spring mixer @ Harry Rosen Inc

Attended a Spring shopping party at Harry Rosen the other night. There was a band, live radio broadcast & free drinks. Julio and I had a good chuckle. I like to have fun at these fashioney things y’know.

Jacket: Covet from Bicyclette, Tights: Adrian Hailwood, NZ, Bag: Nella Bella, Dress: American Apparel, Giggles: Julio

These pix are from Fashion Nights (click to see their coverage of the event). These guys are The Darcy’s and they were playing live. Rumor has it Harry Rosen plans to have more ‘Underground Lounge’ events. I approve of this rumor and fully support.

Aren’t they cute?

Ok my pix now. I was daydreaming about an army of Casie-Bots like this…

I took my very own dream boat and we shopped denim. Option numero uno:

Option deux was a hit with me, the sales guy and the ladies who walked by saying “hot”. Thanks Michael Rozenwald for your help. Sold. Shopping parties are fun. Nice to see everyone & nice clothes.

One of the things I did not like was this scissor wall. Freaked me right out.

One of the things I did like was this D&G ‘Cry Baby’ Johnny Depp tee. As seen on Whiz Kalifa here. (Scissors, scissor hands Johnny, connection there?) Save yourself the ≈$200 price tag & to Bang-On & make one yourself. DIY FTW!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

good date movie, good girl movie, highly relevant: #textuality

The other day I had the pleasure of attend the Canadian premiere of TEXTUALITY at the Bell Lightbox. Man, they have comfy chairs there. Go see a movie if you have not yet.

Marc & Liam did a great job of creating this movie. I was also pleased to see my friend, the lovely Anna Cyzon as part of the cast. She’s a darling and she ALSO got to make out with the Absolute Hunk, Smith Jarred aka Jason Lewis! Naturally, I asked her about it.

“Filming with J. Lewis was a blast. he was great. I’ve bee a SACT for years so when I was told about the part I was like “wait,you mean you need me to.. ugh yeah im in!”

I’m a big fan of things Canadian that have to do with technology and especially when it’s a RomCom (my fav kind of movie). I found it to be funny, cute and relevant to the way dating & relationships are these days. All the txting, Facebooking, Tweeting, creeping, things just ain’t what they used to be. I can only imagine what it is like to date me. I mean, you never know where or when I’m going to message you or (gasp) pick up the phone and actually call.

Anna you are so cute. I asked her what her fav scene was:

“Food flight scene was fun. First few takes we played it safe then it got real messy! I remember Warren Sonoda yelling, ” more whip cream!” The jacuzzi scene was prob my fave. We shot that at the Soho penthouse, it was freezing but we had bubbly … it got nice and steamy ;)”

Check out the trailer and go see it with your besty or ask a hot babe you’ve been creeping.


yesterday on twitter, this happened:


my name is Kate and I love contests

Bonjour internets! So nice to meet you!

I’m that Kate Killet girl that Casie mentioned the other day!
I’ll be posting here now and again! I also think that you and me should be new bffs!
So why not get things started with a contest?

I love contests. Especially when it has to do with clothes.
Have you heard about the Mark’s Spring reStyle contest from Mark’s Work Wearhouse?
It’s kind of amazing.
Just look what you could win…

Awesome right?! To enter just click here and be all “This is why I need a restyle!” You can also check out and vote for other entries here as well!

In honor of the Mark’s Spring reStyle contest, we’re having a little contest of our own!

We’re giving away a $50 Mark’s gift card! Wanna win? Here’s how! In the comments, write the following and fill in the blanks:

“It’s spring and I need a _____ because ____ and _____!”

Example: “It’s spring and I need a coat because coats are cute and I’m cold!”

Good luck! xo

inside jobs: the globe & mail + the motion room, raymi the minx & me

Here’s that vid & I shot with Raymi last month at The Motion Room for the Globe & Mail with Rosa Park.

Professional blogger and fitness enthusiast Casie Stewart gets her workout on at the Toronto-based Motion Room.

Globe and Mail Update: Published Tuesday, Apr. 19, 2011 6:00AM

“Most people are clueless when they go to the gym and left on their own,” says James Cappellano, co-owner of The Motion Room.

The Toronto-based fitness club, which opened its doors December 2010, offers results-driven experience where workouts – whether conducted alone, with a trainer or in a group – are scheduled, and performance is measured against goals set by members.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

launched a thousand ships in my heart, so easy

Feeling real sunny today. Thinking there are a few reasons…

Let’s start with a song & I’ll tell you.

