a small but historic hotel & noted performance venue

Thanks heaps to Jeremy for inviting us to come play at The Gladstone Hotel on Friday night. He’s the Creative Director there and deff knows how to party. We ended up doing karaoke  later on (bug surprise) and thanks to everyone who bought me (way too many) drinks.

The event space upstairs at Gladstone is looking like a future party spot. Chatter Jer about doing some fun things there. It would be perfect for a #GenyTO! Weeee! Gawd I looooove summer. SO much to be had like erry day. Don’t waste your time doing nothing, get off the couch and go!

i’ll take ten virgins on the thompson roof please

My friend Vaneska was DJ at the Thompson Pride Pool Party in Sunday.  I kinda screwed up because it WAS a day party and I thought it was a night party. It was finished at 8 and we all arrived after 9pm. Whoopsey.

I wore one of my favorite dresses, ever. Matched perfect with my new tan from earlier in the day.

It worked out more than a-ok and we had a quiet & classy Sunday night rendevous on my new favorite patio. Pretty good looking group I say.

We had such a fun time soaking up the scene and couple drinks. The place is gorgeous. I would LOVE to live there. It’s hotel/condo and you can get membership for the roof/partio bar.

I found out recently that Virgin & Thompson Hotels worldwide are BFF’s. Another reason why you should vote for me to be the Toronto Provocateur. It would  be a seriously hot ticket in the door for us ALL. Vote here.

Too cute not to post this 🙂

i’m a free bitch baby

Sunday Funday says it all. If you have never been to Pride in Toronto, or any city…get off your ass and go! Let yourself be free!! You will never find a more open, positive crowd of free spirits having a gay old time anywhere.

Jenie & I had a B-L-A-S-T. Once I went to Pride in Sydney, they have the parade at night and it’s totally wicked. I hope to experience NY & SF one day too.

Watch this & wait for the guy at the end, he was serious show stopper. I loved watching jaws drop as they passed him. We stopped & stared for a bit too. It was impossible not to TBH.

Told ya so. More Pride pix here.

you are as young as you will ever be

I feel so lucky. I have really awesome friends around me. I feel young and like I can take on the world. I can. You can. Yes we can. The last couple days have really been some of the best. I have spent heaps of time with people I really care about. Enjoyed the sun. Splashed in water. Had BBQ. Danced in the street.

Someone special made me dinner. Got a tan. Phone chats with old friends. Soft kisses. Poetry writing. Photo diary. New office space (with windows!). Time alone. Pretty dresses. Rainbows. Sweet dreams.

The summer has only begun and I don’t ever want it to end. Thank you everyone around me for inspiring me to share the light you give.

* Side note, help me share MORE awesomeness (fun & positivity) by voting for me in to be the Virgin America Provocateur. It’s not a job it’s more of like being ‘the person’ who throws parties and gets people excited about the brand, the ambassador. I really think I’d be awesome at it! VOTE HERE. It’s super easy & takes 2 seconds.


Coverd in rainbows! Weeee!

Watched the Cindy Lauper concert with Kristen & a friend last night.

It was truly awesome. So was my little Cindy inspired outfit.

Enjoy the day friends. Wear sunscreen, it’s a scorcher out there! Drink WATER!

Happy July 4th to all my American peeps too. I’ll be celebrating for us ALL! LOVE YOU!

YMCA – church/wells #prideTO on 12seconds.tv

i’ve always wanted to be a virgin girl

I figure it would be crazy of me to NOT enter to be the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur. Who knows? I might win. It includes free flights for a year and  some pretty sweet perks.  I have been in looooove with the Virgin brand for years, following all the many things that Richard does. He is someone I really admire for his creativity and business acumen.

If you love me, vote for me. It’s not a full time gig so I could still keep my job and just add on all the perks of being a Virgin girl. Awesome? Heck yes.

good morning, good morning, and how are you today?

Pretty awesome. Recognize this bathing suit?

Today is gonna be a…

Get in ma belly jet fuel. nomnomnom!

