let me interview you sometime

had a hot date w/ raymi the other day and i will tell you more about it later.

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Big news. Remember how I was going to LA for NYE? Well, change of plans. I’ll get to LA early 2011. I’m flying to Montreal on Porter Airlines to stay at my beloved W Hotel with Raymi and friends. Big thanks to the INQ Mobile team for putting this all together. You can enter Raymi’s contest to come here on INQ’s FB. I’M STOKED. OMFG. GONNA BE THE MOST CRAZY AWESOME PARTY EVERRRRRRRRRR. You can follow all the crazy via #INQNYE. XO CASIE PERRY P.S. Did an interview for a NY/LA/Dallas online mag called Pink Memo “Virgin America Get’s Awesome”

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Comedy night w/ @raymitheminx & friends (@ The Rivoli) http://4sq.com/frXg70 # total eclipse of the moon, moon, moon! bonnie tyler/katy perry #remix http://goo.gl/fb/Wu8rZ #blog # Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj13ldtpl # hmm news says ebergy drinks no mixey with alcohol. no jaggabombs? wah wahh. # what do i want for christmas? # "Stewart is making her carbon footprint in our digital age with true edgy-punk style. " @pinkmemo check it http://bit.ly/hW1Cch # Just found this old thang http://twitpic.com/3hv420 # omg love you @joelreilly. he just called me "Hermit the Frog" aaaahahah # MTV is the lava lamp of the 1980's. – Doug Ferrari # anyone wanna deliver me lunch? i will reward you with a jeffrey and my company. # operation don't leave the house is still going. i went out to hohoto & bizmedia and thats it in over one week. #hermit # baby you're a firework. # what makes you laugh out loud these days? — twitter peeps i follow & hipster hitler. http://4ms.me/i3IDJ2 # You're all in here > http://bit.ly/fXihAf @shopgirlsGB @marksww @nellabellabrand @moovbootcanada @joefreshstyle @dododays # it’s your lucky day, you know who you are! http://goo.gl/fb/GFEF3 #blog # i really love answering your questions. won't tweet all answers so i'm not toooooo annoying > http://formspring.com/casiestewart # Hot date with @raymitheminx before Whoreshoe for #ElectricXmas2 Look out. # most interesting party you've attended? — easy @BridalBashTO. http://4ms.me/eIU9bG # what has been your latest challenge you've succeeded at in your pe… — living and not letting that days just pass by http://4ms.me/h1wMIG # I love geeky girls! You're the cutest! There's nothing… — aw, thanks. what till you see me totally shit faced. haha http://4ms.me/e4FUaI # how do you think the toronto tech/blog/geny community … — i think it is very friendly. we'll get #genyto up and … http://4ms.me/exblRs # went…

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total eclipse of the moon, moon, moon! bonnie tyler/katy perry #remix

Ok I just made up that remix… Tonight, for the first time in about almost 400 years we’ll get to see a lunar eclipse (think seriously how long that is? whoa mang). Listening to the news now and Global says Canada is the best place to see it. Starts for Eastern Canada about 1:45 am. The moon will turn redish which will be really really neat. Super cool part about tonight is it’s happening on the Winter Solstice, for the first time since 1638. WHOA science!! Darkest day in 327 years 8) #talknerdytome All the deets can be seen in this post from Yahoo and here’s some tips from Gawker: * Locate the moon. (Hint: It’s in the sky.) The earth’s shadow should start showing on the moon’s lower left around 1:33 a.m. Eastern time, which is when Fallon ends, if you’re on the east coast, or halfway through Hawaii Five-0, if you’re on the west coast. * The shadow moves slowly, but by 2:41 a.m., the entire moon will be covered, and will stay that way for an hour. The is the optimal time for consuming your peyote, playing your war drums, murdering people, etc. * The shadow will start moving again at 3:53 a.m., and the moon will be back to normal by 5:00 a.m. At this point it’s appropriate to do your winter solstice folk dances and poetry recitals. I’ll be star moon gazing tonight! xo

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it’s your lucky day, you know who you are!

Thank you so very much to everyone who entered this years holiday gifting. Big thanks also to the companies who donated gifts. I have notified all the winners across Canada. there are some I have met and haven’t met. So fun!! In 2011 we’ll have more and more goodies for you. I believe Santa is delivering some more stuff before NYE so stay tuned for that. Have a wonderful day and this is me giving you a huge hug!!!!! 🙂 Mum – my drawings remind me of Quentin Blake from Roads Dahl or Phoebe Gillman’s Jillian Jiggs. Ya?

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i’ve been an awful good girl, santa baby

Made a wee list of a couple things I really enjoy having. I would never have this stuff without recomendations and introductions from a bunch of you.  I appreciate it. Here we go: Yoga Jeans from Shop Girls Gallery Boutique I was invited t the shop and given jeans and they are super comfy for someone who hates pants. I haven’t worn jeans in years and now I love these ones. I wear them when I travel and they are so comfy on the plane. They never lose their shape. I have dark denim and this one time I spilled a beer on me when flying and you could hardly even tell. It dried in no time and I got another beer. Bam Jamz Bamboo clothes Was given this at the TIFF gift lounge and I’ve been living in it since. The tank top has a panda on it’s really comfy. I like looking stylish but I also like no fuss, feel good clothes. Mine is pajams/yoga wear but I wear it as day clothes. Also great for traveling. You get it at at these stores. Marks Work Warehouse super long soft cardigan Before New Zelanad Fashion week I was invited to Mark’s. One of the things I got was this super long soft cardigan that I have been wearing like crazy. It’s really nice for around the house. Soft like a more stylish snuggie for traveling. Warm too. I woud buy one for all my girlfriends if I could afford it. Joe Fresh Nail Polish & Lipstick * need manicure Got these at athe TIFF gift lounge too. I have Cherry, Tomato and a matte topcoat that I wear all the time. I like redish tones the most.  There’s matching lipstick for both too. Betty Kiss Reversible Clutch I…

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