Travel | Escape & Discover – A Surprise Weekend in Sudbury, ON

This summer I went on a really fun adventure with Ford Canada. They sent us these great luggage bags and told us to pack for a weekend. We had no idea where we were going and in my fret of nervousness the night before, went crazy I decorated my bag. In a group of 20 or so bloggers, it wasn’t hard to know where my bag was at all times. Dare to be different! ??? They sent a driver to pick me up bright and early on a Saturday morning when I was whisked off to a Ford Dealership to meet the gang and find out what was going on. After some snacks & coffee it was time for the reveal. I was handed an envelope with this card and a boarding pass. I did NOT think we would be going anywhere by airplane. Good thing I didn’t pack full size lotions! My team and I jumped in our next car and went straight to Porter Airlines. It felt a bit like The Amazing Race when 4 groups all went separate ways to different destinations. There was a Comicon happening downtown in Sudbury that weekend. Noticed a lot of really cool street art. The paper is called the ‘North Bay Nugget’ ? ?. Went for a hike in the Duchesnay Falls. Ate a seriously huge poutine. We spent the night at a great little 3bdrm beach house bed & breakfast on the lake. We had planned to try loads of water sports and I had packed my wet suit and my dryrobe equivalent, but after a toe-dip inspection we decided it was a no go. The water was pretttttty cold. I had been to Sudbury as a kid but I didn’t remember much. It was pretty neat to see the…

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Tech | Travel More + Shop at Apple Using the New RBC Rewards App

Last week I was in Arizona doing something I love, documenting my trip on my new iPhone and taking an adventure with friends to somewhere I’ve never been. Tech and travel have always been something I really enjoy so I’m always trying to bring more of those into my life. RBC has a great new app for people who also like these things, like you, called RBC Rewards. The app is now avail on iOS and Android and allows you to do things like book flights, hotels, cars, or shop for your fav tech stuff at best Buy or Apple. best part is you can redeem your RBC Rewards points for all this stuff.  The app will also reco products and show you offers based on interests. iOS users can use Touch ID to sign in. Sean uses his RBC Business Avion card so he’s racked up a ton of points. We used RBC Rewards to bring a friend with us to LA a couple years ago. Knowing he can now use those points via the app at the Apple Store mean one thing…iPhone Upgrade! My Fav Perks of the RBC Rewards App – Search/book flight, hotel, car rentals, using a mix of points + cash – Shop Apple & Best Buy w/ points + cash – Use points for RBC Rewards merch and GCs [metaslider id=38363] My mum has been an RBC customer for as long as I can remember so in my research I asked if she uses their rewards program, and she does! Something she was really excited to tell me was how she uses Payback with Points to redeem points toward her RBC Rewards credit card. “As a world leader in mobile technology, RBC is committed to innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in order to meet the evolving expectations of our clients,” Jacquelina Calisto, Vice President, Digital & Commercialization, RBC All of…

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Travel | I’m in Arizona! Here All Week Travelling Route 66!

Hi, I’m currently writing to you from our luxury van travelling to Route 66 through the Sonoran Desert. We just visited the iconic Wigwam Hotel in Holbrook. Arrived late last night and will be on the road all week touring the highway staying at a different spot each night. We’re about to take a tour of the Petrified Forrest. Petrified wood in the Rainbow Forest. So cool. This photo was at Route 66 at Disneyland in California but I WILL recreate it this week.  I packed the same dress! Road trippin'! #66kicks #MyAZtrip — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) October 17, 2016

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Travel | I’m in South Florida this week! 

Follow my Snap, Instagram, and Tweets for sunshine and adventures. Updates from other media on the trip are on the #SeizeTheKeys hashtag! ?☀️?✈️️???‍? Heading to breakfast now them Hemingway’s House. Later today I’m planning to bike around some more then we’re going paddle boarding at night! BLOODLINE WAS FILMED HERE! Trying Key Lime at every meal ?? Rented a bike to explore Key West Our backyard at Chelsea House Hotel Today was so great. In Florida all week and ready for adventure. Biked around Key West, swam, beach, saw roosters & iguanas. Ready to retire tbh. #travel #thisismylife #seizethekeys A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Oct 2, 2016 at 6:59pm PDT  

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Tech | #SeizeTheKeys! ☀️? I’m Heading Down to Florida!

Well, it’s just starting to cool down and I’ve got something warm and exciting to share… on Sunday I’m going to the Florida Keys! I’m heading down with Florida Tourism and a couple other blog friends. I’ll be documenting my experience on Facebook (w/ Live!), Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. I can’t WAIT to see what we’re doing. I got a heads up that we’ll be Night Boarding, which is stand up paddle (SUP) on board that are LIT. I love my SUP board so stoked for this I’ve had the Beach Boys song Kokomo in my head all week. (There used to be a bar in the Keys called Kokomo!) I’ve also looked up famous movie scenes filmed there and this one is on my to-do list haha. Have you been to the Florida Keys? Any recos of what we should do there? LMK!  

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Meet The 2016/2017 Team TELUS Advocates (waves hi!)

I first met with Telus PR in 2009, since we’ve done some amazing things together. Back then, ‘influencer marketing’ was something for celebrities (Paris, Britney, Beyonce) and I was still working at Much/MTV. Since then, Telus and I have done some really fun things together like mobile updates from around the world, scaling a building, building a garden, and donating to charities. Last year, TELUS created #TeamTelus Advocates, an official group of influencers across Canada to help them spread Telus vibes across the country through community involvement, sharing experiences, and talking about tech. I’m happy to share I’m on the 2016/17 team w/ a bunch of great Canadians! I’ve got a few stories planned over the next couple months including getting my dad set up his first android, travel packages (I’m away most of October!!) AND MY NEW iPHONE 7+! OMG, I can’t wait to get my new phone and take that camera on adventures. Check out some of the #TeamTELUS Advocates below, see full list here. In case you missed the videos we did this year, check out the Mother’s Day one below and scroll a little bit more to see my excited face after scaling down Toronto City Hall at the Rope for Hope for Make-A-Wish Foundation the year before. [youtube id=”7fShXKG4Udw”] Recently, I wrote about my love for the Telus mobile network when we’re up at the cottage, I seriously have the best service up there. Next week I’m joining the Toronto team for The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. October 1st 1pm, Beaches, Toronto. Details here if you want to join me! Thanks for following my adventures, and since a lot of updates come from my phone or via mobile wifi, we really Telus to thank for keeping us connected. I’m excited to share adventures and stories with you this year. Next trip announcement coming soooooooon, there will be…

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