Have an awesome day. I’m heading to Pride to catch the Cindy Lauper concert and dance around. I love this weekend. SO many positive people bouncing round the streets. The city is alive with rainbows. Imma go ride my unicorn now ♥

mashable social media day :: toronto

I like social and media. And I like talking. Pix frm the event are here via Kevin Chung. Here’s my talk, I hope you enjoy it.

Casie Stewart (@casiestewart) at #SMdayTO from Ron Wolf

I like talking about how many awesome people I have met through twitter. How I got a job because I really loved the internet, being social and sharing creativity all over the place. I like landscape photos better than portrait. I like when the sun shines through the clouds and you can see it coming right at you. I like writing the stories as they happen and living out all kinda of adventures. I like being positive, it’s really the best medicine you can give yourself.

I’ve always liked to write. In 1996 my friend Holly and I, with the help of our Mum’s publihed and anthology of poetry & prose called JEANS. It was all kinds of things we had written in Grade. 8. I wanna publish a new book. I have hundreds written verse and such just dying to have your eyes. Words all wanting attention. I’ve decided to hire and intern, I need some help with the casiestewart.com stuff. Looking for someone unique, someone kinda like me to be honest; loves internet, learning, sharing, twitter, hard work, fun. There’s always skill involved but the things that really matter most are not learned in class.

What I think (1996)

I’d like to do more public speaking. I like it and I’m just getting started. I won in a speech competition about a hundred years ago when I was younger. This one time, in drama class, I read my whole speech with my back facing the audience, it was the speech you tell youself before you go on stage. The two minute “you can do this, you are prepared, review key points ,come on just get out there and go, you are awesome”. Then, as I finished I turned around smiled at the audience and introduced myself. I loved that one.

so many epic days in a row thanks to you

Wednesday night was Jeremy Wright‘s birthday and it was so much fun. Our Toronto Social Media crew is seriously some of the mostest awesomest people I have ever known.

Lauren, Me, Carly

Jon, Me Michael

Erin & Kevin

Party people, ILU!

Haha, Randy will love this photo I’m sure.

Karaoke has become my new favorite thing to do ever. Look at this fun! SRSLY.

Team Tweet Agora (If you have iphone + Twitter download it here)

Team New Zealand right here w/ Kristen. KIAORA MATE <3

Really, really enjoying summer. Love being surrounded by so many awesome people. This is gonna be the best Summer ever. I posted the rest of the photos from #jerbear31 in a web album here.

Heading to Galdstone tonight for  QUEER LIES – Trashed Alterna-Pride Dance Party. I am going to dance my ass off. Been thinking of what crazy outfit I shall wear all arvo.

Peach out, till lata 🙂

happy birthday canada. i ♥ you.

This one time, on Canada Day, when I was 16, I won a beauty pageant. I got to ride in a convertable in the parade and wave like the Queen. It was awesome. I always wanted to do that, so I did.

My sister won Little Miss and I was Miss Teen. Long hair and braces, wow, that was a LOOONG time ago. THANK YOU CANADA for being so awesome and a country where I know I can achieve ANYTHING I want. I am proud to be Canadian.

I love the Classified version of Oh Canada! Stand on guard for theeeeeeeeeeee!

someday i will find my big, my aiden, or my love

Saw SATC2 last night with my sister. I loved it.

Oh gawd, Jenie and I cackled so loud and had a gay old time. Nothing like seeing a really long SATC episode with my sis.

She is srsly the best. LOVE YOU!

The following things are so ugly, this:

And this:


please be my boyfriend. kthxbai ♥


uuuuuuuuuuuuuh huh. Social media Day FTW!


My agency is looking for hot asian twins (yum) and a couple villains for . Is that you? See Fairlie Agency for details HERE.

Auditions: Wed. June 30 at Rune Entertainment – 14 Connell Court, Toronto

toronto mashable meetup tweetup geekup speakup

Tomorrow is Social Media Day hosted worldwide by Mashable. I’ll be attending the Toronto Meetup Tweetup along with about 75 other social medialites from this fine city.

Mashable created this day to celebrate all media becoming social, the social media revolution. For a while there is was just geeks in the SM scene and now social media has become part of pretty much every marketing campaign out there. Three cheers for social media! I love you internet. As it stands right now, I will be speaking at the event. How cool is that? My talk will only be about 10ish minutes and I’ll be addressing the two questions I get asked the most and a third if I have time.

