a box of goon and lots of beads

Yesterday I got quite a few compliments on the outfit. I think I looked kinda rocker-lesbian-ish. I like that look though, I do it well.  There’s something about the short hair and the side shave that gets the girls. Maybe I have that look on my face that makes them give me the ‘eyes from across the room.? It happens, my friends know. It’s hot though, I like it.  Maybe it’s all the time I’ve spent at Pride in TO; volunteering, leading a team of hot babes, partying. One time, I went to Mardi Gras in Sydney in 2004, I had only been in Australia for 5 weeks at the time. It was quite surprising when I opened the Sydney Morning Herald to see a colour photo of me kissing my bff in an article about the street party the night before. It was hot and shocking. I tried to find it to show you but had no luck. I’m sure the photo is saved somewhere. It had been raining, we drank a box of goon, were wearing next to nothing and were covered in beads. It was fun.  I’m not volunteering at Toronto Pride this year. I WILL be having my annual get together with all the girls before heading to the parade. That’s the fun part 🙂

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does mrs. bennett know i have a blog now mum?

There’s something here you don’t get in a post on Mashable or TechCruch, CNN, MSNBC, CBC, CityTV, CTV, MTV and all those other newsy post all the time guys. You get a story. I think I should tell more stories. I like to live them out as I try to remeber what really happened. It’s hard to think of them but when I do, I gotta write it down. Ideas only last so long. How do I send from Blackberry? I’m addicted to bloggging. I’m addicted to my blog I think. Is there a cure for that yet? My hand graces my forehead as I mumble Yeah Casie, a job as a writer… I came to the warehouse to work and write a bit. Theres something about being here that makes me feel so at home. When I was little Dad had a big industrial space for the hot rod shop. It smelled like tool box, wheels and work. The 32′ they build had huge Mickey Thompson tires that came up to above my waist at the time. The home garage always had cars in it too and on the weekends Dad and his friends would push them onthe street and the driveway and work on them with their shirts off. sed so stylish. All the kids played in the backyard on the swing set with sun and hats and the sprinkler. Even now, I still love spending time in my home garage tuning up my car and tidying away clutter from inside my house. Which reminds me, I must check up on my best friend soon. She lives in Illinois and the last time we spoke her garage door was broken! There are a few companies who specialise in garage door repair in Addison so I hope she managed…

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a social league of awesomeness

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99 Luftballons, Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont

It’s been windy as in Toronto this year. I can’t rememeber it ever being THIS windy.  It’s the first of June and yesterday afternoon was a measly temperature somewhere around…bloody cold.  Tahnee, Beans (Sabrina) and I went for a lovely little jaunt in the wind which turned out to be quite an adventure. there was something in the air and on the ground… that’s not my computer from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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a new video show on the internet

Got home from the walk and started chatting about the Kangaroo thing and how silly it was. In July I got an email, then I started a Facebook thread and lots of people heard about it including blogTO. I got a call from PETA while at the LCBO on the Friday night. It was the LA office who had heard from the UK that live Kangaroos were going to be at a dirty crowded downtown club. Saturday came around and there was a statement released, Kangaroos would not be outside the club in a cage. A job well done. Rollerderby was really fun. There are some really good pix on blogTO today. I got a great video of Aeryn. I met Aeryn ‘Dust Bunny” a long time ago and had no idea she was Captain of the Gore-Gore Rollergirls. They have hot outfits. Rollerderby is a very rough sport but don’t mind watching it. I sat in the suicide seating section for the second half, it’s right on the ground. They go fast man…and go in circles. The Gore-Gore girls won and I’m not surprised, they were killer, they are the ‘Burlesque girls who rose from the dead to exact their revenge. . . on wheels.’ Hot.

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omg, i like totally LOVE walking

I’m just about to head off to Metro Hall to meet my team of Social Media Superheroes for the World Patrnership Walk. It’s nice out. It’s Sunday. Come walk with me. If you’re not coming, maybe you wanna donate to a good cause? Donating will also make me look cooler when they say how much everyone raised. This is my outfit.

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