Epic Meal Time w/ The Biz Media

Photo booth 1 is here. Photo booth 2 is here. The Biz Media is a totally awesome company full of really great people. I’m happy to call them friends. Check them our here. Meeeeeeeeaaaaaaatttt O’Nizzle. Sauce boss of The Biz Media, Guy Gal.

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Tech | Buffer Festival Industry Day 2014

About a week ago I attended the first ever Buffer Festival Industry Day. Here’s a quick little snip of some of  my fav moments! It was great listening to top YouTubers talk about their experiences in brand building and projects. I was right up front to admire Harley from Epic Meal Time’s beard. He was my fav on the panel and it was neat to hear how the Epic Meal Time brand has evolved. A couple years ago I was at a Biz Media party and the team from Epic Meal time was there (blog post here w/ photos). They made a bacon volcano and bacon roses to go along with a suite of other epic meat creations. There was a meat photobooth too. I arrived just in time to catch my friend Brad Ford from Contiki chatting about brands, fans, and influence.  This is one of my fav topics and it was cool to hear how the other brands were working with influencers. I can speak first hand about the awesome job Contiki has done in connecting with ambassadors to tell their brand story.  I’m working on a little something new with Contiki but no details just yet…you’ll know soon enough! Take a look at my adventure to Thailand with them last year here. This was an awesome event for anyone looking to beef up their knowledge of how to make it on YouTube. I can only imagine how much the landscape will change by the time Buffer Festival rolls around next year. Something not to be missed! Hope your week is good. I’m off to the OBEY Clothing spring preview then to hang out with Globe Style and Sophie Kinsella, author of the Shopaholics series. Have an awesome day! CASIE

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TheTech | Business of YouTube: Buffer Festival Industry Day

There is no doubt that video is a powerful platform to connect with your audience. If you are a brand, blogger, or you want to be famous on the Internet, knowing how to work the YouTube machine is to your advantage. The key to this is to build a large follower base and have plenty of views on your videos. Luckily, you can buy these, just make sure you use the best site to buy youtube views otherwise you might fall to victim to one of the many scam sites out there. You might not like the idea of buying views and followers but it has been proven to lead to their authentic counterpart, and many people have chosen this path to the top. There are plenty of alternatives to Youtube you can also use. I had the opportunity to travel to Thailand last year with some of Canada’s top YouTubers and it was a learning experience. There’s a real science to cracking the YouTube code and the more you know, well, the better you’ll be! I’ve partnered w/ the CFC to let you know about Buffer Festival Industry Day on October 16th. The one day event is not a YouTube fan event, but rather a chance to soak up information about the business of YouTube from some of the top YouTubers in the world. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine (to Google) and 1 out of EVERY 2 internet users visits YouTube. Innovation is key to relevancy in our ever changing internet world, so if YouTube is on your radar you don’t wanna miss this. About Buffer Festival Industry Day: This one-day conference is for industry professionals looking to optimize YouTube as a content and talent development platform and a marketing and distribution channel. It provides a unique…

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‘Survival of the Fittest’: My TechVibes Interview on Blogging

This week TechVibes, Canada’s leading online tech publication posted an interview I did during NXNE. Some quotes below, read the whole interview on TechVibes. ‘Survival of the Fittest’: Casie Stewart on Blogging ht.ly/bVl5t @casiestewart by @herbertlui — Techvibes (@techvibes) June 29, 2012 Thanks to Herbert Lui for a well written piece. His previous articles are with the Creative Director of TAXI, Harley from Epic Meal Time, and renowned speaker Stephen Shapiro. So, I’m in good company! IT’S NOT A WALK IN THE PARK “I think the toughest things are when you have no money; essentially, I am an entrepreneur, and I’ve built up my business around my life,” she admits, briefly alluding to her time on TV show Maxed Out. “I’m really super online, so people always think that I always have all these people around me, and we’re all like best friends. But when you’re a blogger, or you’re starting your own business by yourself, you spend a lot of time alone and at the computer,” she explains. “My life – yeah, a lot of times it is pretty glamorous and really fun, but – you spend a lot of time by yourself.” HOW DO ASPIRING VLOGGERS/BLOGGERS WIN ONLINE? “You need to do something every day that brings you closer to your goals,” Stewart advises. “When it comes to the internet, it is survival of the fittest. You gotta be the best, most consistent, you gotta stick at it…When I got home from the airport in Banff this morning, it was 4:30 and I published something on my blog about my panel today so I knew I could just get up and come here.” I mentally calculate that she’d gotten probably four hours of sleep, and marvel at the fact she just did a panel. On four hours, I would have been passed out by this hour…

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i teenage dreamed about you last night.

The money shot. I love this camera so much. Thank you Olympus. Katy Perry makes me happy. Play this. Gonna make you happy too. John Legend – Rolling In The Deep (Prod. By Skeet Skeet & Turbotito) by skeet skeet Here it is from the show last night. Skeet Skeet baby, mama likes you. Decided to wear the cute little sequin bodysuit with tutu & fringe from The Australian’s shop. I love this outfit. Statue of glittery awesome. I love her mostly cause she’s living my teenage dream. The stage, the outfits, the glitter, the sequins, travel, dancing, the life looks fun & I like it. EPIC MEAL TIME. Her outfits, the performing, the glitter and sequins, balloons & big fluffy clouds, candy and fun dance moves. Clearly things I like. The show was very Alice in Wonderlandish with a Katy Perry candy, glitter twist, some meat and a butcher. Yesterday was a crazy day. Was blog spotted on the street then again at Cobra x 2. Nice job from my babes at Z-List for putting on a good afterparty. DJ Skeet Skeet aka @skeetonmytwitts. I didn’t realise at the time that HE was the same dude I was Tweetin’ with last year, telling him to home to Toronto etc. He had a great Halloween costume inspiration once. Good show. Great fun with friends! Had a blast with Brent Winsor, thank you honey for taking me. Don’t know HOW I didn’t get any pix of us. Brent, where is that cute one of us with the Virgin peeps? Any hoots, love her more than before. Wish I got a change to peep her husband though! haha

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&baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips

Omg Seriously. The Biz Media Epic Meal Time last night was epicly awesome. Say hello to the Bacon Volcano. Bacon strips & cheese & bacon strips & bacon strips. Chocolate bacon cake. Big thanks to the lovely miss who brought the Tums. I’m thankful for you. Was a beautiful night for a patio party. Biz Media consistently throws the best parties. Wicked crowd there last night. Heaps of people I knew & lots I didn’t. Makes for a fun time, I love meeting new people. The man who delivers me a dozen bacon roses. ILU. These were so tasty. Heaps of props for the photobooth. The photos are gonna be so funny. Bacon in the tree too. Bacon everywhere actually. I missed this one but wow, probs was delish. Epic Meal Time guys are rad. This one is so huge, like giant. I want one of those &baconstrips shirts guys. Fo realz. Thank you to the Biz Media team & Guy Gal. You know mama loves you. Heaps of friends in this crowd. I’ve never seen/ate so much bacon at one time. We really got into it too. Two girls, one bacon.

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