1. How to get a job in social media?
2. How to get free stuff?
3. Managing multiple personalities (online)

RSVP for the Toronto Meetup can be found here or on Facebook here.

When: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 8:00 PM
Where: Madison Avenue Pub, 14 Madison Avenue

The thing I love MORE than anything about the social web are the people I have met because of it. These are som eof my friedns that were at the Klout Tweetup @ The Gladstone last night.

@40deuce @hawleydunbar @sidewalkhustle

island adventure to find your love and baby i found it

After walking around for coffee on Sunday for about an hour (almost everything in my hood was closed G20), I decided to day trip it to the island.

I chose Wards Island as I have never been there before and was keen for a true adventure. Got the ‘I’m on a Boat’ badge on Foursquare for checkin’ in on the Island Ferry. This was a great way to start.

I was dressed like a teenage dirtbag, in fact,  a lesbian teenage dirtbag wearing rainboy bikini top. It IS Pride Week so, kinda fitting  I guess.

It was sunny all afternoon. It was hot. Spent some time staring at boats. Mum is about to sail to Bahamas on her boat next month. I dream of doing that one day too.

Camera got a little heat stroke from humidity (that’s what I’m calling the water effect) and it started taking blurry photos. Regardless, I LOVE my new camera. It’s making the life-documentation process way more fun.

Soaked it in some dry rice when we got home, baby is back in action now. That trick works for phones too. If anyone knows about wrecking devices, it’s ME.  I’ve been through so many since starting this blog, not even gonna try counting.

It was more than lovely. So relaxing. There was no noise, no distractions. I needed that.  I needed a break from my busy life.

I hung out on the couch at the Island Cafe on Wards Island. Read a book. A real book, like hardcover.

I love the island, gonna go back a few times this summer. It’s amazing how refreshing a couple hours away can be. Enjoy the day!

[more photos]

you’re sexy, you’re cute, put down your riot suit

Her dad is an engineer, this might work. Ya?

Our streets.

Wondered if anyone was gonna say something about my outfit, but nah. I guess I don’t look like a trouble maker? Kinda hard when I’m so smiley all the damn time. It’s true.

Then it rained. It got kinda crazy so I bounced. I ran home in the downpour and by that time I looked like this. What a crazy thing.

Find it. Do it. Don’t waste money and time on all the crap that we saw this weekend. SRSLY.
Love Casie ♥

TFC game was awesome, you should have been there

Pure awesomism at the Toronto FC game Saturday. It was seriously 10. EPIC. Look at this badass crew on the field…

Group photos are so fun, lets do more of that ok. I loved seeing everyone IRL, it was a first meeting for a bunch of us.

I had been REALLY excited ALL day week. Being there DURING world cup, priceless.

This is my fav cheer “when the reds go marching in”. SUCH good energy. TFC games have THE BEST fans.

I tried to pay attention to the game but was totally distracted by the funnest crowd ever.

We got to go right down to the field as VIP’s with total babe as an escort (not me, the TFC guy on the left beside Michael).

Chatted Jonathan about doing it again so don’t worry, you can come then.

I was obvs prepped for the rain. This guy was prepped to cheer on!

Michael was the ONLY guy with brolly for the downpour. They’re not allowed at games but somehow, he got away with it. Must be the charm or good looks?

It was a tie and the crowd still cheered their faces off outside. It was stellar.

We were hangin’ @ Liberty Bistro for a while after the game. God it was so fun. The owner  and I go way back to when I used to work in Liberty Vill so he hooked us up with sweet table etc. Love that little spot.

Before we got table, we had hedge.

There are about 30 photos from the night in this web album TFC 2010. I can’t WAIT to go again. SO FUN.

Have a great day!

this G20 video is well done. so crazy that it’s real.

via Taggio.

riot girl in a burning car lights the world on fire

I was published in an article for canada.com about the G20.

