Miss Jenn is having an Art Show!!

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Mix it up for me Boys Noize!!

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Don’t drink so much! Tips on Saving Water & the Environment

I got this email today from Take Part – Social Action Network and I wanna share some of the tasty shit with you. 6 Things You Can Do to Save Water Just a little effort can make a big difference in conserving water. While fresh, clean drinking water is ours to use whenever we need it, none of us can afford to waste it. It’s too valuable. Here’s what you can do:1. Water your lawn only when it needs it. A good way to see if your lawn needs watering is to step on the grass. If it springs back up, it doesn’t need water. If it stays flat, fetch the sprinkler.2. Water during the cool parts of the day. Early morning generally is better than dusk because it helps prevent growth of fungus.3. Plant drought-resistant trees and plants. 4. Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.5. Wash your car at a commercial car wash. They recycle the water.6. Collect condensate water from air conditioners and use it to water your plants.

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Raptors Dance Pak hottie – Miss Jenie, my sis!

In the front row of the finals, my sister stands near the far left as one of the newest members of the NBA’s Toronto Raptors Dance Pak (white shorts). I am so proud of you girl!! Look for Jenie during the upcoming Raptors season cheering on the team, motivating the crowd & strutting her amazing dance skills. The Toronto Sun presented auditions at the ACC on Sunday. About 100 girls tried out for the 14 available spots on the team. Love you babe! Great work!

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Back it up Barack!

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Vote for ME & MY face….PLEASE!

I clicked on a Facebook ad about getting some free glasses & I entered my little face in the contest. They have a philosophy that grooves with me and a message that moves my soul to a creative beat: DREAM BIG. THINK BIG. LIVE BIG. HOOKED ON LIFE. FYSHNATION.COM FYSH is an ‘urban kool’ (u.k.) eyewear company. They are located in Montreal and have some pretty cool styles going on that I would really like to have. They also have some chillin’ tunes on their site which I pleasantly kept playing while snooping around the site. So, here is my face (in ‘case’ you may not have seen it before), maybe I should have had glasses on, but that is WHY I need some!! You can go VOTE HERE & click on “Be the next face of fysh” then click on “View All Candidates” at the bottom of the ‘bill board’ image. and just type in my name or go to page three.Thank you very much!! ♥ Love xo.

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