Storia App: Keep, Share, Collaborate on Stories

* updated post 04/2015 For the last few weeks I’ve been on a team of Beta Testers for the new Seflish Storia app. With Storia you can build stories, collaborate with others, or keep them private. Something that makes this different from other social apps is you can make your stories public or private and still share them with people you choose. It’s a more provate and curated feed than something like Facebook. Last week I had a chat with Anastasia Ashman from Storia about some cool ways people are using the app including house hunting, sharing family photos, and couples things you want to keep between the two of you. On the weekend I was part of a collaborative, real time story about Superbowl Sunday between Selfish users. It was cool to see what everyone was up to.  See the full story here. Below are a few of my public stories. I’ve been documenting my ukulele progress and different nail designs. I’m on a LOT of social networks but the content is kinda all over the place. With Selfish I’m updating stories based on topics and documenting as time goes on. My ‘Lights, Camera, ACTION!’ board is documenting behind the scenes of a few shoots I’ve had recently.   I would love to know your thoughts on Selfish Storia and collaborate on stories with you. You can download it from the app store and it will soon be on the Google Play store for Android. You can also sign up and use the web version at It was originally developed as a web app so there’s a bunch of features and editing options to check out! <3 CASIE

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Protecting Canada’s Wildlife w/ Telus #ShopWildly

What do trees, burrowing & short eared owls, polar & grizzly bears, beluga whale, and the Monarch butterfly all have in common? Besides being endangered special in Canada, they’re some of the animals Telus is helping to save. They’re also the ones I donated to! Over the next 5 years Telus is giving $5 million to protect our wildlife. They sent me on a wild shopping spree with $1,000 and I spent it on a  few of my fav Canadian animals and trees. My purchases are going towards protecting our Canadian animals and their habitats, ensuring that wildlife in Canada can stay wild long into the future. Last year as a gift, Telus adopted a Giant Panda from the WWF in my name. I’ve been with Telus for as long as I can remember. My first ever cellphone was with them ages ago when they were Clearnet.   Show your love for Canadian wildlife at Thank you Telus for all you do! 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Get School’d: BLOGGING at The Gladstone Hotel

Hey guys! On Dec. 22nd I’m hosting a session on BLOGGING at The Gladstone Hotel in their new workshop series. Tickets are going fast and I’ve been told there’s just a few more.  The night will cover tips and tricks on starting a blog and how to build an audience. Get a Ticket  The Get School’d series brings you knowledge on diverse topics such as growing and maintaining a beard, blogging, learning ukulele, indoor gardening, wine tasting etc. The goal is to be fun and educational. I’m planning to take a few upcoming classes myself. If you’re gonna be there, let me know. Feel free to come with questions, I’d be happy to answer them for you! CASIE @casiestewart will be hosting out first #GetSchoold workshop. Learn from the best #blogger in #Toronto on 22nd Dec 7 – 8.15pm. Tickets selling fast A photo posted by Gladstone Hotel Toronto (@gladstonehotel) on Dec 12, 2014 at 12:27pm PST

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My Tiles Arrived! What is Tile and Why Am I Excited?

With the Tile app you can locate anything you want. I’m ashamed to admit how many times I’ve lost my phone, wallet, or something valuable. If you’ve been reading my blog for a few years, you might remember a few tragic incidents! Now, I don’t have to worry! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2014 at 8:02pm PST Tile was a Kickstarted I supported in 2013, they surpassed their goal raising $2.6 million, the most successful campaign to at the time. Pebble watch blew this campaign out of the water with $10 million not long after. Tile is a $25 Bluetooth-enabled chip that attaches to a possession (ex. keychain, wallet, boyfriend, child) and is locatable on Tile’s iPhone app. What makes Tile different from almost every other similar device is that Tile’s users are all connected through the cloud, creating a giant search net that negates the disadvantage of Bluetooth’s extremely short range. Connecting my Tiles was super easy once I downloaded the app. Press the ‘e’ to activate bluetooth, it makes a sound, place Tile on phone screen to connect, name the device, done. I’m pretty stoked to have them since it’s the LONGEST I’ve EVER waited for something I bought online. That’s Kickstarter for ya, had to wait for production since they were just a prototype at the time. I’ve got one on my keys, wallet, and Sean’s keys so they are never lost. 😉  If you wanna join the Tile crew, check out OVER APP for World AIDS Day In other news, one of my fav editing apps, Over, has gone RED for World AIDS Day. The new pack is full of great designs! I purchased it for $4.99, all proceeds go to AIDS research. This app is awesome for adding text…

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Tech | We’re All Just Trying to Figure It Out

This might be one of my fav photos I’ve ever taken. I love it. Snapped with iPhone on a whim while leaving my sisters place. It brings back memories, nostalgia, I’m not even certain what exactly, just old times. Found the quote below over the weekend and it resonated with me. I’ve been reading here and there about impostor syndrome, the inability to unable to internalize accomplishments. When you feel like someone is going ‘figure you out’, realize you don’t know what you’re doing, see right through your whole charade. ‘Impostor Syndrome is the domain of the high achiever. Those who set the bar low are rarely it’s victim’ (Forbes). — CASIE STEWART November 24, 2014 It’s ok to not know what you’re doing, We’re all trying to figure it out as we go. I used to get severe anxiety before going to events, being on stage, speaking. It’s not that people wouldn’t like me, it’s that they would, and sometimes I didn’t know exactly what I was doing but I was going on experience, and making it up as I go. Being in the world of social media before it was a business (or industry!) has taught me to realx and roll with it. Preparation, constant innovation, and trying new things has kept me ahead, made me a ‘pioneer’. (It always weirds me out when someone calls me that, the thought of ME being part of the start of something.) A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2014 at 3:17pm PST So I got to thinking about blogs and authenticity and why people even blog these days, and I thought about why they started. A blog, formerly WebLog was a place for non-tecnical users of the…

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Tech | Oculus, Wearables, and My Connected Life

One of 1188’s latest ventures is Occupied VR and last night they were on ETalk! Ben Mulroney tried the experience they designed for David Cronenberg’s Body Mind Change. (You might remember me taking part in Body Mind Change last year.) The Rift Teaser launches on the 24th of November. I tried it at the office and it was intense. It’s amazing how immersive Oculus is when you’re tapped into sight and sound. It totally freaked me out, I jumped up out my seat and screamed!   Later this week I’m attending the monthly We Are Wearables meet up at MaRS Discovery District. There’s still a few tickets if you’d like to join! (Free) There’s a Smartwatch Panel w/Motorola & TELUS with a discussion on Nielsen’s recent Connected Life survey on Canadian Trends in wearables and wearable consumers. I was really into social media before it hit the mainstream and I’m really into wearables lately. Sometimes it’s hard to believe how huge social media has become, I can only imagine the impact wearable technology will have on us over the next five years. I want to know and learn as much as I can! I’ve been thinking about how connected I am to the internet and it’s rare I go 15 5minutes without my phone having a notification, checking email, or taking a photo.  I was working away and my battery died this morning and to be honest, I was so productive for that period of time!  Techlogy makes us more productive and distracts us all the same. I’ve got lots to get done today so here’s to productivity! It may be freezing cold outside (if you are in NA) but try not to let it get you down. Put on all your winter warmies and greet the day with a smile. <3 CASIE      

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