“For others, the G20 party is all about that once-in-a-lifetime experience of feeling trapped in an apocalyptic-themed movie. Toronto blogger Casie Stewart lives a stone’s throw from the west end of the security zone, and says she plans on hosting up to 15 people from her “sniper view” apartment balcony.” [article]

Shit got CRAY-CRAY yesterday. Car on fire, tear gas, guns, breaking shit blah blah. Good thing they spent ALL that dosh on police. Heard this AM they arested over 400 people. Who? Hopefully none of my peeps. It was totes faaaaaacked up.

This is right outside my work @muchmusic.

i got down with webster

Friday night DWW show was the fun.

First ime actually seeing the boys play aside from the MMVAs. They are really good, I was super impressed (as you can tell).

Pretty crap audio on this, it was SO LOUD but you get it.

Bunch of cute girls there, like this one:

And these two from work:

Spent most the night in the balcony hangin’ with the DWW family & media peeps.

Nice to be in the east end too, crashed at Carly’s place.  Her bro is in the band. I love this city,  I love summer, I love life.


First, I’m totally excited.

Second, I have no idea who exactly is coming but make sure you PRINT YOUR TICKET!

Third, pack a raincoat and meet me at Liberty Bistro 6PM.

going to a show tonight with carly, taking my new friend

He can fly,

He soars high,

He can go anywhere.

He can go anywhere.

The sky is a limit you can exceed,

Reach higher.

look out world here i come

I used to say that all the time when  I was growing up. I always meant it too.

I got a lotto max ticket and I hope I win something. Please put your energy out there that I do. Imagine how wonderful it will be to have my own internet show and share it all with you? Dream, dream big.

Happy friday friends 🙂

This should get you grooving, new track from my friend Curtis Santiago. Enjoy!

new tattoo. ILU.

Last night I got a new ink, a feather drawing on my right forearm. Same arm I like to draw stuff on, same as the anchor and the hearts and the stars and my ‘love life’ in hebrew. My artist is Stephen Shaw at Rock of Ages Tattoo. The shop is brand new but he has been inking bodies for years. He’s the same dude that did my anchor tat in March this year. If you go see him, get a cool tattoo and say hi for me. His website is here. He’s super nice (and cute).

People always ask “why did you get it? does it have meaning?” If you now me AT ALL you should be able to answer that yourself.  Yes, I have reason and it has meaning.

The thing I love about all my tattoos is that they begin to have more meaning as we grow older together. We show up in pictures together, stories, new memories are created. They’re like charms on my bracelet of life.

More pix after the fold. You will likey.

oh you fancy huh. wanna see more pix? ya.

meet my new baby girl: nanci with an eye

She’s a photographer. She likes to take pictures. She likes to have fun.

I spy with my little eye, sweet Nanci creeping the G20 security zone.

Good view of the red zone for photos.

Bet there will be some interesting traffic around here. Highway exit getting to and from G20 or island airport.

Nanci arrived last nightand was sent from a handsome one in Boston. She needed a good home so we adopted her. Her birth parents are in Japan and they run Fuji.  She’s really cute and tiny and luckily, not too frail or pricey. [We know how many camera’s I’ve been though since I started blogging. Oh man, it’s deff up near the 10’s.]

She has polka dots tattooed almost the exact same as I do in green on my left arm. I know! Crazy eh? We are like besties now. I think we look really cute together. Nanci is also good friends with Zoey, Elsa & Bobby. We are a creative internet family. I love them all.

Gonna post a couple pix from Florida later today, get ready for the sexiness that was my outfits is all I have to say. Working from home today & tomorrow cause of the G20, what an artventure that will be.


p.s. remember yesterday when we had an earthquake? No one knew that was gonna happen. Think, think about making the most of each day. You never know what will come your way from above, below or any direction. Positivity will be on your side if you are on it’s. <3

this made my day. i am a geek. i love this city.

the earth moved me, shakey shake.

I think my first earthquake was in 1990 but i don’t really remember. Today I was sitting at my desk, working away when I noticed my monitor shaking and the table and me. Naturally, I tweeted. This is what happened…

We’ve had crews taking down the MMVA stage from the roof and the street car goes by all the time so at first I didn’t think it was anything. When it went on for about 30 seconds I knew something was up. Pretty crazy. Even crazier that we got the first Super Swarm in CANADA. Woot.