Just emailed my new hire some tasks, please welcome Kate Killet to team Casie Stewart. I hope she is ready for my intenseness.This is the true test of my crazy, I am super organized and strict. I have lots of fun but I take this internetting/blog thing very seriously.

Customized life FTW. Best ever. Saw this at the Converse shop on Newbury in Boston. They had a screen press for shoes upstairs fully equipped with ipad stations for designing. I Love THE FUTURE.

One of the reasons I feel so sunny is I’m attending a movie at the Bell Lightbox this evening for the first time. It is the Textuality premiere and… I am bringing a date.  I never bring dates. Well, I took a dashing young Brock Mclaughlin out as arm candy  during TIFF last September and look at him now. It started his socialite career, I kid I kid. Actually, you know it’s true.

I was sitting in this shop while Ellen was picking up some things, aren’t I just the cutest. Look at that smile, I bet someone just tweeted me something silly.

Just kidding, I was making this. I wanna be Casie Stewart when I grow up.

I know you have seen them already but I love these shoes. They are so snug and little like ballet shoes. I found them at Newbury Comics. Comic shops have really cool stuff, I have so been missing out. Duh.

Anyone know someone at Vans? I would really like to see about becoming friends with these shoes. Like in every colour and 20 pairs for my BFF’s. Then we can all wear them and do a dance number. My sister can choreograph it and we can film it with the Olymus PEN. It will be magical, I can see it now. Can’t you?

Then I went to my Apple store to stalk my future boyfriend, 11″ of pure macbook air greatness.

There was a beautiful staircase and a live performance on the 4th floor.

I think of of the other reasons I feel sunny today is that I am getting busier and really loving my work. Each day is new adventure in entrepreneurship, I make things up as I go. I’ve been waking up earlier than ever simple because I can’t wait to start my day.

this one time, in new zealand…

I was there for NZ Music Week in the start of May. I was about 18.  I heard this song Sophie by Goodshirt and totally fell in love. I feel in love with lots of things that trip. My sister and I were in the homeland all alone and we made heaps of new friends, one of which I visited last year. (HI KMS!) Love how a song can bring back such fond memories.


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Boston’s true luxury experience, The @LenoxHotel

Time for some daydreaming…

About you…

Stopped into Hubba Hubba, a fun shop around the corner from this pretty window.

Then I went o hang out at MIT. This mural is in the basement near washrooms by the main cafeteria.

“I’m at MIT”

They had BLUE Vitamin Water. Yo, O’Nizzle, we need to try that kind. It’s called “Stur-D”

I did not eat these things but people do. The States has some interesting (fatty) snacks.

Havard mixer anyone?

I hung out at MIT & read the paper.

Yeah, yeah I do. Thanks for the lunch date Zuckerberg.

This is pretty neato. Who calls things ‘neat’? Andy Hall, that’s who.

Let me get right in there for a sec. People were looking at me…is this bad luck?

Classic shot of Boston. CITCO is how you find Fenway.

Stayed at The Lenox on Friday night. Super nice hotel. I tweeted them and they never tweeted me back. I hate that. I was hoping they would be like “Oh Ms. Stewart, lovely to have you” (at least). Here is some champagne.

The hotel was super packed with lean people for the Boston Marathon.

Lenox is right at the finish line.

I was quite (pleasantly) surprised to see ipads in several hotels/shops around Boston. Yay for technology.

Ellen & I. The bell boys were all so very nice. Thanks for the hospitality!

Well hello there pretty lady.

More photos to come from heaps of other things I did over the weekend. Have you been to Boston? What are some of your fav things to do there? I will add to my list for next time!


inventional wisdom – a new kind of technical education

Been singing/listening to French music this morning. Lovely to get away but so nice to come home. Do you know this song ‘J’arrive a la Ville’. This video is from a couple years ago, RIP those red Wellies. Klout score is feeling slutty again tday, haha.

Pix are from MIT on Friday. Was great being there, really got my brain kickin’ up into high(er) gear. Heaps to share from my wonderful & relaxing getaway to Boston & the Cape this weekend. Meeting newest intern today and excited to go through more applications & grow the Art Stew Media team. Will pick Textality winner this afternoon.

Have a wonderfully awesome day!

i touched the ocean, you touched my heart





Collected some sand before leaving the Cape. Very beautiful out today. Sun is warm, water is totally freezing. Really enjoyed our stay at the Fairbanks Inn. Had a nice chat with the couple who owns the place before we left. They were happy to learn I was a writer. Lots of famous writers have hung out in Provincetown since the 1900s. Looking up the history is sure to be inspiring!

