don’t hold back, you can fly kid, you can

Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t hold back. Just go. Just do it. Don’t stand in your way. Live. Live it out. Go all the way. Be free. Throw your arms up and over your head. Look up at the sky. Reach for it. Your dreams aren’t that far away. If you can see them you can reach them. You can achieve them. You can fly kid. You can. Stretch out those arms and soar like an eagle. “You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls.”

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sentimental, sent a mental note

It’s one of those days, the kind when you’re waiting for something that could make a big difference in your life. Something you really want. Lisztomania plays on my phone waking me up and all I can think of is the brat pack mashup. I love the 80’s. It feels cold outside from inside here. I lay in my bed as I write this. I dreamt of NYC last night. I’m excited for the weekend. I’ve been waiting a year to be a zombie again. Saturday night I’m going to a ball. I woke up to emails filled with positive thoughts and one about a package and the post office. It’s too early to get up and get moving but I just can’t sleep. I just can’t sleep, there are too many things keeping my mind a race today…

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wild things: i rememeber it different

I guess we all do. The book’s not many pages, some with only pictures of wild things and a rumpus. What’s is a rumpus really? We all remember the book and love it. Loved it. My mum hated it at first, not feeding the child his dinner and then the monsters. Saw Where the Wild Things Are in IMAX last night. Cruised Chapters before the movie and read the soft cover  to refresh my mind. In my memory it was a wild adventure of excitement, travel  and friendship. After twenty years, I only  remembered a feeling and not much of the storyline. The book is surprisingly short. It was better in my mind. It  it always is. I’m glad I saw it.  We didn’t stay for the whole thing. I know Max gets his dinner at the end. The voices were good, especially Kevin’s mom from Home Alone, Forest Whitaker and Chris Cooper (the weird kids Dad from American Beauty).  The wild thing kid is the is actually named Max in real life. Go see it and be gentle with criticism, it will always be better in your memory. I’m really glad it’s in a movie now and would like to own a copy. The IMAX speaker & sound intro was really fun for me., it was my first time. Keep calm and carry on wild things… Go on follow my blog with bloglovin

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a sense of community, it feels like home

Lovely to wake up the the sound of nothing but Dad in the kitchen upstairs. No streetcar, highway, train or traffic. We headed out for brekky stopping at garage sales along the way. Dad picked me up in the hot rod last night. I saw everyone on the bus looking at the car and I loved it. How much would you offer for these tracks? He’s there tomorrow so I might go back. My favorite thing to do is at home is pop by the vintage boutiques. I have my favorites and never leave them empty handed. I got four pairs of shoes, three hats and a couple other jems. I picked up a vintage suitcase to bring them all in too. Sabrina said not to bring home a bunch of crap but I’m gonna get rid of some old clothes this time. Seriously, like before next weekend. Move in two weeks. Bonga’s band was playing at the Preston Music Festival so Mum and I walked over to Central Park.  Gresat music, gonna go back later. Some local friends brought their Mum’s too, it was cute. Insert joke: “Everybody and their Mom is here” haha. I was lucky that Mum, Dad and Dad’s GF were all there. Ya family! It’s wonderful to be home. I was daydreaming of moving from the city, back here. It’s so calm and peaceful. I’ve seen familiar faces all day.  Ran into my fav teacher Mrs. Bennett. I think I can call her Sandra now that i’m 27. I’ve taken in so many little things today I could write for hours. All things I don’t want to forget. Awesome. Have a great night friends. It’s beautiful out ♥

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careful what you wish for

thoughts become things

So I’m reading this book about when bee’s are extinct and then all of a sudden five people get stung around the world and it’s a huge deal. They think there’s something special about them but I’m not done the book yet so I  don’t know for sure. It’s good. One girl is from Ontario and her name is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. I’m from Ontario and my middle name Diana  for the same reason. Another girl is from Palmerston North, New Zeland. A small town in Manawatu which happens to be where my mum was born and a heap of my family currently live. Weird. I wanted  a new book and asked for something that I would enjoy reading  yet find intellectually stimulating. One day I went to collect our mail and sitting on the return to sender pile was this book, unmarked, unadressed. I picked it up and started reading. It was meant to be mine that day. So today, I was sitting having a beer with a colleage, it was about 4:20 when we ordered a second. I had mentioned the book earlier and followed by saying “I haven’t been stung by a bee in a while”. I got up and knocked a nearby tree branch right away.   As I was finishing my second pint, bill paid, I felt a sharp needle like pain in my finger. Bloody hell, I’d been stung. Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for, thoughts become things.

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on wednesday morning it will be 9 seconds past 9 mins past 9 o’clock on the 9th of the 9th 09. there are 9 letters in wednesday and also in september. this excited me more than it should i think * text from flissss image from growingup on tumblr I love special number days.

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