changed the way we receive information during crisis.

This photo is insane, look at ALL the houses brought to the ground.

These people really need our help. You can give $5 through SMS to the Salvation Army by texting Haiti at 45678 (Rogers, Bell, Telus). Money will go directly to the Salvation Army. Notable TV has set up a TO group for Wycelf’s YELE HAITI charity.

We’ve got a special MOD today on MuchMusic at 5pm. If you or someone you know has a connection to Haiti and might wanna be on webcam or come down for the show email me at work [email protected].

Thanks & have a great day.

tattoo your name across my chest

I’ve been so busy today, the thing is, I’m not complaining, I love it…

I’m doing exactly what i want to be doing, I just with there were more hours in a day.  I like to have things done on time.  I also like the new tattoo’s from Chanel. They are like $50-75 but so beautiful. How awesome would your night be donned with one of these lovely things? Amazing.

My entire day has been taken up with meetings about programming and the magazine and social media. I just got Notable TV‘s Julian Brass hooked up to be on MOD tonight. We’re talking about Haiti and how you can help. Julian has done some stuff with Wycelf and has a TO donation site set up on FB.  He’s almost here…gotta run down to the studio!!

toronto life on the wild side

If you subscribe to Toronto Life magazine, I arrived in your mail box last night.

I’ve not seen it yet but it’s out there….I got a twitpic from ModernMod.

The article is about Cityplace the new-ish downtowen area where I’ve lived for the last two years. They chose a few people connected to the area to chat about living there and the lifestyle.

They mentioned my rent (which is pretty easy to find out anyways) and that I was a Sunshine girl.  I hope my copy arrives today.

Go get yours this week!

volcanic sexuality wrapped in a childlike innocence

Some recent questions I answered on formspring:

Are you trying to be an insufferable cliche as a means to an end (in terms of advancing your personal brand) or is this actually your personality?

It’s actually who I am hence the title of my blog – this is my life.

If you were to dig a hole all the way through the earth, and then you accidentally fell in, would you fall all the way through, or stop half way?

I’d go all the way for sure.

What is the best thing about working downtown for you?

I can walk everywhere.

Who would you like to meet? dead or alive

I would like to meet Marilyn Monroe circa 1953. She just finished Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and was dating  Joe DiMaggio. She was blonde and beautiful. The title of this post is from her imdb bio.

i have movie induced narcolepsy

I fell asleep during Avatar last week. I fell asleep during Sherlock Holmes last night. It happens…I can’t help it. I get in the theater and it’s dark and i’m warm and I eat a bunch of popcorn and my eyes get heavy.

I made it through Daybreakers but there are vampires so it’s too scary to sleep during that one.

These shoes are divine. Also amazing is that the LA Times blog posted my pic about those gorgeous little Twitter tights right here. Happy Monday. Have a wonderful day 🙂

TGIF: 2010 First Week Edition

This is me at work today & rocking my favorite sweater, that yes, is my own vintage circa 1988.


Over the holidays I had a bunch of messages from people sounding like “Teach me about Twitter”. This made me happy. Jeff even said ‘I think I’m gonna Tweet” and my heart melted. I’m doing classes on using Twitter for Personal & Business just let me know if you’re interested, you know how to find me. I’m booking Saturday & Sunday sessions starting February.

TwitterFacebookLinkedinTumblrYoutubePicasaBloggerVimeoBlog RSS


All week I’ve been exploring stats and facts about social media. I educated my team about using Google alerts and Google Blog search. Both are really awesome for keeping tabs on your personal brand or business and really hearing what people are saying.


I’ve answered like a zillion questions people have been asking me on formspring. I really like it. I realized more and more how the internet is changing thanks to social media. We are all becoming more connected. This image breaks it down pretty damn good [click to view larger]:


I went back to using FB connect & Disqus on my blog this week (feel free to comment and test it out!) The thing is, people always comment on FB but that doesn’t show up on the blog. I’d rather people commented on the blog and published the comment in their FB newsfeed. Get it? This year, I hope comments on FB & blog will show up both places this year so everyone can join the conversation.

Happy Friday. Have a wonderful day!

the vibrator finally died

Remember last year when I got that big box of vibrating Mascaras? I’ll never forget that day… Well, the vibrator for it finally died this week.

This mascara takes the cake as my favorite everyday of all the ones I tried in 2009. I gave a bunch of them to friends and we all loved it. So, given that it’s a little bit more expensive than what I usually buy, it’s totally worth it.  Now, I’m onto using Covergirl Lash Blast daily and Givenchy’s fancy blue one for special occasions.

what do you wanna be when you grow up?

I remember being young and sitting in front of the mirror, talking to myself telling myself stories. Mum said I used to do it all the time. Funny to me now that I tell myself stories on the internet everyday.

Last night I had a dream…I worked at a major media company, I had lots of responsibilities and my job was making it more social.

I woke up…it was a dream…it is a dream and it’s also a reality. I’m doing it, I really am, this is my life.