En route back to Boston now, might grab a bite with friends before checking into Boston Logan and catching Porter home. I succesfully did not drink or eat too much all weekend. Got a serious sweat on dancing last night. Closed out the night singing Katy Perry ‘Firework’ top my my lungs, grinding with a sexy gay boy. It has been too long since I did that!

In love with my black & white saddle shoes. The originals were totally run down and the other day I said “I wanna get a new pair”. Twenty mins later we were walking on Newbury Street and Ellen saw these Vans. They were the very last pair, size 6 and I’d only seen them on the internet not IRL. Total jem I picked up this weeknd! Got a few other goodies too. Oh how I love traveling!

Catch you at the airport. Happy Sunday, bon weekend!


P.S. WTF Toronto, snow? Gah!

“As busy as I claim to be, I’ve still got the greatest job in the world.” – Peter Criss (KISS)

Back at the Cariage House post breakfast. Provincetown is lovely, we’re at the tip of Cape Cod. Biggest gay community I’ve ever been to! Rainbows EVERYWHERE! Went dancing last night. Heading out to watch for whales now then back to Boston. Heading home tonight. Lots to share. Chat soon!


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

boston besties ILU

En route to brekky then #4sqdaymeetup in the Boston Common, then Provincetown. Byeeeeeee! xoxoxoxoxoxo

let’s get textual.

Been waiting for this movie to come out.

You know who is starring in it right? My boyfriend Smith Jarred, the Absolut Hunk.

I’m attending the premiere on Tuesday, April 19 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, 7 p.m. I have a pair of tix to offer you from Rock-it Promo.

If you are interested leave a comment & I’ll pick one of you to attend the premiere & see it before all your friends.

we are all born superstars

Looking at my own house from the tarmac at Porter. It took me <15min to walk there, in heels. Who WALKS to the airport? You bet your ass I felt damn cool strollin’ rollin’ in that door.

Right before I boarded the plane something awesome happened, I got my first ever FULL PATDOWN in PUBLIC! It was done by a hot babe and we were giggling. I told her I was gonna blog about it. I had the hugest smile on my face the whole time. They really pat you down all over if ya know what I mean 😉

Toronto Island is quite pretty, will look even nicer once the trees get all greened up. I really notice a differnece between my old camera (Cannon Elph) and the new camera (Olympus XZ-1) when taking shots from the air. New is MUCH clearer.

Started reading the poetry book sent to me by Vanessa Grillone, My Pen My Voice. I’m thinking I really should re-issue my poetry book. I wrote some pretty aweosme stuff when I was young. Thanks for the book Vanessa.

Everytime I travel I still can’t believe they let me use this passport photo. Red lipstick & a big bow, in my hair. Who the hell am I? haha. I’m Casie Stewart, that’s who.

One of the great(est) things about flying Porter are the snacks & free drinks. They have these great sandwiches on really nice bread w/ brie and of course Steamwhistle.

* tights were sent to me from SECRET.

What up Beantown! Here I come.

Love this massive Nella-Bella bag for travel. It fits all my gadgets & important things – two Olympus cameras, ipad, netbook, toiletries, makeup, a cardigan & all my tech accessories. Man, security had a FIELD DAY with all my gadgets (not). Bag comes in a bunch of colours too.

Here we go, landing time. I’m off to Cape Cod tomorrow for some R&R in Provincetown. Stoked to check out all the little shops, nightlife & the beach.

When I arrived Bob & I went to Tavern on the Water for a bevy & a beer. Was so warm out! After that we went to The Bell (Bob’s fav) and saw Meri & a bunch of the other babes.

This is what I woke up to today. NATURE!

In other news, Charlie Sheen was at Muzik in Toronto last night and from what I hear, Russell Peters was the only one winning. Spiro from It’s All Style to Me got the inside scoop.

Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!

free ticket friday – @iamdiddy!

Happy Friday! I’m in sunny Boston & the weather is beautiful.

To win Diddy today, find a pic of me on the internet & link to it in the comments. Props if you do the same pose & link to them both.

Coming back from Beantown JUST to go to the Diddy concert on Sunday night. I have been informed he’s gonna be playin’ some oldies. Hopefully we are all in the same area & can enjoy it together.

Can’t nobody break my stride!

Google goes Gaga – have you seen this yet?

She is so incrediby inspiring to me. SO many things she says resonate with my to my very core. Watching this really makes me believe I can do anything I set my mind to (not that I had any doubt!). Watch & enjoy.

