Fried Eh
It’s safe to say I am completely exhausted. The last few weeks have been super busy and fashion week really takes a lot outta ya. I’ve got nothing planned but staying in the house and not socializing one but this weekend. My batteries need recharging! Last night was Untitled&Co’s first fashion show and it was great. I’ll do a full post on it when the photos roll in. I took Sean as my date and we had a lovely night together. We had dinner at Hawker Bar on Ossington then hit the after party at Libertine on Dundas. I worked with Cameron one of the 2 designers to produce GelaSkins for the gift bags with his designs on them. They’ll be up in our web store soon. I have the WIFEY one which Sean thought was hilarious because it’s got Courtney on it. Dad is in New Zealand and getting married in a few hours. Oh how I wish I was there to see the wedding and have a fam jam! They’re going to the Coromandel Peninsula after which is one the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Look at this, gah! I’ll be dreaming of this place for the rest of the day now. Beach and sunshine please! Cheers to the freakin’ weekend. <3 CASIE
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