Hosted my first meeting today for some marketing and digital people in one of the big meeting rooms where magic happens. It made me really excited.

I’ve been having fun this week with this new thing I started this week called formspring. Anyone can ask me a question about anything and I answer.

I ask you…What do you wanna be when you grow up?

techvibes: uniting the tech community

Oh, look who it is…ME!

Click the image to go straight to the article. If you read it, would be nice of you to leave a comment. I named Renee & Carol Zara as tech stars to watch this year, they’re smary & savy babes I met in 2009 and I’ve got good ‘techvibes‘ about them for 2010.

Have a great day 🙂

do before you die? i wanna live. long and hard.

Couple things on my list:

Wind a beauty pageant
Bikini contest
serve at a soup kitchen on Christmas day
go to NYC
bungee jump over Lake Taupo in NZ

Yesterday I got to pop over to a shoot with the dudes babes from our new show The Buried Life. I watched a couple episodes in a screening and it’s a good one.  Positive, inspiring, full of adventures, achieving goals and helping people along the way.

What’s on your list? What should I add to mine?

that’s a creative way of looking at it. nice hire.

I used to live and hang out in Queen West. The Hipsterville of Toronto.

I met lots of hipsters from all over the globe, saw heaps of style and had hipster friends. We’d stay up late at secret hangouts with cool people, bands and models. I was skinny from partying/sleeping and I stayed out late on school nights.

Hipsters often wear American Apparel and may be seen reading carrying Vice Magazine.

I started reading Vice in Bondi Beach, 2004. I loved it. Bondi had the best style, boy or girl, they all had it. In 2005 American Apparel hired Lauren Phoenix to model tube socks and underwear. I remember getting that issue, she was on the back. It said “Meet Lauren Phoenix…….Look her up on Google.

I wanted to know how she got her photo on a magazine and why to Google her. So I Googled and I’ve loved AA & Vice advertising ever since!! Not just because she’s a Toronto born Canadian pornographic actress who you may have seen in adult movies on, but because AA has made their socks really popular since then.

I’m wearing over the knees right now. Creative marketing. I like it.

They sponsor hipster bloggers now…like this babe Karla. Very nice idea. Sponsoring bloggers is a good idea for your brand. Find someone who fits your style and pitch them something.

I reckon you’re more than bound to get your monies worth.

something you always wanted to ask? go ahead.

tallest building in the world opens: highest club

It’s great to be back at work. Emails & meetings about social media and checking Twitter, Google, Internet and Facebook (TGIF) for the scoop on our shows. Did you know the worlds tallest building opens today in Dubai? On the very top is the worlds highest club ever. Imagine how high you would feel partying there? No, seriously. Cra-zay.

I wonder if Dr. Drew will get in there and chat to Tiger now that he’s jumped on the celebrity rehab train?

countless ways social media will change in 2010

..canada and the olympics?

I wish I never got tired. I could soak up stuff around the internet for hours and hours. I’m addicted to learning, reading, pretty things and blogging.

I read a great article on ReadWriteWeb 10 ways social media will change in 2010. I love this stuff. The ability to connect everyone around the world to information and each so fast really blows my mind.

good ones: online-offline integration, women rule

The IOC been getting pissed about people taking photos of stuff. We should totally have heaps of sourced stuff for the Olympics. Canada is SO ONLINE and it all starts in 39 days. I wanna feel like I’m there, the Vancouver Project is trying to make sure we can all be there.

I’m back to using disqus comments, shall you help me test them? That wold be nice. Facebook Connect also got a recent makeover.

Have a great day. Welcome back to work

girls are from

suicideblonde tumblr

of v’s one size fits all collection

advanced twitter search

If you don’t know what you’re search for, it’s hard to find it.

Depends what you’re searching but twitter search is kinda fun. Advanced options make searching for what you want  easier, not harder.  Positive attitude comes up in the search bar as a winky face 🙂 i like it

I watched 50 First Dates today. I imagine losing my memory…writing a post of what I did everyday, it would be the only way to go on. Ya, great idea…make a new movie about a girl with a blog who forgets, there’s an idea.

Talk about social media robot! New event, new people everyday. Online update, real life modern Truman, human. By the way, there’s body scans and pat downs at the airport now, wear nice undies and good bra if you have boobs.

Check out this kid, barefoot bandit! He’s a little badass.  I loved catch me if you can… Frank Abagnale Jr.

04012010: day four oh one twenty ten

It was really cold out so I stayed inside after a quick trip to see a few awesome people. Checked stealklingkitty.tumblr found this.

Made me think of Fall and a photo from the summer by kellykruschel in Liberty Village. Bids flying, warm, sun on my face, it was beautiful that day. Monday will be beautiful too, it will be day 4: 04012010, the numbers look nice.

day three…i don’t like the number three, it’s odd

The interesting thing about life is it’s not always rainbows and unicorns, sometimes it’s hard. But, that’s also what makes it great, which is confusing.  Sometimes you get yourself into situations and you’re not really sure how you got there so fast and then you realize you don’t like it so much. Life is about working through things.

