Sassoon Style: Summer Wedding Season

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Last week I stopped by Sassoon Toronto for my regular trim. My hair is lower maintenance since I opted for highlights last month instead of full bleach & tone. I really like what’s going on with my two-tone hair, it’s still blonde, has some texture, and is my natural colour at the back.

For my touch-up cuts in between colour, I’ve been seeing Tricia for a quick trim. She usually does a few snips while the hair is wet, then does scissor-over-comb (SOC) while my hair is dry to finish off the look. It’s amazing how a quick trim makes you feel so refreshed

Summer Wedding Hair Tips from Sassoon Toronto

I love summer and wedding season is the perfect chance to get all dolled up. I would wear this dress to every wedding this summer, it makes me feel great and always gets compliments. It’s my ‘feel good’ dress of Summer 2018! I chatted with Tricia about the perfect summer wedding hair and got a few tips from Sassoon Salon’s creative directors Lorraine McAndrew and Wesley Hanlon.

Keep it fresh
Tricia’s reco is to get a fresh haircut/trim/colour touch-up one week before the big day. If you have short hair like me, opt for a blow-dry on the day of. A professional just has the magic touch to give your hair some OOMPH.

Hot Tip: For added shine ask for a personalized in-salon Kerastase Fusio-Dose treatment.

 “Shine is key for ensuring your hair looks healthy from every angle,”
– Lorraine McAndrew, Sassoon Salon senior creative director

Styling Requirements
If you’re going for a braid or pretty up-do, your hair should be clean, but DO NOT wash it the day of the event. Wash the night before to keep your hair’s natural oils intact, you’ll be able to count those curls, waves, or up-dos holding better and looking great in photos.

Less is more
Want to look modern and elegant? Keep it simple, don’t over style!

Wedding Day Tool Kit
I always carry a small bag with a few beauty must-haves for big events or a wedding. I love Dior or Mac lipstick, Hello Flawless Powder by Benefit, bobby pins, and tiny rubber elastics. If you’re rocking a fancy hairstyle that took some work, pop Sebastian Shaper Plus mini hairspray in your bag.

SIDE NOTE – The team at Sassoon Salon are so great. I’ve been going there for almost 2 years now and I look forward to every visit. I spend half the time laughing and talking like we’re old friends. If you’re looking for a new look or someone to really take care of your hair, I highly recommend making an appointment.

Hope you had an amazing weekend. Here’s to a great week!

Sending you Sunshine!

Fill Up for the Weekend + Be Safe Out There

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, instagram, influencer, cars, driving, road trip, husky

This weekend we’re heading to the cottage and I couldn’t be happier. The past few weekends I’ve had a bit of travel in Ontario and out west. I can’t wait to have a few days to recharge my batteries, nothing is quite as relaxing at a few days up at the cottage. We usually stop to fill up the car on the way and our fav place is the Husky Station near Bradford for the very best samosas, snacks, and of course gas.

When Husky reached out to me about their latest campaign I replied right away about the cottage drive but what I learned in the process is how many people actually get gas and don’t pay for it. As if! Doing that never crossed my mind but in my research, I found out it happens more than you know. In May this year, new legislation passed in Alberta to protect gas and convenience store workers after multiple deaths.

“The number of fuel thefts in our province would surprise people at how high it is and occasionally a worker is injured or killed either because a dash-and-gas is happening and they’re accidentally involved or because they maybe tried to chase someone,” – Alberta Labour MinisterLabour Minister Christina Gray 

Last year in Toronto, a man was charged with 2nd-degree murder after dragging a gas attendant 78 metres, when he drove away trying to escape a $112 tab. He didn’t even know he had killed a man until a couple days later! Gives me chills. With gas prices on the rise, I looked up how common gas fraud is in North America and it’s apparently ‘alive and well‘ (according to NASAA in USA) with major gas brands stating warnings right on their websites.

In order to protect their employees, Husky implemented a pay-at-the-pump policy for all locations, including the 110 locations in Ontario. Husky is one of the only stations in the province to implement this mandate.

“You hear tragic stories of employees trying to stop a gas theft and getting hurt, or even killed, and you often wonder if this could happen to you. Even though we aren’t supposed to try to stop these incidents, prepay ensures there is no dispute at the pump and helps me get home to my family at the end of every shift.” – Mike, Husky employee in St. Catherines

If you live downtown, you’re probably used to paying at the pump, but over the past month, I drove in Muskoka, Regina, and heaps of little towns where it’s not mandatory to pay before filling up. This weekend we had conversations with so many great staff members at gas stops through the Prairies and I hate thinking how this could happen to them.

