3D Printing Obsessed: Hot Pop Factory

Got this surprise in the mail the other day from Hot Pop Factory. 3D printing is growing in popularity and availability and I totally love it. There’s this one really neat photobooth where you can 3D print little action figures! Saw some 3D printing at the Wired Pop-Up shop in London, UK last week. [View the story “Hot Pop Factory Does 3D Printed Jewellery!” on Storify] Hot Pop Factory Does 3D Printed Jewellery! Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sun, Dec 09 2012 17:02:40 They are 3D printing in here wired. So many cool robots and stuff. @ Wired Pop-up Store http://instagr.am/p/S0hPw8Sazr/CASIE STEWART 3D Printing At The @Wired Pop-up In #London Cool http://viddy.it/WHIMTCCASIE STEWART I have such a heart on for 3D printing. Santa?CASIE STEWART RT @Eve_Leung: So amazing – 3d printer in action @hotpopfactory http://pic.twitter.com/qFFuPBCKHOT POP Factory Beautiful jewellery made by @hotpopfactory with their incredibly cool 3D printer. http://Hotpopfactory.com http://instagr.am/p/TCFJc1Aqxb/Jen Roney Hot Pop Factory – 3D Printed JewelryHot Pop Factory’s first collection of 3D Printed jewelry, Stratigraphia, uses emerging technologies to create intimate adornments for the…

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Whole Lot of Awesome in Five Minutes. #BestofWeb3 via @Zapatou

Just watched this. WHOA! There are 280 videos in 5 minutes. Great editing. Editing and Selection: Luc Bergeron @Zapatou, zapatou.com List 280 videos (Number in bottom right of each clip: http://bit.ly/UtNvGV

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Can I just make my Instagram my Facebook now?

Same, same. Same, same, same. Instagram, Facebook, Google+ Unified looks are here for social platforms and they have been changing right before your eyes. Lauren is hosting a chat about the crazy Twitter election exploding with memes and lighting the internet on fire. I’m going to be at Medieval Times eating with my hands and friends. But not friends hands. Cause that’s gross? Thanks CBC for showing this ad for Lita’s at Nasty Gal. Clearly targeting advertising correctly, I was wearing a pair when I saw this. NASTY GAL STOP TAUNTING ME. Just kidding. I love. Meme Chat w/ Lozzie – Thursday at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT on CBC Your News Live Online w/ experts in web culture and politics. How to find my desk. twitter.com/casiestewart/s… How to find my desk. twitter.com/casiestewart/s… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) November 7, 2012

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Today is My Day and I’ll Do What I Want

What I want and need to do is spend time at home, alone! I’ve been heaps busy the last few weeks and my room is Hoarders waiting to happen, the vaccum is calling my name, and I have things to blog. The sun is out and my music is blaring as I dance around the house giving it a makeover. Playlist: Modern Girls by Nicole Simone I hope you are doing something wonderful today and taking advantage of the beautiful rays beaming down from the sky! It’s the first sunny day in over a WEEK! VITAMIN D I MISSED YOU! You’ll never be younger than you are today, make the most of it. <3 CASIE

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Do You Pin or Tumble? iBoth.

I have 18 Pinterest boards and follow over 800 blogs on Tumblr. They are excellent ways to keep your mind fresh with ideas and inspire creativity. Last night I updated the cover photos on each of my Pinterest boards. I think they look so pretty now. Something I realllly love seeing is brands who use these well. They are great ways to visualize content and show creativity. I also blogged some style photos on my Tumblr, OH CASIE. I’ve had that thing for years. I love it. Some great high fashion, constant gifs, and weird wonderful things. I have about 10 tumblr blogs but I don’t update them all, yet. Since I started blogging in 2005 I’ve started and stopped SO MANY blogs. My fav one I still update here and there is borderline artistic on blogspot, my drawing blog. INNOVATE OR DIE. <3 CASIE

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