Today, I’m looking at the insides, the skeleton; what makes me they way I am, why do I like and why I do things.  If I want this to keep being the best year ever there’s a few kinks I wanna iron out. It’s not surprising to me that I woke up feeling odd today, today is day three. I hate the number three. I try to avoid doing things in three’s when I can. It started when I was a little kid and it never went away.

* the bob dylan quote is over a  playdead cult painting

only boring people get bored

I’m really excited for this year and I’ve got a really good feeling that excitement is not going anywhere but more. I got an agent today, new media. I’m looking forward to so many things. Have you checked out the Blog Girls lately, they’re all doing good too.

what do you do on a palendrome day

start it the same way you end it?

01022010 –Numbers ‘count’ as palendromes and today is one.  This is a really long one and good for the day: Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era [more].

I have fun on the internet…for example:  I just clicked a link from a guy on twitter and it took me to a tumblr when I clicked on it and found this site: My Life Is Average. At first I thought, average, like ordinary..who wants to be ordinary? But that’s not it, it’s little things not so bad like simple pleasures and some are funny. Like this:

“On Thanksgiving, my grandma asked my cousin and me what “wtf” means. Not wanting to destroy her innocence, we told her it means “where’s the fudge.” She then spent the rest of the night saying “wtf” to everyone in the family. MILA”

Legendary fun for the whole family I reckon. I can see Jenie and I and the cuzzies.  My cousin Matt (with the camera) came to visit me in Australia and party this one time (fb pic). It was epic.

this is the best year ever:2010

Count it down with me…goodbye 2009, HELLO FUTURE!

I had great meal to finish up the year followed buy a house party with a bunch of people I love. There’s no better way to spend New Years Eve than with people you love and admire.

Keri and had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with blog LEGEND Tony Pierce. I’ve got a whole post of great stuff just from brunch. I learned heaps from him about blogging and the internet. [THANKS TONY!] Guys’s got mad stories about when he started his blog amost 10 years ago, getting free trips, almost free girls (haha) and even a CAR!

I’m really really excited for 2010. I feel like it’s the future and i’m ready for it. This time last year I was in a  job I hated with big dream about blogging and where I wanted to be. Now, I am doing social media at MuchMusic MTV and i’m living the life I always dreamed of.

It’s a new year, set your goals higher than before, reach for the moon. You are a star if you believe it and there are no limits to what you can achive. I’m ready to conqued the world internet!

I hope your first day of 2010 was wonderful and everyday there after.

Now we’re going to see Avatar 🙂

nothing screams euro like salmon pants

Hotel Nacional is a really nice place to stay and had people from all over. Highly recommend going there. They’ll let you into the pool and all the different areas even if you’re not a guest.

We had a gay old time trying to guess who was from where based on the way they did or didn’t speak English. There was a lot of Euro’s and you could spot them based on their style. We saw a bunch from peeps Brazil too.

As far as I knew Americans weren’t allowed in Cuba, however, this is not the case. They don’t stamp your passport and you can’t fly direct. I made friends with an American girl who came from Cuba and an Aussie living in NY who flew in from Toronto.

In the woods of Snookie…..”parties here”!

get it fired up in a hurry, wanna get dirrty

I’m watching Holiday Wrap’s 100 top vids and it’s great. Christina’s Dirty is on right now. I LOVED this song so hard. We had a dance to the whole thing.

We used to do it at the bar. We’d even go early to practice. Loose Change Louie’s & The Rev in Waterloo were THE SPOTS back then.

I was living at Mum’s and in College at Conestoga in Kitchener. Sarah Baker, Buddy, Gay, I know you remember that shit! It was awesome. We were always dancing back then…

Is Rev still cool? I checked out the site and it made me think of Jersey Shore right away. haha

new years resolution you can stand on

I don’t typically make them because when I decide to do things, I just do them.  I don’t wait for time or someone else, I make change when I want to which is usually when I think of it really. Genius eh.

A few times over the last few years I’ve decided to so something chill on New Years Eve so I can wake up and cook a nice breakfast, read a bit of something that is not on the internet, hear music and see friends and most importantly…smile. Waking up with a hangover hating yourself is a shitty way to start a new year.

I just saw this art thing on Carson Daily called Decent Exposures. Looks like fun. This one time he was at the MET and his model, Casie/Casey (not sure spelling) was arrested on the way out. She got off ok but the photos were gone forever…they had the video.

And another thing, found a poetic post from last year with photos from a nice place. It’s been a good year this one…ah, 2010. Whoa.

dear santa: get up on me, love casie

Talk about geek chic. Saw these on Etsy a while ago and Kelly tweeted she woulds love to see me in them. Agreed! They’re so damn adorable/sexy/nerdy…my favorite.

A #twabe is a Twitter babe. I went through a stage where I tweeted it all the time. I have shirts with the twabe hashtag too. Yeah, pretty amazing.

your smile is yours to give, share it wisely