all the better to see you with, my dear

They arrived! Now I don’t have to wear my old vintage scratched up Waldo glasses anymore! :36 sec unboxing new glasses from clearly contacts Yes, they are real prescription but the prescription is almost invisible. New RayBans are my first official pair. I think they might be a little big for small head. NOT A BIG HEAD! haha. Thanks Clearly Contacts! I love wearing glasses when I work, they help me concentrate. I often wear a hat or cover my head when I work too. Don’t even challenge me in a ‘I’m the weirdest’ competition. About two years ago I got new glasses and made this video. My Dad MADE the car on my shirt. Ok bye. Time to work with glasses on and work before I go to Raymi’s house then Lauren’s house to watch them BOTH on MTV CREEPS TONIGHT 9:30. K. Bye for real!

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Howard Green on BNN: What’s the deal with Klout?

It’s always a pleasure for me to go back to 299 Queen Street, the most famous address in Toronto and the home of my last full time 9-5 job. Especially when it’s to be on camera! This time I was on BNN talking online influence with Headline News anchor Howard Green who also spoke to Shelby Walsh, VP of Operations at Trendhunter and Joe Fernandes, CEOof Klout. Watch the entire episode on the BNN HERE or my single clip HERE. Ok, here we go, 00:30 seconds and we’re LIVE. No anxiety. I love being on TV! I’ve officially moved from ‘Social Media Expert’ on eTalk to ‘Pro-Blogger, Casie Stewart, BLOG ENTREPRENEUR on BNN.Look out world! 🙂 Mum, Dad & Nana are gonna love this!  

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Extraordinary thing, The Internet

Turned off the awards show last night to watch one of my fav films, Closer feat Natalie, Clive, Julia and Jude. I love it. Natalie says she’s a ‘waif’ at the start of the film and The Waif’s are one of my fav Aussie bands. Turns out they’re from Perth like Sam. Today is a busy day shooting two things for two different tv networks (just my luck they’re both on the same day). These photos were sent to me last night from Javier Moltó in Madrid. We met last week in Detroit for the International Auto Show. I loved this song when I lived in Australia and was happily reminded of it last night. I really want to go to London. Attending & covering the Olympics would be a DREAM come true. Have a wonderful Monday. It’s nice to be back in town but I love that my international friends never feel that far away. Looking forward to tonight & hibernating. How many days till summer?

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Keeping the Vacation Dream Alive

Happy Sunday. Just got back from my hot tub in the Sky Lounge. I like to think of it as ‘vacation station’. We just ventured to T&T w/ Barbie in the car cause Sammy is cooking dinner. Did you know we he a Professional Chef? He does private dinners. Well that was fun & successful. One last stop at Loblaws and we are good. Stoked for Gervais hosting the Globe’s tonight! Sam is making lamb and some other stuff. I’m so hungry.

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Welcome to Fabulous. Dream it. Do it.

Last pic in the hotel before Leaving Las Vegas. Classic movie.  My hair is slowly growing crazy, crazy growing slowly. Hurry up. Gelatin will make you hair & nails grow fast. Buying Jello tomorrow. Whenever I’m in the USA people always stop & compliment my hair. It’s unique there I guess. I see cute short haired blonde girls in Toronto and on the internet all the time so it always catches me off guard. Roots are quite popular too. Getting them done by Darren Kwik this week.  The night before I left was CRAZY. When I got to the door at TAO I gave the word I was here and a tall hot VIP host named Logan walked me through the crowd to the private party. (Exactly how I imagined it should would be in Vegas TBH.) I remember always ready about Paris Hilton hanging out there.  Thanks NextGen & my friends for a fun night. Met some rad people. The dance floor was insane, so crowded. I only went there for 5 minutes at a time before scurrying back to bottle service. I don’t care if that sounds snobby, it was awesome and I was livin’ it up. Check out this dancing girl covered in neon body paint. Shake that! Keek/casiestewart: Neon dancing girl at #TAO #Vegascom There are these huge faces of CT all over the Luxor for his show. He creeps me out. Bonga is kinda obsessed with him. (I hope he reads this HAHA!) I did not gamble or see any shows the entire time I was in Vegas. I did make it to Spearmint Rhino for a lap dance from a lovely shoe model. It’s like one of those things you just have to do. While wastng time before the airport I wandered into a little shop in the hotel and met…

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Daily Twitter News for 2012-01-13

#mashbash #ces (@ 1 Oak Nightclub w/ @davedelaney) # Found the secret pizza. Best ever. #pizzaparty # #iheartradio #ces (@ HAZE Nightclub w/ 29 others) # Chasing the new is dangerous to society. # "I really connected with her. We're friends" mega lulz re: friend who just came home from stripper #vegas # OH "do you think if they get married there will be stripper poles at the wedding?" #vegas # Uh ohh somebody's gonna have a surprise when they wake up… # Viva Las Casie #thisismylife #hipster #iphone #travel #pizza # How to get defriended! # Photo: Inside pyramid. (Taken with Instagram at Luxor Hotel & Casino) # World largest #Swarovski Blogged: @ The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas # Photo: Mandalay Bay (Taken with instagram) # Photo: New York, New York (Taken with instagram) # RE: @KeriBlog @keriblog MIND FREEEEAAAAAAAK! #missyou # had a killer nose bleed last night the dessert is so dry. # whoa @elizadushku is skinny, total babe. #CES2012 # iBlog:…what happens in Vegas… # i have zero attention span # The Art of Touch, Baby! #thisismylife #contest #freestuff # Photo: iJustine is wearing uggs. # I'm at TAO Nightclub (3355 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Inside the Venetian, Las Vegas) [pic]: # We raised the roof right off! # #CES2012 # getting interviewed! (@ Las Vegas Convention Center w/ 68 others) [pic]: # That was nerve wracking. # I always imaging that saying #CASIE #CES # Omg I am in #hellokitty heaven @raymitheminx! # Hey @motorolaCa! #ces # Photo: Live taping of @whatstrending w/ @shiralazar @ Venetian ballroom. #ces #ces2012 (Taken with… # Photo: Hi (Taken with instagram) # Live taping of…

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