PSA: TELUS is Giving $1 Million to SickKids and You Can Help!

One of my favourite things about working with Telus over the years is their consistent commitment to giving back in communities across Canada. Over the next 5 years, Telus is donating $1 MILLION to Sick Kids to help build the worlds best children’s hospital where they treat 100,000 kids annually. This the largest fundraising effort effort in Canadian healthcare history and we can all help to make it a reality. To help get to that goal, TELUS created a digital storybook, Bunny Goes to the Hospital, to help kids and families feel more comfortable about going to the hospital. Which, as we all unfortunately know, is not usually great. The digital storybook is available for download at For every download of the digital storybook, TELUS will also give $25 to SickKids, to a maximum donation of $50,000. Since 2000, TELUS team members and retirees have contributed more than $1.6 million to SickKids, and last year alone they (we!) together gave $317,000. Learn more about how Telus is donating to Sick Kids here, see community projects here, and read about my work with Telus here. It only takes a second to download the storybook. Read it to your kids, send the link to a friend and be part of the SickKids Foundation‘s campaign with a fundraising goal of $1.3 billion. For more information about Sick Kids fundraising and how you and your company can give back, visit Sending you love! P.S. Need a new phone? TELUS will give $25 to SickKids for every new TELUS smartphone activated in Ontario from now until March 31!

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Ok, Tuesday.

The sun was setting and I thought wow you should really go out for a walk. I looked out the window and since we moved the couch it’s easier to see out. Neighbourhood watch. I decided against the walk and wondered why am I so tired? I started going through the things I did today and realized, whoa, no wonder. I feel like I should keep going but I had a video shoot, pulled an event outfit, signed a contract, made burritos, and we switched our internet plan today. Add in a bunch of emails and remembering a script. I need to charge my batteries. I don’t know if Daylight Saving has anything to do with it but I’m definitely tired. Couch time. I grabbed my iPad, put on the show, and made some food. Caprese salad, banana on toast, simple, delicious. This weekend I finally set up another pair of Phillips Hue lights so we can dim the front door and entryway lights. I tackled the mess that was the entryway over the weekend and it feels nice now. The living room is tidy and filled with coloured balloons from the shoot. It’s still light out at 7:30pm. I can’t wait for spring.

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Face The Sun Like a Flower, Shine Girl!

Oh hello there! Woke up early and did some work, cleaning, went for a walk. It is finally a *tiny* bit warmer and it makes such a difference! I’m not even mad about how cold winter was, it made it easier to stay home, organize, tidy the house. Thankful to myself right now for all the Kon Mari, We have less clutter around the house and it makes me feel more relaxed, happy, and we’re enjoying the space. Next on my to-do list is the patio. Had a very chill weekend at home. Saturday I took Em out around the west end to a gallery for a music video launch. Yesterday I went to check for plant sales and came home with a bunch of beauties for the house. Today I opened the windows and my GOD does it ever make a difference. It’s insane how the few degrees and some sunshine makes everything seem better. We’re not at bare ankles and trench coat just yet but I’ll take it! Opened the windows. #dlws — CASIE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) March 11, 2019 Feeling pumped for this week. Have 2 shoots and a speaking gig plus a dinner I’m really looking to on Wednesday with Tokyo Smoke. This weekend we might open the cottage. Sending sunshine your way. Put a smile on your face and flash it around!

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Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It #17

Next month my blog is 14 years old, can you believe that? I’ve been building my little piece of the internet and sharing stories longer than the time I’ve had this blog. Before WordPress, there was Blogger, MySpace, and MSN Spaces. I love sharing and being an ‘internet person’ but it can take a toll on you. I love it most the time, but sometimes, I don‘t feel like it. It’s Not Easy Being On The Internet It’s crazy the things people say on the internet when they’ve got a screen barrier to give them extra confidence. Often forgetting there’s a human on the other side, manning the comments. Like, a real human being with feelings. One little comment can stay in your head all day or a tweet can jump right through the screen and punch you in the heart. The other day I tweeted how ‘Having a sister is legit the best.” and a friend replied, “Yes it was”. I had to fight back tears. I know he lost his sister and maybe was having a hard day, I was too. I couldn’t get it out of my head. I called my sister crying. This comment made me think how ‘influencer culture’ has kinda made the internet worse. This was in response to a post I shared about #PinkShirtDay with Telus. I didn’t have to post about it, I wanted to. Telus has a great program and is invested in making a difference in communities across Canada. I love this about them. It seems like everything is sponsored these days. Is it bad? I don’t know! To each their own! We all have the ability to curate our feeds and if you think someone has too many sponsored posts, mute or unfollow them. Your feed, your life. I started…

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Sharing the Love on Valentines Day w/ NKPR

Hope you’re having a great day! Remember, the most important person to love on Valentines is yourself! The more love you have the more you have to give. Today I joined Cory Lee, Ish and a bunch of volunteers at NKPR for #NKPR26 where they are doing 26 Hours of Giving. We helped to pack sandwiches for #HashtagLunchbag, a global movement empowering everyday people in local communities to spread love, one lunch bag at a time. We packed over 700 lunches!   To learn more about Hashtag Lunchbag and find an event near you, visit Tonight Sean and I are having dinner with Emily. We celebrate each other & our love all year but later this month we’re heading up to a hotel in Muskoka and going snowmobiling. It will be my first time and Sean hasn’t gone out on one in years. Yes, mum, we’ll be safe! ? Sending you love and sunshine through the internet. Have a great day!

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Unpopular Opinion: I Like The New WordPress 5.0

I installed the new WP 5.0 that came out last week right away. I like to be the first to try things out. I’ve always been an early adopter. There are a few glitches but I believe this is the start of a new, modern, flexible WordPress. It gives you so much more customization in the way your work is displayed, photos, galleries, quotes. I ran into an issue when I first installed WP 5.0 where it reverted me back to the Classic Editor. I lost Gutenberg when I installed 5.0 then I installed the Classic Editor and couldn’t get Gutenberg back. I searched a whole bunch of WP developer forums and it was VERY CLEAR, people HATE Gutenberg and they HATE Blocks. To fix it I disabled the Classic Editor plugin, and deleted, reinstalled the Gutenberg editor. I also disabled Page Builder (Site Origin) and a couple other plugins that I wasn’t using and probably weren’t updated for WP 5.0. I blogged about my fav parts of the new Gutenberg Editor back in August when it was released here. One of my favourite things in the new editor is how you can display images wide across the page. I love the way galleries look stretched out instead of just within the pixel width of your blog text. So pretty. These photos are from Ashley Longshore gallery in New Orleans, LA. What are your thoughts on the new WordPress, do you love it or do you hate it? Comments open!

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