thoughts on save and being safe

I feel good. I feel relaxed and happy. I wrote something just before this and deleted it by accident. It happened just as I thought it was good. That means, I know, I know I can do it again and not to worry about losing it. Save your work. I had just finished a thought about dealing with negative thoughts, negative people, self doubt really.  The truth is, I am the director of the movie that is my life, there’s no one else writing it for me. I can hear someone talking on another balcony. I’m sitting here and the rain has since stopped but it was fierce and roaring with thunder and there were flashes of lightening in sky. i said gimme a lightening and then VOILA! it struck on I’ve been up to a few things lately 1) tumblr 2) 12secondstv. I have more thoughts that process through my mind on a daily basis than this blog is ready to handle. I’ve been sharing snipits and stories about me and my life on what I like to call ‘The Casie Stewart Show’ on It’s fun. There are so many really creative people pf Tumblr. Most younger than me that’s cool. I did some of my most creative stuff so far from 14-16 years old.

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the likeness of man but more than average

She said I want to make a Frankenstein man, one with all different parts that’s mix of all the best parts. I laughed. I agreed, I’d like to make that kind of man too. The sun sun is really bright today. Drove with Sabrina and taking the train after work. Via rail for the first time. Girls weekend away. Much needed, much deserved. I got the same cup today, the one about being mislead as a child. I think that day was a Friday too. I like Friday’s and Saturday’s and  I like Sunday’s even more. I’m still using mouse on left hand, home and work, tennis elbow aches have been the worst this week. More than it has been in a while. Tony Pierce told me it might be stress, now I think he’s right. Last I recorded  12seconds a few times and posted a few things to my tumblr blog. It’s called Oh Casie, I think you’ll like it. It’s a big mix of all the shit I see on the internet.  Kinda like that spot in your house where you empty your pockets after a night out and then find that stuff again later.  For me, usually near the front door or bedroom table.  First time taking the train, oh the luxury of having wireless and the ability to order a drink. God I’m lucky. Thank you. Let’s go weekend, I’m ready for ya.

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i’d like one casie bot please, rush delivery

I met a Robot the other day. I was freaked right out. I was freaked right out because I kinda thought it was real.  I didn’t clue in to the fact that there was guy walking around hiding and being his voice. haha.  I told Sabrina and she thought it was so cute that I didn’t get it. Made her giggle. I’ve seen robots on the internet that really do talk and it was at a computer thing so I though it could be real, ok. We made a video for all my friends on the internet and it’s taking ages to upload…so here’s two seconds. for now so you can hear the voice. His name is D3 and he works for Dell. I think having a robot would be pretty cool yet creepy at the same time.  I’d like if CasieBot could go to work for me…and make me dinner…and drive me around. I’m sure I could find a few jobs for her.

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I vote Paris for Pres ♥

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad from Paris Hilton

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Madonna’s Tattoos

Madonna sported Jewish symbols on her arm in the video for the James Bond theme song Die Another Day. The tattoo is written in Hebrew and is on her right shoulder written are the letters: the letters “lamed”, “alef” and “vav” (from right to left). There is no such word in Hebrew and you can be sure that all the know-it-alls in the world immediately proclaimed it to be yet another celebrity foreign language tattoo gone bad. But the truth of the matter is that Madonna once again outwitted the sheep. So called Rabbi, Yehuda Berg, a worldwide religious celebrity known mostly as the spiritual leader of the Kabbalah Centre which Madonna reportedly attends regularly provided the official interpretation. Berg explains: The “word” on Madonna’s shoulder is not actually a word, but rather one of the names from the 72 Names of G-d. Kabbalah explain that Moses used these names to split the Red Sea, and that we can use them to create miracles in our own lives. Each name draws a particular kind of energy. The name in the “Die Another Day” video is for eliminating the ego. Kabbalah finds its main source in the Zohar, a text revealed to Moses de Leon in the thirteenth century based ostensibly on the writings of a second-century scholar Simeon bar Yochai. The Zohar parallels a tradition of commentary on the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, but claims there are hidden meanings in the arrangement of and comparisons between letters and words in which these books are written. This form of interpretation becomes quite complicated when the numeric significance of each word (Hebrew letters are each associated with a number) is taken into account. Madonna began attending the Kabbalah Centre, an international school of kabbalah studies, in 1997 in…

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in the sunshine, smoking cigarettes to pass the time…

  The Fall and Rise of Mickey Stardust: Glam rapper Mickey Avalon knows what it’s like to live and die in L.A. by Neille Ilel, Izzy Grinspan, November 23, 2006 People like to compare Mickey Avalon to Eminem, and maybe that’s fair: Get rid of Avalon’s Holocaust-haunted family and hand-jobs-for-heroin career track and Eminem’s Detroit trailer-park background, and you wind up with two white guys who both rap about their hard-luck stories. What these people forget, though, is that Eminem would be a total sex god if he weren’t such a homophobe — come on, you saw 8 Mile — and Avalon has no such masculinity issues. And while Eminem has devoted his life to hip-hop, Avalon is more of a hustler, using music as a vehicle to get his life to a better place. Putting his lanky body on display, Avalon rhymes about “sassy little frassies with bulimia” (of which he’s had many), and strung-out male prostitutes on Sunset (of which he was one), single-handedly forging a new genre—call it glam-rap—with every bat of his mascara’d eyelashes. He’s like the product of an unholy union between David Bowie and Run-DMC. Busting Out: Mickey Avalon goes through the windshield glass When I sat down with Avalon in late August, I wasn’t expecting him to be an unassuming little slip of a thing, hardly taking up space in the booth at Cantor’s Deli. It’s hard to believe this waif is the same guy who’s been writhing around on top of windshield-blown cars in West Hollywood nightclubs, or that he’s about to become famous. But given his single “Jane Fonda’s” prominent spot in a recent episode of Entourage, his record deal with Interscope, and a much-passed-around LA Weekly profile that’s now been optioned for a biopic, it seems like Avalon is…

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