Ok, I really need to get going. Have to be airpost in an hour + shower + pack! Dang you internet, soooooo distracting/awesome! Yeeehaw!

day 4/5 of DIDDY tix, to win today do this:

1. Click on photo below & go to Z-List.com.
2. Login & comment on my post.
3. One winner chosen from comments.
4. GO!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

super nerds & mayors around the world unite! #4sqday

Rememeber Foursquare Day last year? Yes you do.

It was 4/16, I worked at MuchMTV. I printed a big 4sq badge on a tshirt and scooted over to the Loose Moose for the party.

I’d been there a few times so when I checked in, I TOOK THE MAYORSHIP. Everyone cheered as I walked to the table then Molson gave me a bucket of beers. It was an epic winning of mayorship & nerd pride.

* that gun necklace got me hardcore hassled by border patrol at YYZ last summer!

This year’s #4SQDAY meetup in Toronto is at The Firkin @ 461 King Street. For all the info on the Toronto meetup check the FB page. I chatted Karly (@_topshelf), one of the organizers yesterday and there are HEAPS of sponsors, free beer for an hour and BUTTONS like this.

I picked up a few buttons yesterday because I will be attending the 4sq Day meetup in Boston at the Boston Common. Rumours floating the interwebs  Foursquare just may have a special badge for those attending the worldwide festivities.

Really looking forward to relaxing with my friends & escaping the city.  Also stoked to fly with Porter again!

My Sister Jenie is in The Bahamas w Mum!

Bye Toronto!



Da Hanover at Nassau airport – free wifi!

Outside Nassau (AH Gay, I so wish I was there with you!)

OMG boarding – SMALL.

Ready to fly. (Love you so much.)

(OMG Gay, it’s so beautiful!)


(OMG HI MUM! Mum, you look great! You too Gay.)

(Reminded of Grandad)

lots of luv from all of us! xoxoxoxox


to win today’s diddy tix don’t txt me do this

1. Login to Facebook
2. Click this link on.fb.me/hH8hYJ
3. Follow the instructions.
4. Tell friends.
5. Do it before 6pm.
6.  Win, go to Diddy w/ your BFF.

no, you can’t borrow my book. if you like it go buy it.

This is one of my most favbourite books and I totally thought I lent it to someone. So glad I found it, I’ve been mad at myself for months.

MAD, angry. Angry like the wake up after you were so wasted you don’t remember what you did and your BFF is mad at you because you did something stupid. (As if NONE of you have ever had that happen?)

It’s an inspiring book. My copy is very special because it is filled with notes and drawings I did. It’s writted by Paul Arden. He is a creative genius who worked with Saatchi & Saatchi for over 15 years and did some really awesome ad campaigns.

I became obsessed with PHAIDON Publishing after I found this book which lead into an obsession with Saatchi. Safe to say, I was pretty stoked to work with the Toronto Saatchi office for the Toyota car recenetly.


I was so obsessed I wrote a letter to Roger Kennedy the Creative Director of Art and Design, Saatchi & Saatchi in the UK. I will have to dig that up because I bet reading it now & thinking of my former self would be quite charming or potentially inspiring/hilarious. Creativity & smartness are the way to my heart.

I picked up the book second hand at Gertrude & Alice, this darling little book shop on Hall Street in Bondi Beach, Australia. Why anyone would discard it is BEYONE me.

It was my favourite spot, so old & little and right beseide Le Paris-Go my fav French cafe. It was the ultimate hipster hangout before cool kids were called hipsters (was there 2004). I worked up the street at Vibes Boutique.

I’ve lent so many books outand almost al  the time, they don’t come back. If you are one of my friends out there with one of my books,yes I want it back. More importantly, why haven’t you returned it yet?

I have been a lover of books all my life. When I was a kid Mum (a new immagrant to Canada) didn’t have that many friends so she used to take us to the library and hang out there. The librarian at the Preston Library branch, Mrs. Macdonald became a close friend and we were always in the Summer Reading Club.

Reading is cool guys.

#contest: for diddy tix txt me @ 416 476 7576

Wanna see Diddy Dirty Money at Koolhaus, Sunday April 17? Universal Music Canada & I wanna send you. There will be 12 of us going so quite a wolf pack. I hope he rocks some old jamz.

I dedicate this to all the pretty girls, all the pretty girls, all the pretty girls in the world, and the ugly girls too, cause to me your pretty anyways baby.


1. Txt me @ 416 476 7576 for instructions.
2. Go do what I tell you.
3. Photograph it.
4.Upload photo to internet, link to photo in comments below before 6pm.
5. Tweet “Hey @casiestewart, I got ya money. http://bit.ly/eebMu8
6. Random winner chosen from comments by 9pm.

UPDATE: wiener is…