Husky Energy Launches Pay before you Pump Awareness Campaign

Husky Energy believes having customers pre-pay will minimize risks to staff. Since implementation in BC, the rate of gas-and-dash deaths has decreased to zero.

I wonder when other gas companies will make this mandatory?

FYI if you go to the Husky on the 400 near Bradford, highly recommend the lamb or vegetarian samosas + plum sauce.

P.S. GAS PRO TIP – Next time you are getting gas, look on the gas handle for a little latch that will hold it handle in the ‘pumping gas position’ (or use the gas cap) and you won’t have to hold it with your hand. ?⛽️
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This post is sponsored by Husky but the message is my own. I read a lot before writing this and I wonder how long it will take this to be mandatory at all gas stations.

Portugal: Europe’s Hottest Destination for 2018

Portugal: Europe’s  Hottest Destination for 2018

I’ve always dreamed of summer in Europe and although I’ve travelled to heaps of countries, I’ve never done a Euro trip. I KNOW! Well, ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. As part of my ongoing partnership with Aeroplan, tomorrow I’m heading to PORTUGAL. We leave mid-month and we’re back on the 30th.  Have I said I’m excited, yet?

I was originally heading to Paris with Sean but that trip is a little delayed and I’m so glad this worked out. It’s a great feeling to text your friend and say ‘hey want to come to Europe this summer?’. Ahhhhh pinch me, it’s times like this I’m like omg, this is my life!

I am so excited. Portugal is the hottest spot to go this summer, just check your Facebook feed or of your fav online celebs and they’re all checking in to Lisboa, Porto, Sintra, and beautiful coastal beaches.

Yesterday I was reading this article on W Magazine and it’s one of many about how Portugal is THE SPOT to be. We’ve planned out most of the adventure but I’ve left a few days up in the air to figure out as we go. I love not having a plan and the freedom to make things up as we learn more about secret beaches, hidden hideaways, and locals only spots.

If you have any food & drink recommendations, family, friends, hotels, Airbnb, vacation properties, restaurant owner friends, anything, PLEASE COMMENT.

We have a Google doc and Slack set up to manage everything (yes, we are nerds) so I will add all of your suggestions.

So far we’re arriving in Lisbon, going to Sintra, then to Porto, we’ve got a few days with no plan, then back to Lisbon before coming home. We’re gone for almost 2 weeks. It is going to be so hot and I can’t wait.

Sintra, Portugal – we’re staying in this great city for a night!

If you haven’t checked out the new Aeroplan, I suggest popping over to They’ve got deals on getaways, vacation packages, and more. You can also earn Miles at Amazon, Costco, and heaps of other online shopping spots. I’ve had an Aeroplan credit card for years and love racking up those rewards.

Thank you Aeroplan for making this dream come true! Follow along all our posts tagged #withAeroplan. I’m so excited!


Over the holidays this year took mum back to New Zealand for a month with Aeroplan and it was such a  great adventure. Watch this video we made w/ 1188 before our vacation.

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I’m Nominated for the 2018 Premier’s Awards!

casie stewart, premire award, creative arts

Hello! If you’ve been following my IG or Stories the last few days, I’ve been all over the place. I spent 4 days driving from Regina to Calgary on a road trip w/ Ford Canada, then an overnight glamping trip with Up Cannabis. Both trips were very different and incredibly fun. I will share more about those soon but now I have a little announcement! 

A couple weeks ago I received an email from my college asking to have an in-person meeting. Since I was travelling we had a call and it was then learned, I’ve been chosen as the Creative Arts nominee for the 2018 Premier’s Awards! Yes, ME! 

The awards celebrate Ontario’s outstanding college graduates and winners are presented awards at a gala in November. More specifically, The Premier’s Awards honour the important social and economic contribution that college graduates make to Ontario and throughout the world. The awards were launched in 1992 and are administered by Colleges Ontario.

Last week my nomination was officially submitted and today it’s online. Past winners in my category have included an internationally acclaimed TV director, top chefs, leading playwrights, and an Academy Award-winning animator. It’s a pretty broad category and more than anything, I’m honoured to be nominated. ?

