So, yesterday I wasn’t feeling so hot and I was hoping I was just tired from a busy weekend but today I am worse. My throat is sore and my whole body aches. I’m trying to look on the bright side, it’s forcing me to sit on the couch and spend some time with my computer and there’s a chance I might drop a few lbs before the New Year. I’m drinking heaps of water, have chicken soup, and Sean is home sick too. Our house is quarantine.
I don’t get sick very often but I’ve blogged about it a few times:
- Entrpreneneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work
- Down with the sickness: How to do a Thyme Bath
- Sick, Mucus, Cold, Gross
Looking back, I usually only get sick in winter. Apparently ‘it’s going around’, from my limited interaction with other humans the last 24 hours. After a really busy year I think a few days thrown up on the couch will do me well.
I’ve finally set a date for the release of my book on Amazon and have an ISBN number. There’s no turning back now. When I wrote my first book, JEANS, back in 1996 there were waaaaaay more hoops to jump through in order to self-publish. Thanks to the Internet, you can now publish at the touch of your fingers.
I also signed up for ukulele lessons and I will be able to play by the time summer rolls around. I’ve been meaning to to both those things for a while so feeling pretty good the wheels are in motion for 2015. I have a great feeling about this year. 365 new days and chances to create the life you’ve always imagined.
Anything on your list for 2015? I’ve turned off comments to tweet me at @casiestewart, I’d love to know!