Check out my photo on the Conestoga College website here!

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Having My Moment

casie stewart, porsche canada, porsche, boxster, toronto, influencer, blogger,

Last weekend I had the opportunity to spend a dreamy weekend driving around in a 2017 Porsche Boxster GTS. This car is INCREDIBlE. I drove all over the place, taking friends to run errands, back and forth to get groceries, from Scarborough to the far West, and all over downtown. I’ve never owned a car and I’ve joked since I was a kid that my first car would be a Porsche, well, there’s still time!

Suits me, right?

Cool thing about this car is that the engine is right behind the 2 seats so there are two trunks, front and back. You can fit groceries and your weekend bag but only one friend at a time, it’s perfect. ?I took Embot around for a drive listening to music and felt like the coolest step-mama ever.

It’s got amazing handling for city or highway. It is also VERY fast, not that I was speeding ever at all. The roof is fully automatic and pretty fast, you can put it down to take the top off while stopped at a traffic light. It’s pretty good on gas but you have to put premium, however nothing compares to the beautiful German engineering of a Porsche. My dad was v jealous! casie stewart, porsche canada, porsche, boxter gts, carrera, toronto, influencer, blogger

Porsche is celebrating 70 Years, (HBD!), and tonight they’re hosting an event. I would love to work on this relationship so I can drive more and more cars for the media fleet, that way, when I buy my very own, I really know what I want! Ha! I’m serious. They gave a few media peeps the opportunity to drive cars. I booked this drop top baby a few months ago and waited patiently for the day I could pick it up.

Thank you Porsche Canada! ILYYYYYY!

As I sadly returned the Boxter, I saw this BRIGHT yellow Carrera and thought, that would look good on me! Maybe next time?!

casie stewart, porsche canada, porsche, boxter gts, carrera, toronto, influencer, blogger

With love,
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Disclosure: Porsche Canada gave me the car to test drive for the weekend but I said that already!

Exciting Times Ahead: Biome Grow & Cannabis Marketing

casie stewart, weed vr, weed virtual retail, weedvr, occupiedvr

Last week some exciting family news hit the Global Newswire! About a year ago, the team at Occupied VR came up with an idea for a virtual reality weed dispensary. Well FF? to last week, we announced that Weed VR has been acquired by licenced cannabis producer Biome Grow. Check out the news release here.

If you’re reading this and are thinking ‘what is Weed VR, I want to try it“. Email me [email protected] or send me a DM on any social platform and we’ll hook you up. Comments are open on this post if you have questions.

Essentially, it’s a virtual retail dispensary and soon to be the largest library of 3D cannabis strains for educational purposes. A virtual dispensary is a truly revolutionary way to market and ultimately sell cannabis products. It is a modern alternative to a traditional dispensary that typically features store fixtures and merchandise displays and instead offers an entirely new way to shop. I cannot wait to see how everything plays out. If you’d like stay up to date with all cannabis news specifically relating to the CBD, have access to educational articles, reviews, medical research news and more then you may want to visit

It’s a really exciting time to be in this business. I’ve seen some really creative marketing, events, and promotional products. The striped metal grinder card and papers in the top photo are from Van Der Pop, a female-focused Cannabis brand. They send a cool package a couple months ago. Next week I’m going glamping with UP Cannabis near Blue Mountain with a bunch of media peeps. (UP is the cannabis company partially owned by the Tragically Hip!)

up cannabis, casie stewart, cannabis marketing, weedvr, weed vr, marijuana marketing
This is the cool event invite I got from UP Cannabis! So creative! When you slid the top of the wooden box open the red plastic piece says ‘roll with us’. Love it.

This stage of the industry kinda reminds me of early days of social media. Back when my friends would make fun of me for staying home to work on my ‘blog’ or going to so many ‘TweetUps‘ with my ‘internet friends‘. That was a really special time, the friends I made and relationships I built back then will last a lifetime. The things I learned from being early stage, a pioneer, are priceless.

Being at the start of something new takes risk, you have to be agile and innovative. I’m working on Weed VR PR and it’s new, a bit nervewracking, but exciting. Nervous/excited is my favourite feeling. I’m really looking forward to the next few months building this brand w/ Biome Grow.

How many times did I say excited in this post? haha!


casie stewart